Dr Zeeshan Mahmood

z.mahmood@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873277
EBS.3.78, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Thursday 15:00 to 16:00 Friday 09.00 - 11.00
PhD in Accounting Essex Business School, (2016)
MRes in Accounting Essex Business School, (2011)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Sustainability Accounting and Reporting
Accounting in Emerging Economies
Accounting for Sustainable Development Goals
Conferences and presentations
How institutional logics influence management control practices in promoting gender equality?
24th Workshop on Accounting & Finance in Emerging Economies, Colchester, United Kingdom, 8/12/2023
Understanding the Dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting using the Sociology of Worth Perspective
British Accounting and Finance Association Doctoral Conference, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 19/4/2023
Dynamics of Sustainability Reporting in an Emerging Field: An institutional logics perspective
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Austria, 9/7/2021
Institutional Rationality and Practice Variation in Corporate Sustainability Reporting: Evidence from an Emerging Field.
1st Accounting and Accountability in Emerging Economies Conference, Colchester, United Kingdom, 17/7/2018
The Developing Country Perspective on Corporate Sustainability Reporting: Main Actors’ Views on the Current State of Affairs in Pakistan
2nd International Research Conference on Economics, Business and Social Sciences, Penang, Malaysia, 11/7/2017
Emergence and Development of Corporate Sustainability Reporting In Pakistan – The Institutional Logic Perspective
26th International Congress on Social & Environmental Accounting Research, St Andrews, United Kingdom, 27/8/2014
Institutional Logic and Rhetorical Strategies in Corporate Sustainability Reporting
British Accounting and Finance Association Doctoral Conference, London, United Kingdom, 17/4/2014
Realistic Evaluation of Corporate Sustainability Reporting in Developing Countries – Evidence from Pakistan
Scottish Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting & Finance, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 6/6/2012
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Financial Reporting and Analysis (BE110)
Management Accounting II (BE113)
Financial Decision Making (BE162)
Professional and Academic Development (Accounting) (BE907)
Professional and Academic Development (Finance) (BE908)
Professional and Academic Development (Management and Marketing) (BE909)
Journal articles (16)
Hassan, M., Mahmood, Z. and Khakwani, I., (2025). Impact of religiosity on Pakistani youth green purchase intensions and behavior: extending theory of planned behavior. Journal of Islamic Marketing. 16 (1), 1-25
Zanella, M., Ashraf, N. and Mahmood, Z., (2025). Carbon Accounting for Sustainability Management: Case study of MICE events.. Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change
Mahmood, Z., Blaber, Z. and Khan, M., (2024). Institutionalisation of sustainability reporting in Pakistan: The role of field-configuring events and situational context. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management. 21 (2), 219-251
Ahmad, Z. and Mahmood, Z., (2024). Corporate governance regulation in regulatory space of a developing country: actors, strategies and outcomes. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. 14 (1), 99-124
Alsayegh, MF., Ditta, A., Mahmood, Z. and Kouser, R., (2023). The Role of Sustainability Reporting and Governance in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: An International Investigation. Sustainability. 15 (4), 3531-3531
Ali, W., Mahmood, Z., Wilson, J. and Ismail, H., (2023). The impact of sustainability governance attributes on comprehensive CSR reporting: A developing country setting. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 31 (3), 1802-1817
Hassan, M., Mahmood, Z., Janjua, S. and Asif, N., (2022). Evaluating megaprojects from a sustainability perspective: a case of China-Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC). Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies. 15 (2), 150-170
Hassan, MU., Mahmood, Z. and Zaman, S., (2022). Linking CSR and Brand Performance through Customer Satisfaction, Brand Equity and Corporate Reputation: A Mixed Methods Study of Top Pakistani Banks. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Science. 16 (4), 498-529
Mahmood, Z. and Uddin, S., (2021). Institutional logics and practice variations in sustainability reporting: evidence from an emerging field. Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal. 34 (5), 1163-1189
Zaman, R., Farooq, MB., Khalid, F. and Mahmood, Z., (2021). Examining the extent of and determinants for sustainability assurance quality: The role of audit committees. Business Strategy and the Environment. 30 (7), 2887-2906
Ditta, A. and Mahmood, Z., (2021). Does Country Level Sustainability Reporting Affect Sustainable Development of a Country? Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences. 15 (4), 796-812
Latif, B., Mahmood, Z., Tze San, O., Mohd Said, R. and Bakhsh, A., (2020). Coercive, Normative and Mimetic Pressures as Drivers of Environmental Management Accounting Adoption. Sustainability. 12 (11), 4506-4506
Mahmood, Z., Kouser, R. and Masud, MAK., (2019). An emerging economy perspective on corporate sustainability reporting – main actors’ views on the current state of affairs in Pakistan. Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility. 4 (1)
Ali, W., Faisal Alsayegh, M., Ahmad, Z., Mahmood, Z. and Iqbal, J., (2018). The Relationship between Social Visibility and CSR Disclosure. Sustainability. 10 (3), 866-866
Mahmood, Z., Kouser, R., Ali, W., Ahmad, Z. and Salman, T., (2018). Does Corporate Governance Affect Sustainability Disclosure? A Mixed Methods Study. Sustainability. 10 (1), 207-207
Ali, W., Frynas, JG. and Mahmood, Z., (2017). Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Disclosure in Developed and Developing Countries: A Literature Review. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 24 (4), 273-294
Thesis dissertation (1)
Mahmood, Z., The Emergence of Sustainability Reporting in Pakistan – The Institutional Logics Perspective
Academic support hours:
Thursday 15:00 to 16:00 Friday 09.00 - 11.00