
Dr Malu Villela

EBS - Management and Marketing
Dr Malu Villela



  • PhD in Management São Paulo Business School, (2016)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Alternative organisations; Sustainable and equitable economies; Community-led technology

Key words: Alternative organisations
Open to supervise

Conferences and presentations

Locating value(s) in collaborative commons: measuring time and idleness

EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise: Sustainable development through social enterprise, co operative and voluntary action, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 24/6/2019

Urban regimes, experiments and institutional innovation

Unions at Work in Regions and Sectors, Montreal, Canada, 24/10/2018

B Corps and Hybrid Organisations: Challenges for Governing Boards

European Academy of Management: Research in Action – Accelerating knowledge creation in management, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, 19/6/2018

Cross-Sector Governance in Bristol’s Socio-Environmental Economy Ecosystem

Rethinking Cross-Sector Social Innovation, Cambridge, United States, 6/4/2018

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Perspectives on Technology, Organisation and Society (BE437)

  • Innovation and Sustainability (BE448)


Journal articles (4)

Villela, M., Betiol, L., Teixeira, M., Gomes, M., Uehara, T. and Monzoni, M., Consumo responsável de madeira Amazônica: A adoção do instrumento da licitação sustentável por governos subnacionais membros da Rede Amigos da Amazônia. Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania. 16 (58)

Nogueira, F., Villela, M. and Larroudé, E., ComBio and the Açaí Puzzle: should community suppliers be included?. Revista Brasileira de Casos de Ensino em Administração. 11 (2), c16-c16

Villela, M. and Gomes, M., Meio ambiente e arena pública: Governança ambiental e suas implicações para as políticas públicas. Cadernos Gestão Pública e Cidadania. 21 (69), 101-118

Villela, M., Bulgacov, S. and Morgan, G., (2021). B Corp Certification and Its Impact on Organizations Over Time. Journal of Business Ethics. 170 (2), 343-357

Books (2)

Adeodato, S., Villela, M., Betiol, L. and Monzoni, M., (2011). Wood: From the forest to the consumer. FGV-RAE. 8563620029. 9788563620026

Uehara, T., Villela, M., Betiol, L., Prado, O., Gomes, M. and Reis, C., (2011). Poder público e consumo de madeira: Desafios e alternativas para a gestão responsável da madeira Amazônica. Programa Gestāo Pública e Cidadania, FGV. 8587426184. 978-85-87426-18-5

Book chapters (2)

Morgan, G. and Villela, M., (2022). Urban regimes: Experiments and institutional innovation. In: Trade unions and regions: Better work, experimentation, and regional governance. Editors: Lévesque, C., Fairbrother, P., Emilien, B., González, MC. and Morissette, L., . Routledge. 23- 45. 9781003001089

Villela, M., (2020). Resilience and the city. In: Life after Covid-19. Editors: Parker, M., . Bristol University Press. 105- 114. 978-1-5292-1539-7

Other (2)

Villela, M., (2020).The radical and practical way to create a local economy for all,The Bristol Cable

Pitts, H., Morgan, G., Villela, M., Johns, J., Bozkurt, O., Yates, E. and Charnock, G., (2020).Alone, together: Co-working spaces and the Covid-19 crisis(14),Bristol University Press

+44 (0) 1206 873813


EBS.3.16, Colchester Campus