Dr Michelle Taylor

michelle.taylor@essex.ac.uk -
3SW.3.22, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
My research interests span the molecular to the ocean-level and have included studies on shallow and deep-water coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass. My main focus is the deep-sea and its many and varied benthic habitats. The deep-sea is the largest habitat on the planet and arguably the least well known. Broadly I am interested in deep-sea ecosystems, exploring them, what drives their biodiversity, and how we can limit human impacts in vulnerable habitats such as coral reefs, hydrothermal vents, and seamounts etc. So far my work has centred on deep-sea corals; which was a natural progression from my years spent studying shallow water coral reefs. However, recent work also includes hydrothermal vent organisms, polychaetes (scale worms), brittlestars (ophiuroids) and sea cucumbers (holothurians). Genetics are my tool of choice for targeting questions about evolution and speciation. My work so far has involved phylogenetics and barcoding and current work involves population genomics and phylogenomics using next-generation sequencing (RAD-seq, RNA-seq and UCEs).
PhD Imperial College, London, (2011)
MRes Imperial College London, (2008)
BSc (Hons) in Zoology University of Leeds, (2001)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Deep-sea / marine connectivity
There are huge gaps in our understanding about how well deep-sea populations are connected, something crucial to any impact assessments undertaken on deep-sea ecosystems and, given expanding interests in deep-sea mining, and fisheries that increasingly focus on deep-sea areas, it is information both industry and conservationists/managers require.
How speciation occurs, where it occurs and the mechanisms driving it. The basic processes that ultimately create diversity. The deep-sea is a highly diverse ecosystem and we have little to no understanding of why. The dawn of next generation sequencing means it is possible to study the genomics of speciation in the deep sea for the first time.
Population genomics
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Marine Ecology (BS112)
Marine Vertebrates (BS254)
Professional skills for Ecological and Marine Scientists (BS257)
Marine Resources (BS705)
Professional Skills in Tropical Marine Biology (BS708)
Research Project in Life Sciences (BS832)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/9/2024

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 5/9/2023

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/7/2023

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/7/2023
Journal articles (47)
Morrissey, D., Gordon, JD., Saso, E., Bilewitch, JP., Taylor, ML., Hayes, V., McFadden, CS., Quattrini, AM. and Louise Allcock, A., (2024). Corrigendum to “Bamboozled! Resolving deep evolutionary nodes within the phylogeny of bamboo corals (Octocorallia: Scleralcyonacea: Keratoisididae)” [Mol. Phylogen. Evolut. 188 (2023) 107910]. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 195, 108044-108044
Kaikkonen, L., Amaro, T., Auster, PJ., Bailey, DM., Bell, JB., Brandt, A., Clark, MR., Drazen, JC., Du Preez, C., Escobar-Briones, E., Giacomello, E., Gianni, M., Johnson, AF., Levin, LA., Milligan, RJ., Oduware, S., Pearman, TRR., Pham, CK., Ramalho, SP., Rowden, AA., Sutton, TT., Taylor, ML., Watling, L. and Victorero, L., (2024). Improving impact assessments to reduce impacts of deep-sea fisheries on vulnerable marine ecosystems. Marine Policy. 167, 106281-106281
Blanchard, C., Harrould-Kolieb, E., Jones, E. and Taylor, M., (2023). The Current Status of Deep-Sea Mining Governance at the International Seabed Authority. Marine Policy. 147, 105396-105396
Swanborn, DJB., Huvenne, VAI., Pittman, SJ., Rogers, AD., Taylor, ML. and Woodall, LC., (2023). Mapping, quantifying and comparing seascape heterogeneity of Southwest Indian Ridge seamounts. Landscape Ecology. 38 (1), 185-203
Swanborn, DJB., Huvenne, VAI., Malpas, T., Pittman, SJ., Rogers, AD., Taylor, ML. and Woodall, LC., (2023). Seamount seascape composition and configuration shape Southwest Indian Ridge fish assemblages. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 191, 103921-103921
Eskuche-Keith, P., Hill, SL., Hollyman, P., Taylor, ML. and O'Gorman, EJ., (2023). Trophic structuring of modularity alters energy flow through marine food webs. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9
Morrissey, D., Gordon, JD., Saso, E., Bilewitch, JP., Taylor, ML., Hayes, V., McFadden, CS., Quattrini, AM. and Allcock, AL., (2023). Bamboozled! Resolving deep evolutionary nodes within the phylogeny of bamboo corals (Octocorallia: Scleralcyonacea: Keratoisididae).. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 188, 107910-107910
Baco, AR., Ross, R., Althaus, F., Amon, D., Bridges, AEH., Brix, S., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Colaco, A., Carreiro-Silva, M., Clark, MR., Du Preez, C., Franken, M-L., Gianni, M., Gonzalez-Mirelis, G., Hourigan, T., Howell, K., Levin, LA., Lindsay, DJ., Molodtsova, TN., Morgan, N., Morato, T., Mejia-Mercado, BE., O’Sullivan, D., Pearman, T., Price, D., Robert, K., Robson, L., Rowden, AA., Taylor, J., Taylor, M., Victorero, L., Watling, L., Williams, A., Xavier, JR. and Yesson, C., (2023). Towards a scientific community consensus on designating Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems from imagery. PeerJ. 11, e16024-e16024
Laffoley, D., Baxter, JM., Amon, DJ., Claudet, J., Downs, CA., Earle, SA., Gjerde, KM., Hall‐Spencer, JM., Koldewey, HJ., Levin, LA., Reid, CP., Roberts, CM., Sumaila, RU., Taylor, ML., Thiele, T. and Woodall, LC., (2022). The forgotten ocean: Why COP26 must call for vastly greater ambition and urgency to address ocean change. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 32 (1), 217-228
Maxwell, J., Taboada, S. and Taylor, ML., (2022). Gorgoniapolynoe caeciliae revisited: The discovery of new species and molecular connectivity in deep-sea commensal polynoids from the Central Atlantic. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 185, 103804-103804
Morrissey, D., Goodall, J., Castilho, R., Cameron, TC. and Taylor, ML., (2022). Population genomics reveals a single semi-continuous population of a commercially exploited marine gastropod. Fisheries Research. 254, 106418-106418
Sing Wong, A., Vrontos, S. and Taylor, M., (2022). An assessment of people living by coral reefs over space and time. Global Change Biology. 28 (23), 7139-7153
Frinault, BAV., Christie, FDW., Fawcett, SE., Flynn, RF., Hutchinson, KA., Montes Strevens, CMJ., Taylor, ML., Woodall, LC. and Barnes, DKA., (2022). Antarctic Seabed Assemblages in an Ice-Shelf-Adjacent Polynya, Western Weddell Sea. Biology. 11 (12), 1705-1705
Ellis, SL., Taylor, ML., Schiele, M. and Letissier, TB., (2021). Influence of Altitude on Tropical Marine Habitat Classification using Fixed-Wing UAV Imagery. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. 7 (1), 50-63
Ingels, J., Aronson, RB., Smith, CR., Baco, A., Bik, HM., Blake, JA., Brandt, A., Cape, M., Demaster, D., Dolan, E., Domack, E., Fire, S., Geisz, H., Gigliotti, M., Griffiths, H., Halanych, KM., Havermans, C., Huettmann, F., Ishman, S., Kranz, SA., Leventer, A., Mahon, AR., McClintock, J., McCormick, ML., Mitchell, BG., Murray, AE., Peck, L., Rogers, A., Shoplock, B., Smith, KE., Steffel, B., Stukel, MR., Sweetman, AK., Taylor, M., Thurber, AR., Truffer, M., Putte, A., Vanreusel, A. and Zamora‐Duran, MA., (2021). Antarctic ecosystem responses following ice‐shelf collapse and iceberg calving: Science review and future research. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: WIREs Climate Change. 12 (1)
Howell, KL., Hilário, A., Allcock, AL., Bailey, D., Baker, M., Clark, MR., Colaço, A., Copley, J., Cordes, EE., Danovaro, R., Dissanayake, A., Escobar, E., Esquete, P., Gallagher, AJ., Gates, AR., Gaudron, SM., German, CR., Gjerde, KM., Higgs, ND., Le Bris, N., Levin, LA., Manea, E., McClain, C., Menot, L., Mestre, NC., Metaxas, A., Milligan, R., Muthumbi, AWN., Narayanaswamy, BE., Ramalho, SP., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Robson, LM., Rogers, AD., Sellanes, J., Sigwart, JD., Sink, K., Snelgrove, PVR., Stefanoudis, PV., Sumida, PY., Taylor, ML., Thurber, AR., Vieira, R., Watanabe, HK., Woodall, LC. and Xavier, JR., (2021). A decade to study deep-sea life. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 5 (3), 265-267
Laffoley, D., Baxter, JM., Amon, DJ., Claudet, J., Hall‐Spencer, JM., Grorud‐Colvert, K., Levin, LA., Reid, PC., Rogers, AD., Taylor, ML., Woodall, LC. and Andersen, NF., (2021). Evolving the narrative for protecting a rapidly changing ocean, post‐COVID‐19. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 31 (6), 1512-1534
Stolarski, J., Coronado, I., Murphy, JG., Kitahara, MV., Janiszewska, K., Mazur, M., Gothmann, AM., Bouvier, A-S., Marin-Carbonne, J., Taylor, ML., Quattrini, AM., McFadden, CS., Higgins, JA., Robinson, LF. and Meibom, A., (2021). A modern scleractinian coral with a two-component calcite–aragonite skeleton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118 (3), e2013316117-
O’Brien, DA., Taylor, ML., Masonjones, HD., Boersch-Supan, PH. and O’Shea, OR., (2021). An experimental assessment of social tolerance and den ecology in a high-density octopus population. Marine Biology. 168 (5)
Rogers, AD., Baco, A., Escobar-Briones, E., Gjerde, K., Gobin, J., Jaspars, M., Levin, L., Linse, K., Rabone, M., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Sellanes, J., Shank, TM., Sink, K., Snelgrove, PVR., Taylor, ML., Wagner, D. and Harden-Davies, H., (2021). Marine Genetic Resources in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Promoting Marine Scientific Research and Enabling Equitable Benefit Sharing. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8
Rogers, AD., Baco, A., Escobar-Briones, E., Currie, D., Gjerde, K., Gobin, J., Jaspars, M., Levin, L., Linse, K., Rabone, M., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Sellanes, J., Shank, TM., Sink, K., Snelgrove, PVR., Taylor, ML., Wagner, D. and Harden-Davies, H., (2021). Corrigendum: Marine Genetic Resources in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Promoting Marine Scientific Research and Enabling Equitable Benefit Sharing. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8
Sartori, G., Taylor, ML., Sebastian, P. and Prasetyo, R., (2021). Coral reef carnivorous fish biomass relates to oceanographic features depending on habitat and prey preference. Marine Environmental Research. 172, 105504-105504
Laffoley, D., Baxter, JM., Amon, DJ., Claudet, J., Hall‐Spencer, JM., Grorud‐Colvert, K., Levin, LA., Reid, PC., Rogers, AD., Taylor, ML., Woodall, LC. and Andersen, NF., (2021). Response to Ota, Allison and Fabinyi on ‘Evolving the narrative for protecting a rapidly changing ocean, post COVID‐19’. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 31 (8), 2302-2303
O'Brien, DA., Taylor, ML., Masonjones, HD., Boersch-Supan, PH. and O'Shea, OR., (2020). Drivers of octopus abundance and density in an anchialine lake: a 30 year comparison. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 528, 151377-151377
Howell, KL., Hilário, A., Allcock, AL., Bailey, DM., Baker, M., Clark, MR., Colaço, A., Copley, J., Cordes, EE., Danovaro, R., Dissanayake, A., Escobar, E., Esquete, P., Gallagher, AJ., Gates, AR., Gaudron, SM., German, CR., Gjerde, KM., Higgs, ND., Le Bris, N., Levin, LA., Manea, E., McClain, C., Menot, L., Mestre, NC., Metaxas, A., Milligan, RJ., Muthumbi, AWN., Narayanaswamy, BE., Ramalho, SP., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Robson, LM., Rogers, AD., Sellanes, J., Sigwart, JD., Sink, K., Snelgrove, PVR., Stefanoudis, PV., Sumida, PY., Taylor, ML., Thurber, AR., Vieira, RP., Watanabe, HK., Woodall, LC. and Xavier, JR., (2020). A Blueprint for an Inclusive, Global Deep-Sea Ocean Decade Field Program. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7
Hendry, KR., Annett, A., Bhatia, R., Damerell, GM., Fielding, S., Firing, YL., Frajka-Williams, E., Hartman, S., Henley, SF., Heywood, KJ., Holliday, P., Huvenne, VAI., Mills, RA., Rabe, B., Robinson, C., Sanchez-Franks, A., Smythe-Wright, D., Taylor, ML. and Yelland, M., (2020). Equity at sea: Gender and inclusivity in UK sea-going science. Ocean Challenge. 24 (2), 19-30
Cairns, SD. and Taylor, ML., (2019). An illustrated key to the species of the genus Narella (Cnidaria, Octocorallia, Primnoidae). ZooKeys. 822 (822), 1-15
Pratt, N., Chen, T., Li, T., Wilson, DJ., van de Flierdt, T., Little, SH., Taylor, ML., Robinson, LF., Rogers, AD. and Santodomingo, N., (2019). Temporal distribution and diversity of cold-water corals in the southwest Indian Ocean over the past 25,000 years. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 149, 103049-103049
Hendry, KR., Huvenne, VAI., Robinson, LF., Annett, A., Badger, M., Jacobel, AW., Chin Ng, H., Opher, J., Pickering, RA., Taylor, ML., Bates, SL., Cooper, A., Cushman, GG., Goodwin, C., Hoy, S., Rowland, G., Samperiz, A., Williams, JA., Achterberg, EP., Arrowsmith, C., Alexander Brearley, J., Henley, SF., Krause, JW., Leng, MJ., Li, T., McManus, JF., Meredith, MP., Perkins, R. and Malcolm S. Woodward, E., (2019). The biogeochemical impact of glacial meltwater from Southwest Greenland. Progress in Oceanography. 176, 102126-102126
Victorero, L., Robert, K., Robinson, L., Taylor, ML. and Huvenne, VAI., (2018). Species replacement dominates megabenthos beta diversity in a remote seamount setting. Scientific Reports. 8 (1), 4152-
Head, CEI., Koldewey, H., Pavoine, S., Pratchett, MS., Rogers, AD., Taylor, ML. and Bonsall, MB., (2018). Trait and phylogenetic diversity provide insights into community assembly of reef‐associated shrimps (Palaemonidae) at different spatial scales across the Chagos Archipelago. Ecology and Evolution. 8 (8), 4098-4107
Woodall, LC., Andradi-Brown, DA., Brierley, AS., Clark, MR., Connelly, D., Hall, RA., Howell, KL., Huvenne, VAI., Linse, K., Ross, RE., Snelgrove, P., Stefanoudis, PV., Sutton, TT., Taylor, ML., Thornton, TF. and Rogers, AD., (2018). A Multidisciplinary Approach for Generating Globally Consistent Data on Mesophotic, Deep-Pelagic, and Bathyal Biological Communities. Oceanography. 31 (3), 76-89
Brasier, MJ., Grant, SM., Trathan, PN., Allcock, L., Ashford, O., Blagbrough, H., Brandt, A., Danis, B., Downey, R., Eléaume, MP., Enderlein, P., Ghiglione, C., Hogg, O., Linse, K., Mackenzie, M., Moreau, C., Robinson, LF., Rodriguez, E., Spiridonov, V., Tate, A., Taylor, M., Waller, C., Wiklund, H. and Griffiths, HJ., (2018). Benthic biodiversity in the South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf Marine Protected Area. Biodiversity. 19 (1-2), 1-15
Cowburn, B., Musembi, PM., Sindorf, V., Kohlmeier, D., Raker, C., Nussbaumer, A., Hereward, HFR., Van Baelenberghe, B., Goebbels, D., Kamire, J., Horions, M., Sluka, RD., Taylor, ML. and Rogers, AD., (2018). The Habitats and Biodiversity of Watamu Marine National Park: Evaluating Our Knowledge of One of East Africa's Oldest Marine Protected Areas. Atoll Research Bulletin. 2018 (618), 1-45
Head, CEI., Bonsall, MB., Jenkins, TL., Koldewey, H., Pratchett, MS., Taylor, ML. and Rogers, AD., (2018). Exceptional biodiversity of the cryptofaunal decapods in the Chagos Archipelago, central Indian Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 135, 636-647
Taylor, ML. and Roterman, CN., (2017). Invertebrate population genetics across Earth's largest habitat: The deep-sea floor. Molecular Ecology. 26 (19), 4872-4896
Serpetti, N., Taylor, ML., Brennan, D., Green, DH., Rogers, AD., Paterson, GLJ. and Narayanaswamy, BE., (2017). Ecological adaptations and commensal evolution of the Polynoidae (Polychaeta) in the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge: A phylogenetic approach. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 137, 273-281
Yesson, C., Bedford, F., Rogers, AD. and Taylor, ML., (2017). The global distribution of deep-water Antipatharia habitat. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 145, 79-86
Taylor, ML. and Rogers, AD., (2017). Primnoidae (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) of the SW Indian Ocean: new species, genus revisions and systematics. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 181 (1), 70-97
Taylor, ML., Gwinnett, C., Robinson, LF. and Woodall, LC., (2016). Plastic microfibre ingestion by deep-sea organisms. Scientific Reports. 6 (1), 33997-
Curnick, DJ., Head, CEI., Huang, D., Crabbe, MJC., Gollock, M., Hoeksema, BW., Johnson, KG., Jones, R., Koldewey, HJ., Obura, DO., Rosen, BR., Smith, DJ., Taylor, ML., Turner, JR., Wren, S. and Redding, DW., (2015). Setting evolutionary-based conservation priorities for a phylogenetically data-poor taxonomic group (Scleractinia). Animal Conservation. 18 (4), 303-312
Redding, DW., Curnick, DJ., Head, CEI., Huang, D., Crabbe, MJC., Gollock, M., Hoeksema, BW., Johnson, KG., Jones, R., Koldewey, HJ., Obura, DO., Rosen, BR., Smith, DJ., Taylor, ML., Turner, JR. and Wren, S., (2015). Setting evolutionary based conservation priorities for a phylogenetically data-poor taxonomic group (Scleractinia): response to the commentaries. Animal Conservation. 18 (4), 320-321
Taylor, ML. and Rogers, AD., (2015). Evolutionary dynamics of a common sub-Antarctic octocoral family. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 84, 185-204
Taylor, ML., Yesson, C., Agnew, DJ., Mitchell, RE. and Rogers, AD., (2013). Using fisheries by-catch data to predict octocoral habitat suitability around South Georgia. Journal of Biogeography. 40 (9), 1688-1701
Taylor, ML., Cairns, SD., Agnew, DJ. and Rogers, AD., (2013). A revision of the genus Thouarella Gray, 1870 (Octocorallia: Primnoidae), including an illustrated dichotomous key, a new species description, and comments on Plumarella Gray, 1870 and Dasystenella, Versluys, 1906. Zootaxa. 3602 (1), 1-105
Yesson, C., Taylor, ML., Tittensor, DP., Davies, AJ., Guinotte, J., Baco, A., Black, J., Hall-Spencer, JM. and Rogers, AD., (2012). Global habitat suitability of cold-water octocorals. Journal of Biogeography. 39 (7), 1278-1292
Yesson, C., Clark, MR., Taylor, ML. and Rogers, AD., (2011). The global distribution of seamounts based on 30 arc seconds bathymetry data. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 58 (4), 442-453
Book chapters (4)
Bridges, AEH., Howell, KL., Amaro, T., Atkinson, L., Barnes, DKA., Bax, N., Bell, JB., Bernardino, AF., Beuck, L., Braga-Henriques, A., Brandt, A., Bravo, ME., Brix, S., Butt, S., Carranza, A., Doti, BL., Elegbede, IO., Esquete, P., Freiwald, A., Gaudron, SM., Guilhon, M., Hebbeln, D., Horton, T., Kainge, P., Kaiser, S., Lauretta, D., Limongi, P., McQuaid, KA., Milligan, RJ., Miloslavich, P., Narayanaswamy, BE., Orejas, C., Paulus, S., Pearman, TRR., Perez, JAA., Ross, RE., Saeedi, H., Shimabukuro, M., Sink, K., Stevenson, A., Taylor, M., Titschack, J., Vieira, RP., Vinha, B. and Wienberg, C., (2023). Review of the Central and South Atlantic Shelf and Deep-Sea Benthos: Science, Policy, and Management. In: Oceanography and Marine Biology. CRC Press. 127- 218. 9781032426969
Turner, JA., Andradi-Brown, DA., Gori, A., Bongaerts, P., Burdett, HL., Ferrier-Pagès, C., Voolstra, CR., Weinstein, DK., Bridge, TCL., Costantini, F., Gress, E., Laverick, J., Loya, Y., Goodbody-Gringley, G., Rossi, S., Taylor, ML., Viladrich, N., Voss, JD., Williams, J., Woodall, LC. and Eyal, G., (2019). Key Questions for Research and Conservation of Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems and Temperate Mesophotic Ecosystems. In: Coral Reefs of the World. Springer International Publishing. 989- 1003. 9783319927343
Rogers, AD., Kemp, KM., Davies, AJ. and Taylor, ML., (2015). The Diseases of Deep-Water Corals. In: Diseases of Coral. Editors: Woodley, CM., Downs, CA., Bruckner, AW., Porter, JW. and Galloway, SB., . John Wiley & Sons. 416- 441. 0813824117. 9780813824116
Spalding, M., Taylor, ML., Ravilious, C., Short, F. and Green, E., (2003). Global overview: The Distribution and Status of Seagrasses.. In: World Atlas of Seagrasses. Editors: Green, E. and Short, F., . 13- 34
Conferences (1)
Hardman, E., Meunier, MS., Turner, J., Lynch, T., Taylor, ML. and Klaus, R., (2004). The extent of coral bleaching in Rodrigues, 2002
Reports and Papers (3)
Taylor, M., (2024). Conservation and Restoration of Cold-Water Corals CORDAP R&D Technology Roadmap
Taylor, ML., Ravilious, C. and Green, EP., (2003). Mangroves of East Africa
Wabnitz, CCC., Taylor, ML., Green, E. and Rakak, T., (2003). From Ocean to Aquaria: The Global Trade in Live Marine Ornamentals
Grants and funding
WAYFARE: Where Are Your Fish From? Aquatic Research & Engagement at Essex
UOE Participatory Research Fund
PhD Studentship Seahorse eDNA
Natural England
Developing a bass tissue bank for the study of connectivity between European coastal nursery habitats
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs
A deep-sea perspective on coral resilience in a changing world
Natural Environment Research Council
Testing larval dispersal models in the deep sea with genetic connectivity data: Seascape genomics of deep-sea coral
Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
Integrating genetic approaches into Sub-Antarctic deep sea research and management
Darwin Initiative
Marine Protection - Challenge Lab Natural Environment
University of Essex
Academic support hours: