Dr Bedanand Upadhaya

b.upadhaya@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 876641
EBS.1.11G, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Monday: 10:30 - 12:30 Wednesday: 10:30 - 11:30. If you want to meet me at another time, please email me.
Bedanand Upadhaya is currently working as a Senior Lecturer in Accounting at Essex Business School, University of Essex. His research interests include sustainability/climate change accounting, accountability, corporate social responsibility, organisational culture, management control systems and developing/emerging countries. Bedanand has published his research papers in the leading international peer-reviewed academic journals, including the British Accounting Review, Financial Accountability and Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, and Journal of Business Research. Bedanand is an Associate Editor of RAE – Revista de Administração de Empresas and currently a co-guest editor of Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management (Climate Change Accounting, Reporting and Accountability: Responses by Governments, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Charities). He is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK and an Executive Committee Member of the Accounting & Finance in Emerging Economies SIG, British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA). In 2023, Bedanand received the 'Best International Research Impact Award’ (University of Essex) and he was also nominated for the ‘Supervisor of the Year Award 2022-23’ at Essex Business School. As a module leader/unit coordinator and lecturer, Bedanand has been teaching a wide range of modules including Accounting, Sustainability and Research Methodology among others. Prior to joining academia, Bedanand worked in a subsidiary of the Coca-Cola Company for over a decade.
PhD Macquarie University,
Postgraduate Certificate of Research (Accounting) Macquarie University,
Master of Professional Accounting University of Southern Queensland,
University of Essex
Senior Lecturer, Accounting, Essex Business School (1/10/2021 - present)
Associate Director of Postgraduate Research (Accounting Group), Essex Business School, University of Essex (8/2022 - present)
Departmental Representative (EBS) and Management Team member of the ‘Sustainable Transitions in Governance, Ecological Management and Society – Leverhulme Doctoral Training Programme' (Total grant value: £2.2 million), University of Essex (1/1/2024 - present)
Academic Faculty Member (Faculty of Social Sciences) at the University’s ‘Environmental Sustainability Action Group’ (ESAG), University of Essex (1/1/2024 - present)
Member of Management Team and Advisory Group (representing EBS), Centre for Environment and Society (CES), University of Essex (25/9/2023 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Corporate social responsibility/Sustainability practices in emerging/developing countries
Conferences and presentations
Mediating Role of MCS on the association between CSR and organisational performance
19th BAFA Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies SIG Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 21/6/2019
Association between corporate social responsibility, management control systems and organisational performance
8th Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting (APIRA) Conference, APIRA Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 13/7/2016
Mediating role of organisational culture on adoption of corporate social responsibility
46th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Seattle, United States, 21/11/2015
Diffusion of corporate social responsibility: Evidence from a developing country
26th International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR Conference), St Andrews, United Kingdom, 26/8/2014
Association between corporate social responsibility and organisational performance
Global Management Accounting Research Symposium (GMARS) Emerging Scholar Forum, Sydney, Australia, 6/2014
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Management Accounting (BE151)
Sustainability Accounting, Accountability and Management (BE168)
Research Methods in Accounting (BE951)
Journal articles (10)
Wijethilake, C., Adhikari, P. and Upadhaya, B., (2024). Regulatory capture in transboundary waste dumping: (Lack of) accountability in the Global North – South context. Organization and Environment. 37 (1), 84-116
Adhikari, P., Upadhaya, B., Dhakal Adhikari, S., Aryal, S. and WIJETHILAKE, C., (2024). The Spectacularisation of NGOs Accountability in Disaster Situations: Evidence from the 2015 Nepal’s Earthquakes. Financial Accountability and Management
Wijethilake, C., Upadhaya, B. and Lama, T., (2023). The role of organisational culture in organisational change towards sustainability: Evidence from the garment manufacturing industry. Production Planning and Control. 34 (3), 275-294
Adhikari, P., Upadhaya, B., Wijethilake, C. and Dhakal Adhikari, S., (2023). The Sociomateriality of Digitalisation in Nepalese NGOs. British Accounting Review. 55 (5), 101206-101206
Yi, L., Wang, Y., Upadhaya, B., Zhao, S. and Yin, Y., (2021). Knowledge spillover, knowledge management capabilities, and innovation among returnee entrepreneurial firms in emerging markets: Does entrepreneurial ecosystem matter?. Journal of Business Research. 130, 283-294
Wijethilake, C. and Upadhaya, B., (2020). Market drivers of sustainability and sustainability learning capabilities: The moderating role of sustainability control systems. Business Strategy and the Environment. 29 (6), 2297-2309
Upadhaya, B., Wijethilake, C., Adhikari, P., Jayasinghe, K. and Arun, T., (2020). COVID-19 Policy Responses: Reflections on Governmental Financial Resilience in South Asia. Journal of Public Budgeting Accounting and Financial Management. 32 (5), 825-836
Upadhaya, B., Munir, R., Blount, Y. and Su, S., (2018). Does organizational culture mediate the CSR – strategy relationship? Evidence from a developing country, Nepal. Journal of Business Research. 91, 108-122
Upadhaya, B., Munir, R., Blount, Y. and Su, S., (2018). Diffusion of corporate social responsibility in the airline industry. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 38 (4), 1020-1040
Upadhaya, B., Munir, R. and Blount, Y., (2014). Association between performance measurement systems and organisational effectiveness. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 34 (7), 853-875
Reports and Papers (2)
Upadhaya, B., Soobaroyen,, T., Ntim, C., Adhikari, P., Jayasinghe, K., Zalata, A. and Haque, F., (2024). To what extent do public financial management systems support fiscal transparency and public accountability?
Upadhaya, B., Wijethilake, C., Adhikari, P., Jayasinghe, K. and Arun, T., (2021). Integrating climate change and livelihood within public investment policies: A cross-country assessment in south Asia (India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka)
Grants and funding
The role and impact of PFM systems in supporting fiscal transparency and public accountability
The World Bank (World Bank Group)
Integrating Climate Change within Public Investment Policies: A Cross Country Assessment in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka and Nepal)
The World Bank (World Bank Group)
Integrating Climate Change within Public Investment Policies: A Cross Country Assessment in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka and Nepal)
The World Bank (World Bank Group)
Academic support hours:
Monday: 10:30 - 12:30 Wednesday: 10:30 - 11:30. If you want to meet me at another time, please email me.