
Nichola Williamson

Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Social Care
 Nichola Williamson
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 874982

  • Location

    2S2.3.24, Colchester Campus



I qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2003 following completion of a 4 year in-service BSc occupational therapy programme at London South Bank University. During my studies I worked as a rehabilitation assistant within an NHS inpatient elderly rehabilitation service which was extended to evolving Intermediate Care services. My clinical experiences has been predominately based within the NHS in London working in learning disabilities, paediatrics and community rehabilitation before specialising in intermediate care services in both inpatient and community settings. Prior to commencing this academic post, I managed a large multidisciplinary community intermediate care team supporting early hospital discharges and preventing hospital admission across three funding organisations (Acute Hospital Trust, Primary Health and Social Care provisions). During this role I undertook an introduction to management course, supervised and managed interprofessional colleagues as a team leader including; Occupational therapists, physiotherapists, nursing staff, social workers, social care enablement staff, rehabilitation assistants, administrative staff and local equipment service staff. In August 2012, I joined the School of Health and Social Care as a part-time member of the occupational therapy staff. At this time I remained in clinical practice, working as an Occupational Therapist for National neurological charity until March 2013. Since then, I have worked full-time at the university as a lecturer and now as a senior lecturer. Additional roles I have undertaken include; Placement tutor, coordinating mandatory training and Role Emerging Placement tutor for occupational therapy and in school wide roles as HSC Service User Involvement lead and HSC lead for apprenticeships since September 2020. I have a keen interest in exploring education and practice opportunities to promote the role of Occupational Therapists with the expansion of diverse practice settings. Providing long arm supervision for role emerging placements in a range of diverse settings offers ongoing opportunities to maintain a professional role within practice. In 2004 and 2006, I undertook voluntary internships with a not for profit dolphin therapy organisation in the Florida Keys and have a passion for the work in which these programmes provide for children and their families as well as their programme for war veterans. More recently, my interests have focused on the delivery of flexible health and care education to widen participation for all with consideration of apprenticeships and alternative delivery models. In 2022, I started working with the Royal College of Occupational Therapists as an accreditor for pre-registration occupational therapy programmes. My clinical interests remain in community rehabilitation, hospital avoidance, falls prevention, with adults with complex neurological conditions and improving community engagement. Between 2014 - 2019, I worked collaboratively with a local stroke charity, stroke survivors and their carers as a Masters student and academic Occupational Therapist. I completed a Masters in Health Care Practice in November 2018 and continued to work in collaboration with the organisation with a focus towards reshaping community stroke provision for working aged adults in 2019.


  • Master of Science in Health Care Practice Health Care Practice University of Essex, (2018)

  • Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Practice University of Essex, (2014)

  • Bachelor of Science with Honours in Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy London South Bank University, (2003)


University of Essex

  • Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (6/8/2012 - 2/10/2022)

  • Lead for Service User involvement, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (22/7/2019 - 31/8/2020)

  • Lead for Apprenticeships, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (1/9/2020 - present)

  • Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex (3/10/2022 - present)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Interprofessional and cross partnership collaborative working

Key words: Interprofessional

Professional/clinical practice in community stroke provision for working age adults

Key words: Stroke

Occupational Therapy - Diverse practice placements

Key words: Occupational therapy

Conferences and presentations

Poster presentation: Role emerging: Making connections to further the profession

National Association for Educators in Practice Annual conference, National Association for Educators in Practice Annual conference, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 21/4/2017

Workshop: Social inequalities: The impact of stroke on the working lives of stroke survivors and their carers

Council of Occupational Therapists for European Countries and European Network of Occupational Therapists in Higher Education 1st joint congress, COTEC-ENOTHE 1st Congress, Galway, Ireland, 18/6/2016

Joint organiser and presenter ‘Our Journey together’

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Reshaping the future of community stroke rehabilitation services for survivors, Tendring Specialist Stroke Service in collaboration with the School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom, 16/4/2016

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Introduction to Occupational Therapy (HS179)

  • Developing Professional Skills: Therapy and Occupation (HS274)

  • Developing Professional Skills: Therapy and Occupation (HS805)

  • Collaboration and Leadership in Service Enhancement (HS806)

  • Professional Reasoning in Practice (HS801)

  • Autonomous Practitioner (Occupational Therapy) (HS374)

  • Advancing Professional Practice in Occupational Therapy (HS894)


Reports and Papers (4)

Williamson, N., (2019). A journey of discovery through collaborative working - Blog

Williamson, N., (2019). A gap in service provision after stroke and journeys of survivors

Williamson, N., Cleverley, M., Sowerby, T. and Worth, J., (2017). An opportunity for occupational therapy

Williamson, N. and Palmer, L., (2016). Making connections to further the profession

+44 (0) 1206 874982


2S2.3.24, Colchester Campus