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Professor Kun Yang

School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)
Professor Kun Yang
  • Email

  • Location

    1NW.4.20, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    10am-12noon, Thursday during term time


Head of the Network Convergence Laboratory (NCL) I am a Member of Academia Europaea (MAE), a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology), a Fellow of BCS (British Computing Society) and a Distinguished Member (DM) of ACM. I serve as the Chair of IEEE ComSoc Smart Grid Communications (2024-2025) and Vice Chair of IEEE ComSoc Green Communications and Computing (2023-2024). I received my PhD degree from University College London (UCL) in the area of communication networks and services. After 3 years' post-doc research in the Department of EEE at UCL working on EU research projects such as FAIN (Future Active IP Networks), MANTRIP and CONTEXT, I moved to University of Essex at 2003 to become an academic staff. Now I am a Chair Professor in the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE), University of Essex, leading the Network Convergence Laboratory (NCL). My current research activities are focused on advancing new technologies related to communication and network systems, and on the fundamentals underlying them, including communication theory, algorithms, network science, machine learning and edge intelligence. In particular I am interested in energy aspects of future communication systems such as 6G, promoting energy self-sustainability via both energy efficiency (green communications and networking) and energy harvesting (wireless charging). Now I am also researching into applying modern AI into wireless networks. I have published 500+ technical papers and 2 monographs in the above areas, winning more than 10 best paper awards by either IEEE conferences or IEEE technical committees. I have been managing research projects funded by various sources such as UK EPSRC, EU FP7/H2020 and industries (e.g., British Telecom). I coordinated one EU FP7 research project (EVANS). I have been a Judge of GSMA Global Mobile Awards (MWC-Barcelona) since 2019 and a member of UK EPSRC Peer Review College since 2008. I serve on editorial boards of both IEEE journals (e.g., IEEE TNSE, ComMag, TNB, TVT) and non-IEEE journals (e.g., Deputy EiC of IET Smart Cities). I have been actively organizing international conferences/symposia/workshops, such as IEEE ComSoc flagship conference Globecom/ICC. I was a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE ComSoc (2020-2021) and a Recipient of the prestigious 2024 IET Achievement Medals and also 2024 IEEE CommSoft TC Technical Achievement Award.


  • PhD University College London (UCL),

  • MSc Jilin University,

  • BSc Jilin University,


University of Essex

  • Full Professor, School of Computer Science & Electronic Engineering (CSEE), University of Essex (1/10/2011 - present)

  • Reader, Dept. of Electronic Systems Engineering, University of Essex (1/10/2008 - 30/9/2011)

  • Lecturer, Dept. of Electronic Systems Engineering, University of Essex (1/8/2003 - 30/9/2008)