
Dr Nicolae Zabet

Visiting Fellow
School of Life Sciences
Dr Nicolae Zabet



I am a computer scientist by training (BSc and MSc in Control Systems Engineering at University “Politehnica” of Bucharest and PhD in Computer Science, University of Kent). During my PhD (2007-2010), I become interested in applying computer sciences and theoretical physics methods to genomics focusing on understanding the physical limits of gene regulatory networks. Following the PhD, I did a six-month postdoc with Dr Tobias von der Haar at University of Kent, working on translation machinery in yeast. In 2011, I was awarded an MRC Training Fellowship in Bioinformatics and joined Dr Boris Adryan lab at Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge. Here, I investigated the role of the diffusion of transcription factors on gene regulation, focusing on facilitated diffusion (the combination of 3D diffusion of transcription factors in the cytoplasm/nucleus combined with the 1D random walk on the DNA). During 2014-2015, I moved to Dr Jerzy Paszkowski’s lab at The Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge, where I worked on plant epigenetics (focusing on transgenerational stability of DNA methylation patterns in plant genomes). Since September 2015, I have started my own group at School of Biological Sciences at University of Essex. My lab combines computational biology and wet lab to understand the role of chromatin three-dimensional organisation on gene regulation in Drosophila melanogaster.


  • PhD in Computer Science University of Kent, (2011)

  • M.Eng. degree in Open Architecture Systems Polytechnic University of Bucharest, (2008)

  • B.Eng. degree in Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics Polytechnic University of Bucharest, (2006)


University of Essex

  • Lecturer, School of Biological Sciences, University of Essex (16/9/2015 - present)

Other academic

  • Research Associate, The Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge (1/6/2014 - 15/9/2015)

  • MRC Bioinformatics Training Fellow, Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge (1/5/2011 - 30/4/2014)

  • Research Associate, Centre for Molecular Processing, University of Kent (1/10/2010 - 31/3/2011)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Mechanistic understanding of gene regulation

Diffusion of transcription factors

Noise in gene expression

Current research

DNA methylation patterns in plants and mamals. From tools to functional genomics.

Teaching and supervision

Previous supervision

Salma Emad Ahmed Elsahhar
Salma Emad Ahmed Elsahhar
Thesis title: Meta-Analysis of Gut Microbial Associations with Murine Ulcerative Colitis
Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/5/2024
Robyn Abigail Emmerson
Robyn Abigail Emmerson
Thesis title: The Physiological and Epigenetic Effects of Dynamic Light Acclimation in Arabidopsis Thaliana
Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/3/2023
Liudmila Mikheeva
Liudmila Mikheeva
Thesis title: A Novel Statistical Framework to Detect Complex 3D Genome Organisation Patterns Into Topologically Associated Domains
Degree subject: Statistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/6/2022
Jareth Charles Wolfe
Jareth Charles Wolfe
Thesis title: An Explainable Artificial Intelligence Approach for Decoding the Enhancer Histone Modification Code and Identification of Novel Enhancers
Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/4/2022
Jakub Zastapilo
Jakub Zastapilo
Thesis title: Gene Expression Variation and Buffering Mechanisms in Arabidopsis Thaliana
Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 31/1/2022
Alessandra Pisante
Alessandra Pisante
Thesis title: Characterisation of Human Transcription Factors Binding Mechanisms in Human Cell Lines Using a Statistical Thermodynamic Framework.
Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 10/12/2021
Patrick Cedric Nathan Martin
Patrick Cedric Nathan Martin
Thesis title: Dissecting the Binding Mechanisms of Transcription Factors to Dna Using a Statistical Thermodynamics Framework
Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/6/2020
Ana-Maria Dumitrana
Ana-Maria Dumitrana
Thesis title: Modelling Transcription Factors Diffusion in 3D Using Hi-C Data
Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 8/6/2020


Publications (7)

Grant, OA., Kumari, M., Schalkwyk, L. and Zabet, NR., (2024). Systematic investigation of interindividual variation of DNA methylation in human whole blood

Vinel, C., Boot, J., Jin, W., Pomella, N., Mein, C., Zabet, NR. and Marino, S., (2024). Mapping chromatin remodelling in glioblastoma identifies epigenetic regulation of key molecular pathways and novel druggable targets

Emmerson, RA., Bechtold, U., Zabet, NR. and Lawson, T., (2024). DNA methylation contributes to plant acclimation to naturally fluctuating light

Zastąpiło, J., Emmerson, R., Mikheeva, LA., Catoni, M., Bechtold, U. and Zabet, NR., (2024). Gene body methylation buffers noise in gene expression in plants

Pop, RT., Pisante, A., Nagy, D., Martin, PCN., Mikheeva, LA., Hayat, A., Ficz, G. and Zabet, NR., (2023). Identification of mammalian transcription factors that bind to inaccessible chromatin

Pal, D., Patel, M., Boulet, F., Sundarraj, J., Grant, OA., Branco, MR., Basu, S., Santos, S., Zabet, NR., Scaffidi, P. and Pradeepa, MM., (2022). H4K16ac activates the transcription of transposable elements and contributes to their cis-regulatory function

Taylor, D., Lowe, R., Philippe, C., Cheng, KCL., Grant, OA., Zabet, NR., Cristofari, G. and Branco, MR., (2021). Locus-specific chromatin profiling of evolutionarily young transposable elements

Journal articles (33)

Maqsood, K., Hagras, H. and Zabet, NR., (2024). An overview of artificial intelligence in the field of genomics. Discover Artificial Intelligence. 4 (1)

Klemm, C., Ólafsson, G., Wood, HR., Mellor, C., Zabet, NR. and Thorpe, PH., (2024). Proteome-wide forced interactions reveal a functional map of cell-cycle phospho-regulation in S. cerevisiae. Nucleus. 15 (1), 2420129-

Chera, A., Stancu-Cretu, M., Zabet, NR. and Bucur, O., (2024). Shedding light on DNA methylation and its clinical implications: the impact of long-read-based nanopore technology. Epigenetics & Chromatin. 17 (1), 39-

Pal, D., Patel, M., Boulet, F., Sundarraj, J., Grant, OA., Branco, MR., Basu, S., Santos, SDM., Zabet, NR., Scaffidi, P. and Pradeepa, MM., (2023). H4K16ac activates the transcription of transposable elements and contributes to their cis-regulatory function. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 30 (7), 935-947

Pop, RT., Pisante, A., Nagy, D., Martin, PCN., Mikheeva, LA., Hayat, A., Ficz, G. and Zabet, NR., (2023). Identification of mammalian transcription factors that bind to inaccessible chromatin. Nucleic Acids Research. 51 (16), 8480-8495

Taylor, D., Lowe, R., Philippe, C., Cheng, KCL., Grant, OA., Zabet, NR., Cristofari, G. and Branco, MR., (2022). Locus-specific chromatin profiling of evolutionarily young transposable elements. Nucleic Acids Research. 50 (6), e33-e33

Badodi, S., Pomella, N., Lim, YM., Brandner, S., Morrison, G., Pollard, SM., Zhang, X., Zabet, NR. and Marino, S., (2022). Combination of BMI1 and MAPK/ERK inhibitors is effective in medulloblastoma. Neuro-Oncology. 24 (8), 1273-1285

Grant, OA., Wang, Y., Kumari, M., Zabet, NR. and Schalkwyk, L., (2022). Characterising sex differences of autosomal DNA methylation in whole blood using the Illumina EPIC array.. Clinical Epigenetics. 14 (1), 62-

Osuntoki, IG., Harrison, A., Dai, H., Bao, Y. and Zabet, NR., (2022). ZipHiC: a novel Bayesian framework to identify enriched interactions and experimental biases in Hi-C data.. Bioinformatics. 38 (14), btac387-btac387

Wolfe, JC., Mikheeva, LA., Hagras, H. and Zabet, NR., (2021). An explainable artificial intelligence approach for decoding the enhancer histone modifications code and identification of novel enhancers in Drosophila. Genome Biology. 22 (1), 308-

Fiorilli, V., Catoni, M., Lanfranco, L. and Zabet, NR., (2020). Editorial: Interactions of Plants With Bacteria and Fungi: Molecular and Epigenetic Plasticity of the Host. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11, 274-

Martin, PCN. and Zabet, NR., (2020). Dissecting the binding mechanisms of transcription factors to DNA using a statistical thermodynamics framework. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 18, 3590-3605

Chathoth, KT. and Zabet, NR., (2019). Chromatin architecture reorganisation during neuronal cell differentiation in Drosophila genome. Genome Research. 29 (4), 613-625

Bottani, S., Zabet, NR., Wendel, JF. and Veitia, RA., (2018). Gene expression dominance in allopolyploids: hypotheses and models.. Trends in Plant Science. 23 (5), 393-402

Catoni, M., Tsang, JMF., Greco, AP. and Zabet, NR., (2018). DMRcaller: a versatile R/Bioconductor package for detection and visualization of differentially methylated regions in CpG and non-CpG contexts. Nucleic Acids Research. 46 (19), e114-

Zabet, NR., Catoni, M., Prischi, F. and Paszkowski, J., (2017). Cytosine methylation at CpCpG sites triggers accumulation of non-CpG methylation in gene bodies. Nucleic Acids Research. 45 (7), gkw1330-gkw1330

Catoni, M., Griffiths, J., Becker, C., Zabet, NR., Bayon, C., Dapp, M., Lieberman‐Lazarovich, M., Weigel, D. and Paszkowski, J., (2017). DNA sequence properties that predict susceptibility to epiallelic switching. The EMBO Journal. 36 (5), 617-628

Sanchez, D., Gaubert, H., Drost, HG., Zabet, NR. and Paszkowski, J., (2017). High-frequency recombination between members of an LTR retrotransposon family during transposition bursts. Nature Communications. 8 (1), 1283-

Zabet, NR. and Adryan, B., (2015). Estimating binding properties of transcription factors from genome-wide binding profiles. Nucleic Acids Research. 43 (1), 84-94

Ezer, D., Zabet, NR. and Adryan, B., (2014). Homotypic clusters of transcription factor binding sites: A model system for understanding the physical mechanics of gene expression. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 10 (17), 63-69

Ezer, D., Zabet, NR. and Adryan, B., (2014). Physical constraints determine the logic of bacterial promoter architectures. Nucleic Acids Research. 42 (7), 4196-4207

Schoech, AP. and Zabet, NR., (2014). Facilitated diffusion buffers noise in gene expression. Physical Review E. 90 (3), 032701-

Zabet, NR., Foy, R. and Adryan, B., (2013). The Influence of Transcription Factor Competition on the Relationship between Occupancy and Affinity. PLoS ONE. 8 (9), e73714-e73714

Zabet, NR. and Adryan, B., (2013). The effects of transcription factor competition on gene regulation. Frontiers in Genetics. 4 (OCT), 197-

Zabet, NR. and Adryan, B., (2012). GRiP: a computational tool to simulate transcription factor binding in prokaryotes. Bioinformatics. 28 (9), 1287-1289

Zabet, NR. and Adryan, B., (2012). A comprehensive computational model of facilitated diffusion in prokaryotes. Bioinformatics. 28 (11), 1517-1524

Zabet, NR. and Adryan, B., (2012). Computational models for large-scale simulations of facilitated diffusion. Molecular BioSystems. 8 (11), 2815-2815

Zabet, NR., (2012). System size reduction in stochastic simulations of the facilitated diffusion mechanism. BMC Systems Biology. 6 (1), 121-121

Chu, D., Zabet, NR. and von der Haar, T., (2012). A novel and versatile computational tool to model translation. Bioinformatics. 28 (2), 292-293

Chu, DF., Zabet, NR. and Hone, ANW., (2011). Optimal parameter settings for information processing in gene regulatory networks. Biosystems. 104 (2-3), 99-108

Zabet, NR., (2011). Negative feedback and physical limits of genes. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 284 (1), 82-91

Zabet, NR. and Chu, DF., (2010). Computational limits to binary genes. Journal of The Royal Society Interface. 7 (47), 945-954

Chu, D., Zabet, NR. and Mitavskiy, B., (2009). Models of transcription factor binding: Sensitivity of activation functions to model assumptions. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 257 (3), 419-429

Book chapters (1)

Catoni, M. and Zabet, NR., (2021). Analysis of Plant DNA Methylation Profiles Using R. In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Springer US. 219- 238. 9781071611333

Conferences (4)

Maqsood, K., Hagras, H. and Zabet, NR., (2024). A Type-2 Fuzzy Logic-Based Explainable Artificial Intelligence for the Prediction of Enhancers

Zabet, NR. and Adryan, B., (2012). A Comprehensive Computational Model to Simulate Transcription Factor Binding in Prokaryotes

Zabet, NR., Hone, ANW. and Chu, DF., (2010). Design principles of transcriptional logic circuits

Zabet, NR. and Chu, DF., (2010). Stochasticity and Robustness in Bi-Stable Systems

Reports and Papers (3)

Chathoth, KT., Mikheeva, LA., Crevel, G., Wolfe, JC., Hunter, I., Beckett-Doyle, S., Cotterill, S., Dai, H., Harrison, A. and Zabet, NR., (2021). The role of insulators and transcription in 3D chromatin organisation of flies

Grant, OA., Wang, Y., Kumari, M., Zabet, NR. and Schalkwyk, L., (2021). Characterising sex differences of autosomal DNA methylation in whole blood using the Illumina EPIC array

Osuntoki, IG., Harrison, A., Dai, H., Bao, Y. and Zabet, NR., (2021). ZipHiC: a novel Bayesian framework to identify enriched interactions and experimental biases in Hi-C data

Grants and funding


Investigating the effects of chromatin architecture on gene regulation

Wellcome Trust



3SW.3.16, Colchester Campus