
Dr Tuba Turan

Essex Law School
Dr Tuba Turan
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 874925

  • Location

    5NW.8.8, Colchester Campus

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Foundations of Human Rights (HU100)

  • Human Rights: Theories and Applications (HU901)

  • Gender, Race, Identity and Human Rights (HU931)

  • Justice (LW234)

  • Legal Research Skills (LW254)

  • Conflict and the United Nations: the Law related to the Use of Force, Sanctions and Peacekeeping (LW806)


Journal articles (3)

Turan, T., (2023). The 2016 UN General Assembly Declaration on the Right to Peace: A Step towards Sustainable Positive Peace within Societies?. Human Rights Law Review. 23 (2)

Turan, T., (2018). The UN's response to the underlying causes of the Arab Spring before and after the eruption of events: a critical assessment of the UN's pursuit of its core values and purposes. Middle Eastern Studies. 54 (4), 683-705

Turan, T., (2006). War on Terror in the US and UK: An Evaluation with Regard to Civil Liberties. Review of International Law & Politics. 2 (7), 111-126

Books (1)

Turan, T., (2015). Positive Peace in Theory and Practice Strengthening the United Nations's Pre-Conflict Prevention Role. Brill. 9004305610. 9789004305618

Book chapters (3)

Turan, T., (2025). The UN General Assembly and Peace. In: Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Law and Peace. Editors: Mallinder, L., Killean, R. and Dempster, L.,

Turan, T., (2022). 'Mültecilerin Hukuki Statüsüne İlişkin Sözleşme’nin (Cenevre Sözleşmesi) İçeriği Nedir?. In: 50 Soruda Türkiye’nin Göç Politikaları. Editors: Karakoç, J. and Genç, HD., . Nobel/Altınbaş Üniversitesi Yayınları. 25- 25. 978-625-8174-01-4

Turan, T., (2022). Coğrafi Kısıtlama Nedir ve Türkiye Cenevre Sözleşmesini Nasıl Uygulamaktadır?. In: 50 Soruda Türkiye’nin Göç Politikaları. Editors: Karakoç, J. and Genç, DH., . Altınbaş Üniversitesi Yayınları. 978-625-8174-01-4

+44 (0) 1206 874925


5NW.8.8, Colchester Campus