
Jennie Todd

School of Health and Social Care
 Jennie Todd
  • Email

  • Location

    2S2.5.26, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Working days Mon - Wed



Jennie Todd is a Lecturer in research methods in the Interdisciplinary Research and Practice Division (IDRP) in the School of Health and Social Care (HSC). She joined the University in 2001 as a Senior Research Officer; undertook at PhD in Health Studies (supported by a full time scholarship); was Programme Lead for a BSc in Health Studies (scheme closed 2012). Jennie was a Research Advisor (until 2012) for the East of England Research Design Service (EoE, RDS). She currently leads and teachers HS947-7 Theory and Methods in Health Research; HS948-7 Qualitative Health Research and is internal moderator for a variety of apprenticeship programmes in HSC. Research interests include applying psychology to understand and change outcomes in health and illness, with a particular interest in asthma management.


  • MPhil Health Studies University of Essex, (2012)

  • MSc Health Psychology (Full Scholarship) University of Southampton, (1999)

  • BSc (1st class hons) University of Portsmouth, (1998)

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Practice University of Essex, (2008)

  • Fellow, Higher Education Academy University of Essex, (2008)


University of Essex

  • Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (2009 - present)

  • Senior Research Officer, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (2001 - 2006)

  • Research Officer, Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development (WIHRD), University of Southampton (1999 - 2001)

  • Doctoral Student (full time studentship), School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (2006 - 2009)

  • Research Advisor, School of Health and Social Care, East of England Research Design Service (2009 - 2012)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Lived experience and self-management of chronic illness

lived experience and self management of asthma

Key words: asthma

Conferences and presentations

Todd J (2009) Becoming 'asthmatic' : A Family Journey, paper presented at the SHHS PG conference, 5th June

SHHS PG conference, United Kingdom, 2009

Todd, J (2008) The Impact and Management of Asthma in the Family, paper presented at the annual IPA conference, University of Sussex, September

Annual IPA conference, Brighton, United Kingdom, 2008

Todd, J (2008) The impact and management of asthma in the family: A qualitative study using IPA, paper presented at the SHHS PG conference, 13th June

SHHS PG conference, United Kingdom, 2008

Todd, J (2007) Theory and Methods: approaches to data analysis - Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, paper presented at the SHHS PG conference 1st June

SHHS PG conference, United Kingdom, 2007

Todd, J; Avery, G; Green, G and Sains, K. (2006) An evaluation of non-medical prescribing within the Essex Health Economy Paper presented at Essex Regional Non-Medical Prescribing Conference, May 23rd

Essex Regional Non-Medical Prescribing Conference, United Kingdom, 2006

Todd, J (2006) Pilot Evaluation of the Sunshine Project. Paper presented at the annual Essex Primary Care Research Network, September


Green, G & Todd, J (2004) Biographical disruption? Comparing social and economic profiles of houses with and without MS. Joint presentation at the annual MS Society Research Conference MS Frontiers (May 10/11th 2004, Birmingham)

Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2004

Todd, J; Green, G; Harrison, M; Ikuesan, B; Self, C; Baldacchino, A; Pevalin, D (2003) Dual Diagnosis and Social Exclusion. Paper presented at four dual diagnosis conference/workshops organised by local mental health trust.


Todd, J; Green, G; Harrison, M; Ikuesan, B; Self, C; Baldacchino, A; Pevalin, D (2003) Social Exclusion in clients with a dual diagnosis of mental health and substance misuse. Paper presented at Regional Mental Health Research Showcase.


McWhirter, J; Todd, J; Roderick, PJ; Lees, SJ; Speller, V; Ingham, R; Goddard, JG & Warner, JO (2003) Asthma and allergy a shared search for understanding? A report of the Lifestyles and Asthma project AM10/057. For National Asthma Campaign


Todd, J; McWhirter, J & Warner, JO (2001) Practical, Ethical and Research Issues in the NHS: Focus Group Studies. Presentation at 1st South East Public Health Conference: Improving health in partnership, Royal Society, London.

London, United Kingdom, 2001

McWhirter, J; Todd, J & Warner, JO Professional beliefs and behaviour with respect to allergen avoidance in asthma management in general practice. Paper presented at the 11th Annual ERS Congress. Sept, 2001, Berlin.

Berlin, Germany, 2001

McWhirter, J., McCann, D & Todd, J (2001) Encouraging Asthma Self Management: identification of problem areas for health professionals and teachers. NHS R&D Programme on Asthma Management. The use of self-management in Asthma, 10th July


McWhirter, J; Todd, J. & Warner, JO Managing practical, ethical and research issues in primary care research. Wessex Primary Care Research Network 7th Annual Research Day. May 2001, Southampton.

Southampton, United Kingdom, 2001

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation (HS908)

  • Theory and Method in Health Research (HS947)

  • Qualitative Health Research (HS948)


Journal articles (8)

Green, G. and Todd, J., (2008). 'Restricting choices and limiting independence': social and economic impact of multiple sclerosis upon households by level of disability. Chronic Illness. 4 (3), 160-172

Pevalin, DJ., Taylor, MP. and Todd, J., (2008). The Dynamics of Unhealthy Housing in the UK: A Panel Data Analysis. Housing Studies. 23 (5), 679-695

Todd, JM., (2007). Biographical disruption associated with multiple sclerosis: Using propensity scoring to assess the impact. Social Science & Medicine. 65 (3), 524-535

TAYLOR, MP., PEVALIN, DJ. and TODD, J., (2007). The psychological costs of unsustainable housing commitments. Psychological Medicine. 37 (7), 1027-1036

Avery, G., Todd, J., Green, G. and Sains, K., (2007). Non-medical prescribing: the doctor-nurse relationship revisited. Nurse Prescribing. 5 (3), 109-113

Todd, J., Green, G., Pevalin, DJ., Ikuesan, BA., Harrison, M., Self, C. and Baldacchino, A., (2005). Service uptake in a sample of substance misuse and community mental health service clients: A case control study. Journal of Mental Health. 14 (2), 95-107

TODD, J., GREEN, G., HARRISON, M., IKUESAN, BA., SELF, C., BALDACCHINO, A. and SHERWOOD, S., (2004). Defining dual diagnosis of mental illness and substance misuse: some methodological issues. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 11 (1), 48-54

Todd, J., Green, G., Harrison, M., Ikuesan, BA., Self, C., Pevalin, DJ. and Baldacchino, A., (2004). Social exclusion in clients with comorbid mental health and substance misuse problems. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 39 (7), 581-587



2S2.5.26, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Working days Mon - Wed

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