Professor Jackie Turton

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Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
By appointment
BA Sociology (Essex)
PhD (Essex)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Child Protection
Childrens Rights
Children and Young People as Victims and Offenders
Professional Responses to Crime
Women as Offenders/Victims
Conferences and presentations
Do we make it too difficult for women to talk about atypical feelings? The Ultimate Taboo: women involved in the sexual abuse of children, National multidisciplinary conferences, ccclimited, London 2015
London, United Kingdom, 2015
Assessing the risk: maternal problems & repeated losses to care, IALMH, Vienna, 2015 (with P. Cox)
Vienna, Austria, 2015
The ambiguity of motherhood, BASPCAN, Edinburgh, 2015 (with E. Milne)
Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2015
Victims or Villains: modern perceptions of children, European Sociological Conference, Torino, Italy, 2013
Torino, Italy, 2013
Maternal Incest: challenges for child protection, International Academy of Law and Mental Health Conference, Amsterdam, 2013
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013
Betrayal of Trust: victims of maternal incest, European Sociological Association Conference, Geneva, 2011
Geneva, Switzerland, 2011
Female Sexual Abusers: a cultural analysis of denial, British Criminological Society Conference, Leicester, 2010
Leicester, United Kingdom, 2010
Betrayal of trust: children's rights as victims of maternal incest, British Criminological Society Conference, Leicester, 2010
Leicester, United Kingdom, 2010
Women who sexually abuse children: responses and risk-taking, British Society of Criminology Conference, Cardiff, 2009
Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2009
Gender and child sexual abuse: understanding the risks for children, International Academy of Law and Mental Health, Tuscany, 2009
Tuscany, Italy, 2009
Female sexual abusers: assessing the risk, International Sociological Associaton, Barcelona, 2008
Barcelona, Spain, 2008
Women who sexually abuse: understanding children's rights, UKIERI, Essex, 2008
United Kingdom, 2008
A qualitative investigation into the nature and impact of complaints made against paediatricians involved in child protection cases, International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, York, 2006
York, United Kingdom, 2006
Complaints in child protection: triggers and targets [plenary session], Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 10th Spring meeting, York, 2006
Child sex abuse: professional responses to female perpetrators, British Criminological Society Conference, Portsmouth, 2004
Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 2004
Maternal sex offenders: criminological considerations, Toledo, 2002
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Applied Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 30/8/2023

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/6/2021

Degree subject: Criminology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/2/2020

Degree subject: Human Rights
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/2/2020

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/6/2019

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/12/2018

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/8/2018

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/10/2017

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/12/2015

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/5/2014

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Master of Arts (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 14/6/2013
Journal articles (7)
Alyce, S., Taggart, D. and Turton, J., (2024). Trust, entrusting and the role of trustworthiness for adult survivors of child sexual abuse. Journal of Mental Health, 1-10
Alyce, S., Taggart, D., Montaque, I. and Turton, J., (2022). Avoiding Psychological (Re)Traumatisation in Dentistry when working with Patients who are Adult Survivors of Child Sex Abuse. British Dental Journal (BDJ). 233 (8), 666-670
Dhakal Adhikari, S. and Turton, J., (2020). Understanding ‘trafficking vulnerabilities’ among children: the responses linking to child protection issues in Nepal. Children's Geographies. 18 (4), 393-405
Cox, P., Barratt, C., Blumenfeld, F., Rahemtulla, Z., Taggart, D. and Turton, J., (2017). Reducing recurrent care proceedings: initial evidence from new interventions. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law. 39 (3), 332-349
Turton, J., (2010). Female sexual abusers: Assessing the risk. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice. 38 (4), 279-293
Turton, J., (2010). Maternal Abusers: Underlying concerns for children. Essex Human Rights Review. 7 (1), 81-93
Haines, L. and Turton, J., (2008). Complaints in child protection. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 93 (1), 4-6
Books (4)
(2018). Women and the Criminal Justice System. Springer International Publishing. 3319767747. 9783319767734
Milne, E., Brennan, K., South, N. and Turton, J., (2018). Erratum to: Women and the Criminal Justice System. Springer International Publishing. 9783319767734
Turton, J., (2008). Child abuse gender and society. Routledge. 9780415365055
Carrabine, E., Iganski, P., Lee, M., South, N., Plummer, K. and Turton, J., (2004). Criminology: A Sociological Introduction. Routledge. 9780415640787
Book chapters (3)
Brennan, K., Milne, E., South, N. and Turton, J., (2018). Women and the Criminal Justice System—Moving Beyond the Silo. In: Women and the Criminal Justice System. Springer International Publishing. 1- 11. 9783319767734
Milne, E. and Turton, J., (2018). Understanding Violent Women. In: Women and the Criminal Justice System. Springer International Publishing. 119- 139. 9783319767734
Turton, J., (2012). Maternal incest: Challenges for child protection. In: Vulnerable Children and the Law International Evidence for Improving Child Welfare, Child Protection and Children's Rights. Editors: Sheehan, R., Rhoades, H. and Stanley, N., . Jessica Kingsley. 9781849058681
Grants and funding
Improving Police Responses to Domestic Violence
Essex Police
Implications for Survivors of Domestic Violence where Cases are Heard in Specialist Domestic Violence Courts and Gernetic Courts
Standing Together Against Domestic Violence
Understanding the nature and prevalence of unreported domestic abuse
Essex County Council