
Professor Nikolaos Thomos

School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Professor Nikolaos Thomos
  • Email

  • Location

    1NW.4.10, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    My Academic Support Hours will be 4 pm- 6 pm on Monday.



I am a Professor at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE) at the University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom and the CSEE director of research. Before that, I was senior researcher in the Signal Processing Laboratory (LTS4) at the Ecole Polytechique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland and the Communication and Distributed Systems Laboratory at the University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland. I received my Diploma (MSc equivalent) and the PhD degrees from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece. I was awarded the highly esteemed Ambizione career award from Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in 2008 and 2011 for carrying out research on low computational complexity network coding for collaborative video streaming. I have been PI and co-I for a number of EPSRC, SNSF, EU, InnovateUK, and Hassler foundation-funded projects. I regularly serve as a member in technical program committees of international conferences. I am an elected member of IEEE MMSP Technical Committee (MMSP - TC) for the period 2019 - 2024. I am currently a TPC chair of ICME'25. I served as the lead TPC chair of MMSP'24, co-Chair of the Doctoral Symposium at ICIP'18, the Awards co-Chair at MMSP'17, the Publications Chair of IEEE workshop Packet Video 2012 and 2016, among others. I was guest editor for Trans. on Emerging Telecommunication Technologies, SI: Spectrum extensions for 5G and beyond 5G networks. My research interests include machine learning for communications, multimedia communications, semantic communications, design of novel waveforms, network coding, information-centric networking, networking, joint source and channel coding, video coding for machines, signal processing, and sensor networks. I am a Senior Member of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Associate College Member of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Prospective PhD students interested in pursuing research in machine learning for communication, multimedia communications, network coding, networking, and multimedia sensor networks are encouraged to contact me by e-mail. If you are looking for a host institution for a Marie Curie IF on a topic related to my research interests, please send your CV to nthomos AT essex DOT ac DOT uk. My new webpage is now available at You can find my old webpage at

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Network coding

Open to supervise

Multimedia communications

Open to supervise

Information-centric networks

Open to supervise

Joint source and channel coding

Open to supervise

Semantic Communications

Open to supervise

Machine learning for communications

Open to supervise

Caching Networks

Open to supervise

Multimedia Signal Processing

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Digital Electronic Systems (CE162)

Previous supervision

Nihan Ari
Nihan Ari
Thesis title: Physical Layer Security of Short Packet Communications
Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/5/2023
Amirul Islam
Amirul Islam
Thesis title: Machine Learning Assisted Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Vehicular Optical Camera Communications
Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/11/2022
Eleni Nisioti
Eleni Nisioti
Thesis title: Reinforcement Learning-Based Optimization of Multiple Access in Wireless Networks
Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/3/2021
Pantelis Maniotis
Pantelis Maniotis
Thesis title: Delivery of 360° Videos in Edge Caching Assisted Wireless Cellular Networks
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/11/2020


Publications (2)

Hedhly, W., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2024). OTFS-NOMA System for MIMO Communication Networks with Spatial Diversity

Hedhly, W., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2024). Performance Analysis of OTFS-NOMA System with Fractional Doppler

Journal articles (56)

Luo, Q., Xiao, P., Liu, Z., Wan, Z., Thomos, N., Gao, Z. and He, Z., (2024). AFDM-SCMA: A Promising Waveform for Massive Connectivity over High Mobility Channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 23 (10), 14421-14436

Islam, A., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2024). 5G NR Codes and Modulation Deep-RL Optimization for uRLLC in Vehicular OCC. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 25 (12), 19592-19604

Islam, A., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2024). Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Vehicular OCC. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 1-1

Luo, Q., Xiao, P., Liu, ZL., Wan, Z., Thomos, N., Gao, Z. and He, Z., (2024). AFDM-SCMA: A Promising Waveform for Massive Connectivity Over High Mobility Channels.. IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun.. 23, 14421-14436

Islam, A., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2023). Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Spectral Efficiency Optimization in Vehicular Optical Camera Communications. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 23 (5), 3666-3679

Reed, M., Thomos, N., Al-Khalidi, M. and Al-Zaidi, R., (2023). Intelligent Seamless Handover in Next Generation Networks. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 70 (1), 1566-1579

Thomos, N., Maugey, T. and Toni, L., (2022). Machine Learning for Multimedia Communications. Sensors. 22 (3), 819-819

Hu, J., Reed, M., Thomos, N., Al-Naday, M. and Yang, K., (2022). A Dynamic Service Trading in a DLT-Assisted Industrial IoT Marketplace. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 19 (4), 4691-4705

Ari, N., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2022). Performance Analysis of Short Packet Communications with Multiple Eavesdroppers. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 70 (10), 6778-6789

AL-Naday, M., Thomos, N., Hu, J., Volckaert, B., de Turck, F. and Reed, MJ., (2022). Service-based, Multi-Provider, Fog Ecosystem with Joint Optimization of Request Mapping and Response Routing. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 16 (3), 1-15

Xia, M., Lai, E., Hu, J., Liu, X., Thomos, N., Liu, Z., Han, T., Bohara, VA. and Sali, A., (2022). Editorial: 5G-and-Beyond Communications for Smart Cities: Networks, Systems and Applications. Frontiers in Communications and Networks. 3

Yang, X. and Thomos, N., (2021). An approximate dynamic programming approach for collaborative caching. Engineering Optimization. 53 (6), 1005-1023

Hu, J., Reed, M., Thomos, N., Al-Naday, MF. and Yang, K., (2021). Securing SDN controlled IoT Networks Through Edge-Blockchain. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 8 (4), 2102-2115

Maniotis, P. and Thomos, N., (2021). Tile-based edge caching for 360° live video streaming. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 31 (12), 4938-4950

Maniotis, P. and Thomos, N., (2021). Viewport-Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for 360º Video Caching. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 24, 386-399

Kobbaey, T., Hamzaoui, R., Ahmad, S., Al‐Fayoumi, M. and Thomos, N., (2021). Enhanced collision resolution and throughput analysis for the 802.11 distributed coordination function. International Journal of Communication Systems. 34 (16)

Hu, J., Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, M. and Thomos, N., (2021). Hybrid Blockchain for IoT—Energy Analysis and Reward Plan. Sensors. 21 (1), 305-305

Hancke, GP., Salehizadeh, MR., Liu, X., Hu, J., Abu‐Mahfouz, AM., Thomos, N., Ishihara, S. and Savaglio, C., (2021). Guest editorial: IoT sensing, applications, and technologies for smart sustainable cities. IET Smart Cities. 3 (3), 121-124

Nisioti, E. and Thomos, N., (2020). Fast Q-learning for Improved Finite Length Performance of Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. 6 (2), 844-857

Maniotis, P., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Thomos, N., (2020). Tile-Based Joint Caching and Delivery of 360° Videos in Heterogeneous Networks. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 22 (9), 2382-2395

Hu, J., Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, MF. and Thomos, N., (2020). Blockchain-Aided Flow Insertion and Verification in Software Defined Networks.. CoRR. abs/2006.14513

Al-Khalidi, MQ., Thomos, N., Reed, M., Al-Naday, M. and Trossen, D., (2019). Anchor Free IP Mobility. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 18 (1), 56-69

Nisioti, E. and Thomos, N., (2019). Robust Coordinated Reinforcement Learning for MAC Design in Sensor Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 37 (10), 2211-2224

Bourtoulatze, E., Thomos, N., Saltarin, J. and Braun, T., (2018). Content-Aware Delivery of Scalable Video in Network Coding Enabled Named Data Networks. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 20 (6), 1561-1575

Pervaiz, H., Imran, MA., Mumtaz, S., Dulaimi, A. and Thomos, N., (2018). Editorial: Spectrum extensions for 5G and beyond 5G networks. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 29 (10)

AL-Naday, MF., Thomos, N. and Reed, MJ., (2017). Information-Centric Multilayer Networking: Improving Performance Through an ICN/WDM Architecture. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 25 (1), 83-97

Saltarin, J., Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Braun, T., (2017). Adaptive Video Streaming with Network Coding enabled Named Data Networking. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 19 (10), 2182-2196

Kwon, M., Park, H., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2016). Approximate decoding for network coded inter-dependent data. Signal Processing. 120, 222-235

Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, M., Thomos, N., Trossen, D., Petropoulos, G. and Spirou, S., (2016). Stateless multicast switching in software defined networks. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2016. abs/1511.06069

Al-Khalidi, M., Thomos, N., Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, MF. and Trossen, D., (2016). Network Controlled Mobility Management using IP over ICN Architecture.. CoRR. abs/1610.09011

De Abreu, A., Toni, L., Thomos, N., Maugey, T., Pereira, F. and Frossard, P., (2015). Optimal layered representation for adaptive interactive multiview video streaming. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 33, 255-264

Al-Naday, MF., Thomos, N. and Reed, MJ., (2015). Information-centric Multilayer Network: ICN/WDM.. CoRR. abs/1511.04698

Thomos, N., Kurdoglu, E., Frossard, P. and van der Schaar, M., (2015). Adaptive Prioritized Random Linear Coding and Scheduling for Layered Data Delivery From Multiple Servers. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 17 (6), 893-906

Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2014). Decoding Delay Minimization in Inter-Session Network Coding. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 62 (6), 1944-1957

Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2014). Distributed Rate Allocation in Inter-Session Network Coding. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 16 (6), 1752-1765

Thomos, N., Boulgouris, NV. and Chang, S-H., (2013). Comments on “Iterative Channel Decoding of FEC-Based Multiple-Description Codes”. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 22 (11), 4560-4560

Tošić, T., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2013). Distributed sensor failure detection in sensor networks. Signal Processing. 93 (2), 399-410

Park, H., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2013). Approximate decoding approaches for network coded correlated data. Signal Processing. 93 (1), 109-123

Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2013). Reconstruction of Network Coded Sources From Incomplete Datasets. CoRR. abs/1307.7138

Thomos, N., Pulikkoonattu, R. and Frossard, P., (2013). Growth Codes: Intermediate Performance Analysis and Application to Video. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 61 (11), 4710-4721

Park, H., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2013). Approximate decoding approaches for network coded correlated data. Signal Processing. 93 (1), 109-123

Thomos, N., Pulikkoonattu, R. and Frossard, P., (2012). Intermediate Performance Analysis of Growth Codes. CoRR. abs/1211.4014

Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2012). Toward One Symbol Network Coding Vectors. IEEE Communications Letters. 16 (11), 1860-1863

Cleju, N., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2011). Selection of Network Coding Nodes for Minimal Playback Delay in Streaming Overlays. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 13 (5), 1103-1115

Thomos, N., Chakareski, J. and Frossard, P., (2011). Prioritized Distributed Video Delivery With Randomized Network Coding. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 13 (4), 776-787

Tosic, T., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2011). Distributed sensor failure detection in sensor networks. CoRR. abs/1109.5636

Cleju, N., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2011). Selection of network coding nodes for minimal playback delay in streaming overlays. CoRR. abs/1101.3979

Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2010). Network Coding of Rateless Video in Streaming Overlays. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 20 (12), 1834-1847

Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2009). Network Coding and Media Streaming (Invited Paper). Journal of Communications. 4 (9), 628-639

Thomos, N., Boulgouris, NV. and Strintzis, MG., (2006). Optimized transmission of JPEG2000 streams over wireless channels. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 15 (1), 54-67

Thomos, N., Boulgouris, NV. and Strintzis, MG., (2006). Product code optimization for determinate state LDPC decoding in robust image transmission. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 15 (8), 2113-2119

Thomos, N., Argyropoulos, S., Boulgouris, NV. and Strintzis, MG., (2006). Robust Transmission of H.264/AVC Streams Using Adaptive Group Slicing and Unequal Error Protection. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 2006 (1)

Triantafyllidis, GA., Thomos, N., Canero, C., Vieyres, P. and Strintzis, MG., (2006). A user interface for mobile robotized tele-echography. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 569 (2), 645-648

Canero, C., Thomos, N., Triantafyllidis, GA., Litos, GC. and Strintzis, MG., (2005). Mobile tele-echography: user interface design. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine. 9 (1), 44-49

Thomos, N., Boulgouris, NV. and Strintzis, MG., (2005). Wireless image transmission using turbo codes and optimal unequal error protection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 14 (11), 1890-1901

Boulgouris, NV., Thomos, N. and Strintzis, MG., (2003). Transmission of images over noisy channels using error-resilient wavelet coding and forward error correction. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 13 (12), 1170-1181

Book chapters (3)

Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2010). Media Coding for Streaming in Networks with Source and Path Diversity. In: Studies in Computational Intelligence. Editors: . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 291- 316. 9783642116858

Mezaris, V., Thomos, N., Boulgouris, NV. and Kompatsiaris, I., (2008). Knowledge-Assisted Analysis of Video for Content-Adaptive Coding and Transmission. In: Studies in Computational Intelligence. Editors: . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 221- 240. 9783540763598

Argyropoulos, S., Boulgouris, NV., Thomos, N., Kompatsiaris, Y. and Strintzis, MG., (2006). Coding of two-dimensional and three-dimensional color image sequences. In: Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications. 503- 523

Conferences (60)

Hedhly, W., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., OTFS-NOMA System for MIMO Communication Networks with Spatial Diversity

Ari, N., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., Secrecy Analysis of Context-Aware Short Packet Transmission

Hedhly, W., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., Performance Analysis of OTFS-NOMA System with Fractional Doppler

Hedhly, W., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., Performance Analysis of OTFS-NOMA System with Fractional Doppler

Hedhly, W., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2024). OTFS-NOMA System for MIMO Communication Networks with Spatial Diversity

Maggie Zhu, F., Li, Z., Thomos, N., Adsumilli, B. and Magli, E., (2024). Message from the MMSP 2024 General and Technical Program Chairs

Chakraborty, J., Reed, M., Thomos, N., Pratt, G. and Wilson, N., (2023). Machine learning based noise suppression in narrow-band speech communication systems

Ari, N., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2022). Secrecy Performance of Short Packet Communications: Wiretap Channel with Multiple Receivers and Eavesdroppers

Islam, A., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2022). Achieving uRLLC with Machine Learning Based Vehicular OCC

Islam, A., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2022). Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning in Vehicular OCC

Ari, N., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2021). Active Eavesdropping in Short Packet Communication: Average Secrecy Throughput Analysis

Nisioti, E., Thomos, N., Bellalta, B. and Jonsson, A., (2021). Collision Resolution in Multi-player Bandits Without Observing Collision Information

Islam, A., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2020). Performance Analysis of Vehicular Optical Camera Communications: Roadmap to uRLLC

Marandi, A., Hofer, V., Gasparyan, M., Braun, T. and Thomos, N., (2020). Bloom Filter-based Routing for Dominating Set-based Service-Centric Networks

Hu, J., Reed, M., Al-Naday, M. and Thomos, N., (2020). Blockchain-Aided Flow Insertion and Verification in Software Defined Networks

Marandi, A., Braun, T., Salamatian, K. and Thomos, N., (2020). Network Coding-based Content Retrieval based on Bloom Filter-based Content Discovery for ICN

Ari, N., Thomos, N. and Musavian, L., (2020). Average Secrecy Throughput Analysis with Multiple Eavesdroppers in the Finite Blocklength

Maniotis, P. and Thomos, N., (2020). Smart caching for live 360° video streaming in mobile networks

Saltarin, J., Braun, T., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Thomos, N., (2019). PopNetCod: A Popularity-based Caching Policy for Network Coding enabled Named Data Networking

Amangele, P., Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, M., Thomos, N. and Nowak, M., (2019). Hierarchical Machine Learning for IoT Anomaly Detection in SDN

Maniotis, P., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Thomos, N., (2019). Tile-Based Joint Caching and Delivery of 360° Videos in Heterogeneous Networks

Marandi, A., Braun, T., Salamatian, K. and Thomos, N., (2019). Pull-based Bloom Filter-based Routing for Information-Centric Networks.

Nisioti, E. and Thomos, N., (2018). Decentralized Reinforcement Learning Based MAC Optimization

Marandi, A., Braun, T., Salamatian, K. and Thomos, N., (2018). A Comparative Analysis of Bloom Filter-based Routing Protocols for Information-Centric Networks

Saltarin, J., Braun, T., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Thomos, N., (2018). PopNetCod: A Popularity-based Caching Policy for Network Coding enabled Named Data Networking

Marandi, A., Braun, T., Salamatian, K. and Thomos, N., (2018). A Comparative Analysis of Bloom Filter-based Routing Protocols for Information-Centric Networks

Marandi, A., Braun, T., Salamatian, K. and Thomos, N., (2017). BFR: a Bloom Filter-based Routing Approach for Information-Centric Networks

Al-Khalidi, M., Thomos, N., Al-Naday, M., Reed, M. and Trossen, D., (2017). Seamless Handover in IP over ICN Networks: a Coding Approach

Vasilakos, X., Al-Khalidi, M., Siris, VA., Reed, MJ., Thomos, N. and Polyzos, GC., (2017). Mobility-based Proactive Multicast for Seamless Mobility Support in Cellular Network Environments

Al-Khalidi, M., Thomos, N., Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, MF. and Trossen, D., (2017). Seamless handover in IP over ICN networks: A coding approach.

Saltarin, J., Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Braun, T., (2016). NetCodCCN: A network coding approach for content-centric networks

Saltarin, J., Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Braun, T., (2016). NetCodCCN: A network coding approach for content-centric networks.

Reed, MJ., Al-Naday, MF., Thomos, N., Trossen, D., Petropoulos, GP. and Spirou, S., (2016). Stateless multicast switching in software defined networks.

Anastasiades, C., Thomos, N., Striffeler, A. and Braun, T., (2015). RC-NDN: Raptor codes enabled named data networking

De Abreu, A., Toni, L., Maugey, T., Thomos, N., Frossard, P. and Pereira, F., (2014). Multiview video representations for quality-scalable navigation

Toni, L., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2013). Interactive free viewpoint video streaming using prioritized network coding

Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2012). Correlation-aware reconstruction of network coded sources

Bourtsoulatze, E., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2012). Distributed rate allocation in P2P networks with inter-session network coding

Kurdoglu, E., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2011). Scalable video dissemination with prioritized network coding

Saltarin, J., Thomos, N., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Frossard, P., (2011). P2P video streaming with inter-session network coding

Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2011). Degree distribution optimization in Raptor network coding

Cleju, N., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2010). Network Coding Node Placement for Delay Minimization in Streaming Overlays

Thomos, N., Park, H., Kurdoglu, E. and Frossard, P., (2010). NC node selection game in collaborative streaming systems

Park, H., Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2010). Transmission of correlated information sources with network coding

Thomos, N., Chakareski, J. and Frossard, P., (2009). Randomized Network Coding for UEP video delivery in overlay networks

Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2008). Collaborative video streaming with Raptor network coding

Argyropoulos, S., Thomos, N., Boulgouris, NV. and Strintzis, MG., (2007). Adaptive Frame Interpolation for Wyner-Ziv Video Coding

Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2007). Raptor network video coding

Thomos, N. and Frossard, P., (2007). Raptor network video coding

Argyropoulos, S., Tan, AS., Thomos, N., Arikan, E. and Strintzis, MG., (2007). Robust Transmission of Multi-View Video Streams using Flexible Macroblock Ordering and Systematic LT Codes

Thomos, N., Argyropoulos, S., Boulgouris, N. and Strintzis, M., (2006). Robust Transmission of H.264/AVC Video using Adaptive Slice Grouping and Unequal Error Protection

Thomos, N., Boulgouris, NV. and Strintzis, MG., (2006). Robust Image Transmission Based on Product-Code Optimization for Determinate State LDPC Decoding

Thomos, N., Argyropoulos, S., Boulgouris, NV. and Strintzis, MG., (2005). Error-resilient transmission of H.264/AVC streams using flexible macroblock ordering

Thomos, N., Boulgouris, NV. and Strintzis, MG., (2004). Wireless transmission of images using jpeg2000

Thomas, N., Boulgouris, NV. and Strintzis, MG., (2003). Wireless image transmission using turbo codes and optimal unequal error protection

Thomos, N., Boulgouris, NV., Simitopoulos, D. and Strintzis, MG., (2002). List viterbi decoding of convolutional codes for efficient data hiding

Boulgouris, NV., Thomos, N. and Strintzis, MG., (2002). Image transmission using error-resilient wavelet coding and forward error correction

Boulgouris, NV., Thomos, N. and Strintzis, MG., (2002). Error-resilient coding and Forward Error Correction for image transmission over unreliable channels

Thomos, N., Boulgouris, NV., Kokkinou, E. and Strintzis, MG., (2002). Efficient data hiding in JPEG2000 images using sequential decoding of convolutional codes

Boulgouris, NV., Leontaris, A., Thomos, N. and Strintzis, MG., (2001). Robust layered coding of video for transmission over noisy channels

Reports and Papers (9)

Islam, A., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2022). Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning in Vehicular OCC

Nisioti, E. and Thomos, N., (2020). Design of Capacity-Approaching Low-Density Parity-Check Codes using Recurrent Neural Networks

Marandi, A., Braun, T., Salamatian, K. and Thomos, N., (2019). Pull-based Bloom Filter-based Routing for Information-Centric Networks

Yang, X. and Thomos, N., (2019). A rolling-horizon dynamic programming approach for collaborative caching

Islam, A., Musavian, L. and Thomos, N., (2019). Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Vehicular Communication using Optical Camera Communications

Maniotis, P., Bourtsoulatze, E. and Thomos, N., (2019). Tile-Based Joint Caching and Delivery of 360⁰ Videos in Heterogeneous Networks

Al-Naday, M., Reed, MJ., Riihijärvi, J., Trossen, D., Thomos, N. and Al-Khalidi, M., (2018). fCDN: A Flexible and Efficient CDN Infrastructure without DNS Redirection or Content Reflection

AL-Naday, M., Reed, MJ., Riihijärvi, J., Trossen, D., Thomos, N. and Al-Khalidi, MQS., (2018). Service-based Fog architecture without DNS redirection

Nisioti, E. and Thomos, N., (2018). Fast reinforcement learning for decentralized MAC optimization

Grants and funding


Semantic Aware Modulation Schemes for Space-Air-Ground Networks

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Task Specific Security Solutions for Space-Air-Ground Networks

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


Platform Driving The Ultimate Connectivity

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


Pervasive Wireless Intelligence Beyond the Generations (PerCom)

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council


CML Microcircuits KTP

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)



Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


SerIoT: Secure and Safe Internet of Things

European Commission


POINT: iP Over IcN - betTer IP?

European Commission (H2020)



1NW.4.10, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

My Academic Support Hours will be 4 pm- 6 pm on Monday.