Dr Camila Vergara

camila.vergara@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873843
EBS.3.14, Colchester Campus
Dr. Camila Vergara is a critical legal theorist, historian, and journalist from Chile writing on the relation between inequality and the law, and the possible institutional solutions to systemic corruption. She is Editor of Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, Associate Editor of Critical Sociology, and organiser of the the Venice Multidisciplinary World Conference on Republics and Republicanism. She is the author of Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic (Princeton University Press 2020), and her work on constitutional theory, republicanism, corruption, and populism has been featured in leading international journals such as the Journal of Political Philosophy, History of Political Thought, and REVUS: Journal for Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law. She is also a global public intellectual —with her articles and interviews featured in outlets such as New Left Review, Jacobin, Politico, Revista Plebeya, and Il Manifesto Inret— and an activist advising and collaborating with grassroots organisations on rights, deliberative democracy, and community-based forms of governance.
PhD in Political Theory Columbia University, (2019)
MA in Politics New School, (2012)
MA in Latin American and Caribbean Studies New York University, (2008)
BA in History Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, (2004)
BA in Journalism & Media Studies Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, (2000)
University of Essex
Engagement and Impact Officer, Essex Business School (1/9/2023 - 1/9/2025)
Associate Director of Research & Impact, Business School Lausanne (1/1/2025 - present)
Research and professional activities
Conferences and presentations
Public Lecture on ‘Anti-Oligarchic Constitutionalism’
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, University of Liverpool Public Law Unit, 5/12/2024
Keynote Speech, 5th Annual Conference SAFI Interdisciplinary Network for Women in Legal Academia
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, University of Glasgow, 10/9/2024
Keynote speaker on 'Eco-Legality'
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Lake Como Summer School in Critical Theory of Society, 7/9/2024
Keynote on Rhizomatic Socialism: Sortition, Rotation & Collective Action
Keynote presentation, Sortition and Socialism, International Network of Sortition Advocates (INSA), New York --online, United States, 31/8/2024
Keynote ‘Plebeian Populism: Extraordinary Politics in the Time of Oligarchy’
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, University of Sussex, 6/3/2024
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Cooperative Management and Marketing � Capstone Module (BE940)
Student Success Tutorial (BE917)
Social Economy Management: Theories and Perspectives (BE495)
Publications (1)
Vergara, C., (2020). Machiavelli’s Plebeian Constituent Power
Journal articles (14)
Mudde, C., Müller, J-W., Mouffe, C., Jäger, A., Vergara, C., Flohr, M. and Dreyer Hansen, A., (2024). Enquete om populisme. Slagmark - Tidsskrift for idéhistorie. 85, 239-263
Vergara, C., (2023). El pueblo plebeyo populista: Ciudadanos de segunda clase y la lógica refundacional. STUDIA POLITICÆ, 154-177
Vergara, C., (2022). Open Democracy: Reinventing Popular Rule for the Twenty-First Century. By Hélène Landemore. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2020. 272p. $35.00 cloth, $22.95 paper.. Perspectives on Politics. 20 (3), 1059-1061
Vergara, C., (2022). Response to Hélène Landemore’s Review of Systemic Corruption: Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic. Perspectives on Politics. 20 (3), 1064-1064
Biale, E., Stein, M., Vergara, C., McKean, B. and Azmanova, A., (2022). Regaining control over precarity. Contemporary Political Theory. 21 (4), 640-666
Vergara, C., (2022). Towards material anti-oligarchic constitutionalism. Revus. 46 (46)
Vergara, C., (2022). Republican Constitutionalism. Theoria. 69 (171), 25-48
Vergara, C., (2021). Corruption as systemic political decay. Philosophy & Social Criticism. 47 (3), 322-346
Vergara, C., (2021). On the limits of elitist theories of constituent power. Etica e Politica/Ethics and Politics. 23 (3), 283-291
Vergara, C., (2020). Populism as Plebeian Politics: Inequality, Domination, and Popular Empowerment. Journal of Political Philosophy. 28 (2), 222-246
Vergara, C., (2020). John P. McCormick, Reading Machiavelli: Scandalous Books, Suspect Engagements, and the Virtue of Populist Politics. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018)Gabriele Pedullà, Machiavelli in Tumult: The Discourses on Livy and the Origins of Political Conflictualism. (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018). Constellations. 27 (2), 316-320
Ducange, J-N., Vergara, C., Ahmed, T. and Høgsbjerg, C., (2020). Book Reviews. Theoria. 67 (163), 106-118
Vergara, C., (2020). The plebeian people of populism. Revue européenne des sciences sociales. 58 (58-2), 77-96
Books (3)
Vergara, C., Plebeian Republic. Verso Books
Vergara, C., (2020). República plebeya guía práctica para constituir el poder popular. 9568681574. 9789568681579
Vergara, C., (2020). Systemic Corruption Constitutional Ideas for an Anti-Oligarchic Republic. Princeton University Press. 0691207534. 9780691207537
Book chapters (11)
Vergara, C., The People and Constituent Power. In: Oxford Handbook of Constituent Power,. Oxford University Press
Vergara, C., (2024). Lenin, the (un)making of a critical legal theorist. In: LENIN: The Heritage We (Don’t) Renounce. Editors: Joffre-Eichhorn, HJ. and Anderson, P., . Daraja Press. 9781998309047
Vergara, C. and Yumatle, C., (2024). Derechos humanos: Del individualismo universal al constructivismo democrático. In: El mundo visto desde América Latina. Una revisión de los conceptos básicos de las relaciones internacionales. Editors: Chenou, J-M., Covarrubias, A. and Yumatle, C., . Siglo XXI Editores. 53- 86. 9878013561. 9789878013565
Vergara, C., (2023). From Chile to New York City: Systemic Corruption and Oligarchic Domination. In: Talking About Global Inequality Personal Experiences and Historical Perspectives. Springer Nature. 139- 145. 3031080424. 9783031080425
Vergara, C., (2023). Introduction to the Anniversary Edition: Legalism and Its Dead Ends. In: Conversations with Allende Socialism in Chile. Verso Books. 1804293334. 9781804293331
Vergara, C., (2023). Lenin and the Materialist Critique of Labor Law. In: The Future of Lenin: Power, Politics, and Revolution in the Twenty-First Century. Editors: Ivanchikova, A. and Maclean, RR., . SUNY Press. 257- 280. 9781438488066
Vergara, C., (2022). Democracy to Avert Ecocide. In: How Democracy Survives Global Challenges in the Anthropocene. Editors: Deese, S. and Holm, M., . Routledge. 212- 228. 9781000812893
Vergara, C., (2021). Political Action, Revolutionary Parties and the Transition to a Republic of Councils. In: Rosa Luxemburg Band 2: Nachwirken. 3963172452. 9783963172458
Vergara, C., (2021). Machiavelli's Republican Constituent Power. In: Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy: New Readings. Editors: Aurélio, DP. and Campos, AS., . Brill. 143- 161. 9789004442078
Vergara, C., (2020). Populism: Plebeian Power against Oligarchy. In: Constituent Power Law, Popular Rule and Politics. Edinburgh University Press. 183- 198. 1474454992. 9781474454995
Vergara, C., (2020). Crisis Government: The Populist as Plebeian Dictator. In: Mapping Populism: Approaches and Methods. Routledge. 100004338X. 9781000043389
Grants and funding
Decolonising Partnerships for Energy Commons
University of Essex (Research England - ODA)
Decolonizing International aid through re-imagining structures of partnerships between NGOs in Global South and Global North
University of Essex (Research England - ODA)