Dr Morteza Varasteh

m.varasteh@essex.ac.uk -
5B.523, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Monday 11am - 12pm Friday 11am - 12pm
Morteza Varasteh received his PhD degree in Communications from Imperial College London, London, UK in 2016. In his PhD, information theoretic limits of zero-delay point-to-point transmission techniques have been investigated using tools in analysis, optimization and information theory. He was a research associate in Imperial college London from 2017 to 2019, during which he worked on the EPSRC-funded project "Simultaneous Information-Power Transfer". A number of significant results were achieved during this work, among which was the design of signalling schemes for wireless information-power transmission (WIPT) systems utilizing tools in machine learning, optimization and information theory. The designed signalling schemes are now used in prototyping WIPT systems. He is currently a lecturer (assistant professor) in the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE) Department, University of Essex, Colchester Campus, UK. His research interests lie in the general area of machine learning, privacy and information theory.
PhD Imperial College London,
MSc Sharif University of Technology,
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Information Theory
Artificial Intelligence
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Foundations of Electronics II (CE164)
Signal Processing (CE223)
Current supervision
Publications (1)
Varasteh, M., (2023). Privacy Against Agnostic Inference Attacks in Vertical Federated Learning
Journal articles (12)
Varasteh, M., (2023). Privacy Against Agnostic Inference Attack in Vertical Federated Learning.. CoRR. abs/2302.05545
Rassouli, B., Varasteh, M. and Gündüz, D., (2022). Privacy Against Inference Attacks in Vertical Federated Learning.. CoRR. abs/2207.11788
Varasteh, M., Rassouli, B. and Clerckx, B., (2020). On Capacity-Achieving Distributions for Complex AWGN Channels Under Nonlinear Power Constraints and Their Applications to SWIPT.. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory. 66, 6488-6508
Varasteh, M., Hoydis, J. and Clerckx, B., (2020). Learning to Communicate and Energize: Modulation, Coding, and Multiple Access Designs for Wireless Information-Power Transmission.. IEEE Trans. Commun.. 68, 6822-6839
Varasteh, M., Rassouli, B. and Clerck, B., (2019). SWIPT Signalling over Frequency-Selective Channels with a Nonlinear Energy Harvester: Non-Zero Mean and Asymmetric Inputs. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 67 (10), 7195-7210
Varasteh, M., Rassouli, B. and Clerckx, B., (2019). SWIPT Signaling Over Frequency-Selective Channels With a Nonlinear Energy Harvester: Non-Zero Mean and Asymmetric Inputs.. IEEE Trans. Commun.. 67, 7195-7210
Varasteh, M., Rassouli, B., Simeone, O. and Gunduz, D., (2018). Zero-Delay Source-Channel Coding With a Low-Resolution ADC Front End. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 64 (2), 1241-1261
Rassouli, B., Varasteh, M. and Gündüz, D., (2018). Gaussian Multiple Access Channels with One-Bit Quantizer at the Receiver †,‡. Entropy. 20 (9), 686-686
Rassouli, B., Varasteh, M. and Gündüz, D., (2018). Gaussian Multiple Access Channels with One-Bit Quantizer at the Receiver †, ‡.. Entropy. 20, 686-686
Varasteh, M., Rassouli, B., Simeone, O. and Gunduz, D., (2017). Zero-Delay Source-Channel Coding With a 1-Bit ADC Front End and Correlated Receiver Side Information. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 65 (12), 5429-5444
Varasteh, M., Gunduz, D. and Tuncel, E., (2016). Zero-Delay Joint Source-Channel Coding in the Presence of Interference Known at the Encoder. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 64 (8), 3311-3322
Varasteh, M. and Behroozi, H., (2012). Optimal HDA Schemes for Transmission of a Gaussian Source Over a Gaussian Channel With Bandwidth Compression in the Presence of an Interference. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 60 (4), 2081-2085
Book chapters (1)
Clerckx, B. and Varasteh, M., (2018). Fundamentals of Signal Design for WPT and SWIPT. In: Wireless Information and Power Transfer: Theory and Practice. Wiley. 17- 37
Conferences (16)
Turetta, C., Varasteh, M., Kolozali, Ş. and Pravadelli, G., (2024). Leveraging mmWave for Contactless Breath Rate Estimation of Moving Subjects
Varasteh, M., Piovano, E. and Clerckx, B., (2019). A Learning Approach to Wireless Information and Power Transfer Signal and System Design
Varasteh, M., Hoydis, J. and Clerckx, B., (2019). Learning Modulation Design for SWIPT with Nonlinear Energy Harvester: Large and Small Signal Power Regimes
Varasteh, M., Hoydis, J. and Clerckx, B., (2019). Learning Modulation Design for SWIPT with Nonlinear Energy Harvester: Large and Small Signal Power Regimes.
Varasteh, M., Piovano, E. and Clerckx, B., (2019). A Learning Approach to Wireless Information and Power Transfer Signal and System Design.
Varasteh, M., Rassouli, B. and Clerckx, B., (2018). Wireless information and power transfer over an AWGN channel: Nonlinearity and asymmetric Gaussian signaling
Varasteh, M., Rassouli, B., Joudeh, H. and Clerckx, B., (2018). SWIPT Signalling over Complex AWGN Channels with Two Nonlinear Energy Harvester Models
Rassouli, B., Varasteh, M. and Gunduz, D., (2017). Capacity region of a one-bit quantized Gaussian multiple access channel
Varasteh, M., Rassouli, B., Simeone, O. and Gunduz, D., (2016). Zero-delay joint source-channel coding with a 1-bit ADC front end and receiver side information
Varasteh, M., Simeone, O. and Gunduz, D., (2016). Joint source-channel coding with one-bit ADC front end
Varasteh, M., Gunduz, D. and Tuncel, E., (2015). Zero-delay joint source-channel coding in the presence of interference known at the encoder
Varasteh, M., Gunduz, D. and Tuncel, E., (2015). Delay limited transmission of a uniform source over an AWGN channel
Aguerri, IE., Varasteh, M. and Gunduz, D., (2014). Zero-delay joint source-channel coding
Varasteh, M. and Behroozi, H., (2012). Layered hybrid digital-analog coding with correlated interference
Varasteh, M. and Behroozi, H., (2011). Optimal HDA codes for sending a Gaussian source over a Gaussian channel with bandwidth compression in the presence of an interference
Varasteh, M. and Behroozi, H., (2011). On the transmission of a Gaussian source over an AWGN channel with correlated interference
Reports and Papers (1)
Rassouli, B., Varasteh, M. and Gunduz, D., (2022). Privacy Against Inference Attacks in Vertical Federated Learning
Grants and funding
Lubron UK Limited KTP 22_23 R3
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
AND Technology Research KTP Application
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Academic support hours:
Monday 11am - 12pm Friday 11am - 12pm