Dr Luciana Zorzoli

luciana.zorzoli@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 873843
EBS.3.14, Colchester Campus
Dr Luciana Zorzoli is a Senior Lecturer in Employment Relations at Essex Business School. Her research focuses on the evolving nature of work and employment, particularly in the Global South, with an emphasis on labour regulation, workers' strategies, and the role of international labour standards in Latin America. She is currently working on a project on the development of regulations and the impact of AI and algorithmic management at work. Dr Zorzoli has secured funding for her PhD and postdoctoral research from CONICET (Argentina) and has received grants from the Fulbright Commission, Cardiff University, and the MERCOSUR research exchange programme. Before joining Essex, she was a Lecturer in Employment Relations at Cardiff Business School, where she also served as interim Director of the Employment Research Unit (ERU). She has extensive international academic experience, including visiting positions with teaching duties at the Universidad de Salamanca (2020) and the University of Vienna (2024).
PhD in Social Sciences University of Buenos Aires, (2016)
Bachelor in History Facultad de Humanidades y Cs. de la Educación, University of La Plata, (2009)
University of Essex
Associate Director of Postgraduate Research (Management/Marketing), Essex Business School, University of Essex (1/4/2024 - present)
Other academic
Lecturer in Employment Relations, Management, Employment and Organisations Section, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University (1/4/2020 - 31/10/2023)
Affiliate Lecturer, Department of International Development, King's College London (1/8/2019 - 31/3/2020)
Visitng Fellow, International Development, SOAS University of London (1/9/2017 - 31/7/2019)
Fulbright Visiting Fellow, ILAS, Columbia University (1/9/2016 - 1/1/2017)
Postdoctoral Fellow, IdIHCS - UNLP, CONICET (1/7/2016 - 31/7/2018)
PhD Fellow, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (1/4/2011 - 30/6/2016)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Employment Relations and the Future of Work
Labour unions and collective bargaining
Non-standard forms of employment
Conferences and presentations
Conflictos, avances y desafíos de la regulación del trabajo en plataformas en América Latina
Invited presentation, II Jornadas sobre Capitalismo de plataformas y uberización del trabajo | 2024, Universidad de La República, Montevideo, Uruguay, 19/11/2024
Challenging Platform Exceptionalism: The Role and Challenges of Labour Inspection
Work on the Brink: Better Work for a Just and Sustainable Future, CRIMT Conference, Montréal, Canada, 24/10/2024
Platform Work Regulation Developments and Employment Relations Systems’ Landscape in South America
Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) 64th Annual Conference, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India, 29/3/2024
Regulating work without work regulation: the City of Buenos Aires Traffic and Transportation Code and the debates on platform work in Argentina
The 8th Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network, The 8th Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network, Geneva, 10/7/2023
Workers' experiences and fights in the Southern Cone in the '70
Invited presentation, 136th American Historical Association, Annual Conference, Philadelphia, US, 8/1/2023
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Independent Study Project: Management/Marketing (BE938)
Journal articles (11)
Le Breton, C. and Zorzoli, L., (2025). A comprehensive exploration of platform work across global contexts. Organization
Zorzoli, L., (2022). ILO’s actions and workers’ voices against state terrorism in South America. Labor History. 63 (1), 73-84
Zorzoli, L., (2018). Self-Organization Against Trade Unions and the State: A Case Study from Argentina. Journal of Labor and Society. 21 (1), 19-35
Zorzoli, L., (2018). A Political Shout from the Rooftops of Latin America. FEMINA POLITICA - Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft. 27 (1), 138-141
Zorzoli, L., (2018). Las intervenciones a organizaciones sindicales durante la última dictadura militar argentina: un estudio cuantitativo [State interventions to trade union during the last Argentine military dictatorship: a quantitative study]. Desarrollo economico. 57 (223), 487-510
Zorzoli, L., (2018). ¿Una teoría marxista sobre los sindicatos? Balance con inventario para pensar las organizaciones obreras. Sociohistórica (41), e046-e046
Zorzoli, L., (2018). SELF-ORGANIZATION AGAINST TRADE UNIONS AND THE STATE: A CASE STUDY FROM ARGENTINA. Journal of Labor and Society. 21 (1), 19-35
Zorzoli, L., (2017). Consideraciones sobre el modelo sindical argentino a la luz de la propuesta de Richard Hyman. RELET. 21 (34)
Zorzoli, L., (2017). La OIT y las dictaduras latinoamericanas: una aproximación al Caso 842 contra Argentina. Anuario del Instituto de Historia Argentina. 17 (1), 037-037
Zorzoli, L., (2016). Elementos para una nueva síntesis en los estudios sobre las organizaciones sindicales argentinas bajo el gobierno militar (1976-1983).. Millars. Espai I Història. 23 (41), 69-96
Zorzoli, L., (2016). Operativo Ginebra. La dirigencia sindical ante la instalación internacional de la dictadura militar (1976). Archivos de historia del movimiento obrero y la izquierda (8), 13-32
Books (2)
Zorzoli, L. and Massano, JP., (2021). Clase Obrera y Dictadura Militar en Argentina (1976-1983) Nuevos Estudios Sobre Conflictividad y Cambios Estructurales. A Contra Corriente, The University of North Carolina Press, US. 1469666030. 9781469666037
Grigera, J. and Zorzoli, L., (2020). The Argentinian Dictatorship and its Legacy Rethinking the Proceso. Palgrave Macmillan - Springer. 3030183017. 9783030183011
Book chapters (4)
Zorzoli, M., (2024). Le Comité de la liberté syndicale face aux dictatures chilienne et argentine (1973-1990). In: Mondialisation et justice sociale. Un siècle d'action de l'Organisation internationale du travail. Editors: Dhermy-Mairal, M., Kott, S., Lespinet-Moret, I. and Louis, M., . Éditions de la Sorbonne. 95- 107. 979-10-351-0922-6
Zorzoli, L., (2024). Chapitre 6. Le Comité de la liberté syndicale face aux dictatures chilienne et argentine (1973-1990). In: Mondialisation et justice sociale. Éditions de la Sorbonne. 95- 108. 9791035109226
Zorzoli, L., (2021). Insalubridad y jornada laboral antes y durante el “Proceso" [Unhealthy work and workday regulation before and after the so-called Proceso]. In: “Clase obrera y dictadura militar en Argentina (1976 – 1983) : nuevos estudios sobre conflictividad y cambios estructurales”. Editors: Zorzoli, L. and Massano, JP., . Editorial A Contracorriente, University of North Carolina Press. 978-1-4696-6603-7
Zorzoli, L., (2020). Rethinking trade unions. In: The Argentinian Dictatorship and its Legacy - Rethinking the Proceso. Editors: Zorzoli, L. and Grigera, J., . Palgrave Macmillan. 978-3-030-18300-4
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