Dr Carly Wood

cjwood@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872274
ESA.3.11, Colchester Campus
Carly Wood is a Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Essex and Director of the Health, Exercise and Active Lifestyle Research Group in the School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science. Her research is focused on the links between physical activity, environment, and health; specifically, the role of nature-based interventions such as social and therapeutic horticulture in the prevention and treatment of poor mental health and mental illness. She is particularly interested in how nature-based interventions can be embedded within health systems to ensure access for all. In undertaking her research Carly has collaborated with a range of charitable and public sector organisations including Trust Links, Green Light Trust, The wilderness Foundation, Essex County Council and Thrive. She is also a member of the Therapeutic Horticulture Stakeholder Group, established by Natural England to explore how to grow the therapeutic horticulture in the UK. She has received funding from a range of organisations including the UKRI Loneliness and Social Isolation in Mental Health Network developed by researchers at University College London and ARC North Thames. She has also undertaken numerous evaluations of nature-based interventions for public and charitable organisations. .
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Practice University of Essex, (2014)
PhD Sport and Exercise Science University of Essex, (2012)
BSc Sport and Exercise Science University of Essex, (2009)
University of Essex
Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (1/10/2023 - present)
Lecturer in Sports and Exercise Science, University of Essex (1/4/2020 - 30/9/2023)
Postdoctoral Researcher in Sports and Exercise Science, University of Essex (1/9/2010 - 31/8/2015)
Other academic
Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Science, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (1/10/2023 - present)
Lecturer in Sports and Exercise Science, University of Essex (1/4/2020 - 30/9/2023)
Lecturer in Sport, Exercise and Nutrition, University of Westminster (1/9/2015 - 31/3/2020)
Research and professional activities
Conferences and presentations
The effectiveness of social and therapeutic horticulture for the prevention and treatment of depression and anxiety.
European Conference on Mental Health, Krakow, Poland, 10/9/2024
Presentation and Panel Member
Invited presentation, Integrative and Personalised Medicine Congress, London, 7/6/2024
Barriers in commissioning social and therapeutic horticulture in mental health care
Invited presentation, Propagating Green Therapies in the UK- Joining the dots, Tuppenny Barn, Southbourne, United Kingdom, 9/10/2023
Barriers and facilitators to referral and uptake of community gardening as a green social prescribing activity
International Social Prescribing Network Conference, 11/3/2022
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Professional Skills and Development 1 (SE101)
Sport and Exercise Psychology (SE104)
Professional Skills 2 (SE201)
Health and Active Lifestyle (SE205)
Research Methods in Sport and Exercise (SE230)
Research Project (SE309)
Research Project (SE318)
Environments Shape Physical Activity: Translating Research into Practice (SE330)
Further Research Methods in Sport, Exercise and Health (SE738)
Research Project (SE740)
Current supervision
Publications (1)
Wood, C., Barton, J. and Smyth, N., (2020). A cross-sectional study of physical activity behaviour and associations with wellbeing during the UK coronavirus lockdown
Journal articles (32)
White, SR., Coughlan, DA., Wood, C., Wells, JET., Murray, A., Brearley, SL. and Moran, J., Elite Professional Golfers’ Physical Preparation Practices and Perceptions. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching
Wood, C., Morton, G., Rossiter, K., Baumber, B. and Bragg, R., (2024). A qualitative study of the barriers to commissioning social and therapeutic horticulture in mental health care. BMC Public Health. 24 (1), 1197-
Burrell, MW., Barton, J., Reinhardt, GY. and Wood, C., (2024). Psychological, psychosocial, and physical barriers preventing nature-based intervention participation in adults with mental health disorders: A scoping review. Journal of Health Psychology, 13591053241270410-
Wood, CJ., Barton, J. and Wicks, CL., (2024). Effectiveness of social and therapeutic horticulture for reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 15, 1507354-
Wood, C., Wicks, C. and Barton, J., (2023). Green spaces for mental disorders. Current Opinion in Psychiatry. 36 (1), 41-46
Wicks, C., Barton, JL., Andrews, L., Orbell, S., Sandercock, G. and Wood, C., (2023). The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Contribution of Local Green Space and Nature Connection to Mental Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20 (6), 5083-5083
Wood, CJ., Barton, J. and Smyth, N., (2022). A cross-sectional study of physical activity behaviour and associations with wellbeing during the UK coronavirus lockdown. Journal of Health Psychology. 27 (6), 1432-1444
Smyth, N., Thorn, L., Wood, C., Hall, D. and Lister, C., (2022). Increased Wellbeing following Engagement in a Group Nature-Based Programme: The Green Gym Programme Delivered by the Conservation Volunteers. Healthcare. 10 (6), 978-978
Wood, CJ., Polley, M., Barton, JL. and Wicks, CL., (2022). Therapeutic Community Gardening as a Green Social Prescription for Mental Ill-Health: Impact, Barriers, and Facilitators from the Perspective of Multiple Stakeholders. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 (20), 13612-13612
Wood, C., (2022). Editorial: Nature-based social prescriptions for improving health and wellbeing. Frontiers in Psychology. 13, 1095064-
Wood, CJ., Barton, JL. and Wicks, CL., (2022). The Impact of Therapeutic Community Gardening on the Wellbeing, Loneliness, and Life Satisfaction of Individuals with Mental Illness. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 (20), 13166-13166
Kyriakidou, Y., Wood, C., Ferrier, C., Dolci, A. and Elliot, B., (2021). The effect of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on exercise-induced muscle damage. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 18 (1), 9-
Wood, C., Griffin, M., Barton, J. and Sandercock, G., (2021). Modification of the Rosenberg Scale to Assess Self-Esteem in Children. Frontiers in Public Health. 9, 655892-
Rogerson, M., Wood, C., Pretty, J., Schoenmakers, P., Bloomfield, D. and Barton, J., (2020). Regular Doses of Nature: The Efficacy of Green Exercise Interventions for Mental Wellbeing.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (5), 1526-1526
Wood, CJ. and Smyth, N., (2020). The health impact of nature exposure and green exercise across the life course: a pilot study. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 30 (2), 226-235
Wood, C., Flynn, M., Law, R., Naufahu, J. and Smyth, N., (2020). The effect of the visual exercise environment on the response to psychological stress: a pilot study. Anxiety, Stress and Coping. 33 (6), 716-729
Wood, C. and Fivian, E., (2019). The roles of social media, clean eating and self-esteem in the risk of disordered eating: A pilot study of self-reported healthy eaters. International Journal of Food Nutrition and Public Health. 10 (1), 28-39
Wood, C., Barron, D. and Smyth, N., (2019). The Current and Retrospective Intentional Nature Exposure Scales: Development and Factorial Validity.. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16 (22), 4443-4443
Smyth, N., Flynn, M., Rajcani, J., F Hucklebridge, M., Thorn, L., Wood, C., Golding, J., Evans, P. and Clow, A., (2019). Attenuated cortisol reactivity to psychosocial stress is associated with greater visual dependency in postural control.. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 104, 185-190
Griffin, M., Bentley, J., Shanks, J. and Wood, C., (2018). The effectiveness of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment therapy issued interactively through an iPad device: a non-inferiority study.. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 24 (3), 209-215
Wood, CJ., Clow, A., Hucklebridge, F., Law, R. and Smyth, N., (2018). Physical fitness and prior physical activity are both associated with less cortisol secretion during psychosocial stress. Anxiety, Stress and Coping. 31 (2), 135-145
Wood, CJ., Pretty, J. and Griffin, M., (2016). A case–control study of the health and well-being benefits of allotment gardening. Journal of Public Health. 38 (3), e336-e344
Barton, J., Bragg, R., Pretty, J., Roberts, J. and Wood, C., (2016). The Wilderness Expedition. Journal of Experiential Education. 39 (1), 59-72
Pretty, J., Barton, J., Pervez Bharucha, Z., Bragg, R., Pencheon, D., Wood, C. and Depledge, MH., (2016). Improving health and well-being independently of GDP: Dividends of greener and prosocial economies. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 26 (1), 11-36
Wood, C. and Hall, K., (2015). Physical education or playtime: which is more effective at promoting physical activity in primary school children?. BMC Research Notes. 8 (1), 12-12
Barton, J., Sandercock, G., Pretty, J. and Wood, C., (2015). The effect of playground-and nature-based playtime interventions on physical activity and self-esteem in UK school children. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 25 (2), 196-206
Wood, C., Sandercock, G. and Barton, J., (2014). Interactions between physical activity and the environment to improve adolescent self-esteem: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Environment and Health. 7 (2), 144-155
Wood, C., Gladwell, V. and Barton, J., (2014). A Repeated Measures Experiment of School Playing Environment to Increase Physical Activity and Enhance Self-Esteem in UK School Children. PLoS ONE. 9 (9), e108701-e108701
Wood, C., Angus, C., Pretty, J., Sandercock, G. and Barton, J., (2013). A randomised control trial of physical activity in a perceived environment on self-esteem and mood in UK adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 23 (4), 311-320
Gladwell, VF., Brown, DK., Wood, C., Sandercock, GR. and Barton, JL., (2013). The great outdoors: how a green exercise environment can benefit all. Extreme Physiology & Medicine. 2 (1), 3-
Reed, K., Wood, C., Barton, J., Pretty, JN., Cohen, D. and Sandercock, GRH., (2013). A Repeated Measures Experiment of Green Exercise to Improve Self-Esteem in UK School Children. PLoS ONE. 8 (7), e69176-e69176
Reed, KE., Wood, C., Pretty, JN., Cohen, D., Barton, JL. and Sandercock, G., (2013). A Repeated Measures Experiment of Green Exercise to Improve Self-Esteem in UK School Children.. PLoS ONE. 8 (7), 75-92
Books (1)
Barton, JL., Bragg, R., Wood, C. and Pretty, JN., (2016). Green Exercise Linking Nature, Health and Well-being. Routledge. 9781138807648
Book chapters (9)
Smyth, N., Rossi, E. and Wood, C., (2020). Effectiveness of stress-relieving strategies in regulating patterns of cortisol secretion and promoting brain health. In: International Review of Neurobiology. Elsevier. 219- 246. 9780128167526
Wood, C., Richardson, M. and Barton, J., (2018). Physical Activity in Natural Environments. In: Physical Activity A Multi-disciplinary Introduction. Editors: Draper, N. and Stratton, G., . 1138696625. 9781138696624
Barton, J., Wood, C., Pretty, J. and Rogerson, M., (2016). Green Exercise for Health: A Dose of Nature. In: Green Exercise Linking Nature, Health and Well-Being. Editors: Barton, J., Bragg, R., Wood, C. and Pretty, J., . Routledge. 1138807656. 9781138807655
Roberts, J., Barton, JL. and Wood, C., (2016). Green Care Interventions for Youth at Risk. In: Green Exercise Linking Nature, Health and Well-being. Editors: Barton, JL., Bragg, R., Wood, C. and Pretty, JN., . Routledge. 9781138807648
Roberts, J., Barton, J. and Wood, C., (2016). Wilderness and youth at risk: Approaches for positive behaviour change through the outdoors. In: Green Exercise: Linking Nature, Health and Well-being. 125- 138
Barton, JL., Wood, C., Pretty, JN. and Rogerson, M., (2016). Green Exercise, Health and a Dose of Nature. In: Green Exercise Linking Nature, Health and Well-being. Editors: Barton, JL., Bragg, R., Wood, C. and Pretty, JN., . Routledge. 26- 36. 9781138807648
Wood, C., Bragg, R. and Pretty, J., (2016). The benefits of green exercise for children. In: Green Exercise: Linking Nature, Health and Well-being. 46- 52
Pretty, J., Wood, C., Hine, R. and Barton, J., (2013). Nature for Rehabilitating Offenders and Facilitating Therapeutic Outcomes for Youth at Risk. In: Routledge International Handbook of Green Criminology. Routledge. 1317809009. 9781317809005
Wood, C., Barton, J., Colbeck, I., Hine, R., Mourato, S., MacKerron, G. and Pretty, J., (2011). Health Values from Ecosystems. In: UK National Ecosystem Assessment Technical Report
Grants and funding
The effectiveness of social and therapeutic horticulture for the prevention and treatment of depression and anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
MQ: Transforming Mental Health
Evaluation Thrive App
Active travel social prescribing pilot
University of Suffolk
Growing Together Basildon � evaluation of the establishment of a new therapeutic community garden
University College London (Funder)
Wild Wellbeing: An evaluation of Essex Wildlife Trust�s programme of mental health support for vulnerable young people.
Essex Wildlife Trust
PhD Studentship Multiple health benefits of participation in nature-based interventions
University of Essex
Wild Wellbeing: An evaluation of Essex Wildlife Trust�s programme of mental health support for vulnerable young people.
Essex Wildlife Trust
Evaluation of Eastlight Community Homes All In programme
Eastlight Community Homes Limited
The benefits of being in nature
What is the feasibility of prescribing community gardening to reduce loneliness and improve wellbeing in individuals with mental health problems?
University College London (Funder)
Tendring Loves Conservation. An evaluation of Essex Wildlife Trust's programme of engagement to connect local people to nature
Essex Wildlife Trust
Grow Care Farming: An evaluation of Natural England's project to build capacity and infrastructure of Care Farming
Social Farms & Gardens
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