Dr Matthew Taylor

mtaylor@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872818
ESA.3.13, Colchester Campus
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Fundamentals of Human Movement (SE102)
Movement Analysis (SE303)
Research Project (SE309)
Research Project (SE318)
Biomechanics of Locomotion (SE732)
Research Project (SE740)
Neuromechanical basis of strength and conditioning (SE788)
Professional Skills and Development 1 (SE101)
Further Research Methods in Sport, Exercise and Health (SE738)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Physiotherapy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/2/2025

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/11/2023

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 19/1/2023

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Medicine
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/11/2019

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Medicine
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/9/2019

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 28/6/2018

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/6/2018

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 14/10/2016

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 19/11/2014

Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 4/7/2014

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 18/6/2014
Journal articles (45)
Murray, K., Schoenmakers, P., Taylor, M. and Sandercock, G., (2024). A Critical Review of the Methods Used to Measure, Analyse and Interpret Kinetic Asymmetries During Cycling. Journal of Science and Cycling. 13 (1), 50-66
Chaikhot, D., Taylor, MJD., de Vries, WHK. and Hettinga, FJ., (2023). Biomechanics of wheelchair turning manoeuvres: novel insights into wheelchair propulsion. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 5, 1127514-
Pethick, J., Taylor, MJD. and Harridge, SDR., (2022). Aging and skeletal muscle force control: Current perspectives and future directions.. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 32 (10), 1430-1443
Liew, BXW., Rugamer, D., Duffy, K., Taylor, MJD. and Jackson, J., (2021). The mechanical energetics of walking across the adult lifespan. PLoS One. 16 (11), e0259817-e0259817
Coughlan, D., Taylor, MJD., Jackson, J., Ward, N. and Beardsley, C., (2020). Physical Characteristics Of Youth Elite Golfers And Their Relationship With Driver Clubhead Speed. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 34 (1), 212-217
Hak, L., Hettinga, FJ., Duffy, KR., Jackson, J., Sandercock, GRH. and Taylor, MJD., (2019). The concept of margins of stability can be used to better understand a change in obstacle crossing strategy with an increase in age. Journal of Biomechanics. 84, 147-152
Dixon, PC., Smith, T., Taylor, MJD., Jacobs, JV., Dennerlein, JT. and Schiffman, JM., (2019). Effect of walking surface, late-cueing, physiological characteristics of aging, and gait parameters on turn style preference in healthy, older adults. Human Movement Science. 66, 504-510
van Kooten, D., Hettinga, FJ., Duffy, K., Jackson, J. and Taylor, MJD., (2018). Are there associations with age and sex in walking stability in healthy older adults?. Gait and Posture. 60, 65-70
Chaikhot, D., Taylor, MJD. and Hettinga, FJ., (2018). Sex differences in wheelchair propulsion biomechanics and mechanical efficiency in novice young able-bodied adults. European Journal of Sport Science. 18 (5), 650-658
Coughlan, D., Taylor, MJD. and Jackson, J., (2018). The impact of warm-up on youth golfer clubhead speed and self-reported shot quality. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. 13 (5), 828-834
Morriën, F., Taylor, MJD. and Hettinga, FJ., (2017). Biomechanics in Paralympics: Implications for Performance. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 12 (5), 578-589
Timmis, MA., Bijl, H., Turner, K., Basevitch, I., Taylor, MJD. and van Paridon, KN., (2017). The impact of mobile phone use on where we look and how we walk when negotiating floor based obstacles. PLoS ONE. 12 (6), e0179802-e0179802
Taylor, MJD. and Strike, SC., (2016). The effect of stopping before turning on the direct observational measure of whole body turning bias. Human Movement Science. 47, 116-120
Inklebarger, J., Taylor, M. and Griffin, M., (2016). Osteonecrosis of the femoral head in a recreational diver: Case report. International Musculoskeletal Medicine. 38 (1), 17-20
Taylor, MJD. and Griffin, M., (2015). The use of gaming technology for rehabilitation in people with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal. 21 (4), 355-371
Inklebarger, J., Taylor, MJD., Griffin, M. and Clarke, T., (2014). Fixation failure in an isolated tibial eminence ACL traction avulsion fracture in a paratrooper: is there an association with vitamin D deficiency?. Journal of Surgical Case Reports. 2014 (4), rju029-rju029
Taylor, MJD., Lindsverk, H., Nygaard, M., Hunt, J., Shanks, J., Griffin, M., Shawis, T. and Impson, R., (2014). Comparing the Energy Expenditure of Wii‐Fit‐Based Therapy with That of Traditional Physiotherapy in an Older Adult Population. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 62 (1), 203-205
Inklebarger, J., Griffin, M., Taylor, MJD. and Dembry, RB., (2014). Femoral and tibial stress fractures associated with vitamin D insufficiency. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps. 160 (1), 61-63
Sandercock, G., Ogunleye, A., Parry, D., Cohen, D., Taylor, M. and Voss, C., (2014). Athletic Performance and Birth Month: Is the Relative Age Effect More than just Selection Bias?. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 35 (12), e6-e6
Almodhy, M., Beneke, R., Cardoso, F., Taylor, MJD. and Sandercock, GRH., (2014). Pilot investigation of the oxygen demands and metabolic cost of incremental shuttle walking and treadmill walking in patients with cardiovascular disease. BMJ Open. 4 (9), e005216-e005216
Sandercock, G., Ogunleye, A., Parry, D., Cohen, D., Taylor, M. and Voss, C., (2014). Athletic Performance and Birth Month: Is the Relative Age Effect More than just Selection Bias?. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 35 (12), 1017-1023
Plom, W., Strike, SC. and Taylor, MJD., (2014). The effect of different unstable footwear constructions on centre of pressure motion during standing. Gait & Posture. 40 (2), 305-309
Cohen, D., Ogunleye, AA., Taylor, M., Voss, C., Micklewright, D. and Sandercock, GRH., (2014). Association between habitual school travel and muscular fitness in youth. Preventive Medicine. 67, 216-220
Brown, D., Grimwade, D., Martinez-Bussion, D., Taylor, MJ. and Gladwell, V., (2013). The Validity of the ActiPed for Physical Activity Monitoring. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 34 (05), 431-437
Griffin, M., Shawis, T., Impson, R., Shanks, J. and Taylor, MJD., (2013). Comparing the Energy Expenditure of Wii Fit?-Based Therapy Versus Traditional Physiotherapy. Games for Health Journal. 2 (4), 229-234
Pepera, G., Cardoso, F., Taylor, MJD., Peristeropoulos, A. and Sandercock, GRH., (2013). Predictors of shuttle walking test performance in patients with cardiovascular disease. Physiotherapy. 99 (4), 317-322
Sandercock, GRH., Taylor, MJ., Voss, C., Ogunleye, AA., Cohen, DD. and Parry, DA., (2013). Quantification of the Relative Age Effect in Three Indices of Physical Performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 27 (12), 3293-3299
Sandercock, G., Pepera, G., Taylor, MJD. and Cardoso, F., (2013). Predictors of shuttle walking test performance in patientswith cardiovascular disease.. Physiotherapy. 99 (4), 317-322
Brown, DK., Grimwade, D., Martinez-Bussion, D., Taylor, MJD. and Gladwell, V., (2013). The Validity of the ActiPed for Physical Activity Monitoring. International Journal Of Sports Medicine. 34 (05), 431-437
Taylor, MJD., Shawis, T., Impson, R., Ewins, K., McCormick, D. and Griffin, M., (2012). Nintendo Wii As a Training Tool in Falls Prevention Rehabilitation: Case Studies. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 60 (9), 1781-1783
Griffin, M., Shawis, T., Impson, R., McCormick, D. and Taylor, MJD., (2012). Using the Nintendo Wii as an Intervention in a Falls Prevention Group. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 60 (2), 385-387
Taylor, MJ. and Beneke, R., (2012). Spring Mass Characteristics of the Fastest Men on Earth. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 33 (08), 667-670
Taylor, MJ. and Beneke, R., (2012). Spring Mass Characteristics of the Fastest Men on Earth. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 33 (08), 670-670
Sandercock, G., Voss, C., Cohen, D., Taylor, M. and Stasinopoulos, DM., (2012). Centile curves and normative values for the twenty metre shuttle-run test in English schoolchildren. Journal of Sports Sciences. 30 (7), 679-687
Taylor, MJD. and Beneke, R., (2012). Spring Mass Characteristics of the Fastest Men on Earth. International Journal Of Sports Medicine. 33 (08), 667-670
Taylor, MJD., McCormick, D., Shawis, T., Impson, R. and Griffin, M., (2011). Activity-promoting gaming systems in exercise and rehabilitation. The Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. 48 (10), 1171-1171
Cohen, DD., Voss, C., Taylor, MJD., Delextrat, A., Ogunleye, AA. and Sandercock, GRH., (2011). Ten‐year secular changes in muscular fitness in English children. Acta Paediatrica. 100 (10), E175-E177
Beneke, R., Taylor, MJD. and Leith�user, RM., (2011). The Fastest Men's 100 m Sprint Final - Stature and Step Rate were Cues for Success. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 43 (5 (S1), creators-Taylor=3AMatthew_J_D=3A=3A
Taylor, MJD., Cohen, D., Voss, C. and Sandercock, GRH., (2010). Vertical jumping and leg power normative data for English school children aged 10–15 years. Journal of Sports Sciences. 28 (8), 867-872
Cohen, DD., Voss, C., Taylor, MJD., Stasinopoulos, DM., Delextrat, A. and Sandercock, GRH., (2010). Handgrip strength in English schoolchildren. Acta Paediatrica. 99 (7), 1065-1072
Beneke, R. and Taylor, MJD., (2010). What gives Bolt the edge—A.V. Hill knew it already!. Journal of Biomechanics. 43 (11), 2241-2243
Strike, SC. and Taylor, MJD., (2009). The temporal–spatial and ground reaction impulses of turning gait: Is turning symmetrical?. Gait & Posture. 29 (4), 597-602
Taylor, MJD., Strike, SC. and Dabnichki, P., (2007). Turning bias and lateral dominance in a sample of able-bodied and amputee participants. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition. 12 (1), 50-63
Taylor, MJD., Strike, SC. and Dabnichki, P., (2006). Strategies Used for Unconstrained Direction Change during Walking. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 102 (2), 576-588
Taylor, MJD., Dabnichki, P. and Strike, SC., (2005). A three-dimensional biomechanical comparison between turning strategies during the stance phase of walking. Human Movement Science. 24 (4), 558-573
Conferences (8)
Duffy, K., Jackson, J. and Taylor, M., Does a manual dual task affect toe clearance in an older adult population?
Duffy, K., Taylor, M. and Jackson, J., The effects of a dual-task on overground minimum toe clearance and gait parameters during walking in older adults
Duffy, K., Jackson, J. and Taylor, M., Walking speed in older adults performing four walking tasks
Southall-Edwards, R., Taylor, M. and Gladwell, V., Associations between sedentary behaviour and physical capability within the workplace.
Duffy, K., Taylor, M. and Jackson, J., (2015). Walking speed in older adults under different walking challenges
Duffy, K., Jackon, J. and Taylor, M., (2015). Cognitive function and walking speed in older adults performing four walking tasks
Beneke, R., Taylor, MJD. and Leithaeuser, RM., (2012). The Fastest Men's 100 m Sprint Final - Stature and Step Rate were Cues for Success
Beneke, R., Taylor, MJD. and Leithäuser, RM., (2011). The Fastest Men's 100 m Sprint Final - Stature and Step Rate were Cues for Success
Grants and funding
Balance and movement as a biomarker for anxiety and depression
MQ: Transforming Mental Health