
Dr Rebecca Warren

Senior Lecturer
EBS - Accounting
Dr Rebecca Warren



When I finished my PhD I spent time reflecting on the issues that I had been focused on, and whilst I was happy with the work I had undertaken I knew I needed to shift focus. I had spent that period of time critiquing the IASB and the systems and structures of financial capital the perpetuate social injustice and inequality. But I knew that I needed to move away from critique and focus on alternatives, and doing work that would be impactful to the wider world rather than focusing only on publishing in the academic community. This led me to work on several important and impactful projects that I continue to be excited about, which work to bridge the gap between academia and the community and push the boundaries of the universities civic role. I am passionate about being an academic activist and making changes to social injustices and inequalities, and those values reach across everything that I do in teaching, research and engagement. I work collaboratively with communities to make change. Through my involvement in community organising and developing social accounting approaches with community-based organisations my work focuses on accountability in a broad sense, focusing on how we hold power to account to make social change. My research, teaching, engagement and impact work are all interconnected through the work that I undertake on Democracy in Action. I work together with local community-based organisations to deliver research that they need, whilst also working with them and students on community organising campaigns. Teaching students how to make change in their communities on issues that they care about through Citizens UK’s approach to community organising is a focal point of my work. Through this work I focus on the creation and development of communities. Building on this work I currently am co-chair of Citizens Essex and am currently developing a clinic at the University focused on community action. This has led to my role as the director of the new community action clinic at the University of Essex: The work that I undertake with community-based organisations has led me to explore a range of accountability challenges for community leaders, community and cooperative based organisations, alternative economies, arts and cultural organisations and social enterprises.


  • PhD in Management Royal Holloway, (2018)


University of Essex

  • Senior Lecturer, University of Essex (3/10/2022 - present)

  • Director of the Community Action Clinic, University of Essex, University of Essex (1/4/2024 - present)

Research and professional activities

Conferences and presentations

The power of transformative accountability: Holding the public sector to account through community organising

Online Workshop "Co-assessment of public services' performance", 11/11/2024

(Self-) accountability practices and the invisibilized non-able body: a case study of celiac disease

Interdisciplinary perspectives on accounting conference 2024, 5/7/2024

Speaking truth to funders: Alternative accountabilities in the voluntary and community sector during the Covid-19 pandemic

SASE 2024, 29/6/2024

Democracy in Action: Reaching for Transformative Education

Higher Education Conference 2024: Universities as Civic Actors & Agents of Social Justice, 5/6/2024



Teaching Excellence, the Boredom Paradox, and the Engaged Student

Invited presentation, Panel event, 23/11/2023

From Extraction to Collaboration: Working with the voluntary and community sector

Invited presentation, CURE - Business and Industry Collaboration, 18/10/2023

Making change through community organising methods

Invited presentation, People and Culture Conference, University of Essex, 9/10/2023

The accountability assembly as a counter-accounting performance

Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Research Conference 2023: Action, Difference, and Change in Local Civil Society, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 12/9/2023

Speaking truth to funders: Alternative accountabilities in the voluntary and community sector during the pandemic

Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Research Conference 2023: Action, Difference, and Change in Local Civil Society, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 12/9/2023

Understanding the role of social workplace activities on performance in intellectual labour: A case study of celiac disease

Academy of Management, Boston, USA, 7/8/2023

Understanding the role of social workplace activities on performance in intellectual labour: A case study of celiac disease

CPA conference, Universidad National de Colombia, Bogotá, 26/7/2023

Building agonistic solidarity: Violence against Women and girls campaign

Gender, Work and Organization, Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa, 28/6/2023

Democracy in action: Extending Work-based learning to Community-based learning for transformative education

Invited presentation, Education Development Conference, Colchester, United Kingdom, 21/6/2023

Community-based Participatory action research

Invited presentation, Centre for Research into Sustainability Royal Holloway, Royal Holloway, University of London, 16/5/2023

Accountability in Action: Performing Accountability and engaging with grass roots organisations through Community Organising methodology

Invited presentation, Royal Holloway Centre for Research in Sustainability methods workshop, 15/5/2023

Engaged Research with community-based organisations

Invited presentation, Workshop on research and engagement, 10/5/2023

Building agonistic solidarity: campaigning against misogyny


Speaking truth to funders: Alternative accountabilities in the voluntary and community sector during the pandemic

Invited presentation, University of Bristol Seminar presentation, Bristol, United Kingdom, 6/2/2023

Democracy in Action: Extending Work-based learning to Community-based learning for transformative education

Invited presentation, Citizens UK: POWER/KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE conference, London, United Kingdom, 18/1/2023

Speaking truth to funders: Alternative accountabilities in the voluntary and community sector during the pandemic

Alternative Accounts Europe 2023, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 6/1/2023

Democracy in Action: Extending work-based learning to Community-based learning

Invited presentation, Staffordshire University Winter Learning and Teaching Festival, Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom, 8/12/2022

Speaking truth to funders: Alternative accountabilities in the voluntary and community sector during the pandemic

Resilience and the Third Sector Conference at the University of Edinburgh Business School (UEBS), 10/11/2022

Community Organising from a radical democratic point of view

Association for Social and Political Philosophy Annual Conference, 14/7/2022

Communities responding to crisis

Invited presentation, Communities Can…Build Back Fairer Conference, 11/10/2021

Democracy in action – Extending Work-based learning to Community Action and Citizenship

Symposium Alternative Education/Educational Alternatives, Kaplan Singapore, Singapore, 29/7/2020

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Current Issues in Financial Reporting (BE130)

  • Research Project with a Community-based Organisation (BE944)

  • Democracy in Action (BE947)

Previous supervision

Anne Steinhoff
Anne Steinhoff
Thesis title: Performance-Based Practices and Coeliac Disease: An Analysis of the Lived Experiences of Employees in Intellectual Labour in the UK
Degree subject: Accounting
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/5/2023


Journal articles (13)

Schneider, J., Warren, R. and Glynos, J., (2025). Community Organising and Radical Democracy From Praxis to Theory and Back Again. Journal of Language and Politics. 24 (1), 69-90

Steinhoff, A., Warren, R. and Carter, D., (2024). (Self-) accountability practices and the invisibilized non-able body: a case study of celiac disease. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 99, 102737-102737

Warren, R., (2024). Maintaining and Extending Hegemony: the Politics of Accounting Standard Setting. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 99, 102686-102686

Warren, R., Morales, J., Steinhoff, A. and Woodward, S., (2024). Speaking truth to funders: Alternative accountabilities in the voluntary and community sector during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Financial Accountability and Management. 40 (4), 573-591

Steinhoff, A., Warren, R., Carter, D. and Glynos, J., (2024). The challenges of coeliac disease at work: A contestation of the politics of inclusion. Sociology of Health and Illness. 47 (1), e13826-

Warren, R., Carter, D., Glynos, J. and Voutyras, S., (2024). Articulating the ‘How’ of Social Return on Investment: Foregrounding the Plural and Pluralizing Character of Its ‘Moments of Judgment’. Financial Accountability and Management

Glynos, J., Roussos, K., Voutyras, S. and Warren, R., (2023). Paradoxes in the management of timebanks in the UK’s voluntary sector: discursive bricolage and its limits. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 34 (3), 486-496

d L Voss, B., Carter, D. and Warren, R., (2023). A Car Wash: Post-truth Politics, Petrobras and Ethics of the Real. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal. 36 (2), 437-463

Carter, D., Warren, R. and Steinhoff, A., (2023). The Anatomy of Tragedy: Starbucks as a Politics of Displacement. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal. 36 (1), 146-176

Carter, D. and Warren, R., (2021). Economic Re-colonisation: Financialisation, Indigeneity and the Epistemic Violence of Resolution. Political Geography. 84, 102284-102284

Carter, D. and Warren, R., (2019). Metonyms and metaphor: the rhetorical redescription of public interest for the International Accounting Standards Board. Critical Policy Studies. 13 (3), 280-305

Warren, R., Carter, D. and Napier, C., (2019). Opening up the politics of standard setting through Discourse Theory: The case of IFRS for SMEs. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. 33 (1), 124-151

Carter, D. and Warren, R., (2018). Accounting for indebtedness: geopolitics, technocracy and advanced financial capital. Innovation / Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. 31 (1), 83-104

Book chapters (1)

Warren, R., Steinhoff, A., Glynos, J. and Roussos, K., (2024). The Accountability Assembly as a Counter-Accounting Performance. In: Handbook of Accounting in Society. Editors: Vollmer, H., . Edward Elgar. 310- 327. 978 1 80392 199 0

Reports and Papers (8)

Warren, R., Green, A., Woodward, S., Wiltshite, D. and Pailing, D., North East Essex Communities responding to Crisis COVID 19, social action and our local neighbourhood

Warren, R., Howarth, D. and Ana, D., Bradwell B Exit Polling Research Report

Warren, R., Dance East Theory of Change report

Warren, R., Glynos, J., Roussos, K., Jimena, V., Steinhoff, A. and Crippa, L., Democracy in Action - Building Better Communities And Organisations Through Collective Decision Making and Action - Project Evaluation

Warren, R. and Roussos, K., Mercury Theatre: A social Return on Investment of the Mercury Playwrights

Steinhoff, A., Warren, R. and Carter, D., Understanding the Role of Social Workplace Activities on Performance in Intellectual Labor: A Case Study of Celiac Disease

Warren, R., Klich, R. and Darkenwald, T., Digital Primaries Evaluation report for DanceEast

Roussos, K., Schneider, J., Warren, R. and Jennett, J., (2024). The Bringing Community Supermarkets to Essex Programme: A “Social Return on Investment” Approach on Sustainable Community Assets for Social Support and Care

Grants and funding


Evaluation Braintree DC SROI

Braintree Distrct Council


Community360 KTP 22_23 R4

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

The case of Community Supermarkets at Essex: a Participatory Research on sustainable community assets for social support and care

UOE Participatory Research Fund

Community and Residents Experience

North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group

Community and Residents Experience

North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group

EU-CIEMBLY: Creating an Inclusive European Citizens� Assembly

European Commission

Community and Residents Experience

North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group


Evaluation of Eastlight Community Homes All In programme

Eastlight Community Homes Limited

Community Catalysts: Helen Rollason Cancer Charity

University of Essex (ESRC IAA)

Dance in Schools - A Digital Pedagogy

Dance East

Communities Responding to Crisis: Sharing, Celebrating and Collecting

University of Essex (ESRC IAA)

Independent research and evaluation of the Essex County Council Community Supermarkets

Essex County Council

The case of Community Supermarkets at Essex: sustainable community assets for social support and care

University of Essex (CPPE)


Creative Exchange: Using digital platforms to support peer-based exchange in the creative sector feasibility study

Hub Arts Lab CIC

Mid-Essex asset mapping for C360



Subjectivity and valuation in community economies: A pilot study of the Essex time banks

University of Essex (ESRC IAA)

Covid-19, social action and our local neighbourhood - Research in Colchester


+44 (0) 1206 872583


EBS.3.120A, Colchester Campus

More about me