Yujia Wang

yujia.wang@essex.ac.uk -
4.121, Colchester Campus
Yujia has worked as a self-employed conference interpreter and translator in the UK for ten years before joining the higher education profession. She has substantial experience in Mandarin Chinese<>English conference interpreting and translation for a wide range of sectors such as diplomatic exchange between governments, finance, science and technology, energy, medical and literature. Organisations Yujia has worked for as a consecutive and simultaneous interpreter include the UK Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy, Shell Company UK, Deloitte LLP, London Stock Market Exchange, Credit Suisse, Blackrock, EU Parliament, UNHABITAT, Healthcare UK, the Supreme People's Court of China, the Supreme Court of the UK, the Development and Reform Commission of PRC, China General Nuclear Power Corporation and China Central Television (CCTV). She has successfully assisted the delivery of speech for internationally renowned individuals such as the astronomer and cosmologist Professor Martin Rees from Trinity College of Cambridge University, Nobel Laureate and author Mo Yan, and well-celebrated Chinese authors Su Tong and Yu Hua. Yujia has also been working with large state-owned publishers in China and editors-in-chief at globally recognised publishers, providing English and Chinese translation to novels, academic literature and monographs as well as interpreting services to international publishing projects. These institutions include but not limited to People's Literature Publishing House of China, China Fine Arts Publishing Group and other big names in China Publishing Group Corporation, British Library, HarperCollins, Oxford University Press, and Penguin Random House. Another area of her profession is audio-visual translation including large online games, dramas and TV programmes. In addition to professional T&I experience, Yujia has also involved in providing academic support to a number of UK higer education institutions. Her responsibility includes dissertation supervising, external exam assessing and Translation and Interpreting Training. Yujia holds a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and Teaching at Sichuan Normal University and a Master Degree in Translation Interpreting at Newcastle University.
University of Essex
Lecturer of MA Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting, University of Essex (1/10/2020 - present)
Dissertation Supervisor for MA Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting, University of Essex (1/8/2020 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
student-led learning in acquiring practical interpreting skills and professionalism;
Literary translation
Chinese and English Poem translation
Translating traditional and contemporary Chinese literature
film and drama subtitle translation
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Concepts of Translation and Cultural Mediation (LA043)
Specialised Translation (LA880)
Introduction to Consecutive Interpreting (LA882)
Introduction to Simultaneous Interpreting (LA885)
Consecutive Interpreting (LA887)
Translation Portfolio II (Chinese-English) (LA889)
Advanced Consecutive Interpreting (LA892)
Simultaneous Interpreting (LA894)
Principles of Translation and Interpreting (LA871)
Simultaneous Interpreting with Text (LA896)
Conference Interpreting Case Studies (LA897)