
Dr Juneho Um

Senior Lecturer
EBS - Management and Marketing
Dr Juneho Um
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 873804

  • Location

    EBS.3.127D, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Wednesday 10:00 am - 1:00 pm



Juneho has substantial experience in a wide variety of industries (e.g. petrochemical and broadcasting / management team) as well as in teaching & research. During his career in the higher education sector as a university lecturer/senior lecturer (2013 -) in the UK, he has published extensively, led training programs, acted as a conference convener, committee, internal/external examiner, journal editor, chief counsel, research fellow, reviewer and undertaken consultancy and research projects funded by the research organisations, companies and public sectors (e.g. KTPs as a lead academic). His research interests include areas of international business, service/product operations and supply chain management issues such as global supply chain resilience, SC risk management strategies, customisation & service/product variety, business strategy, organisational sustainability and technologies in international trade/logistics management etc.


  • PhD University of Liverpool,

  • MA Sungkyunkwan University,

  • BBA Sungkyunkwan University,

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Optimal Level of Product Variety

Key words: Product Variety
Open to supervise

Global SC Uncertainty and Risk Management Strategies for SC Resilience

Key words: Supply Chain
Open to supervise

International Business Strategy

Key words: Business strategy
Open to supervise

Service Supply Chain Performance

Key words: Service Supply Chain
Open to supervise

Service Customisation and Productisation

Key words: Productisation
Open to supervise

Sustainable Global Supply Chain

Key words: Sustainability
Open to supervise

Emerging Technology in International Business

Key words: Technology
Open to supervise

Challenges in Logistics & Trade

Key words: Trade
Open to supervise

Conferences and presentations

Quantitative sciences and its applications (Committee)

8th international conference on quantitative sciences and its applications, Malaysia, 17/9/2024

Operations-Marketing Collaboration, Resilience Capability and Performance: Role of Social Media and Implications on Industry

EMAC Annual Conference 2022, Budapest, Hungary, 25/5/2022

Science research and technology development for ambidexterity in the European automobile industry

International Symposium of Korea Trade Research Association: Discussant, 26/8/2021

Aligning product variety with supply chain and business strategy

Invited presentation, KoMBI International Conference (Korea), 28/8/2020

Global SC risk management strategies for supply chain resilience

EKC (Convener/Chair), Vienna, Austria, 17/7/2019

Measuring service supply chain performance: A reviews and new performance metrics

BAM, Bristol, United Kingdom, 4/9/2018

Improving business performance through supply chain agility

Business and Social Science Research Conference, Macrotheme Review, Paris, France, 18/12/2015

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Operations and Supply Chain Management (BE411)

  • Research Methods in Management and Marketing (BE425)

  • Operations and Supply Chain Management (BE488)

  • Supply Chain Management (BE874)

  • Research Methods in Management (BE969)

Previous supervision

Payam Tahmasbi
Payam Tahmasbi
Thesis title: Investigation in the Relationship Between Competition, Quality, Price, Market Share, and Financial Efficiency in the Poultry Industry
Degree subject: Management Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/10/2024


Journal articles (9)

Um, J. and Han, N., (2024). Risk management strategy for supply chain sustainability and resilience capability. Risk Management. 26 (2)

Um, J. and Han, N., (2021). Understanding the relationships between global supply chain risk and supply chain resilience: The role of mitigating strategies. Supply Chain Management. 26 (2), 240-255

Lyons, AC., Um, J. and Sharifi, H., (2020). Product Variety, Customisation and Business Process Performance: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Understanding their Relationships. International Journal of Production Economics. 221, 107469-107469

Um, J., Han, N., Grubic, T. and Ghalib, A., (2018). Aligning product variety with supply chain and business strategy. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 67 (9), 1837-1853

Um, J., Lyons, A., Lam, HKS., Cheng, TCE. and Dominguez-Pery, C., (2017). Product variety management and supply chain performance: A capability perspective on their relationships and competitiveness implications. International Journal of Production Economics. 187, 15-26

Um, J., (2017). Improving supply chain flexibility and agility through variety management. International Journal of Logistics Management,. 28 (2), 464-487

Um, J., (2017). The impact of supply chain agility on business performance in a high level customization environment. Operations Management Research. 10 (1-2), 10-19

Um, J., (2017). Student-centred learning and teaching: theoretical versus practical approach. European Journal of Education Studies. 3 (6), 272-285

Lyons, AC., Everington, L., Hernandez, J., Li, D., Michaelides, R. and Um, J., (2013). The application of a knowledge-based reference framework to support the provision of requisite variety and customisation across collaborative networks. International Journal of Production Research. 51 (7), 2019-2033

Books (1)

Um, J., An, JC. and Lee, PJ., (2017). Regeneration of Liverpool Engraving with Historical and Cultural Assets. KRIHS. 9788981829858

Grants and funding


ECC Women's Safety Evaluation: Night Time Economy

Essex County Council

Simarco KTP Application - 27 months

Simarco International Limited


Assessing scope for workflow & productivity improvements at Ingleton Wood

Ingleton Wood LLP


Laser 24 mKTP

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


Making RGH Rubber & Plastics a more efficient, productive and change-ready business

RGH Rubber & Plastics Ltd

+44 (0) 1206 873804


EBS.3.127D, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Wednesday 10:00 am - 1:00 pm