Dr Ruoyu Wang

rw24347@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
PhD University of Edinburgh,
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Clinical Applications 1 (HS762)
Clinical Research 2 (HS773)
Introduction to Health Informatics and Applied Epidemiology (HS680)
Journal articles (105)
Wang, R. and Yao, Y., (2025). Exploring the pathways linking visual green space to depression in older adults in Shanghai, China: using street view data. Aging & Mental Health. 29 (1), 78-86
Ngan, TT., Wang, R., Tate, C., Green, M., Mitchell, R., Hunter, RF. and O'Neill, C., (2025). Inequality in green space distribution and its association with preventable deaths across urban neighbourhoods in the UK, stratified by Index of Multiple Deprivation. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. 79 (2), 102-109
Wang, R., Zhang, J., Yao, Y., Liu, D., Yuan, Y. and Helbich, M., (2025). Nonlinear associations between street-level greenery quantity and quality, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour in Chinese middle-aged and older adults: A socioeconomic equity perspective. Cities. 158, 105618-105618
Yang, L., Bi, S., Zhao, Y., Liang, Y. and Wang, R., (2025). Time-dependent associations between accessibility to tram stops, proximity to tram tracks, and property prices: From construction to operation. Research in Transportation Business & Management. 59, 101286-101286
Wang, R., Sun, M-K., Yi, S., Grekousis, G. and Dong, G-H., (2025). Exploring the associations between street-view green space quantity and quality, and influenza in Guangzhou, China through machine learning and spatial regression: A socio-economic equity perspective. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
Yang, H-M., Wang, J-Y., Li, C., Zhang, Y-Q., Wang, R., Yang, Q., Yao, Y., Wang, Z., Xu, S-L., Huang, H-H., Hu, Q-S., Liu, R-Q. and Dong, G-H., (2025). Is there an association between eye-level greenness and childhood hypertension using street view? Findings from the Seven Northeastern Cities study in China. Environmental Research. 268, 120768-120768
Yi, S., Li, X., Ma, C., Wang, R., Zhou, Y., Xu, Q. and Zhao, T., (2025). Assessing the differential impact of vegetated and built-up areas on heat exposure environment: A case study of Los Angeles. Building and Environment. 271, 112538-112538
Yang, L., Lu, Y., Cao, M., Wang, R. and Chen, J., (2025). Assessing accessibility to peri-urban parks considering supply, demand, and traffic conditions. Landscape and Urban Planning. 257, 105313-105313
Wang, R., Jiang, Y., Liu, D., Peng, H., Cao, M. and Yao, Y., (2025). Is perceived safety a prerequisite for the relationship between green space availability, and the use and perceived comfort of green space?. Wellbeing, Space and Society. 8, 100247-100247
Zhang, H., Song, T., Zheng, J., Mei, Y., Cheng, J. and Wang, R., (2025). Evolution and drivers of green total factor productivity network structure in the Yangtze River economic belt from the perspective of urban agglomerations. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators. 26, 100644-100644
Wang, R., Dong, G., Zhou, Y., Du, T., Dong, G-H. and Helbich, M., (2024). When healthy aging meets Vitamin G: Assessing the associations between green space and heart health in older adults using street view and electrocardiography. Landscape and Urban Planning. 245, 105025-105025
Wang, R., Dong, G., Cao, M., Zhou, Y. and Dong, G-H., (2024). Exploring “Equigenesis” in the Associations Between Green Space and Kidney Health Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults Using Street View Data. Innovation in Aging. 8 (1), igad130-
Wang, R., Zhang, L., Zhou, S., Yang, L. and Lu, Y., (2024). The availability and visibility of animals moderate the association between green space and recreational walking: Using street view data. Journal of Transport & Health. 34, 101744-101744
Yao, Y., Zhou, J., Sun, Z., Guan, Q., Guo, Z., Xu, Y., Zhang, J., Hong, Y., Cai, Y. and Wang, R., (2024). Estimating China’s poverty reduction efficiency by integrating multi-source geospatial data and deep learning techniques. Geo-spatial Information Science. 27 (4), 1000-1016
Tate, C., Wang, R., Akaraci, S., Burns, C., Garcia, L., Clarke, M. and Hunter, R., (2024). The contribution of urban green and blue spaces to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals: An evidence gap map. Cities. 145, 104706-104706
Browning, MHEM., Locke, DH., Konijnendijk, C., Labib, SM., Rigolon, A., Yeager, R., Bardhan, M., Berland, A., Dadvand, P., Helbich, M., Li, F., Li, H., James, P., Klompmaker, J., Reuben, A., Roman, LA., Tsai, W-L., Patwary, M., O'Neil-Dunne, J., Ossola, A., Wang, R., Yang, B., Yi, L., Zhang, J. and Nieuwenhuijsen, M., (2024). Measuring the 3-30-300 rule to help cities meet nature access thresholds. Science of The Total Environment. 907, 167739-167739
Wang, R., Song, Y., Yang, L. and Browning, MHEM., (2024). Neighbourhood green space and loneliness in middle-aged and older adults: Evidence from WHO Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health in China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 95, 128324-128324
Bai, Y., Wang, R., Yang, L., Ling, Y. and Cao, M., (2024). The Impacts of Visible Green Spaces on the Mental well-being of University Students. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 17 (3), 1105-1127
Wang, R., Browning, MHEM., Kee, F. and Hunter, RF., (2024). How Do Awareness, Perceptions, and Expectations of an Urban Greenway Influence Residents’ Visits and Recreational Physical Activity? Evidence From the Connswater Community Greenway, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Leisure Sciences, 1-22
Ashraf, K., Park, YM., Browning, MHEM., Wang, J., Wang, R. and Lee, K., (2024). Examining the joint effect of air pollution and green spaces on stress levels in South Korea: using machine learning techniques. International Journal of Digital Earth. 17 (1)
Yi, S., Li, X., Wang, R., Guo, Z., Dong, X., Liu, Y. and Xu, Q., (2024). Interpretable spatial machine learning insights into urban sanitation challenges: A case study of human feces distribution in San Francisco. Sustainable Cities and Society. 113, 105695-105695
Wu, W., Tan, W., Chen, WY. and Wang, R., (2024). Disentangling the non-linear impacts of natural attributes of urban built environment on life satisfaction. Cities. 155, 105496-105496
Hunter, RF., Akaraci, S., Wang, R., Reis, R., Hallal, PC., Pentland, S., Millett, C., Garcia, L., Thompson, J., Nice, K., Zapata-Diomedi, B. and Moro, E., (2024). City mobility patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis of a global natural experiment. The Lancet Public Health. 9 (11), e896-e906
Bardhan, M., Li, F., Browning, MHEM., Dong, J., Zhang, K., Yuan, S., İnan, HE., McAnirlin, O., Dagan, DT., Maynard, A., Thurson, K., Zhang, F., Wang, R. and Helbich, M., (2024). From space to street: A systematic review of the associations between visible greenery and bluespace in street view imagery and mental health. Environmental Research. 263 (Pt 3), 120213-120213
Wu, W., Cao, M., Wang, F. and Wang, R., (2024). Nonlinear influences of landscape configurations and walking access to transit services on travel satisfaction. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 189, 104232-104232
Wang, R., Cleland, CL., Weir, R., McManus, S., Martire, A., Grekousis, G., Bryan, D. and Hunter, RF., (2024). Rethinking the association between green space and crime using spatial quantile regression modelling: Do vegetation type, crime type, and crime rates matter?. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 101, 128523-128523
Wang, R., Browning, MHEM., Kee, F. and Hunter, RF., (2023). Exploring mechanistic pathways linking urban green and blue space to mental wellbeing before and after urban regeneration of a greenway: Evidence from the Connswater Community Greenway, Belfast, UK. Landscape and Urban Planning. 235, 104739-104739
Wu, W., Yao, Y. and Wang, R., (2023). Green space exposure at subway stations, transportation mode choice and travel satisfaction. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 122, 103862-103862
Wu, W., Tan, W., Wang, R. and Chen, WY., (2023). From quantity to quality: Effects of urban greenness on life satisfaction and social inequality. Landscape and Urban Planning. 238, 104843-104843
Wang, R., Grekousis, G., Maguire, A., McKinley, JM., Garcia, L., Rodgers, SE. and Hunter, RF., (2023). Examining the spatially varying and interactive effects of green and blue space on health outcomes in Northern Ireland using multiscale geographically weighted regression modeling. Environmental Research Communications. 5 (3), 035007-035007
Wang, R., Wu, W., Yao, Y. and Tan, W., (2023). “Green transit-oriented development”: Exploring the association between TOD and visible green space provision using street view data. Journal of Environmental Management. 344, 118093-118093
Zhang, H., Mei, YZ., Wu, YZ., Zheng, JH., Chen, WX. and Wang, RY., (2023). Spatial-temporal Variation of Near-Surface Ozone Concentration and Distribution Characteristics of Urban Agglomerations in China: Also on the Effectiveness of Ozone Pollution Prevention and Control Since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" Period. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin. 32 (12), 2649-2660
Yang, L., He, B., Cheng, L., Wang, R. and Ao, Y., (2023). Editorial: The physical environment and health: implications for the planning and management of healthy cities. Frontiers in Public Health. 11, 1245561-
Liu, D., Wang, R., Grekousis, G., Liu, Y. and Lu, Y., (2023). Detecting older pedestrians and aging-friendly walkability using computer vision technology and street view imagery. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 105, 102027-102027
Bai, Y., Bai, Y., Wang, R., Yang, T., Song, X. and Bai, B., (2023). Exploring Associations between the Built Environment and Cycling Behaviour around Urban Greenways from a Human-Scale Perspective. Land. 12 (3), 619-619
Wang, R., Clemens, T., Douglas, M., Keller, M. and van der Horst, D., (2023). Spatiotemporal Modeling of the Association between Neighborhood Factors and COVID-19 Incidence Rates in Scotland. The Professional Geographer. 75 (5), 803-815
Yuan, Y., Wang, R., Niu, T. and Liu, Y., (2023). Using street view images and a geographical detector to understand how street-level built environment is associated with urban poverty: A case study in Guangzhou. Applied Geography. 156, 102980-102980
Chen, Y., Yu, B., Shu, B., Yang, L. and Wang, R., (2023). Exploring the spatiotemporal patterns and correlates of urban vitality: Temporal and spatial heterogeneity. Sustainable Cities and Society. 91, 104440-104440
Lotfata, A., Grekousis, G. and Wang, R., (2023). Using geographical random forest models to explore spatial patterns in the neighborhood determinants of hypertension prevalence across chicago, illinois, USA. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. 50 (9), 2376-2393
Yang, L., Wang, R., He, B., Ye, Y. and Ao, Y., (2023). Editorial: The built environment and public health: New insights. Frontiers in Public Health. 10, 1079182-
Liu, D., Jiang, Y., Wang, R. and Lu, Y., (2023). Establishing a citywide street tree inventory with street view images and computer vision techniques. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 100, 101924-101924
Wang, R., Browning, MHEM., Qin, X., He, J., Wu, W., Yao, Y. and Liu, Y., (2022). Visible green space predicts emotion: Evidence from social media and street view data. Applied Geography. 148, 102803-102803
Yao, Y., Lu, Y., Guan, Q. and Wang, R., (2022). Can parkland mitigate mental health burden imposed by the COVID-19? A national study in China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 67, 127451-127451
Wang, R., Xu, S-L., Xiao, X., Yang, L., Lu, Y., Dong, G-H. and Zhao, X., (2022). Exposure to eye-level greenspace reduces health inequalities of high blood pressure: A gender difference perspective. Hygiene and Environmental Health Advances. 1, 100001-100001
Wang, R., Grekousis, G. and Lu, Y., (2022). Rethinking the link between the availability of neighborhood PA facilities and PA behavior: A comparison between private and public housing. Building and Environment. 207, 108401-108401
Wang, R., Cao, M., Yao, Y. and Wu, W., (2022). The inequalities of different dimensions of visible street urban green space provision: A machine learning approach. Land Use Policy. 123, 106410-106410
Bai, Y., Cao, M., Wang, R., Liu, Y. and Wang, S., (2022). How street greenery facilitates active travel for university students. Journal of Transport & Health. 26, 101393-101393
Yao, Y., Yin, H., Xu, C., Chen, D., Shao, L., Guan, Q. and Wang, R., (2022). Assessing myocardial infarction severity from the urban environment perspective in Wuhan, China. Journal of Environmental Management. 317, 115438-115438
Wang, R., Dong, P., Dong, G., Xiao, X., Huang, J., Yang, L., Yu, Y. and Dong, G-H., (2022). Exploring the impacts of street-level greenspace on stroke and cardiovascular diseases in Chinese adults. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 243, 113974-113974
Browning, MHEM., Rigolon, A., Ogletree, S., Wang, R., Klompmaker, JO., Bailey, C., Gagnon, R. and James, P., (2022). The PAD-US-AR dataset: Measuring accessible and recreational parks in the contiguous United States. Scientific Data. 9 (1), 773-
Du, T., Du, S. and Wang, R., (2022). Social Factors and Residential Satisfaction under Urban Renewal Background: A Comparative Case Study in Chongqing, China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 148 (4)
Wang, R., Yang, L., Yao, Y. and Wu, W., (2022). Exploring the association between neighbourhood streetscape vegetation and subjective well‐being in a high‐density built environment: Evidence from Beijing, China. Health & Social Care in the Community. 30 (6), e5457-e5469
Wang, R., Feng, Z. and Pearce, J., (2022). Neighbourhood greenspace quantity, quality and socioeconomic inequalities in mental health. Cities. 129, 103815-103815
Huang, W., Wang, R., Liu, F., Huang, W., Dong, G. and Yu, H., (2022). Association between street view greenness and allergic rhinitis in children. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine. 39 (1), 17-22
Yao, Y., Xu, C., Yin, H., Shao, L. and Wang, R., (2022). More visible greenspace, stronger heart? Evidence from ischaemic heart disease emergency department visits by middle-aged and older adults in Hubei, China. Landscape and Urban Planning. 224, 104444-104444
Grekousis, G., Lu, Y. and Wang, R., (2022). Exploring the socioeconomic drivers of COVID‐19 mortality across various spatial regimes. The Geographical Journal. 188 (2), 245-260
Grekousis, G., Feng, Z., Marakakis, I., Lu, Y. and Wang, R., (2022). Ranking the importance of demographic, socioeconomic, and underlying health factors on US COVID-19 deaths: A geographical random forest approach. Health & Place. 74, 102744-102744
Grekousis, G., Wang, R. and Liu, Y., (2021). Mapping the geodemographics of racial, economic, health, and COVID-19 deaths inequalities in the conterminous US. Applied Geography. 135, 102558-102558
Wu, W., Yun, Y., Zhai, J., Sun, Y., Zhang, G. and Wang, R., (2021). Residential self-selection in the greenness-wellbeing connection: A family composition perspective. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 59, 127000-127000
Yu, H., Zhou, Y., Wang, R., Qian, Z., Knibbs, LD., Jalaludin, B., Schootman, M., McMillin, SE., Howard, SW., Lin, L-Z., Zhou, P., Hu, L-W., Liu, R-Q., Yang, B-Y., Chen, G., Zeng, X-W., Feng, W., Xiang, M. and Dong, G-H., (2021). Associations between trees and grass presence with childhood asthma prevalence using deep learning image segmentation and a novel green view index. Environmental Pollution. 286, 117582-117582
Liu, Y., Xiao, T., Liu, Y., Yao, Y. and Wang, R., (2021). Natural outdoor environments and subjective well-being in Guangzhou, China: Comparing different measures of access. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 59, 127027-127027
Huang, X., He, D., Liu, Y., Xie, S., Wang, R. and Shi, Z., (2021). The Effects of Health on the Settlement Intention of Rural–Urban Migrants: Evidence from Eight Chinese Cities. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 14 (1), 31-49
Wang, R., Feng, Z., Pearce, J., Liu, Y. and Dong, G., (2021). Are greenspace quantity and quality associated with mental health through different mechanisms in Guangzhou, China: A comparison study using street view data. Environmental Pollution. 290, 117976-117976
Wu, W., Yao, Y., Song, Y., He, D. and Wang, R., (2021). Perceived influence of street-level visible greenness exposure in the work and residential environment on life satisfaction: Evidence from Beijing, China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 62, 127161-127161
Wang, R., Yang, L. and Chen, H., (2021). Editorial: Supporting Wellbeing During and After COVID-19 in Cities. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities. 3
YAO Yao, 姚尹李郭任王关., (2021). Fine-scale risk assessment of COVID-19 in Wuhan based on multisource geographical data. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 41 (19), 7493-7508
Wang, R., Feng, Z., Pearce, J., Zhou, S., Zhang, L. and Liu, Y., (2021). Dynamic greenspace exposure and residents’ mental health in Guangzhou, China: From over-head to eye-level perspective, from quantity to quality. Landscape and Urban Planning. 215, 104230-104230
Xiao, X., Wang, R., Knibbs, LD., Jalaludin, B., Heinrich, J., Markevych, I., Gao, M., Xu, S-L., Wu, Q-Z., Zeng, X-W., Chen, G-B., Hu, L-W., Yang, B-Y., Yu, Y. and Dong, G-H., (2021). Street view greenness is associated with lower risk of obesity in adults: Findings from the 33 Chinese community health study. Environmental Research. 200, 111434-111434
Wang, J., Wu, X., Wang, R., He, D., Li, D., Yang, L., Yang, Y. and Lu, Y., (2021). Review of Associations between Built Environment Characteristics and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection Risk. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18 (14), 7561-7561
Yao, Y., Liu, Y., Guan, Q., Hong, Y., Wang, R., Wang, R. and Liang, X., (2021). Spatiotemporal distribution of human trafficking in China and predicting the locations of missing persons. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 85, 101567-101567
Wang, R., Feng, Z., Pearce, J., Yao, Y., Li, X. and Liu, Y., (2021). The distribution of greenspace quantity and quality and their association with neighbourhood socioeconomic conditions in Guangzhou, China: A new approach using deep learning method and street view images. Sustainable Cities and Society. 66, 102664-102664
Chen, L., Lu, Y., Sheng, Q., Ye, Y., Wang, R. and Liu, Y., (2020). Estimating pedestrian volume using Street View images: A large-scale validation test. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 81, 101481-101481
Wang, R., Yang, B., Yao, Y., Bloom, MS., Feng, Z., Yuan, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, P., Wu, W., Lu, Y., Baranyi, G., Wu, R., Liu, Y. and Dong, G., (2020). Residential greenness, air pollution and psychological well-being among urban residents in Guangzhou, China. Science of The Total Environment. 711, 134843-134843
Wang, R., Yang, B., Liu, P., Zhang, J., Liu, Y., Yao, Y. and Lu, Y., (2020). The longitudinal relationship between exposure to air pollution and depression in older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 35 (6), 610-616
Wang, R., Lu, Y., Wu, X., Liu, Y. and Yao, Y., (2020). Relationship between eye-level greenness and cycling frequency around metro stations in Shenzhen, China: A big data approach. Sustainable Cities and Society. 59, 102201-102201
Wang, R., Feng, Z., Liu, Y. and Lu, Y., (2020). Relationship between neighbourhood social participation and depression among older adults: A longitudinal study in China. Health & Social Care in the Community. 28 (1), 247-259
Liu, Y., Wang, R., Lu, Y., Li, Z., Chen, H., Cao, M., Zhang, Y. and Song, Y., (2020). Natural outdoor environment, neighbourhood social cohesion and mental health: Using multilevel structural equation modelling, streetscape and remote-sensing metrics. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 48, 126576-126576
Wang, R., Feng, Z., Liu, Y. and Qiu, Y., (2020). Is lifestyle a bridge between urbanization and overweight in China?. Cities. 99, 102616-102616
Yang, L., Liu, J., Lu, Y., Ao, Y., Guo, Y., Huang, W., Zhao, R. and Wang, R., (2020). Global and local associations between urban greenery and travel propensity of older adults in Hong Kong. Sustainable Cities and Society. 63, 102442-102442
Wang, R., Lu, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, P., Yao, Y. and Liu, Y., (2019). The relationship between visual enclosure for neighbourhood street walkability and elders’ mental health in China: Using street view images. Journal of Transport & Health. 13, 90-102
Liu, Y., Wang, R., Xiao, Y., Huang, B., Chen, H. and Li, Z., (2019). Exploring the linkage between greenness exposure and depression among Chinese people: Mediating roles of physical activity, stress and social cohesion and moderating role of urbanicity. Health & Place. 58, 102168-102168
Wang, R., Liu, Y., Xue, D. and Helbich, M., (2019). Depressive symptoms among Chinese residents: how are the natural, built, and social environments correlated?. BMC Public Health. 19 (1), 887-
Zang, P., Lu, Y., Ma, J., Xie, B., Wang, R. and Liu, Y., (2019). Disentangling residential self-selection from impacts of built environment characteristics on travel behaviors for older adults. Social Science & Medicine. 238, 112515-112515
Wang, R., Liu, Y., Lu, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, P., Yao, Y. and Grekousis, G., (2019). Perceptions of built environment and health outcomes for older Chinese in Beijing: A big data approach with street view images and deep learning technique. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 78, 101386-101386
Wang, R., Liu, Y., Lu, Y., Yuan, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, P. and Yao, Y., (2019). The linkage between the perception of neighbourhood and physical activity in Guangzhou, China: using street view imagery with deep learning techniques. International Journal of Health Geographics. 18 (1), 18-
Wang, R., Chen, H., Liu, Y., Lu, Y. and Yao, Y., (2019). Neighborhood social reciprocity and mental health among older adults in China: the mediating effects of physical activity, social interaction, and volunteering. BMC Public Health. 19 (1), 1036-
Wang, R., Feng, Z., Xue, D., Liu, Y. and Wu, R., (2019). Exploring the links between population density, lifestyle, and being overweight: secondary data analyses of middle-aged and older Chinese adults. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 17 (1), 100-
Yang, Y., He, D., Gou, Z., Wang, R., Liu, Y. and Lu, Y., (2019). Association between street greenery and walking behavior in older adults in Hong Kong. Sustainable Cities and Society. 51, 101747-101747
Yao, Y., Liu, P., Hong, Y., Liang, Z., Wang, R., Guan, Q. and Chen, J., (2019). Fine‐scale intra‐ and inter‐city commercial store site recommendations using knowledge transfer. Transactions in GIS. 23 (5), 1029-1047
Liu, Y., Wang, R., Grekousis, G., Liu, Y., Yuan, Y. and Li, Z., (2019). Neighbourhood greenness and mental wellbeing in Guangzhou, China: What are the pathways?. Landscape and Urban Planning. 190, 103602-103602
Wang, R., Yuan, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, P., Lu, Y. and Yao, Y., (2019). Using street view data and machine learning to assess how perception of neighborhood safety influences urban residents’ mental health. Health & Place. 59, 102186-102186
Wang, R., Helbich, M., Yao, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, P., Yuan, Y. and Liu, Y., (2019). Urban greenery and mental wellbeing in adults: Cross-sectional mediation analyses on multiple pathways across different greenery measures. Environmental Research. 176, 108535-108535
Zeng, J., Liu, Y., Wang, R. and Zhan, P., (2019). Absorptive Capacity and Regional Innovation in China: an Analysis of Patent Applications, 2000–2015. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 12 (4), 1031-1049
Helbich, M., Yao, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, P. and Wang, R., (2019). Using deep learning to examine street view green and blue spaces and their associations with geriatric depression in Beijing, China. Environment International. 126, 107-117
邱婴芝, Yingzhi, QIU., 陈宏胜, 李志刚, 王若宇, 刘晔, 覃小菲, Hongsheng, CHEN., Zhigang, LI., Ruoyu, WANG., Ye, LIU. and Xiaofei, QIN., (2019). 基于邻里效应视角的城市居民心理健康影响因素研究——以广州市为例. 地理科学进展. 38 (2), 283-295
Huang, B., Liu, Y., Feng, Z., Pearce, JR., Wang, R., Zhang, Y. and Chen, J., (2019). Residential exposure to natural outdoor environments and general health among older adults in Shanghai, China. International Journal for Equity in Health. 18 (1), 178-
Yao, Y., Liang, Z., Yuan, Z., Liu, P., Bie, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, R., Wang, J. and Guan, Q., (2019). A human-machine adversarial scoring framework for urban perception assessment using street-view images. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 33 (12), 2363-2384
Liu, Y., Huang, B., Wang, R., Feng, Z., Liu, Y. and Li, Z., (2019). Exploring the association between urbanisation and self-rated health of older adults in China: evidence from a national population sample survey. BMJ Open. 9 (6), e029176-e029176
Deng, X., Liu, P., Liu, X., Wang, R., Zhang, Y., He, J. and Yao, Y., (2019). Geospatial Big Data: New Paradigm of Remote Sensing Applications. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 12 (10), 3841-3851
Wang, R., Liu, Y., Xue, D., Yao, Y., Liu, P. and Helbich, M., (2019). Cross-sectional associations between long-term exposure to particulate matter and depression in China: The mediating effects of sunlight, physical activity, and neighborly reciprocity. Journal of Affective Disorders. 249, 8-14
Wang, R., Huang, B., Pan, Z. and Liu, Y., (2019). Spatial pattern evolvement of the distribution of foodborne illness in China and its influence mechanism. World Regional Studies. 29 (1), 168-180
Wang, R., Xue, D., Liu, Y. and Huang, X., (2019). Spatial pattern change of high-educated talents in China based on Spatial Durbin Model. World Regional Studies. 28 (4), 134-143
Wang, R., Xue, D., Liu, Y., Liu, P. and Chen, H., (2018). The Relationship between Air Pollution and Depression in China: Is Neighbourhood Social Capital Protective?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 15 (6), 1160-1160
Wang, R., Xue, D., Liu, Y., Chen, H. and Qiu, Y., (2018). The relationship between urbanization and depression in China: the mediating role of neighborhood social capital. International Journal for Equity in Health. 17 (1), 105-
Wang, R., Liu, Y. and Xue, D., (2018). Coupled Coordination Analysis of Regional Talent Superiority and Economy Development in China from 2000 to 2010. Tropical Geography. 38 (2), 184-195
Other (1)
Wang, R., (2024).Green space may be important in the prevention of crimes