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Head of the Network Convergence Laboratory (NCL) I am a Member of Academia Europaea (MAE), a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology), a Fellow of BCS (British Computing Society) and a Distinguished Member (DM) of ACM. I serve as the Chair of IEEE ComSoc Smart Grid Communications (2024-2025) and Vice Chair of IEEE ComSoc Green Communications and Computing (2023-2024). I received my PhD degree from University College London (UCL) in the area of communication networks and services. After 3 years' post-doc research in the Department of EEE at UCL working on EU research projects such as FAIN (Future Active IP Networks), MANTRIP and CONTEXT, I moved to University of Essex at 2003 to become an academic staff. Now I am a Chair Professor in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE), University of Essex, leading the Network Convergence Laboratory (NCL). My current research activities are focused on advancing new technologies related to communication and network systems, and on the fundamentals underlying them, including communication theory, algorithms, network science, machine learning and edge intelligence. In particular I am interested in energy aspects of future communication systems such as 6G, promoting energy self-sustainability via both energy efficiency (green communications and networking) and energy harvesting (wireless charging). Now I am also researching into applying modern AI into wireless networks. I have published 500+ technical papers and 2 monographs in the above areas, winning more than 10 best paper awards by either IEEE conferences or IEEE technical committees. I have been managing research projects funded by various sources such as UK EPSRC, EU FP7/H2020 and industries (e.g., British Telecom). I coordinated one EU FP7 research project (EVANS). I have been a Judge of GSMA Global Mobile Awards (MWC-Barcelona) since 2019 and a member of UK EPSRC Peer Review College since 2008. I serve on editorial boards of both IEEE journals (e.g., IEEE TNSE, ComMag, TNB, TVT) and non-IEEE journals (e.g., Deputy EiC of IET Smart Cities). I have been actively organizing international conferences/symposia/workshops, such as IEEE ComSoc flagship conference Globecom/ICC. I was a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE ComSoc (2020-2021) and a Recipient of the prestigious 2024 IET Achievement Medals and also 2024 IEEE CommSoft TC Technical Achievement Award.
PhD University College London (UCL),
MSc Jilin University,
BSc Jilin University,
University of Essex
Full Professor, School of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering (CSEE), University of Essex (1/10/2011 - present)
Reader, Dept. of Electronic Systems Engineering, University of Essex (1/10/2008 - 30/9/2011)
Lecturer, Dept. of Electronic Systems Engineering, University of Essex (1/8/2003 - 30/9/2008)
Research interests
Wireless networks and communications, AI for Communications, UAV-enabled Wireless Communications
mobile edge computing, edge intelligence
data and energy integrated communication networks (DEIN)
Current teaching responsibilities
C Programming and Embedded Systems (CE243)
MSc Project and Dissertation (CE901)
MSc Project and Dissertation Preparation (CE997)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/7/2021

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/11/2020

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/7/2018

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2018

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/2/2018

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/2/2018

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/12/2017

Degree subject: Electronic Systems Engineering
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 24/11/2017

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/8/2017

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/2/2017

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/10/2014

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/5/2014

Degree subject: Computing and Electronic Systems
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/9/2013
Journal articles (355)
Huang, Q., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2025). Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Integrated Data and Energy Multicast System in Terahertz-Bands. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. 9 (1), 152-163
Zhang, C., Liu, Y., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2025). Joint User Identification, Channel Estimation, and Data Detection for Grant-Free NOMA in LEO Satellite Communications. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 43 (1), 107-121
Lei, Y., Liu, Y., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2025). Hypernetwork-Aided Channel Estimation for Integrated Data and Energy Transfer. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 74 (2), 3401-3406
Wu, W., Xiang, L., Liu, Q. and Yang, K., (2025). SemAI: Semantic Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced DNA Storage for Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 12 (3), 2725-2735
Luo, C., Hu, J., Xiang, L., Yang, K. and Lei, B., (2025). Optimizing Placement and Power Allocation in Reconfigurable Intelligent Sensing Surfaces for Enhanced Sensing and Communication Performance. IEEE Communications Letters. 29 (1), 11-15
Sun, Y., Cheng, W., Wang, Q., Yang, K. and Chen, Y., (2025). Advancing the Internet of Bio-Nano Things: A Novel DNA-Based Track-Hopper System for Enhanced Efficiency and Reliability. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 12 (4), 4144-4157
Fan, X., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2025). Payload-Adaptive Hybrid MAC Protocol for Sustainable Internet of Things Networks: Protocol Design and Adaptive Adjustment Mechanisms. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 12 (6), 6844-6855
Zhang, L., Hang, L., Zu, K., Wang, Y. and Yang, K., (2025). Dynamic Vehicle Reputation Consensus: Enhancing IoV Communication With a Blockchain Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 74 (3), 4788-4806
Liu, Y., Zhang, C., Hu, J., Chen, J. and Yang, K., (2025). Low-Complexity MIMO-SCMA Detection for LEO Satellite Communications. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 74 (3), 5253-5258
Chen, S., Wang, X., Sun, Y. and Yang, K., (2025). STAN: Spatio-Temporal Analysis Network for efficient video action recognition. Expert Systems with Applications. 268, 126255-126255
Wang, Y., Zu, K., Xiang, L., Zhang, Q., Feng, Z., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2025). ISAC Enabled Cooperative Detection for Cellular-Connected UAV Network. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 24 (2), 1541-1554
Jiang, F., Dong, L., Peng, Y., Wang, K., Yang, K., Pan, C. and You, X., (2025). Large AI Model Empowered Multimodal Semantic Communications. IEEE Communications Magazine. 63 (1), 76-82
Wang, Y., Hu, X., Li, A., Masouros, C., Wong, K-K. and Yang, K., (2025). Symbol-Scaling based Interference Exploitation in ISAC Systems: From Symbol Level to Block Level. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 24 (3), 2451-2466
Xiao, H., Hu, X., Wang, W., Su, Z., Wong, K-K. and Yang, K., (2025). STAR-RIS and UAV Combination in MEC Networks: Simultaneous Task Offloading and Communications. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 1-1
Xiao, H., Hu, X., Zhang, W., Wang, W., Wong, K-K. and Yang, K., (2025). Energy-Efficient STAR-RIS Enhanced UAV-Enabled MEC Networks with Bi-Directional Task Offloading. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 1-1
Hu, X., Zhao, P., Xiao, H., Zheng, T-X., Wang, W. and Yang, K., (2025). Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Covert Communications: A Multi-User Scenario. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 1-6
Zhang, L., Hang, L., Zu, K., Wang, Y. and Yang, K., (2025). Constructing Next-Generation IoT Security: Embedded Smart Contracts and Multi-Layer Security Protection. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 1-1
Wei, J., Zhao, Y. and Yang, K., (2025). Integrated Communication and Control for Intelligent Formation Management of UAV Swarms: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 1-1
Wen, Y., Zhang, G., Wang, K. and Yang, K., (2025). Training Latency Minimization for Model-Splitting Allowed Federated Edge Learning. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 1-12
He, J., Tang, Z., Yang, K. and Chen, H-H., (2024). Matching 5G Connected Vehicles to Sensed Vehicles for Safe Cooperative Autonomous Driving. IEEE Network. 38 (3), 227-235
Zhang, C., Yan, H., Liu, Q., Yang, K., Liu, F. and Lin, L., (2024). Design and Analysis of a Through-Body Signal Transmission System Based on Human Oxygen Saturation Detection. IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications. 10 (1), 122-131
Xiao, H., Hu, X., Li, A., Wang, W., Su, Z., Wong, K-K. and Yang, K., (2024). STAR-RIS Enhanced Joint Physical Layer Security and Covert Communications for Multi-antenna mmWave Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 23 (8), 8805-8819
Xiang, L., Xu, K., Hu, J., Masouros, C. and Yang, K., (2024). Robust NOMA-Assisted OTFS-ISAC Network Design With 3D Motion Prediction Topology. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 11 (9), 15909-15918
Zhang, B., Yang, K., Wang, K. and Zhang, G., (2024). Performance Analysis for RIS-Assisted SWIPT-Enabled IoT Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 23 (8), 10030-10043
Xiang, L., Liu, Q., Chen, S., Yan, K., Wu, W. and Yang, K., (2024). A Tutorial on Coding Methods for DNA-Based Molecular Communications and Storage. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 11 (7), 11825-11847
Zhao, Y., Zhang, L., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2024). Reflective Index Modulation for IRS Assisted Integrated Data and Energy Transfer. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 23 (9), 11508-11520
Yue, Q., Hu, J., Shui, T., Huang, Q., Yang, K. and Hanzo, L., (2024). Hybrid Terahertz Beamforming Relying on Channel Sparsity and Angular Orthogonality. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 73 (4), 4759-4773
Tang, Q., Wen, S., He, S. and Yang, K., (2024). Multi-UAV-Assisted Offloading for Joint Optimization of Energy Consumption and Latency in Mobile Edge Computing. IEEE Systems Journal. 18 (2), 1414-1425
Luo, C., Hu, J., Xiang, L., Yang, K. and Wong, K-K., (2024). Massive Wireless Energy Transfer Without Channel State Information via Imperfect Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 73 (6), 8529-8541
Wei, Y., Lu, Y., Zhao, P., Leng, S. and Yang, K., (2024). Minimizing Age of Information in UAV-Assisted Data Collection With Limited Charging Facilities. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 13 (5), 1463-1467
Yan, K., Xiang, L. and Yang, K., (2024). Cooperative Target Search Algorithm for UAV Swarms With Limited Communication and Energy Capacity. IEEE Communications Letters. 28 (5), 1102-1106
Huang, Q., Hu, J., Yue, Q. and Yang, K., (2024). Beamforming Design in Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Multicast System in Ultra-High Frequency Bands With Large-Scale Antenna Array. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 13 (5), 1429-1433
Wang, C., Yang, K., Hu, J., Mei, H. and Wang, P., (2024). Jointly Optimize Energy Harvest Time and Device Pairing for D2D Communications Underlaying Cellular Network. Wireless Personal Communications. 135 (4), 1993-2010
Luo, X., Lu, X., Jin, B., Yin, B. and Yang, K., (2024). User Grouping and Resource Allocation for Joint Communication and Positioning in mmWave Multi-cell Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 23 (10), 14096-14108
Xiong, B., Liu, Y., Liu, R., Zhao, J., He, S., Zhao, B., Yang, K. and Li, K., (2024). ActiveGuardian: An accurate and efficient algorithm for identifying active elephant flows in network traffic. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 224, 103853-103853
Hu, J., Gao, J., Yu, Q. and Yang, K., (2024). Unmanned Aerial Vehicle aided Batteryless Covert Communications: A Robust Design Against Cooperative Hostile Detection. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 73 (9), 12904-12916
Zhao, Y., Wu, Y., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2024). Performance analysis and optimization of energy harvesting modulation for multi-user integrated data and energy transfer. China Communications. 21 (1), 148-162
Liang, G., Hu, J., Zhao, Y. and Yang, K., (2024). Intelligent Link Adaptation for Integrated Data and Energy Transfer: An Enhanced DRL Approach for Long-Term Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 72 (11), 6956-6972
Hu, J., Cui, J., Xiang, L. and Yang, K., (2024). End-to-End Design of Polar Coded Integrated Data and Energy Networking. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 72 (11), 7017-7031
Xiong, B., Wu, J., Huang, Q., Zhao, J., Tang, Q., Zhang, J., Yang, K. and Li, K., (2024). Elastically accelerating lookup on virtual SDN flow tables for software-defined cloud gateways. Computer Networks. 238, 110092-110092
Zheng, W., Li, J., Ke, M., Yang, M., Zheng, Y., Zhang, C., Liu, Q., Zhang, Y. and Yang, K., (2024). Optimizing Spatial Channel Networks (SCNs) in Hierarchical Optical Cross-Connect (HOXC) architectures: Impact of wavelength switching granularity on performance. Computer Networks. 250, 110572-110572
Peng, Y., Jiang, F., Tu, S., Dong, L., Wang, K. and Yang, K., (2024). Dynamic Client Scheduling Enhanced Federated Learning for UAVs. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 13 (7), 1998-2002
Liang, G., Hu, J., Yang, K., Song, S., Liu, T., Xie, N. and Yu, Y., (2024). Data Augmentation for Predictive Digital Twin Channel: Learning Multi-Domain Correlations by Convolutional TimeGAN. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 18 (1), 18-33
Zheng, Y., Hu, J., Zhao, Y. and Yang, K., (2024). Average Age of Sensing in Wireless Powered Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 23 (8), 9265-9281
Yue, G., Liu, Q. and Yang, K., (2024). Bio-Internet of Things Through Micro-Circulation Network: A Molecular Communication Channel Modeling. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 11 (22), 36521-36533
Jiang, F., Peng, Y., Dong, L., Wang, K., Yang, K., Pan, C. and You, X., (2024). Large AI Model-Based Semantic Communications. IEEE Wireless Communications. 31 (3), 68-75
Tang, Q., Yang, Y., Yang, H., Cao, D. and Yang, K., (2024). Energy Consumption Minimization for Hybrid Federated Learning and Offloadable Tasks in UAV-Enabled WPCN. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. 11 (5), 4639-4650
Rao, B., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2024). Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Hybrid Backscatter and Wireless Powered Communications: 3-D Trajectory Design and Resource Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. 10 (5), 1678-1689
Dong, L., Peng, Y., Jiang, F., Wang, K. and Yang, K., (2024). Explainable Semantic Federated Learning Enabled Industrial Edge Network for Fire Surveillance. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 20 (12), 14053-14061
Zhou, S., Xiang, L. and Yang, K., (2024). Temporal-Assisted Dynamic Beampattern Optimization in Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems. IEEE Communications Letters. 28 (11), 2548-2552
Xiao, H., Hu, X., Wang, W., Wong, K-K. and Yang, K., (2024). Frequency Diverse RIS (FD-RIS) Enhanced Wireless Communications via Joint Distance-Angle Beamforming. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 13 (12), 3459-3463
Mao, S., Liu, L., Hou, X., Atiquzzaman, M. and Yang, K., (2024). Multi-domain Resource Management for Space-Air-Ground Integrated Sensing, Communication and Computation Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 42 (12), 3380-3394
Fan, X., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2024). Martingale Theory Based Definition and Analysis of Energy Self-Sustainability in Batteryless Internet of Things. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 1-1
Huang, Q., Hu, J., Zhao, Y. and Yang, K., (2024). Holographic Integrated Data and Energy Transfer. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 23 (12), 18987-19002
Dong, L., Jiang, F., Peng, Y., Wang, K., Yang, K., Pan, C. and Schober, R., (2024). LAMBO: Large AI Model Empowered Edge Intelligence. IEEE Communications Magazine, 1-7
Wei, Y., Wan, Z., Xiao, Y., Leng, S., Wang, K. and Yang, K., (2024). Joint Split Offloading and Trajectory Scheduling for UAV-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing in IoT Network. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. 11 (6), 6180-6193
Ma, C., Li, X., He, C., Peng, J., Yang, K. and Jane Wang, Z., (2024). Coverage Analysis of Single-swarm mmWave UAV Networks under Multiple Types of Blockages. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 72 (12), 7907-7921
Wang, X., Shen, M. and Yang, K., (2024). On-Edge High-Throughput Collaborative Inference for Real-Time Video Analytics. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 11 (20), 33097-33109
Lin, X., Wu, R., Mei, H. and Yang, K., (2024). A game incentive mechanism for energy efficient federated learning in computing power networks. Digital Communications and Networks. 10 (6), 1741-1747
Zhou, S., Yang, H., Xiang, L. and Yang, K., (2024). Temporal-Assisted Beamforming and Trajectory Prediction in Sensing-Enabled UAV Communications. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 1-1
Jiang, F., Peng, Y., Dong, L., Wang, K., Yang, K., Pan, C., Niyato, D. and Dobre, OA., (2024). Large Language Model Enhanced Multi-Agent Systems for 6G Communications. IEEE Wireless Communications. 31 (6), 48-55
Zheng, W., Ke, M., Li, J., Yang, M., Zheng, Y., Zhang, Y. and Yang, K., (2024). Improved ILP Models and Heuristics for Solving Routing and Resource Allocation Problems in Optical Networks. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 1-19
Tang, Q., Li, B., Yang, HH., Li, Y., He, S. and Yang, K., (2024). Delay and Load Fairness Optimization with Queuing Model in Multi-UAV Assisted MEC: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 1-1
Yang, Y., Ma, M., Wu, H., Yu, Q., Zhang, P., You, X., Wu, J., Peng, C., Yum, T-SP., Shen, S., Aghvami, AH., Li, GY., Wang, J., Liu, G., Gao, P., Tang, X., Cao, C., Thompson, J., Wong, K-K., Chen, S., Debbah, M., Dustdar, S., Eliassen, F., Chen, T., Duan, X., Sun, S., Tao, X., Zhang, Q., Huang, J., Cui, S., Zhang, W., Li, J., Gao, Y., Zhang, H., Chen, X., Ge, X., Xiao, Y., Wang, C-X., Zhang, Z., Ci, S., Mao, G., Li, C., Shao, Z., Zhou, Y., Liang, J., Li, K., Wu, L., Sun, F., Wang, K., Liu, Z., Yang, K., Wang, J., Gao, T. and Shu, H., (2023). 6G Network AI Architecture for Everyone-Centric Customized Services. IEEE Network. 37 (5), 71-80
Zhang, B., Yang, K., Wang, K. and Zhang, G., (2023). Performance Analysis of RIS-Assisted Wireless Communications With Energy Harvesting. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 72 (1), 1325-1330
Liu, J., Zhang, G., Wang, K. and Yang, K., (2023). Task-Load-Aware Game-Theoretic Framework for Wireless Federated Learning. IEEE Communications Letters. 27 (1), 268-272
Zhao, Y., Wu, Y., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2023). A General Analysis and Optimization Framework of Time Index Modulation for Integrated Data and Energy Transfer. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 22 (6), 3657-3670
Ke, H., Wang, H., Yang, K. and Sun, H., (2023). Service caching decision‐making policy for mobile edge computing using deep reinforcement learning. IET Communications. 17 (3), 362-376
Hu, J., Shui, T., Xiang, L. and Yang, K., (2023). Multi-Domain Resource Scheduling for Simultaneous Wireless Computing and Power Transfer in Fog Radio Access Network. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 71 (1), 269-281
Zhao, Y., Wu, Y., Hu, J., Yang, K. and Clerckx, B., (2023). Energy Harvesting Modulation for Integrated Control State and Energy Transfer in Industrial IoT. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 12 (2), 292-296
Hu, J., Xu, K., Xiang, L. and Yang, K., (2023). Orthogonal-Time-Frequency-Space Signal Design for Integrated Data and Energy Transfer: Benefits from Doppler Offsets. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 12 (4), 689-693
Wang, P., Yang, K. and Mei, H., (2023). Joint Resource Allocation Algorithm for Energy Harvest-based D2D Communication Underlaying Cellular Networks Considering Fairness. IEEE Communications Letters. 27 (4), 1200-1204
Mao, S., Liu, L., Zhang, N., Hu, J., Yang, K., Dong, M. and Ota, K., (2023). Resource Scheduling for Intelligent Reflecting Surface-assisted Full-duplex Wireless Powered Communication Networks with Phase Errors. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 10 (7), 6018-6030
Tang, Q., Yang, Y., Liu, L. and Yang, K., (2023). Minimal Throughput Maximization of UAV-enabled Wireless Powered Communication Network in Cuboid Building Perimeter Scenario. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. 20 (4), 4558-4571
Fan, X., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2023). UAV-aided data and energy integrated network: System design and prototype development. China Communications. 20 (7), 290-302
Yue, Q., Hu, J., Yang, K. and Yu, Q., (2023). Joint Transceiving and Reflecting Design for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless Power Transfer. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 22 (11), 7478-7491
Shui, T., Hu, J., Yang, K., Kang, H., Rui, H. and Wang, B., (2023). Cell-Free Networking for Integrated Data and Energy Transfer: Digital Twin based Double Parameterized DQN For Energy Sustainability. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 22 (11), 8035-8049
Fan, X., Hu, J., Zhao, Y. and Yang, K., (2023). Distributed Batteryless Access Control for Data and Energy Integrated Networks: Modeling and Performance Analysis. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 10 (15), 13428-13441
Hu, J., Hou, Y. and Yang, K., (2023). Multi-sinusoidal waveform shaping for integrated data and energy transfer in aging channels. China Communications. 20 (4), 243-258
Yue, Q., Hu, J., Yang, K. and Wong, K-K., (2023). Robust Integrated Data and Energy Transfer Aided by Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: Successive Target Migration Optimization Towards Energy Sustainability. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. 7 (4), 1932-1945
Zhao, Y., Hu, J., Yang, K. and Wei, X., (2023). A Joint Communication and Control System for URLLC in Industrial IoT. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 72 (11), 15074-15079
Zhang, X., Zhang, G., Wang, K. and Yang, K., (2023). Device association and trajectory planning for UAV-assisted MEC in IoT: a matching theory-based approach. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2023 (1)
Xiang, L., Cui, J., Hu, J., Yang, K. and Hanzo, L., (2023). Polar Coded Integrated Data and Energy Networking: A Deep Neural Network Assisted End-to-End Design. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 72 (8), 11047-11052
Zheng, Y., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2023). SWIPT aided Cooperative Communications with Energy Harvesting based Selective-Decode-and-Forward Protocol: Benefiting from Channel Aging Effect. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. 7 (3), 1192-1204
Yue, Q., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2023). Low complexity but near optimal hybrid beamforming design in tera‐hertz communication systems: principles and opportunities. IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation. 17 (8), 595-603
Zheng, Y., Yang, K., Yan, Y., Shen, J. and Mei, H., (2023). An energy‐efficient power allocation algorithm under reliability constraint for industrial Internet of Thing systems. International Journal of Communication Systems. 36 (14)
Wang, Z., Hu, J., Yang, K. and Wong, K-K., (2023). Wideband Waveforming for Integrated Data and Energy Transfer: Creating Extra Gain Beyond Multiple Antennas and Multiple Carriers. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 23 (4), 2855-2868
Wang, Q., Sun, Y., Cheng, W., Chen, Y. and Yang, K., (2023). Novel Interleaved Code for High-throughput Parallel DNA-based Molecular Communications. IEEE Communications Letters. 27 (10), 2593-2597
Luo, X., Lu, X., Yin, B. and Yang, K., (2023). Resource Allocation for Joint Communication and Positioning in Mmwave Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 73 (2), 2187-2201
Bai, Y., Zhao, H., Zhang, X., Chang, Z., Jäntti, R. and Yang, K., (2023). Toward Autonomous Multi-UAV Wireless Network: A Survey of Reinforcement Learning-Based Approaches. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. 25 (4), 3038-3067
Xiang, L., Xu, K., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2023). Green Beamforming Design for Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems: A Practical Approach Using Beam-Matching Error Metrics. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 73 (4), 5935-5940
Mao, S., Zhang, N., Liu, L., Liu, T., Hu, J., Yang, K. and Niyato, D., (2023). Joint Beamforming and Reflecting Design for IRS-aided Wireless Powered Over-the-Air Computation and Communication Networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 72 (4), 2216-2231
Xiang, L., Zeng, Y., Hu, J., Yang, K. and Hanzo, L., (2023). Multi-Domain Polarization for Enhancing the Physical Layer Security of MIMO Systems. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 72 (3), 1502-1515
Rao, B., Hu, J., Al-nahari, A., Yang, K. and Jäntti, R., (2023). On the Physical Layer Security of UAV-Aided Backscatter Communications. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 13 (2), 274-278
Luo, C., Hu, J., Xiang, L. and Yang, K., (2023). Reconfigurable Intelligent Sensing Surface aided Wireless Powered Communication Networks: A Sensing-Then-Reflecting Approach. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 72 (3), 1835-1848
Xiao, H., Hu, X., Mu, P., Wang, W., Zheng, T-X., Wong, K-K. and Yang, K., (2023). Simultaneously Transmitting and Reflecting RIS (STAR-RIS) Assisted Multi-Antenna Covert Communication: Analysis and Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 23 (6), 6438-6452
Wu, W., Xiang, L., Liu, Q. and Yang, K., (2023). Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding for DNA Image Storage: A Novel Approach With Enhanced Error Resilience and Biological Constraint Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications. 9 (4), 461-471
Yang, K., Yue, G., Lin, G. and Liu, Q., (2023). Diffusion Based Anti-Interference Joint Modulation in MIMO Molecular Communication. IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications. 10 (1), 112-121
Mao, S., Zhang, N., Hu, J., Yang, K., Xiong, Y. and Chen, X., (2023). Computation Bits Maximization for IRS-Aided Mobile-Edge Computing Networks With Phase Errors and Transceiver Hardware Impairments. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 73 (4), 5587-5601
Shen, S., Yang, H., Yang, K., Wang, K. and Zhang, G., (2023). AoI-Aware Joint Resource Allocation in Multi-UAV Aided Multi-Access Edge Computing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. 11 (3), 2596-2609
Jiang, F., Peng, Y., Wang, K., Dong, L. and Yang, K., (2023). MARS: A DRL-Based Multi-Task Resource Scheduling Framework for UAV With IRS-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing System. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 11 (4), 3700-3712
Li, Y., Ding, Y., Gao, J., Liu, Y., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2023). UAV Autonomous Navigation for Wireless Powered Data Collection with Onboard Deep Q-Network. ZTE Communications. 21 (2), 80-87
Zhang, C., Yi, W., Liu, Y., Yang, K. and Ding, Z., (2022). Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Aided Multi-Cell NOMA Networks: A Stochastic Geometry Model. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 70 (2), 951-966
Zheng, Y., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2022). Average Age of Information in Wireless Powered Relay Aided Communication Network. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 9 (13), 11311-11323
Jiang, F., Dong, L., Wang, K., Yang, K. and Pan, C., (2022). Distributed Resource Scheduling for Large-Scale MEC Systems: A Multi-Agent Ensemble Deep Reinforcement Learning with Imitation Acceleration. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 9 (9), 6597-6610
Shen, S., Yang, K., Wang, K., Zhang, G. and Mei, H., (2022). Number and Operation Time Minimization for Multi-UAV Enabled Data Collection System with Time Windows. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 9 (12), 10149-10161
Liu, Q., Yang, K., Xie, J. and Sun, Y., (2022). DNA-Based Molecular Computing, Storage, and Communications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 9 (2), 897-915
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Hu, J., Zheng, Y. and Yang, K., (2022). Multi-Domain Resource Scheduling for Full-Duplex Aided Wireless Powered Communication Network. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 71 (10), 10849-10862
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Yue, Q., Hu, J., Yang, K. and Wong, K-K., (2022). Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless Power Transfer With a DC-Combining Based Energy Receiver and Practical Waveforms. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 71 (9), 9751-9764
Xie, X., He, C., Luan, H., Dong, Y., Yang, K., Gao, F. and Wang, ZJ., (2022). A Joint Optimization Framework for IRS-Assisted Energy Self-Sustainable IoT Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 9 (15), 13767-13779
Mei, H., Yang, K., Liu, Q. and Wang, K., (2022). 3D-Trajectory and Phase-Shift Design for RIS-Assisted UAV Systems Using Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 71 (3), 3020-3029
Shen, S., Yang, K., Wang, K. and Zhang, G., (2022). UAV-Aided Vehicular Short-Packet Communication and Edge Computing System under Time-Varying Channel. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 72 (5), 6625-6638
Mao, S., Zhang, N., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2022). Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Over-the-Air Computation for Backscatter Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 72 (5), 6839-6843
Wei, Y., An, Z., Leng, S. and Yang, K., (2022). Evolved PoW: Integrating the Matrix Computation in Machine Learning into Blockchain Mining. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 10 (8), 1-1
Hu, J., Reed, M., Thomos, N., Al-Naday, MF. and Yang, K., (2021). Securing SDN controlled IoT Networks Through Edge-Blockchain. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 8 (4), 2102-2115
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Mei, H., Yang, K., Shen, J. and Liu, Q., (2021). Joint Trajectory-Task-Cache Optimization With Phase-Shift Design of RIS-Assisted UAV for MEC. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 10 (7), 1586-1590
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Zhao, Y., Hu, J., Yang, K. and Wong, K-K., (2021). Unary Coding Design for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer With Practical M-QAM. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 20 (5), 2850-2862
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Zhao, Y., Hu, J., Yang, K. and Cui, S., (2020). Deep Reinforcement Learning Aided Intelligent Access Control in Energy Harvesting Based WLAN. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 69 (11), 14078-14082
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Liu, Q. and Yang, K., (2015). Channel capacity analysis of a diffusion‐based molecular communication system with ligand receptors. International Journal of Communication Systems. 28 (8), 1508-1520
Fan, B., Leng, S., Yang, K. and Zhang, Y., (2015). Optimal storage allocation on throwboxes in Mobile Social Networks. Computer Networks. 91, 90-100
Wang, Z., Tian, H., Yang, K. and Liu, Z., (2015). Frequency resource allocation strategy with QoS support in hybrid cellular and Device‐to‐Device networks. International Journal of Communication Systems. 28 (7), 1201-1218
Zhang, G., Liu, P., Yang, K., Du, Y. and Hu, Y., (2015). Orthogonal resource sharing scheme for device-to-device communication overlaying cellular networks: a cooperative relay based approach. Science China Information Sciences. 58 (10), 1-9
Song, Y., Hu, Z., Leng, X., Tian, H., Yang, K. and Ke, X., (2015). Friendship influence on mobile behavior of location based social network users. Journal of Communications and Networks. 17 (2), 126-132
Liang, K., Zhao, L., Yang, K., Zheng, G. and Ding, W., (2015). A Fair Power Splitting Algorithm for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Energy Transfer in CoMP Downlink Transmission. Wireless Personal Communications. 85 (4), 2687-2710
Hu, J., Yang, K., Warty, C. and Xu, K., (2015). Special issue on big data inspired data sensing, processing and networking technologies. Ad Hoc Networks. 35, 1-2
Zhang, G., Yang, K., Liu, P. and Du, Y., (2015). Using full duplex relaying in device-to-device (D2D) based wireless multicast services: a two-user case. Science China Information Sciences. 58 (8), 1-7
Magurawalage, CMS., Yang, K. and Wang, K., (2015). Aqua Computing: Coupling Computing and Communications.. CoRR. abs/1510.07250
Zhang, G., Yang, K. and Liu, P., (2015). A Distributed Algorithm for Bandwidth Resource Sharing in Relay-Aided Wireless Cellular Networks: From the Perspective of Economic Equilibrium Theory. Wireless Personal Communications. 82 (1), 435-449
Hu, J., Yang, K., Warty, C. and Xu, K., (2015). Guest Editorial - Special Issue on Big Data Inspired Data Sensing, Processing and Networking Technologies. Ad Hoc Networks. 35 (5), 1-2
Lu, X., Yang, K., Liu, Y., Zhou, D. and Liu, S., (2015). An elastic resource allocation algorithm enabling wireless network virtualization. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 15 (2), 295-308
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Peng, W., Dong, G., Yang, K. and Su, J., (2014). A Random Road Network Model and Its Effects on Topological Characteristics of Mobile Delay-Tolerant Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 13 (12), 2706-2718
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Zhang, L., Liu, J. and Yang, K., (2014). Virtualized Wireless SDNs: Modelling Delay Through the Use of Stochastic Network Calculus. ZTE Communications. 12 (2), 50-56
Bontozoglou, A., Yang, K. and Guild, K., (2013). A midterm DBA algorithm for quality of service on aggregation layer EPON networks. Photonic Network Communications. 25 (2), 120-134
Vastardis, N. and Kun Yang, (2013). Mobile Social Networks: Architectures, Social Properties, and Key Research Challenges. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. 15 (3), 1355-1371
Zhang, J., Yang, K., Xiang, L., Luo, Y., Xiong, B. and Tang, Q., (2013). A Self-Adaptive Regression-Based Multivariate Data Compression Scheme with Error Bound in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 9 (3), 913497-913497
Yu, R., Zhang, Y., Gjessing, S., Xia, W. and Yang, K., (2013). Toward cloud-based vehicular networks with efficient resource management. IEEE Network. 27 (5), 48-55
Zhang, G., Yang, K., Liu, P. and Feng, X., (2013). Incentive Mechanism for Multiuser Cooperative Relaying in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: A Resource-Exchange Based Approach. Wireless Personal Communications. 73 (3), 697-715
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Zhang, G., Yang, K., Song, J. and Li, Y., (2013). Fair and Efficient Spectrum Splitting for Unlicensed Secondary Users in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks. Wireless Personal Communications. 71 (1), 299-316
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Wang, Z., Yang, K., Hunter, DK., Hu, Z. and Tian, H., (2013). A Queuing Theory-Enabled Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for a Wired-Wireless Converged Network. Wireless Personal Communications. 72 (2), 1373-1397
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Yang, K., Cheng, X., Hu, L. and Zhang, J., (2012). Mobile social networks: state‐of‐the‐art and a new vision. International Journal of Communication Systems. 25 (10), 1245-1259
Zhang, G., Yang, K. and Chen, H-H., (2012). Resource allocation for wireless cooperative networks: a unified cooperative bargaining game theoretic framework. IEEE Wireless Communications. 19 (2), 38-43
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Zhang, G., Yang, K., Hu, Q., Liu, P. and Ding, E., (2012). Bargaining Game Theoretic Framework for Stimulating Cooperation in Wireless Cooperative Multicast Networks. IEEE Communications Letters. 16 (2), 208-211
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Guopeng Zhang, Kun Yang, Peng Liu, Enjie Ding and Yali Zhong, (2012). Joint Channel Bandwidth and Power Allocation Game for Selfish Cooperative Relaying Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 61 (9), 4142-4156
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Zhang, G., Yang, K. and Liu, P., (2012). Fair and Efficient Relay Selection and Spectrum Allocation for Multi-User and Multi-Relay Cooperative Cellular Networks. IEEE Communications Letters. 16 (10), 1532-1535
Lu, X., Yang, K., Liu, Y., Zhou, D. and Liu, S., (2012). An elastic resource allocation algorithm enabling wireless network virtualization. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 15 (2), n/a-n/a
Miao, J., Hu, Z., Yang, K., Wang, C. and Tian, H., (2012). Joint Power and Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm with QoS Support in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. IEEE Communications Letters. 16 (4), 479-481
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Konstantinidis, A. and Yang, K., (2011). Multi-objective K-connected Deployment and Power Assignment in WSNs using a problem-specific constrained evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition. Computer Communications. 34 (1), 83-98
Konstantinidis, A. and Yang, K., (2011). Multi-objective energy-efficient dense deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks using a hybrid problem-specific MOEA/D. Applied Soft Computing. 11 (6), 4117-4134
Fei, R., Yang, K., Ou, S. and Chen, H-H., (2011). QoS-aware Two-level Dynamic Uplink Bandwidth Allocation Algorithms in IEEE 802.16j Based Vehicular Networks. Wireless Personal Communications. 56 (3), 417-433
Chen, Y., Yang, K. and Zhao, B., (2011). Collaborative User Number Selection Based on Saturation Throughput and Sensing Performance. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 60 (8), 4019-4023
Zhao, L., Cong, L., Liu, F., Yang, K. and Zhang, H., (2011). Joint time-frequency-power resource allocation for low-medium-altitude platforms-based WiMAX networks. IET Communications. 5 (7), 967-974
Zhang, G., Yang, K., Liu, P. and Ding, E., (2011). Achieving User Cooperation Diversity in TDMA-Based Wireless Networks Using Cooperative Game Theory. IEEE Communications Letters. 15 (2), 154-156
Cong, L., Zhao, L., Zhang, H., Yang, K., Zhang, G. and Zhu, W., (2011). Pricing-based game for spectrum allocation in multi-relay cooperative transmission networks. IET Communications. 5 (4), 563-573
Cong, L., Zhao, L., Yang, K., Zhang, H. and Zhang, G., (2011). A Stackelberg game for resource allocation in multiuser cooperative transmission networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 11 (1), 129-141
Konstantinidis, A., Yang, K., Zhang, Q. and Zeinalipour-Yazti, D., (2010). A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for the deployment and power assignment problem in wireless sensor networks. Computer Networks. 54 (6), 960-976
Achilleos, A., Yang, K. and Georgalas, N., (2010). Context modelling and a context-aware framework for pervasive service creation: A model-driven approach. Pervasive and Mobile Computing. 6 (2), 281-296
Yang, K., Galis, A. and Chen, H-H., (2010). QoS-Aware Service Selection Algorithms for Pervasive Service Composition in Mobile Wireless Environments. Mobile Networks and Applications. 15 (4), 488-501
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Zhang, G., Yang, K. and Ding, E., (2010). Power allocation scheme for selfish cooperative communications based on game theory and particle swarm optimizer. Science China Information Sciences. 53 (9), 1908-1912
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Books (3)
Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2018). Preface
Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2018). Preface
Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2018). Preface
Book chapters (11)
Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2024). Integrated Data and Energy Transfer in Wireless Networks. Springer Nature Switzerland. 1- 220. 9783031605130
Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2018). Conclusions and Open Challenges. In: SpringerBriefs in Computer Science. Springer Singapore. 71- 76. 9789811301155
Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2018). Throughput Maximization and Fairness Assurance in Data and Energy Integrated Communication Networks. In: SpringerBriefs in Computer Science. Springer Singapore. 35- 54. 9789811301155
Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2018). Fundamental of Integrated WET and WIT. In: SpringerBriefs in Computer Science. Springer Singapore. 15- 34. 9789811301155
Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2018). Data and Energy Integrated Communication Networks: An Overview. In: SpringerBriefs in Computer Science. Springer Singapore. 1- 13. 9789811301155
Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2018). Joint Time Allocation and User Scheduling in a Full-Duplex Aided Multi-user DEIN. In: SpringerBriefs in Computer Science. Springer Singapore. 55- 69. 9789811301155
Zhao, L., Yang, K. and Zhao, G., (2016). Energy Efficient Fundamental Theory and Technical Approach. In: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. Springer International Publishing. 189- 213. 9783319275666
Achilleos, AP., Yang, K. and Papadopoulos, GA., (2015). Addressing Device-Based Adaptation of Services. In: Cloud Technology. IGI Global. 624- 647
Achilleos, A., Yang, K. and Georgalas, N., (2011). Model-Driven Engineering of Non-Functional Properties for Pervasive Service Creation. In: Non-Functional Properties in Service Oriented Architecture. IGI Global. 145- 171
Achilleos, A., Georgalas, N., Yang, K. and Papadopoulos, GA., (2010). A Software Cost Model to Assess Productivity Impact of a Model-Driven Technique in Developing Domain-Specific Design Tools. In: Advances in Computer and Electrical Engineering. IGI Global. 333- 355
Konstantinidis, A., Yang, K. and Zhang, Q., (2008). An Evolutionary Algorithm to a Multi-Objective Deployment and Power Assignment Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: IEEE GLOBECOM 2008 - 2008 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 1- 6. 9781424423248
Conferences (220)
Cheng, Z., Liu, Q. and Yang, K., (2025). A Molecular Communication Model Driven by Magnetic Field Force
Lv, P., Liu, Q. and Yang, K., (2025). A Method for Determining Relay Node Location in Molecular Communication
Gao, W., Liu, Q. and Yang, K., (2025). Image Encryption and Decryption Algorithm Based on DNA Sequence: Performance Analysis of Channel Fusion Processing
Zhang, G., Zheng, Y., Liu, Y., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2024). Resource Scheduling for Timely Wireless Powered Crowdsensing with the Aid of Average Age of Information
Wang, Y., Hu, X., Li, A., Wong, K-K. and Yang, K., (2024). Symbol-Scaling based Constructive Interference Waveform Design for ISAC Systems
Xiao, H., Hu, X., Zhang, W., Wang, W., Wong, K-K. and Yang, K., (2024). STAR-RIS Enhanced UAV-MEC Networks: Bi-Directional Task Offloading
Li, K., Liu, Y. and Yang, K., (2024). Delay Sensitive Link Adaptation for LEO Satellite-Terrestrial Networks
Zu, K., He, Y., Yuan, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, Q., Yang, K. and Haardt, M., (2024). Deep Learning Compressed Sensing-Based Channel Estimation for Massive MISO Systems
Wang, Y., Hu, X., Li, A., Wong, K-K. and Yang, K., (2024). CI-Based Block-Level Precoding for ISAC System
Xiao, H., Hu, X., Wang, W., Su, Z., Wong, K-K. and Yang, K., (2024). STAR-RIS and UAV Combination for Simultaneous Task Offloading and Communications in MEC Networks
Shen, S., Fu, Y. and Yang, K., (2023). Joint Resource Allocation in Digital-Twin-Assisted and UAV-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing System
(2023). Greeting
Zhao, Y., Zhang, L., Hu, J., Yang, K. and Di Renzo, M., (2023). Reflective Group Number Based Index Modulation for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Wireless Communications
Xiao, H., Hu, X., Li, A., Wang, W., Su, Z., Wong, K-K. and Yang, K., (2023). STAR-RIS-Assisted Joint Physical Layer Security and Covert Communications
Zheng, W., Zheng, Y., Yang, M. and Yang, K., (2023). Routing and Spectrum Assignment in Spatial Channel Network-Based Inter-Datacenter Networks
Zhao, Y., Zhang, Y., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2023). Integrated Communication and Control for UAV Assisted Wireless Power Transfer
(2023). Panel Statements
Zhang, B., Yang, K. and Wang, K., (2023). Performance Analysis of IRS-Assisted and Wireless Power Transfer Enabled ISAC Systems
Xiao, H., Hu, X., Mu, P., Wang, W., Zheng, T-X., Wong, K-K. and Yang, K., (2023). STAR-RIS Aided Covert Communications
Zhang, C., Yan, H., Liu, Q., Yang, K. and Lin, L., (2023). Signal Transmission Through Human Body via Human Oxygen Saturation Detection
Zhao, Y., Wei, J. and Yang, K., (2023). Integrated Communication and Control for Formation Management of UAV Swarms
Zheng, Y., Hu, J., Zhao, Y. and Yang, K., (2023). E2E Throughput Maximisation in SWIPT aided Cooperative Communications with Time-Varying Channels
Chen, R., Lu, X. and Yang, K., (2022). Joint Resource Allocation Based on F-OFDM for Integrated Communication and Positioning System
Du, H., Liu, Q. and Yang, K., (2022). Multi-hop relay directional communication based on attractants in molecular communication
Dai, C., Yang, K. and Deng, C., (2022). A Service Placement Algorithm Based on Merkle Tree in MEC Systems Assisted by Digital Twin Networks
Wang, Z., Li, P., Shen, S. and Yang, K., (2021). Task Offloading Scheduling in Mobile Edge Computing Networks
Hou, Y., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2021). Waveform Shaping For Wireless Information and Energy Provision with Carrier Frequency Offset
Wang, C., Hu, J., Liu, K., Jia, Q., Chen, J., Yang, K. and Feng, J., (2021). EEG-Based Emotion Recognition Fusing Spacial-Frequency Domain Features and Data-Driven Spectrogram-Like Features
Li, Y., Lu, X., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2021). A Slotted Batteryless Massive Access Protocol Based on Sparse Code for Wireless Powered Communication Networks
Zheng, Y., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2021). Age of Information in Decode-and-Forward Aided Wireless Powered Two-Hop Sensor Network
Zhang, B., Hu, J., Yu, Q. and Yang, K., (2021). Trajectory Design of UAV Aided Wireless Information and Energy Provision
Du, H., Liu, Q., Yang, K. and Shen, J., (2021). Multi-relay Directional Communication Algorithm Based on Aggregation Effect in Molecular Communication
Wang, C., Hu, J., Yang, K. and Mei, H., (2021). Energy-awareness caching strategy in D2D communication networks
Hu, J., Li, M., Yang, K. and Liu, L., (2020). Performance Analysis of the Unary Coding Aided SWIPT in a Single-User Z-Channel
Hu, X., Wong, K-K., Yang, K. and Zheng, Z., (2020). Task and Bandwidth Allocation for UAV-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing with Trajectory Design
Lu, Z., Liu, Q., Yang, K. and Mao, Y., (2020). Performance of Diffusion-Based MIMO Molecular Communications and Dual Threshold Algorithm
Yue, Q., Hu, J., Huang, C. and Yang, K., (2020). Hybrid Multicast Beamforming and Combiner Design of mmWave based MIMO-SWIPT System
Xiao, H., Hu, Z., Yang, K., Du, Y. and Chen, D., (2020). An Energy-Aware Joint Routing and Task Allocation Algorithm in MEC Systems Assisted by Multiple UAVs
Zheng, Y., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2020). Sum - Throughput Maximisation in Multi - Antenna aided Full-Duplex WPCNs with Self-Interference
Fan, X., Liang, X., Liu, Q., Yang, K. and Chen, H., (2020). A Consistent Address Allocation Algorithm Mitigating Address Conflict for Large-Scale LoRa-Enabled IoT Networks
Hu, J., Zhang, L., Yu, Q. and Yang, K., (2020). Wireless Information and Energy Provision with Practical Modulation in Energy Self-Sustainable Wireless Networks
Hu, J., Shui, T., Zhang, W., Wu, F. and Yang, K., (2020). Spatial-Domain Resource Scheduling for Wireless Computing and Energy Provision in Energy Self-Sustainable F-RAN
Hu, Q., Mi, X., Guo, S., Liu, H., Song, F., Yang, K. and Yin, X., (2020). Distribution Pattern Learning for Social Resources in a Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey Community
Wang, X. and Yang, K., (2019). A Time-slot Based Coordination Mechanism Between WiFi and IEEE 802.15.4
Yu, Q., Yu, J., Hu, J., Yang, K., Wang, T. and Ding, R., (2019). Joint Transceiver Design for Fully-Duplex Cloud-Access DEINs
Cai, Y., Lu, X., Luo, Y., Wang, K., Chen, D. and Yang, K., (2019). A Task Allocation Algorithm for Profit Maximization in NFC-RAN
Wang, L., Huang, P., Wang, K., Zhang, G., Zhang, L., Aslam, N. and Yang, K., (2019). RL-Based User Association and Resource Allocation for Multi-UAV enabled MEC
Yang, L., Ge, X., Liu, Q., Yang, K., Chen, Y. and Nakano, T., (2019). Chemotaxis-based Multi-hop Molecular Nanonetworks for Target Detection
Hou, X., Ren, Z., Yang, K., Chen, C., Zhang, H. and Xiao, Y., (2019). IIoT-MEC: A Novel Mobile Edge Computing Framework for 5G-enabled IIoT
(2019). Greeting
Zhang, Y., Yang, K. and Chen, H., (2019). An Adaptive MAC Layer Energy-Saving Algorithm for ZigBee-Enabled IoT Networks
Pi, B., He, P., Yang, K. and Liu, Q., (2019). Channel Aggregation in Molecular Communication Network Based on Calcium Signal
Huang, G., Wang, Y., Deng, C., Yang, K. and Chen, D., (2019). Flexi-IoT: A Flexible IoT Platform Supporting Heterogeneous Network Access and Fuzzy User Input
Du, Y., Wang, K., Yang, K. and Zhang, G., (2019). Trajectory Design of Laser-Powered Multi-Drone Enabled Data Collection System for Smart Cities
Wang, X., Wu, S., Wang, K., Di, S., Jin, H., Yang, K. and Ou, S., (2018). Maximizing the Profit of Cloud Broker with Priority Aware Pricing
Shi, C., Ren, Z., Yang, K., Chen, C., Zhang, H., Xiao, Y. and Hou, X., (2018). Ultra-low latency cloud-fog computing for industrial Internet of Things
Wang, X., Leng, S., Liu, X., Zhao, Q., Wangy, K. and Yang, K., (2018). Fog computing aided multi-view video in mobile social networks
Yang, L., Mao, Y., Liu, Q., Zhai, H. and Yang, K., (2018). High-Efficiency Target Detection Scheme through Relay Nodes in Chemotactic-Based Molecular Communication
Liu, L., Chen, C., Ren, Z., Qiu, T. and Yang, K., (2018). A Delay-Aware and Backbone-Based Geographic Routing for Urban VANETs
Mao, S., Leng, S., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2018). Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Cooperative Wireless Powered Cellular Networks
Mao, S., Leng, S., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2018). Utility-Optimal Resource Allocation in Energy Harvesting Powered C-RAN
Zhang, Y., Yang, K. and Lu, X., (2018). Energy Efficient Prioritized Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm Supporting RF Energy Charging
Zhao, Y., Hu, J., Ding, Z. and Yang, K., (2018). Constellation Rotation Aided Modulation Design for the Multi-User SWIPT-NOMA
Psaras, I., Yang, K., Al-Naday, M., Crowcroft, J., Polyzos, G. and Reed, M., (2018). Message from the workshop chairs
Du, Y., Wang, K., Yang, K. and Zhang, G., (2018). Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in UAV Based MEC System for IoT Devices
Zhai, H., Yang, L., Nakano, T., Liu, Q. and Yang, K., (2018). Bio-Inspired Design and Implementation of Mobile Molecular Communication Systems at the Macroscale
Li, P., Luo, Y., Wang, K. and Yang, K., (2018). Energy Minimization and Offloading Number Maximization in Wireless Mobile Edge Computing
Zhao, Y., Hu, J., Guo, R., Yang, K. and Leng, S., (2018). Enhanced CSMA/CA Protocol Design for Integrated Data and Energy Transfer in WLANs
Yang, L., Mao, Y., Liu, Q., Zhai, H. and Yang, K., (2018). High-Efficiency Target Detection Scheme through Relay Nodes in Chemotactic-based Molecular Communication
Hu, X., Wong, K-K. and Yang, K., (2018). Power Minimization for Cooperative Wireless Powered Mobile Edge Computing Systems
Du, X., Yang, K., Bisio, I., Lavagetto, F. and Sciarrone, A., (2018). An AP-Centred Smart Probabilistic Fingerprint System for Indoor Positioning
Tang, Q., Xie, M-Z., Wang, L., Luo, Y-S. and Yang, K., (2017). A Load Balanced Charging Strategy for Electric Vehicle in Smart Grid
He, P., Nakano, T., Mao, Y., Liu, Q. and Yang, K., (2017). Channel Switching in Molecular Communication Networks through Calcium Signaling
Li, T., Magurawalage, CS., Wang, K., Xu, K., Yang, K. and Wang, H., (2017). On Efficient Offloading Control in Cloud Radio Access Network with Mobile Edge Computing
Du, X., Yang, K., Lu, X. and Wei, X., (2017). An indoor positioning approach using sibling signal patterns in enterprise WiFi infrastructure
Liu, M., Mao, Y., Leng, S. and Yang, K., (2017). Successive interference cancellation in full duplex cellular networks
Wang, K. and Yang, K., (2017). Resource allocation between service computing and communication computing for mobile operator
(2017). Greeting
Feng, T. and Yang, K., (2017). A nimble decompression algorithm for ZigBee firmware update in smart home environment
Tang, Q., Yang, K., Luo, Y-S. and Liu, Y-Y., (2017). Congestion Probability Balanced Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy in Smart Grid
Crowcroft, J., Mambretti, J., Pavlou, G., Polyzos, GC., Psaras, I., Yang, K., AL-Naday, M., Katsaros, KV. and Reed, MJ., (2017). Chairs'Welcome Message
Sun, Y., Yang, K. and Liu, Q., (2017). Channel capacity modelling of blood capillary-based molecular communication with blood flow drift
Zhai, H., Nakano, T., Vasilakos, AV., Yang, K. and Liu, Q., (2017). Increase detection algorithm for concentration-encoded diffusion-based molecular communication
Wang, X. and Yang, K., (2017). A Real-Life Experimental Investigation of Cross Interference between WiFi and ZigBee in Indoor Environment
Du, L., Yang, K. and Huang, C., (2017). Save-then-transmit scheme for Gaussian channels powered by random energy harvesters
Mao, S., Leng, S., Yang, K., Huang, X. and Zhao, Q., (2017). Fair Energy-Efficient Scheduling in Wireless Powered Full-Duplex Mobile-Edge Computing Systems
Tang, Q., Wang, K., Luo, Y-S. and Yang, K., (2017). Congestion Balanced Green Charging Networks for Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid
Mao, S., Leng, S., Yang, K., Zhao, Q. and Liu, M., (2017). Energy Efficiency and Delay Tradeoff in Multi-User Wireless Powered Mobile-Edge Computing Systems
Liao, J., Wong, K-K., Zhang, Y., Zheng, Z. and Yang, K., (2017). MDS Coded Cooperative Caching for Heterogeneous Small Cell Networks
Hu, J., Zhao, Y., Yang, K. and Yang, L-L., (2017). A Fair Resource Allocation Algorithm for Cooperative Multicast Aided Content Distribution
Zhao, Y., Wei, N., Hu, J., Yang, K., Yu, Q. and Huang, C., (2017). Joint resource allocation for outdoor and indoor UEs in heterogeneous data and energy integrated communication networks
(2017). Message from the MSNCom-2017 Workshop Chairs
Hu, J., Xue, Y., Yu, Q. and Yang, K., (2017). A Joint Time Allocation and UE Scheduling Algorithm for Full-Duplex Wireless Powered Communication Networks
Chai, H., Leng, S., Hu, J. and Yang, K., (2017). Resources allocation in SWIPT aided fog computing networks
Crowcroft, J., Mambretti, J., Pavlou, G., Polyzos, GC., Psaras, I., Yang, K., AL-Naday, M., Katsaros, KV. and Reed, MJ., (2017). Chairs'Welcome Message
Alharbi, Y. and Yang, K., (2016). Optimizing jobs' completion time in cloud systems during virtual machine placement
Qin Yu, Yizhe Zhao, Lanxin Zhang, Yang, K., Supeng Leng and Fan Wu, (2016). Fair energy-efficient resource allocation based on queue balancing in data and energy integrated communication networks
Hu, J., Yang, L-L., Yang, K. and Hanzo, L., (2016). Socially aware integrated centralized infrastructure and opportunistic networking: a powerful content dissemination catalyst
Wang, X., Leng, S., Zhao, Q., Yin, J. and Yang, K., (2016). A scalable gather point based data delivery scheme in mobile social networks
Wang, X., Wang, K., Wu, S., Di, S., Yang, K. and Jin, H., (2016). Dynamic resource scheduling in cloud radio access network with mobile cloud computing
Li, T., Xu, K., Sheng, M., Wang, H., Yang, K. and Zhang, Y., (2016). Towards Minimal Tardiness of Data-Intensive Applications in Heterogeneous Networks
Yunong Han and Kun Yang, (2016). An adaptive mobility manager for Software-Defined Enterprise WLANs
Fan, B., Leng, S., Yang, K. and Yu, Q., (2016). Socially-aware E-Box deployment schemes for joint data forwarding and energy harvesting
Wang, K., Yang, K., Wang, X. and Magurawalage, CS., (2016). Cost-effective resource allocation in C-RAN with mobile cloud
Wu, F., Leng, S., Huang, X., Yu, Q. and Yang, K., (2016). Energy-transferring approach to power allocation with energy harvesting constraints
He, P., Mao, Y., Liu, Q., Lio, P. and Yang, K., (2016). Channel modelling of molecular communications across blood vessels and nerves
Luo, Y., Yang, K., Tang, Q., Zhang, J., Li, P. and Qiu, S., (2016). Data cost optimization for wireless data transmission service providers in virtualized wireless networks
(2016). Greeting
Du, X., Wu, J., Yang, K. and Wang, L., (2016). An AP-Centred Indoor Positioning System Combining Fingerprint Technique
Han, Y., Yang, K., Lu, X. and Zhou, D., (2016). An adaptive load balancing application for software-defined enterprise WLANs
Ahmadzadeh, S. and Yang, K., (2016). An income-based real-time pricing algorithm under uncertainties in smart grid
Wang, K. and Yang, K., (2016). Power-Minimization Computing Resource Allocation in Mobile Cloud-Radio Access Network
Zhao, Y., Jie Hu, Leng, S. and Yang, K., (2016). Transmission probability analysis of energy harvesting enabled 802.11 protocol
Zhang, Y., Yang, K. and Wang, X., (2015). Adaptive Current Level Control Algorithm For Battery-Powered ZigBee Network in Enterprise Settings
Ahmadzadeh, S. and Yang, K., (2015). Optimal Real Time Pricing Based on Income Maximization for Smart Grid
Sun, Y., Yang, K. and Liu, Q., (2015). Channel Capacity Analysis of Blood Capillary-Based Molecular Communication
Wei, J., Yang, K., Zhang, G. and Hu, Z., (2015). Pricing-based power allocation in wireless network virtualization: A game approach
Wang, X., Leng, S., Yin, J., Fan, B. and Yang, K., (2015). ESD: An energy saving data delivery scheme in mobile social networks
Khan, MA., Leng, S., Wang Xiang and Kun Yang, (2015). Architecture of heterogeneous wireless access networks: A short survey
Zhang, G., Yang, K., Wei, J., Xu, K. and Liu, P., (2015). Virtual resource allocation for wireless virtualization networks using market equilibrium theory
Luo, S-N., Sun, Y., Yang, K., Zhao, L-Q. and Liu, Q., (2015). Channel Capacity Analysis for Molecular Communication with Vesicle Release and Reception
Fan, B., Leng, S., Shao, C., Zhang, Y. and Yang, K., (2015). Joint optimization of throwbox deployment and storage allocation in Mobile Social Networks
Zhang, G., Wang, R., Wu, S., Chen, L., Dai, B., Yang, K. and Zhao, L., (2015). Joint Relay Selection and Resource Allocation for D2D-Enabled Cellular Communications
Fan, B., Leng, S., Yang, K. and Min, G., (2015). Coalition Based Bandwidth Allocation in Mobile Social Networks
Shen, M., Xu, K., Li, F., Yang, K., Zhu, L. and Guan, L., (2015). Elastic and Efficient Virtual Network Provisioning for Cloud-Based Multi-tier Applications
Luo, Y., Yang, K., Tang, Q., Zhang, J. and Qiu, S., (2015). Device-to-Device Service Selection Framework in Cloud Radio Access Network
(2015). Message from the MSNCom 2015 Workshop Chairs
He, P., Mao, Y., Liu, Q. and Yang, K., (2015). Adaptive Threshold Variation Algorithm for Diffusion-based Molecular Communication
Wei, J., Yang, K., Zhang, G. and Hu, Z., (2015). An evolved elastic resource virtualization algorithm for OFDMA-based wireless networks
(2015). Greetings
Zhang, L., Liu, J. and Yang, K., (2014). Quality of Service Modelling of Virtualized Wireless Networks: A Network Calculus Approach
Liu, J., Zhang, L. and Yang, K., (2014). Modeling Guaranteed Delay of Virtualized Wireless Networks Using Network Calculus
Vassilakis, VG., Al-Naday, MF., Reed, MJ., Alzahrani, BA., Yang, K., Moscholios, ID. and Logothetis, MD., (2014). A cache-aware routing scheme for information-centric networks
Vastardis, N., Adjrad, M., Buchanan, K., Liao, Z., Koch, C., Russo, R., Yang, K., Ghavami, M., Anderson, B. and Dudley, S., (2014). A user-centric system architecture for residential energy consumption reduction
Liu, C., Leng, S., Yang, K., Tong, L. and Zhang, K., (2014). A Cooperative-pricing-based Access Selection Mechanism for vehicular heterogeneous networks
Liu, Q., He, P., Yang, K. and Leng, S., (2014). Inter-symbol interference analysis of synaptic channel in molecular communications
Shen, M., Xu, K., Yang, K. and Chen, H-H., (2014). Towards efficient virtual network embedding across multiple network domains
Fan, B., Leng, S., Yang, K. and Liu, Q., (2014). GPS: A method for data sharing in Mobile Social Networks
(2014). Message from organizing co-chairs
Abdullah, S. and Yang, K., (2013). A QoS aware message scheduling algorithm in Internet of Things environment
Vastardis, N. and Yang, K., (2013). Multi-phase socially-aware routing in distributed mobile social networks
Abdullah, S. and Yang, K., (2013). An energy-efficient message scheduling algorithm in Internet of Things environment
Wei Yuan, Liang Hu and Kun Yang, (2013). A topology hidden anonymous multicast routing for ad hoc networks
Qiang Liu, Kun Yang and Peng He, (2013). Channel capacity analysis for molecular communication with continuous molecule emission
Liu, Q. and Yang, K., (2013). Multiple-access channel capacity of diffusion and ligand-based molecular communication
Decheng Chang, Gaochao Xu, Liang Hu and Kun Yang, (2013). A network-aware virtual machine placement algorithm in mobile cloud computing environment
(2013). MCSC 2013: Message from the Chairs
Vastardis, N., Bontozoglou, A., Yang, K. and Reed, M., (2012). Simulation tools enabling research on Information-centric Networks
Bontozoglou, A., Yang, K., Guild, K. and Farrera, MP., (2012). An experimental framework for vertical hand-over to guarantee session continuity in heterogeneous wireless environments
Guo-Peng Zhang, Kun Yang, Yan-Jun Hu, Xiao-Ji Li and Liang Hu, (2012). Fair and efficient spectrum splitting for cooperative cognitive radio networks
Peng, W., Dong, G., Yang, K., Su, J. and Wu, J., (2012). A Random Road Network Model for Mobility Modeling in Mobile Delay-Tolerant Networks
Wang, Z., Yang, K. and Hunter, DK., (2012). Modelling and analysis of multi-sink wireless sensor networks using queuing theory
Vastardis, N. and Yang, K., (2012). The importance of social tie detection in socially-aware opportunistic routing
Zhang, G., Yang, K., Liu, P., Yang, X. and Ding, E., (2012). Resource-exchange based cooperation stimulating mechanism for wireless ad hoc networks
Bontozoglou, A., Yang, K. and Guild, K., (2012). Cross-Technology Overlay Control Protocol for Resource Management in Converged Networks
Wang, Z., Yang, K. and Hunter, DK., (2012). A Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for a Multi-sink Wireless Sensor Network Converged with a Passive Optical Network
Bontozoglou, A., Yang, K. and Guild, K., (2011). Simulation Tools Enabling Research in Convergence of Fixed and Mobile Networks
Wang, Z., Yang, K. and Hunter, DK., (2011). Modelling and analysis of convergence of wireless sensor network and passive optical network using queueing theory
Fei, R., Yang, K. and Cheng, X., (2011). A cooperative social and vehicular network and its dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms
Zhang, G., Cong, L., Ding, E., Yang, K. and Yang, X., (2011). Fair and Efficient Resource Sharing for Selfish Cooperative Communication Networks Using Cooperative Game Theory
Chen, W., Yang, K. and Cheng, X., (2010). A location-based predictive route caching scheme for pure reactive Zone-based Routing Protocol in mobile ad hoc networks
Fei, R., Yang, K. and Ou, S., (2010). A QoS-Aware Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for Relay Stations in IEEE 802.16j-Based Vehicular Networks
Fei, R., Yang, K., Ou, S. and Cheng, X., (2010). A QoS-Aware Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for Base Stations in IEEE 802.16j-Based Vehicular Networks
(2010). Message from the TSP-2010 Symposium Chairs
Huang Junming, Cheng Xue-Qi, Guo Jiafeng, Shen Hua-Wei and Yang Kun, (2010). Social Recommendation with Interpersonal Influence
Guild, K., Farrera, MP., Martin, R., Almeida, R., Bontozoglou, A., Patel, M., Yang, K. and Callaghan, V., (2010). STUDENT: Scenarios, Technologies and Users within the Digital Essex Network Testbed
Yang, K., Wu, Y-M. and Zhou, H-B., (2010). Research of Optimal Energy Consumption Model in wireless sensor network
Schillings, A. and Yang, K., (2009). VGTR: A Collaborative, Energy and Information Aware Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks through the Use of Game Theory
Fei, R., Yang, K., Ou, S. and Wang, W., (2009). A Utility-Based Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm in IEEE 802.16 Networks to Minimize Average Queuing Delay
Konstantinidis, A., Zhang, Q. and Yang, K., (2009). A Subproblem-dependent Heuristic in MOEA/D for the Deployment and Power Assignment Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
Fei, R., Yang, K., Ou, S., Zhong, S. and Gao, L., (2009). A Utility-Based Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm with QoS Guarantee for IEEE 802.16j-Enabled Vehicular Networks
Konstantinidis, A., Yang, K., Zhang, Q. and Gordejuela-Sanchez, F., (2009). Multiobjective K-Connected Deployment and Power Assignment in WSNs Using Constraint Handling
Ou, S., Liu, D. and Yang, K., (2009). Dynamic Algorithms for Self-Deployment and Self-Configuration of Pervasive Service Components
Konstantinidis, A., Yang, K. and Zhang, QT., (2009). Problem-Specific Encoding and Genetic Operation for a Multi-Objective Deployment and Power Assignment Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
Shan, L., Liu, F. and Yang, K., (2009). Performance Analysis of Group Handover Scheme for IEEE 802.16j-Enabled Vehicular Networks
(2009). CSA 2009 Message from the General Chairs
Konstantinidis, A., Yang, K. and Zhang, Q., (2009). Problem-Specific Encoding and Genetic Operation for a Multi-Objective Deployment and Power Assignment Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
Ou, S., Wu, Y., Yang, K. and Zhou, B., (2008). Performance Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Offloading Systems for Pervasive Services in Mobile Wireless Environments
Achilleos, A., Yang, K. and Georgalas, N., (2008). A Model Driven Approach to Generate Service Creation Environments
Konstantinidis, A., Yang, K. and Zhang, Q., (2008). An Evolutionary Algorithm to a Multi-Objective Deployment and Power Assignment Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
Ou, S., Yang, K., Farrera, MP., Okonkwo, C. and Guild, KM., (2008). A control bridge to automate the convergence of Passive Optical Networks and IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) wireless networks
Li, J., Jing, H., Wang, G. and Yang, K., (2008). Authentication Protocols for Mobile IP Networks
(2008). Message from the NeSS 2008 Workshop Chairs
He, J., Yang, K. and Guild, K., (2008). A Dynamic Bandwidth Reservation Scheme for Hybrid IEEE 802.16 Wireless Networks
Zhou, B., Marshall, A., Zhou, W. and Yang, K., (2008). A Random Packet Destruction DoS Attack for Wireless Networks
Zhao, L., Guo, L., Zhang, G., Zhang, H. and Yang, K., (2008). An energy-efficient MAC protocol for WSNs: Game-theoretic constraint optimization
Achilleos, A., Yang, K., Georgalas, N. and Azmoodech, M., (2008). Pervasive Service Creation using a Model Driven Petri Net Based Approach
Chen, W., Yang, K. and Achilleos, A., (2008). RZRP: A Pure Reactive Zone-based Routing Protocol with Location-Based Predictive Caching Scheme for Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Ou, S., Yang, K. and Hu, L., (2007). CRoSS: A Combined Routing and Surrogate Selection Algorithm for Pervasive Service Offloading in Mobile Ad Hoc Environments
Ou, S., Yang, K., Liotta, A. and Hu, L., (2007). Performance Analysis of Offloading Systems in Mobile Wireless Environments
Jing, H., Li, J., Yang, K. and Chen, H-H., (2007). A Novel Commitment-based Authentication Protocol Based on AAA Architecture for Mobile IP Networks
Georgalas, N., Ou, S., Azmoodeh, M. and Yang, K., (2007). Towards a Model-Driven Approach for Ontology-Based Context-Aware Application Development: A Case Study
Zhao, L., Zhang, J., Yang, K. and Zhang, H., (2007). Using Incompletely Cooperative Game Theory in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Wu, Y., Yang, K., Zhong, S., Wang, W. and Shen, J., (2006). Routing protocols for an integrated cellular and Ad-hoc network with flexible access and their overhead analysis
Li, X., Hunter, DK. and Yang, K., (2006). WLC12-1: Distributed Coordinate-free Hole Detection and Recovery
Shumao Ou, Kun Yang and Qingfu Zhang, (2006). An efficient runtime offloading approach for pervasive services
Konstantinidis, A., Zhang, Q., Yang, K. and Henning, I., (2006). WSN19-5: Energy-aware Topology Control in Sensor Networks Using Modern Heuristics
Shumao Ou, Kun Yang and Liotta, A., (2006). An Adaptive Multi-Constraint Partitioning Algorithm for Offloading in Pervasive Systems
Ou, S., Georgalas, N., Azmoodeh, M., Yang, K. and Sun, X., (2006). A Model Driven Integration Architecture for Ontology-Based Context Modelling and Context-Aware Application Development
Ma, J. and Yang, K., (2006). WLC12-3: An Adaptive TDMA Control Phase Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
Yang, K., Todd, C. and Ou, S., (2006). Model-based service discovery for future generation mobile systems
Shen, J., Yang, K., Cao, Y. and Su, D., (2006). RLABP: A Receiver-deciding Location-Aided Broadcast Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Jun, S., Yuanda, C., Kun, Y. and Guangyi, S., (2006). PULI: An Efficient Location Information Service in MANETs Using Prediction and Constrained Broadcasting
Kun Yang, Shumao Ou, Liotta, A. and Henning, I., (2005). Composition of context-aware services using policies and models
Yew, A., Liotta, A. and Yang, K., (2005). Adaptive Content for the Mobile User: A Policy-Based Approach
Zhao, L., (2005). Designing Application Domain Models with Roles
Oredope, A., Liotta, A., Yang, K. and Tyrode-Goilo, DH., (2005). Experimental Evaluation of the IP Multimedia Subsystem
Shen, J., Yang, K. and Zhong, S., (2005). A Prediction-Based Location Update Algorithm in Wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Yang, B., Liu, DY., Yang, K. and Yu, WJ., (2004). Security extension to grasshopper for network management based policy
Yang, K., Guo, X., Zhong, S., Zhou, D. and Wang, W., (2003). Data Securing through Rule-Driven Mobile Agents and IPsec
Yang, K., Galis, A., Guo, X. and Liu, D., (2003). Rule-Driven Mobile Intelligent Agents for Real-Time Configuration of IP Networks
Kun Yang, Galis, A., Serrat, J., Jean, K., Vardalachos, N. and Xin Guo, (2003). Network-centric context-aware service over integrated wlan and gprs networks
Yang, K., Guo, X., Liu, D. and Yang, B., (2003). Towards Virtual Private Grid through Policy-based Management
Yang, K., Guo, X., Galis, A., Yang, B. and Liu, D., (2003). Network Engineering towards Efficient Resource on-Demand in Grid Computing
Guo, X., Yang, K., Galis, A., Cheng, X., Yang, B. and Liu, D., (2003). A Policy-based Network Management System for IP VPN
Yang, B., Liu, DY., Yang, K. and Wang, SS., (2003). Strategically migrating agents in itinerary graph
Yang, K., Galis, A. and Todd, C., (2002). Policy-based active Grid management architecture
Yang, B., Liu, DY. and Yang, K., (2002). Communication performance optimization for mobile agent system
Yang, K., Galis, A., Mota, T., Guo, X. and Todd, C., (2002). Service and Network Management Middleware for Cooperative Information Systems through Policies and Mobile Agents
Yang, K., Galis, A., Mota, T. and Gouveris, S., (2002). Automated Management of IP Networks through Policy and Mobile Agents
Reports and Papers (1)
Magurawalage, CMS., Yang, K., Ritosa, P., Georgiades, M. and Wang, K., (2017). A Resource Management Protocol for Mobile Cloud Using Auto-Scaling.
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