Dr Yuli Yang

yuli.yang@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 874457
5A.534, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
2-3pm on Tuesdays & Fridays in person (5A.534, by appointment)
Yuli Yang received the Ph.D. degree in communications and information systems from Peking University (China). She is a Senior Lecturer in Communications and Networks, with the University of Essex (UK). Prior to joining the University of Essex, she was with the University of Lincoln (UK), the University of Chester (UK), Meliksah University (Turkey), and King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (Saudi Arabia) on various academic positions. Her industry experience includes working with Bell Labs Shanghai (China) as a Research Scientist and with Huawei Technologies (China) as an Intern Researcher. Her research interests include modelling, design, analysis, and optimisation of wireless systems and networks, specifically in physical-layer security, permutation-based modulation/transmission, and ultra-reliable low-latency communications.
Ph.D. Peking University,
MBA (Distinction) University of Chester,
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Wireless Networks
Including but not limited to the following topics: next generation mobile systems, Internet of things, multi-service heterogeneous networks, vehicular ad-hoc networks, smart cities.
Communication Theory
Including but not limited to the following topics: multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO), multiplexing, diversity, multiple access, source coding, channel coding, adaptive modulation and coding, channel estimation, equalization.
Wireless Communications
Including but not limited to the following topics: physical layer security, ultra reliable & low latency communications, short-packet communications, cross-layer design, full-duplex infrastructure and network design, edge caching and AI computation offloading.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Mathematics for Computing (CE141)
Theory of Signals and Communication Systems (CE701)
Journal articles (52)
Ali, S., Zheng, D., Yang, Y., Ma, M. and Jiao, B., (2024). A New MIMO Scheme for Saving Power Consumption. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 13 (6), 1690-1694
Yang, Y. and Guizani, M., (2024). Metasource-Based Secret Key: Physical Layer Security Guarantee for Future Wireless Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications. 31 (5), 126-133
Shu, L., Chao, H-C., Hancke, G., Liu, Y., Qiao, Y. and Yang, Y., (2024). Guest Editorial of the Special Section on Physical Safety and Security for Outdoor Electronic Devices. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 70 (4), 7028-7031
Li, W., Yang, Y. and Jiao, B., (2023). Permutation-Based Transmissions in Finite Blocklength Regime: Efficient and Effective Resource Utilisation. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 71 (6), 3251-3262
Yang, Y. and Jiao, B., (2023). Dynamic Pilot Design for Multicast in the Internet of Vehicles Running at Different Speeds. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 10 (12), 10307-10317
Yin, W., Kong, Z., Liu, Y., Yang, Y. and Hanzo, L., (2023). Artificial-Noise-Aided CQI-Mapped Generalized Spatial Modulation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 72 (4), 5338-5343
Zheng, D., Yang, Y., Ma, M., Li, W. and Jiao, B., (2023). Joint Precoding and Array Design for Broadcast in the Internet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 10 (14), 12638-12650
Yang, Y. and Hanzo, L., (2023). Permutation-Based Short-Packet Transmissions Improve Secure URLLCs in the Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 10 (12), 11024-11037
Li, W., Zheng, D., Yang, Y. and Jiao, B., (2023). Power Indexed Adaptive Modulation to Improve Spectral Efficiency. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 12 (5), 818-822
Yao, H., Shu, L., Yang, F., Jin, Y. and Yang, Y., (2023). The phototactic rhythm of pests for the Solar Insecticidal Lamp: A review. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13, 1018711-
Yang, Y., Xu, C. and Hanzo, L., (2023). Source-Difference-Based Mapping Improves Spatial Modulation. IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology. 4, 517-529
Si, P., Fu, Z., Shu, L., Yang, Y., Huang, K. and Liu, Y., (2022). Target-Barrier Coverage Improvement in an Insecticidal Lamps Internet of UAVs. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 71 (4), 4373-4382
Yang, Y. and Li, W., (2022). Security-Oriented Polar Coding Based on Channel-Gain-Mapped Frozen Bits. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 21 (8), 6584-6596
Li, W., Zheng, D., Yang, Y. and Jiao, B., (2022). Grouping Length Permutation Encapsulated Packets to Improve Spectral Efficiency. IEEE Communications Letters. 26 (9), 2037-2041
Zheng, D. and Yang, Y., (2022). Pseudo-doppler aided cancellation of self-interference in full-duplex communications. Frontiers in Signal Processing. 2
Yang, Y. and Hanzo, L., (2021). Permutation-Based TCP and UDP Transmissions to Improve Goodput and Latency in the Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 8 (18), 14276-14286
Wei, L., Yang, Y. and Jiao, B., (2021). Secrecy Throughput in Full-Duplex Multiuser MIMO Short-Packet Communications. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 10 (6), 1339-1343
Yin, M., Yang, Y., Wu, J-M. and Jiao, B., (2021). Opportunistic Bits in Short-Packet Communications: A Finite Blocklength Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 69 (12), 8085-8099
Liu, Y., Yang, Y., Yang, L-L. and Hanzo, L., (2021). Physical Layer Security of Spatially Modulated Sparse-Code Multiple Access in Aeronautical $Ad$-$hoc$ Networking. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 70 (3), 2436-2447
Yang, F., Shu, L., Yang, Y., Han, G., Pearson, S. and Li, K., (2021). Optimal Deployment of Solar Insecticidal Lamps Over Constrained Locations in Mixed-Crop Farmlands. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 8 (16), 13095-13114
Yang, F., Shu, L., Yang, Y., Liu, Y. and Gordon, T., (2021). Improved Coverage and Connectivity via Weighted Node Deployment in Solar Insecticidal Lamp Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 8 (12), 10170-10186
Yin, M., Yang, Y. and Jiao, B., (2021). Security-Oriented Trellis Code Design for Spatial Modulation. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 20 (3), 1875-1888
Zheng, D., Yang, Y., Wei, L. and Jiao, B., (2021). Decode-and-Forward Short-Packet Relaying in the Internet of Things: Timely Status Updates. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 20 (12), 8423-8437
Zhou, Z., Yang, Y., Ma, M. and Jiao, B., (2021). Distortion Reduction in Fractional Delay Filters. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 28, 588-592
Yang, Y., (2021). Permutation-Based Transmissions in Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications. IEEE Communications Letters. 25 (3), 1024-1028
Yang, Y., Ma, M., Aissa, S. and Hanzo, L., (2020). Physical-Layer Secret Key Generation via CQI-Mapped Spatial Modulation in Multi-Hop Wiretap Ad-Hoc Networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 16, 1322-1334
Ma, M., Tian, S., Chen, Y., Wang, L., Yang, Y., Wan, L., Jiao, B. and Poor, HV., (2020). A Prototype of Co-Frequency Co-Time Full Duplex Networking. IEEE Wireless Communications. 27 (1), 132-139
Yang, Y. and Guizani, M., (2018). Mapping-Varied Spatial Modulation for Physical Layer Security: Transmission Strategy and Secrecy Rate. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 36 (4), 877-889
Yang, Y., (2017). Effective Capacity of a Novel Spectrum-Band Selection Scheme in Spectrum-Sharing Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 66 (3), 2838-2843
Tian, S., Ma, M., Yang, Y. and Jiao, B., (2017). Blind Analog Interference Cancellation. IEEE Communications Letters. 21 (8), 1867-1870
Shi, Y., Ma, M., Yang, Y. and Jiao, B., (2017). Optimal Power Allocation in Spatial Modulation Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 16 (3), 1646-1655
Liu, C., Ma, M., Yang, Y. and Jiao, B., (2016). Optimal Spatial-Domain Design for Spatial Modulation Capacity Maximization. IEEE Communications Letters. 20 (6), 1092-1095
Yang, Y., (2016). Spatial Modulation Exploited in Non-Reciprocal Two-Way Relay Channels: Efficient Protocols and Capacity Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 64 (7), 2821-2834
Yang, Y. and Aïssa, S., (2015). Information‐guided communications in MIMO systems with channel state impairments. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 15 (5), 868-878
Yang, Y. and Aissa, S., (2014). Increased Spectrum Access Opportunities for Secondary Users Exploiting Adaptive Modulation in Primary Links. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 64 (7), 1-1
Yang, Y. and Aïssa, S., (2014). Spectrum‐sharing broadcast channels using fountain codes: energy, delay and throughput. IET Communications. 8 (14), 2574-2583
Yang, Y., Aissa, S. and Salama, KN., (2014). Spectrum Band Selection in Delay-QoS Constrained Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 64 (7), 1-1
Yuli Yang, Salama, KN. and Aissa, S., (2014). Interference Mitigation for Broadcast in Hierarchical Cell Structure Networks: Transmission Strategy and Area Spectral Efficiency. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 63 (8), 3818-3828
Yuli Yang, Hao Ma and Aissa, S., (2014). Partial QoS-Aware Opportunistic Relay Selection Over Two-Hop Channels: End-to-End Performance Under Spectrum-Sharing Requirements. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 63 (8), 3829-3840
Yuli Yang and Aissa, S., (2013). Cross-Layer Combining of Information-Guided Transmission with Network Coding Relaying for Multiuser Cognitive Radio Systems. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 2 (1), 26-29
Yuli Yang and Aissa, S., (2012). Information Guided Channel Hopping with an Arbitrary Number of Transmit Antennas. IEEE Communications Letters. 16 (10), 1552-1555
Yuli Yang, Hao Ma and Aissa, S., (2012). Cross-Layer Combining of Adaptive Modulation and Truncated ARQ Under Cognitive Radio Resource Requirements. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 61 (9), 4020-4030
Yuli Yang and Aissa, S., (2012). Achievable Data Rate in Spectrum-Sharing Channels with Variable-Rate Variable-Power Primary Users. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 1 (4), 312-315
Yuli Yang and Aissa, S., (2011). Bit-Padding Information Guided Channel Hopping. IEEE Communications Letters. 15 (2), 163-165
Bonello, N., Yang, Y., Aissa, S. and Hanzo, L., (2011). Myths and realities of rateless coding. IEEE Communications Magazine. 49 (8), 143-151
Yang, Y. and Aissa, S., (2011). Information-Guided Transmission in Decode-and-Forward Relaying Systems: Spatial Exploitation and Throughput Enhancement. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 10 (7), 2341-2351
Yang, Y., Ma, M., Jiao, B. and Lee, WCY., (2009). A Design of Segmented Data Rates for Recurrent Channel Estimation. Wireless Personal Communications. 50 (4), 483-491
Yang, Y. and Jiao, B., (2008). On the capacity of information-guided channel-hopping in multi-antenna system. IEEE INFOCOM 2008 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops. 16 (2), 1-5
Yuli Yang and Bingli Jiao, (2008). Information-guided channel-hopping for high data rate wireless communication. IEEE Communications Letters. 12 (4), 225-227
Yang, YL., Ma, M. and Jiao, BL., (2007). Design for increasing spectral efficiency of PSAM-OFDM system based on segmented effective transmission rate. Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica. 35 (9), 1660-1664
Ma, M., Yang, Y. and Jiao, B., (2006). Optimum symbol length design for wireless OFDM over fast fading channels. Beijing Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis. 42 (5), 658-661
Yang, YL. and Jiao, BL., (2006). Capacity gain by information-guided channel-hopping scheme in cycling transmission system. Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica. 34 (10), 1868-1871
Conferences (24)
Yang, Y., (2023). Secure and Timely Status Updates in the IoT using Short-Packet Permutation-Based Transmissions
Yang, Y., Guizani, M. and Jiao, B., (2022). Difference Based Spatial Modulation
Jiao, B., Zheng, D., Yin, M. and Yang, Y., (2019). A Possibility: Beyond the Channel Capacity in the Low SNR Regime
Yang, Y. and Jiao, B., (2015). Artificial-noise strategy for single-antenna systems over multi-path fading channels
Yang, Y., Aissa, S., Eltawil, A. and Salama, KN., (2014). An interference cancellation strategy for broadcast in hierarchical cell structure
Yuli Yang, Hao Ma and Aissa, S., (2013). Relay selection from an effective capacity perspective
Yang, Y. and Aissa, S., (2013). On the coexistence of primary and secondary users in spectrum-sharing broadcast channels
Ma, H., Yuli Yang and Aissa, S., (2012). Secondary link adaptation in cognitive radio networks: End-to-end performance with cross-layer design
Yuli Yang and Aissa, S., (2012). Power allocation and achievable data rate in spectrum-sharing channels under adaptive primary service outage constraints
Yuli Yang and Aissa, S., (2011). On End-to-End Performance of MIMO Multiuser in Cognitive Radio Networks
Yang, Y. and Aissa, S., (2011). On the Capacity of Multiple Cognitive Links through Common Relay under Spectrum-Sharing Constraints
Yuli Yang, Bonello, N. and Aissa, S., (2010). An Information-Guided Channel-Hopping Scheme for Block-Fading Channels with Estimation Errors
Yuli Yang and Aissa, S., (2010). Common Information Multicast with Different Data Rates
Chen, Y. and Yang, Y., (2009). Cellular Based Machine to Machine Communication with Un-Peer2Peer Protocol Stack
Yang, Y., (2009). Information-Guided Relay Selection for High Throughput in Half-Duplex Relay Channels
Yang, Y., (2009). Half-Duplex Relay-Help Transmission with Dirty Paper Coding
Yang, Y. and Chen, Y., (2009). An Improved Relay Selection Scheme in Half-Duplex Relay Channels
Yang, Y., (2008). On the capacity of maximum selection in MIMO multicast network
Yang, Y. and Jiao, B., (2008). On the capacity of information-guided channel-hopping in multi-antenna system
Yang, Y., Ma, M., Cheng, H., Jiao, B. and Lee, WCY., (2007). A Study on Segmented Data Rates for System Capacity
Ma, M., Yang, Y., Cheng, H. and Jiao, B., (2006). A Capacity Comparison Between MC-CDMA and CP-CDMA
Yang, Y., Song, S., Xie, K., Jeong, BJ. and Jiao, B., (2004). A channel hopping technique ii: Simulation result
Yang, Y., Song, S., Xie, KQ., Jeong, BJ. and Jiao, BL., (2004). Channel hopping technique: Simulation result
Shumei Song, Yuli Yang, Xionq, Q., Kunqing Xie, Byung-Jang Jeong and BingLi Jiao, (2004). A channel hopping technique I: theoretical studies on band efficiency and capacity
Grants and funding
Task Specific Security Solutions for Space-Air-Ground Networks
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Academic support hours:
2-3pm on Tuesdays & Fridays in person (5A.534, by appointment)