
Dr Tara Van Ho

Senior Lecturer
Essex Law School
Dr Tara Van Ho
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 876323

  • Location

    Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    From week 17, my academic support hour will be Thursday, 9.30-10.30. If you need my room number, or if you'd like to meet at another time, please email me.



Tara joined the Essex Law School and Human Rights Centre in January 2018. Her research focuses on business and human rights and international economic law in conflict-affected areas and situations of transitional justice. She was co-President of the Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Association from 2019-2023 and sits on the Editorial Board of the Business and Human Rights Journal. One of the leaders of our Essex Business and Human Rights Project, her research has been relied on by the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights, government and intergovernmental organisations, and non-governmental organisations. Tara has taught business and human rights on summer schools in India, Italy, France, and at the prestigious Abo Akademi in Finland. She routinely presents at conferences and has served on several panels at the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, addressing the impact of investment law and the corporate veil on human rights, and on particular issues stemming from the application of business and human rights in situations of armed conflict. She studied law at the University of Cincinnati and was a licensed attorney in the US State of Ohio until January 2019. She holds an LLM in International Human Rights Law and PhD in Law from the University of Essex. Before returning to the University, she was an Assistant Professor and a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Department of Law and INTRAlaw Centre at Aarhus University in Denmark.


  • PhD Law University of Essex, (2014)

  • LLM International Human Rights Law University of Essex, (2009)

  • Juris Doctorate Law University of Cincinnati, (2005)

  • B.A. Marietta College,


University of Essex

  • Lecturer, School of Law and Human Rights Centre, University of Essex (3/1/2018 - present)

  • Director, Human Rights Clinic, Human Rights Centre, University of Essex (1/6/2011 - 31/8/2011)

Other academic

  • Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Aarhus University (1/5/2017 - 31/12/2017)

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Law, Aarhus University (1/2/2015 - 30/4/2017)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Business and human rights

International investment law and human rights

Economic, social and cultural rights

Transitional justice

International human rights law

Business and human rights in armed conflict

Conferences and presentations

Crowd-drafting: Designing a human rights-compatible international investment agreement

Invited presentation, 2018 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 27/11/2018

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Human Rights: Theories and Applications (HU901)

  • Justice (LW234)

  • Dissertation (LW900)

  • International Human Rights Law: Law and Practice (LW901)

  • International Economic Law and Contemporary Challenges (LW917)

Previous supervision

Cristina Maria Blanco Vizarreta
Cristina Maria Blanco Vizarreta
Thesis title: Rethinking International Law Along with Amazonian Ontologies: Human Non-Human Divisions in the Resistance of the Kukama-Kukamiria People to the Amazonian Waterway Project
Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/1/2025
Sarah Sina Masoud
Sarah Sina Masoud
Degree subject: Occasional Study: Law (Research)
Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 22/7/2024
Tioluwani Comfort Tioluwani
Tioluwani Comfort Tioluwani
Thesis title: Towards a Stakeholder Model for Institutional Voids: Integrating Host Communities in the Corporate Governance System of Nigerian Mining Companies.
Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/12/2023
Mallika Tamvada
Mallika Tamvada
Thesis title: Synthesising Synergies Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Human Rights for Corporate Accountability: Microfoundations for an Integrated Approach
Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/12/2020


Journal articles (13)

Van Ho, T. and Deva, S., (2023). Addressing (In)equality in Redress: Human Rights-Led Reform of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement Mechanism. Journal of World Investment and Trade. 24 (3), 398-436

Van Ho, T., (2022). Angels, Virgins, Demons, Whores: Moving Towards an Antiracist Praxis by Confronting Modern Investment Law Scholarship. Journal of World Investment and Trade. 23 (3), 347-387

Van Ho, T., (2021). Defining the Relationships: “Cause, Contribute, and Directly Linked to” in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Human Rights Quarterly. 43 (4), 625-658

George, E., Martin, J. and Van Ho, T., (2021). Reckoning: A Dialogue about Racism, AntiRacists, and Business & Human Rights. Washington International Law Journal. 30 (2)

Van Ho, T., (2021). Cancelling schmitt. European Journal of International Law. 32 (3), 730-731

Van Ho, T., (2020). Vedanta Resources Plc and Another v. Lungowe and Others. American Journal of International Law. 114 (1), 110-116

Van Ho, T. and Terwindt, C., (2019). Assessing the Duty of Care for Social Auditors. European Review of Private Law. 27 (2), 379-401

Van Ho, T., (2019). General Comment No. 24 (2017) on State Obligations Under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Context of Business Activities (CESCR). International Legal Materials. 58 (4), 872-889

Van Ho, TL. and Alshaleel, MK., (2018). The Mutual Fund Industry and the Protection of Human Rights. Human Rights Law Review. 18 (1), 1-29

Neumann, L. and Van Ho, T., (2017). A Tribute to Professor Sir Nigel Rodley, KBE: Reflections on 50 Years of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Nordic Journal of Human Rights. 35 (3), 173-185

Billing, F., Neumann, L., Storgaard, LH., Tan, NF., Van Ho, T. and Vedsted-Hansen, J., (2017). Editorial Note. Nordic Journal of Human Rights. 35 (3), 171-172

Van Ho, TL., (2016). Is it Already Too Late for Colombia’s Land Restitution Process?. International Human Rights Law Review. 5 (1), 60-85

Van Ho, TLC., (2005). Reconstructing the marriage of ownership and control: Is the sec missing an important step in its hesitancy to adopt proposed rule 14A-11?. University of Cincinnati Law Review. 73 (3), 1211-1242

Books (2)

Martin, J., Bravo, KE. and Van Ho, T., (2020). When business harms human rights: Affected communities that are dying to be heard

Ho, TV. and Cernic, JL., (2015). Human Rights and Business: Direct Corporate Accountability for Human Rights. 9462402078. 9789462402072

Book chapters (12)

Vaccari, E. and Van Ho, T., (2023). Insolvency law through the lens of human rights theories. In: Re-examining insolvency law and theory: Perspectives for the 21st Century. Editors: Ghio, E., Wood, J. and Gant, J., . Edward Elgar. 190- 215. 9781803928753

Van Ho, T., (2021). Obligations of International Assistance and Cooperation in the Context of Investment Law. In: Routledge Handbook on Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations. Editors: Erdem Turkelli, G., Gibney, M., Krajewski, M. and Vandenhole, W., . Routledge. 325- 338. 9780367546489

Van Ho, T., (2020). Communited Interrupted, 'Life Projects' Disrupted: Cajamarca, Ibague, and the La Colosa Mine in Colombia. In: Dying to Be Heard: Businesses' Impacts on Communities. Editors: Martin, J., Bravo, KE. and Van Ho, T., . Anthem Press. 109- 136. 9781785272264

Van Ho, T., (2020). Business and Human Rights in Transitional Justice: Challenges for Complex Environments. In: Research Handbook on Human Rights and Business. Editors: Deva, S. and Birchall, D., . Edward Elgar. 978 1 78643 639 9

Coco, A., Kotzamani, P., Van Ho, T. and Wong, M., (2020). Accountability: A Discussion. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 309- 310. 978-1-5272-6632-2

Van Ho, T. and Valkanou, TN., (2019). The Fukushima Diaspora: Assessing the State-Based Non-Judicial Remedies. In: Civil and Political Rights in Japan: A Tribute to Sir Nigel Rodley. Editors: Takahashi, SJ., . Routledge. 9780815385844

Van Ho, TL., (2018). 'Band-Aids Don't Fix Bullet Holes': In Defence of a Traditional State-Centric Approach. In: The Future of Business and Human Rights: Theoretical and Practical Challenges for a UN Treaty. Editors: Černič, JL. and Carrillo-Santarelli, N., . Intersentia. 111- 138. 978-1780684918

Yilmaz-Vastardis, A. and Van Ho, T., (2016). Integrating Human Rights into the Extractive Industries: How Investment Contracts Can Achieve Protection. In: Legal Studies on Access and Benefit-sharing. 225- 244

Yilmaz Vastardis, A. and Van Ho, T., (2015). Integrating Human Rights into the Extractive Industries: How Investment Contracts Can Achieve Protection. In: Natural Resources Grabbing: An International Law Perspective. Editors: Romanin Jacur, F., Bonfanti, A. and Seatzu, F., . Brill Nijhoff. 223- 244. 9789004305663

Van Ho, TLC., (2015). "Due diligence" in Transitional Justice States: An Obligation for Greater Transparency?. In: Human Rights and Business: Direct Corporate Accountability for Human Rights. 9462402078. 9789462402072

(2014). Corporate Accountability in the Context of Transitional Justice. In: Corporate Accountability in the Context of Transitional Justice. Editors: Michalowski, S., . Routledge. 52- 72

Van Ho, TLC., (2013). Corporate Complicity for Human Rights Violations: Using Transnational Civil and Criminal Litigation. In: Corporate Accountability in the Context of Transitional Justice. Editors: Michalowski, S., . Routledge. 9780415524902

Reports and Papers (4)

Lawrence, J., Van Ho, T. and Yilmaz Vastardis, A., (2020). EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: A Scoping Study

Macchi, C., Van Ho, T. and Yanes, LF., (2019). Investor Obligations in Occupied Territories: A Report on the Norwegian Government Pension Fund – Global

Pacheco Cueva, V., Quinonez Basagoitia, J., Lizama Argueta, EJ. and Van Ho, T., (2016). Informe Especial de la Procuraduria para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos sobre el legado de la Mina San Sebastian y sus impactos en la vida de las poblaciones afectadas

Van Ho, T., Yilmaz Vastardis, A., Leader, S., Michalowski, S., Netto, U., Danesi, R., Ong, D. and Wlodarczak, B., (2011). Corporate Liability in a New Setting: Shell and the Changing Legal Landscape for the Multinational Oil Industry in the Niger Delta

Other (3)

Van Ho, T., 'Cancelling' Carl Schmitt is Overdue. European Journal of International law. 32(3),Oxford University Press

O'Brien, M., Van Ho, T. and Lekvall, E., (2021).To Address Vaccine Hoarding Do Not Look to International Criminal or Human Rights Law,Opinio Juris

Lekvall, E., Van Ho, T. and Comer, C., (2016).In (Limited) Defence of the Al Mahdi ICC Case,Justice Hub

Grants and funding


A Scoping Study to Provide an Overview of Human Rights and Environmental Rights Legislation and its Impact on Businesses

DMI Associates


Race, Racism, and Business & Human Rights

German Institute for Human Rights

Complex Questions of Business Accountability in Ukraine

Open Society Foundation

Supporting the Ukrainian National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption

Open Society Foundation

Reforming International and Domestic Legal Structures to Secure a Just Transition

Laudes Foundation


Informality in Times of Public Health Crises: Economic Autonomy, Race and Young Rural Women in the Colombian Pacific

University of Essex (GCRF)

Transparency of algorithmic auditing - to produce systematic literature review of grey literature, academic literature, and law (including case law) in the field of finance law, corporate social responsibility, and business, relating to audits, governance of audits, and the auditing of AI in general and specifically in relation to social media and search engines

Rutgers State University of New Jersey


Precarious Work and Access to Healthcare and Social Security in Colombia: Targeted Measures During the Covid-19 Global Emergency

University of Essex (GCRF)

Scoping study regarding the CAI and potential risks for European interests

Heinrich-B�ll-Stiftung e.V. (Heinrich B�ll Foundation)

Exploring access to healthcare with people and communities living on Traveller sites in the East of England

SHI Foundation (Foundation for the Sociology of Health & Ilness)


Report on the report on the Norwegian Government's Pension Fund � Global�s application of international business and human rights standards in conflict areas.

Norsk Folkehjelp (Norwegian People's Aid)

+44 (0) 1206 876323


Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

From week 17, my academic support hour will be Thursday, 9.30-10.30. If you need my room number, or if you'd like to meet at another time, please email me.

More about me