Catherine Taylor

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 874906
4.312, Colchester Campus
Catherine has worked at the University of Essex as a Skills for Success Tutor since 2022. She currently teaches a range of modules in Academic Skills and EAP (English for Academic Purposes) and is module lead for the SK020 academic writing module. She also works across departments to deliver embedded teaching, runs workshops and is available for 1-to-1 support. Prior to joining the team at Essex, Catherine was an ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) teacher in Poland, Italy and the UK for 15 years. She specialises in grammar, academic writing skills, IELTS and Specific Learning Differences such ADHD and dyslexia. Catherine recently began studying for a PhD in Linguistics.
Trinity CertTESOL ILS Nottingham (2008)
BA (Hons) Politics The University of Nottingham (2006)