Mohammad Shahab Uddin

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Southend Campus
- Teaching undergraduate and graduate, Circular Economy, Entrepreneurship, Business and Management courses, voluntary works.
Mohammad Shahab Uddin's area of expertise is entrepreneurship, circular economy, and his research interests also include human resources management, organizational behaviour, higher education, research and development and other business management related areas. He has published articles on a variety of subjects concerning students satisfaction in online education, job satisfaction of Bank executives, work life balance, entrepreneurship and so on. Uddin has more than 15 years teaching experiences in university level both in undergraduate and graduate level. He is the Associate Professor, Department of Management, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh and currently doing PhD at the University of Essex with the most prestigious scholarship, funded by the Commonwealth. He is the founder of 1/24 Social Movement a voluntary organization working in the area of education, health and environment. Through this organization he has helped hundreds of underprivileged students, provided medical services to underprivileged people and planted more than 80,000 trees in Bangladesh. Shahab is currently engaged in a research project on the circular economy and removing plastics from the UK.
Master of Science in Accounting (MSA) Prairie View A&M University (2017)
Research and professional activities
Circular Entrepreneurship: Antecedence, Barriers, Opportunities and Capabilities
The research identifies drivers, barriers, and enablers of circular entrepreneurship (CEps). The research will identify antecedence of CEps and then look at their drivers, barriers and enablers of CEps. Moreover, the study will look at the dynamic capabilities theory and how CEps can use this theory for getting sustainability in their organization. For achieving sustainability first the research established the model of CEps through systematic literature review. After establishing model of CEps,
Supervisor: Dr Shamsul Karim
Research interests
Circular Entrepreneurship
This research will investigates different entrepreneurial aspects in circular economy.