
Prof Anthony Vickers

Emeritus Professor
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Prof Anthony Vickers
  • Email

  • Location

    1NW.3.17, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    My Academic Support Hours will be 2-3pm on Thursday via zoom. The zoom link for this is available from my profile on my CE291/CE292/CE293/CE299 course MOODLE page. Please wait in the waiting room until I can admit you.

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Matthew Stephen Stanley Evans
Matthew Stephen Stanley Evans
Thesis title: Rapid Dynamic Power Rail Switching of Ofdm Signal Amplifiers
Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/3/2024
Majd Abdullatif Zohri Yafi
Majd Abdullatif Zohri Yafi
Thesis title: A Syntactical Reverse Engineering Approach to Fourth Generation Programming Languages Using Formal Methods
Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/2/2022
Mohammad Syahmi Bin Nordin
Mohammad Syahmi Bin Nordin
Thesis title: Vertical Cavity Enhanced Photodetector Based on Dilute Nitride for 1.3 Mm Wavelength
Degree subject: Applied Physics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/3/2018
David Crompton
David Crompton
Thesis title: Decoding the Picosecond Dynamics of Aqueous Bimolecular Systems: Through Novel Terahertz Instrumentation and Molecular Dynamic Simulations
Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/2/2014


Journal articles (26)

Nordin, MS., Samad, MIA., Sarcan, F., Mohamad, KA., Alias, A. and Vickers, AJ., (2021). Nitrogen induced localised-state ensemble effect on multi quantum well GaInNAs with low indium concentration. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 54 (24), 245105-245105

(2020). Electrical and Photo-Electrical Characteristics of a GaInNAs based p-i-n Diode with 10-undoped Quantum Wells. ASM Science Journal. 13, 1-6

Anuar Mohamad, K., Syahmi Nordin, M., Nayan, N., Alias, A., Rahman Mohmad, A., Boland-Thoms, A. and John Vickers, A., (2019). Characterization of III-V dilute nitride based multi-quantum well p-i-n diodes for next generation opto-electrical conversion devices. Materials Today: Proceedings. 7, 625-631

Samad, MIA., Mohamad, KA., Nordin, MS., Nayan, N., Alias, A., Othman, M., Boland-Thoms, A. and Vickers, AJ., (2019). Band Anti-Crossing Modelling on Tailored Ga<sub>1-x</sub>In<sub>x</sub>N <sub>y</sub>As<sub>1-y </sub>Band Gap Energy Based Nitrogen Fraction. Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 6 (5B), 90-95

Samad, MIA., Mohamad, KA., Nordin, MS., Nayan, N., Alias, A., Othman, M., Boland-Thoms, A. and Vickers, AJ., (2019). Electrical properties of a Ga0.952In0.048N0.016As0.984 p-i-n schottky barrier diode. ASM Science Journal. 12 (SpecialIssue4), 131-138

Nordin, MS., Sarcan, F., Gunes, M., Boland-Thoms, A., Erol, A. and Vickers, AJ., (2018). Temporal Response of Dilute Nitride Multi-Quantum-Well Vertical Cavity Enhanced Photodetector. Journal of Electronic Materials. 47 (1), 655-661

Sarcan, F., Nutku, F., Bin Nordin, MS., Vickers, AJ. and Erol, A., (2018). A study on voltage-dependent response of a GaInNAs-based pin photodetector with a quasi-cavity. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 33 (2018), 114006-114006

Sarcan, F., Nordin, MS., Kuruoğlu, F., Erol, A. and Vickers, AJ., (2017). Characterization of temperature dependent operation of a GaInNAs-based RCEPD designed for 1.3 μm. Superlattices and Microstructures. 102, 27-34

Bounanos, S., Fleury, M., Nicolas, S. and Vickers, A., (2007). Regular Paper: Load-Balanced Drift-Diffusion Model Simulation: Cluster Software Performance Evaluation. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 21 (2), 222-245

Yan, P. and Vickers, AJ., (2000). Semiconductor laser pump-probe source. Zhongguo Jiguang/Chinese Journal of Lasers. 27 (12), 1085-1088

Muller, PO., Alleston, SB., Vickers, AJ. and Erasme, D., (1999). An external electrooptic sampling technique based on the Fabry-Perot effect. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 35 (1), 7-11

Vickers, AJ., Mashayekhi, HR., Aiyarak, P. and Oriato, D., (1999). Novel detectors and lasers for telecommunications. Turkish Journal of Physics. 23 (4), 649-656

VICKERS, AJ., TESSER, R., DUDLEY, R. and HASSAN, MA., (1997). Fabry-Pérot enhancement of external electro-optic sampling. Optical and Quantum Electronics. 29 (6), 661-669

Vickers, AJ., Hassan, MA., Mashakekhi, HR., Griguoli, A. and Hopkinson, M., (1996). Study of a backgated metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector. Applied Physics Letters. 68 (6), 815-817

Vickers, AJ., Alleston, S., Gupta, R., M�ller, PO. and Erasme, D., (1996). A proposed semiconductor laser pump-probe source. Optical and Quantum Electronics. 28 (7), 983-989

Dunn, GM., Walker, AB., Vickers, AJ. and Wicks, VR., (1996). Transient response of photodetectors. Journal of Applied Physics. 79 (9), 7329-7338

Vickers, AJ. and Kapetanakis, L., (1995). Transient photoconductivity in GaInAs/InP MQW. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 10 (6), 829-834

Balkan, N., Çelik, H., Vickers, AJ. and Cankurtaran, M., (1995). Warm-electron power loss in GaAs/Ga1xAlxAs multiple quantum wells: Well-width dependence. Physical Review B. 52 (24), 17210-17222

Henini, M., Crump, PA., Rodgers, PJ., Gallagher, BL., Vickers, AJ. and Hill, G., (1995). Molecular beam epitaxy growth and properties of GaAs/(AlGa)As p-type heterostructures on (100), (011), (111)B, (211)B, (311)B, and (311)A oriented GaAs. Journal of Crystal Growth. 150 (1 -4 pt 1), 446-450

Vickers, AJ. and Gupta, R., (1994). Vertical hall effect in GaAs quantum wells. Superlattices and Microstructures. 15 (2), 161-161

Lyons, VR. and Vickers, AJ., (1993). Surface potential effects in the electro-optic probing of the Hall effect in bulk GaAs. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 8 (12), 2058-2061

Vickers, AJ., Tsui, ES-M., Robert, F. and Lyons, V., (1992). Hall mobility measurements in semi-insulating GaAs by electro-optic voltage probing. Review of Scientific Instruments. 63 (11), 5487-5488

Vickers, AJ., (1992). Electron power loss inAlxGa1xAs/GaAs quantum wells at intermediate electron temperatures. Physical Review B. 46 (20), 13313-13318

Straw, A., Vickers, AJ. and Roberts, JS., (1992). Energy relaxation in GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional structures. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 7 (3B), B343-B345

Straw, A., Vickers, AJ., Balkan, N. and Roberts, JS., (1991). Acoustic and optic phonon energy relaxation in non-degenerate multiple quantum wells. Superlattices and Microstructures. 10 (2), 203-206

Vickers, AJ. and Straw, A., (1989). High-frequency current oscillations in GaAs/AlGaAs single quantum wells. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 4 (9), 743-746

Book chapters (1)

Vickers, AJ. and Crompton, D., (2016). Terahertz Devices and Systems for the Spectroscopic Analysis of Biomolecules—“Complexity Great and Small”. In: NanoScience and Technology. Springer International Publishing. 131- 148. 9783319253381

Conferences (36)

Crompton, D. and Vickers, AJ., (2012). THz spectroscopic studies of biomolecules

Crompton, D. and Vickers, A., (2012). Low frequency dynamics of water in reverse micelle sugar solutions

Crompton, D. and Vickers, A., (2012). Assigning the characteristics of an ATR dove prism for use with terahertz frequencies: Supplemented with molecular dynamic simulations

Li, D., Huang, Y., Shen, Y., Boland-Thoms, A. and Vickers, A., (2010). Development of a THz photoconductive horn antenna

Vickers, AJ., Ma, Y., Dudley, R., Reeves, PJ., Reynolds, CA. and Gadde, S., (2008). THz differential spectroscopy of Rhodopsin

Vickers, AJ., Dudley, R., Reeves, PJ., Reynolds, CA., Gadde, S., Nithyanand, TN. and Ma, Y., (2007). THz time-domain (THz-TDs) spectroscopy of bovine rhodopsin from rod outer segments

Vickers, AJ., Dudley, R., Henning, I. and Ma, Y., (2007). A semiconductor based pump‐probe system and its application to THz spectroscopy

Vickers, AJ., Dudley, R., Reeves, PJ. and Ma, Y., (2006). Time-domain THz spectroscopy (TDS-THz) of bovine rhodopsin in solution

Higgins, SP. and Vickers, AJ., (2006). Modelling chirp as a function of reflectivity in electroabsorption modulated lasers (EML)

Vickers, AJ. and Higgins, SP., (2005). A new model for complex dynamic laser modeling

Higgins, SP. and Vickers, AJ., (2004). Essex distributed time-domain model (eDTDM) for complex laser modeling

Balkan, N., Erol, A., Potter, RJ., Mazzucato, S., Hepburn, CJ., Joyce, TB., Vickers, AJ., Chalker, PR., Boland-Thoms, A. and Bullough, TJ., (2004). Effect of fast thermal annealing on the optical spectroscopy in MBE- and CBE-grown GaInNAs/GaAs QWs: blue shift versus red shift

Higgins, SP. and Vickers, AJ., (2003). Two section laser modelling

Higgins, SP. and Vickers, AJ., (2003). Modelling of novel two section laser applications

Talli, G., Vickers, AJ. and Adams, MJ., (2001). Gain-switched laser pulse propagation in a semiconductor optical amplifier

Ali, KAM. and Vickers, AJ., (2000). Investigating nonlinear transport effects in GaAs using electro-optic probing

Vickers, AJ., Aiyarak, P. and Sceats, R., (2000). Modeling and experimental study on a hot electron barrier light emitter (HEBLE)

Feiven, SA., Yang, P. and Vickers, AJ., (2000). Experimental demonstration of a semiconductor pump-probe laser system

Vickers, A., (1999). The study of non-linearities in photodiodes using electrical auto-correlation

Vickers, AJ. and Aiyarak, P., (1999). Novel hot-electron light emitter

Vickers, AJ., Ucgun, E., Hassan, MA., Dudley, RA. and Hill, G., (1999). Electrical autocorrelation of pin photodiodes

Ali, KAM. and Vickers, AJ., (1999). Electro-optic probing of GaAs

Vickers, AJ., Alleston, SB., Hassan, M., Muller, PO. and Erasme, D., (1998). A gain switched semiconductor laser pump-probe source

Vickers, AJ. and Mashayekhi, HR., (1998). Back-gated metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector

Vickers, AJ., Aiyarak, P., Walker, AB. and Watling, JR., (1998). Novel light emitter and wavelength converter device

Hassan, MA., Vickers, AJ., Wilson, SP. and Walker, AB., (1998). Role of partial illumination in metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors (MSM-PD)

Vickers, AJ., Aiyarak, P., Walker, AB., Watling, JR. and Roberts, JS., (1998). Novel hot electron light emitter

Vickers, AJ. and Mashayekhi, HR., (1998). Theoretical and experimental studies of back-gated metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors

Dudley, RA. and Vickers, AJ., (1996). Screening induced impact ionization in AlGaAs PIN photodetectors under high optical illumination

Vickers, AJ., Balkan, N., Cankurtaran, M. and Celik, H., (1996). Acoustic phonon assisted energy relaxation of 2D electron gases

Wilson, SP., Walker, AB., Vickers, AJ. and Hassan, M., (1996). Scaling and Screening in Long MSM Photodiodes

Straw, A., Cunha, AD., Balkan, N. and Vickers, AJ., (1994). Electric field profiling in 2D semiconductors exhibiting electrical instabilities

Dottling, R., Rudzick, O., Scholl, E., Straw, A., Vickers, AJ., Balkan, N. and Cunha, AD., (1994). Self-generated nonlinear oscillations in multilayer semiconductor heterostructures

Tsui, ESM. and Vickers, AJ., (1991). Study of novel oscillations in degenerate GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells using electro-optic voltage probing

Vickers, AJ., Wicks, VR., Rivers, A., Roberts, J. and Mistry, P., (1990). Photoconductivity in p-i-n Quantum Well Optical Modulators

Straw, A., Vickers, AJ. and Roberts, JS., (1989). Energy relaxation in GaInAs/AlInAs heterojunctions and GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells

Grants and funding


Fabricate THz devices from specification provided by NPL

National Physical Laboratory


Sexual Health App Front-end development




1NW.3.17, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

My Academic Support Hours will be 2-3pm on Thursday via zoom. The zoom link for this is available from my profile on my CE291/CE292/CE293/CE299 course MOODLE page. Please wait in the waiting room until I can admit you.