Nadine Thomas

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Colchester Campus
Nadine V. Thomas holds a B.A. in Media and Advertising obtained from the University of East London, and a Master of Laws from the University of Wolverhampton. Before commencing her PhD, Nadine worked at a non-profit organization implementing learning programs for at risk youth and working alongside anti-gang units advocating for community development. Her research sits at the nexus of educational disadvantages among minority groups, race and class, youth justice and social inequality. As a postgraduate researcher, Nadine explores the meritocratic ideal and the correlation between societal disadvantages, educational disadvantages and societal development. Her current research investigates educational policy and the origins of a seemingly inequitable system.
BA (Hons) Media and Advertising University of East London (2009)
LLM Law University of Wolverhampton (2019)
Research and professional activities
Educational and Societal Disadvantages: An Exploration of the British Misrepresentation of Meritocracy and Male Britons of Afro-Caribbean Descent
Supervisor: Dr. Alexandra Cox , Linsey McGoey