
Dr Alexandros Vasilopoulos

Senior Research Officer
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science (SMSAS)
Dr Alexandros Vasilopoulos



  • PhD Coventry University, (2024)


Journal articles (7)

Macêdo, ARS., Plascak, JA., Vasilopoulos, A., Fytas, NG., Akritidis, M. and Weigel, M., Universal energy and magnetisation distributions in the Blume-Capel and Baxter-Wu models. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment

Mataragkas, D., Vasilopoulos, A., Fytas, NG. and Kim, D-H., (2025). Tricriticality and finite-size scaling in the triangular Blume-Capel ferromagnet. Physical Review Research. 7 (1), 013214-013214

Macêdo, ARS., Plascak, JA., Vasilopoulos, A., Fytas, NG., Akritidis, M. and Weigel, M., (2024). Universal energy and magnetisation distributions in the Blume-Capel and Baxter-Wu models. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2024 (10), 103204-103204

Demir Vatansever, Z., Vatansever, E., Berger, A., Vasilopoulos, A. and Fytas, NG., (2024). Monte Carlo study of the two-dimensional kinetic Ising model under a nonantisymmetric magnetic field. Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 110 (6), 064155-

Macêdo, ARS., Vasilopoulos, A., Akritidis, M., Plascak, JA., Fytas, NG. and Weigel, M., (2023). Two-dimensional dilute Baxter-Wu model: Transition order and universality. Physical Review E. 108 (2), 024140-

Vasilopoulos, A., Fytas, NG., Vatansever, E., Malakis, A. and Weigel, M., (2022). Universality in the two-dimensional dilute Baxter-Wu model.. Physical Review E. 105 (5-1), 054143-

Vasilopoulos, A., Vatansever, ZD., Vatansever, E. and Fytas, NG., (2021). Monte Carlo study of the two-dimensional kinetic Blume-Capel model in a quenched random crystal field. Physical Review E. 104 (2), 024108-

Conferences (1)

Fytas, NG., Vasilopoulos, A., Vatansever, E., Malakis, A. and Weigel, M., (2022). Multicanonical simulations of the 2D spin-1 Baxter-Wu model in a crystal field



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