Rachel Wier

rewier@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872295
5S.7.8, Colchester Campus
- Outreach activities for schools and colleges
- Widening Participation
- In-school activities, including school talks
- Campus events
- Careers fairs
- HE application support for students
- Resources for teachers
- The Schools Membership Scheme
- How to communicate with local schools/colleges
- Which schools and colleges would most benefit from departmental engagement
- The VI6 Project
The effect of social inequality has always been a great concern of mine. Prior to joining the Outreach Team I taught A Levels in a local Sixth Form College and experienced first-hand, students who possessed the academic potential to thrive in a university setting but were either discouraged by cost or lack of parental support. Working at the University of Essex enables me to lead on aspiration and attainment raising projects with young people in the eastern region, helping them to make informed decisions about progression to Higher Education.
+44 (0) 1206 872295
5S.7.8, Colchester Campus
Working pattern:
Full time