Prof Nick Allum

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6.338, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
By appointment
I am a quantitative social scientist and Emeritus Professor of Research Methodology. My interests are mainly in public understanding of science, survey methodology, research integrity and metascience (using scientific methods to study science itself). I am primarily a survey researcher but I also use other forms of data according to the projects I am involved in. I am no longer teaching regularly but I am available for research and consultancy roles that align with my fields of expertise and interest. Outside of academia, I play music and cricket (one quite well and the other quite poorly). I'm also a private pilot and flying instructor.
PhD (Psychology). Thesis title: Risk, Social Trust and Knowledge: Public Perceptions of Gene Technology in Britain London School of Economics and Political Science,
MSc Social Research Methods and Philosophy (Distinction). Thesis title: A Social Representations Approach to the Comparison of Three Textual Corpora Using Alceste London School of Economics and Political Science,
BA Political Economy (First Class Honours) University of East London,
University of Essex
Emeritus Professor of Research Methodology, Department of Sociology & Criminology, University of Essex (30/9/2024 - present)
Professor of Research Methodology, Department of Sociology (1/10/2013 - 29/9/2024)
Director, Essex Q-Step Centre (1/10/2016 - present)
Research Associate, Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) (1/10/2009 - present)
Senior Lecturer in Empirical Sociology, University of Essex (1/10/2008 - 30/9/2013)
Lecturer in Empirical Sociology, University of Essex (1/1/2008 - 30/9/2008)
Other academic
Lecturer in Quantitative Sociology, University of Surrey (1/8/2003 - 31/12/2007)
Research Officer, Methodology Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science (1/7/1998 - 31/7/2003)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
risk perception
social and political trust
survey methodology
public understanding of science
research integrity and questionable research practices
Current research
Practices, Perceptions and Patterns of Research Integrity
The aim of the project is to provide a detailed mapping and improved contextualised understandings of the current state of research practices and integrity in Denmark and selected additional countries, and subsequently to utilise the acquired knowledge to support efforts to strengthen research integrity such as the recent Danish Code of Conduct.
More information about this project
Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity (SOPs4RI)
SOPs4RI is a four-year (2019-2022), multi-partner project funded by the European Commission. SOPs4RI aims to stimulate transformational processes across European Research Performing Organisations and Research Funding Organisations (RPOs &RFOs). Specifically, SOPs4RI will establish an inventory of relevant Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Guidelines that RPOs &RFOs can draw on when developing governance arrangements promoting strong research integrity cultures.
More information about this project
Social Inequalities and Public Understanding of Science
This project, with Dr Burak Sonmez and PhD student Kiril Makarov, focuses on understanding how dimensions of inequality based on race, ethnicity, political beliefs and socioeconomic variables are associated with attitudes, beliefs, trust and knowledge about science and technology. We also consider the role of conspiracist thinking in shaping trust in science.
More information about this project
Mental Health and Wellbeing
This research uses structural equation and other modelling methods to investigate the mental and physical health of BAME, LBGTQ+ and older people. Collaborators include Paul Stoneman (Goldsmiths College), Darren Thiel (University of Essex), Chris Jacobi (University of Oxford) and Kirby King (Ministry of Justice)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
PhD Colloquium 3: Disseminating Your Research (SC804)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/5/2024

Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 23/4/2023

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/12/2021

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/6/2021

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/3/2021

Degree subject: Criminology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/2/2020

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/6/2019

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 29/5/2018

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/3/2018

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/2/2018

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/1/2018

Degree subject: Applied Social and Economic Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/11/2017

Degree subject: Sociological Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 16/5/2017

Degree subject: Applied Social and Economic Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 25/8/2016

Degree subject: Applied Social and Economic Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/6/2016

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/4/2016

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/1/2016

Degree subject: Survey Methodology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 15/5/2015

Degree subject: Sociology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/6/2013

Degree subject: Applied Social and Economic Research
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 8/5/2013

Degree type: Master of Science
Awarded date: 19/11/2012
Publications (4)
Brooker, R. and Allum, N., (2024). Investigating the Links between Questionable Research Practices, Scientific Norms and Organisational Culture - Brooker & Allum
Schneider, JW., Allum, N., Andersen, JP., Petersen, MB., Madsen, EB., Mejlgaard, N. and Zachariae, R., (2023). Is something rotten in the state of Denmark? Cross-national evidence for widespread involvement but not systematic use of questionable research practices across all fields of research.
Sonmez, B., Makarovs, K. and Allum, N., (2022). Public Perception of Scientists: Partisan and Non-Partisan Thinking
Allum, N., Reid, A., Bidoglia, M., Gaskell, G., Aubert Bonn, N., Buljan, I., Fuglsang, S., Horbach, SPJM., Kavouras, P., Marusic, A., Mejlgaard, N., Pizzolato, D., Roje, R., Tijdink, JK. and Veltri, GA., (2022). Researchers on research integrity: a survey of European and American researchers
Journal articles (45)
Sturgis, P., Brunton-Smith, I., Allum, N. and Fuglsang, S., (2024). Testing the cultural-invariance hypothesis: A global analysis of the relationship between scientific knowledge and attitudes to science. PLOS ONE. 19 (2), e0296860-e0296860
Schneider, JW., Allum, N., Andersen, JP., Petersen, MB., Madsen, EB., Mejlgaard, N. and Zachariae, R., (2024). Is something rotten in the state of Denmark? Cross-national evidence for widespread involvement but not systematic use of questionable research practices across all fields of research. PLOS ONE. 19 (8), e0304342-e0304342
Brooker, R. and Allum, N., (2024). Investigating the links between questionable research practices, scientific norms and organisational culture. Research Integrity and Peer Review. 9 (1), 12-
Makarovs, K. and Allum, N., (2023). Social identity and racial disparities in science literacy. Public Understanding of Science. 32 (3), 373-388
King, K., Allum, N., Stoneman, P. and Cernat, A., (2023). Estimating measurement equivalence of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire across ethnic groups in the UK. Psychological Medicine. 53 (5), 1778-1786
Allum, N., Reid, A., Bidoglia, M., Gaskell, G., Aubert-Bonn, N., Buljan, I., Fuglsang, S., Horbach, S., Kavouras, P., Marušić, A., Mejlgaard, N., Pizzolato, D., Roje, R., Tijdink, J. and Veltri, G., (2023). Researchers on research integrity: a survey of European and American researchers. F1000Research. 12, 187-187
Horbach, SPJM., Sørensen, MP., Allum, N. and Reid, A-K., (2023). Disentangling the local context—imagined communities and researchers’ sense of belonging. Science and Public Policy. 50 (4), 695-706
Sonmez, B., Makarovs, K. and Allum, N., (2023). Public perception of scientists: Experimental evidence on the role of sociodemographic, partisan, and professional characteristics.. PLoS One. 18 (7), e0287572-e0287572
Horbach, SPJM., Bouter, LM., Gaskell, G., Hiney, M., Kavouras, P., Mejlgaard, N., Allum, N., Aubert Bonn, N., Bendtsen, A-K., Charitidis, CA., Claesen, N., Dierickx, K., Domaradzka, A., Elizondo, AR., Föger, N., Kaltenbrunner, W., Konach, T., Labib, K., Marušić, A., Pizzolato, D., Ravn, T., Roje, R., Sørensen, MP., Taraj, B., Veltri, GA. and Tijdink, JK., (2022). Designing and implementing a research integrity promotion plan: Recommendations for research funders.. PLoS Biology. 20 (8), e3001773-e3001773
Jacobi, CJ., Thiel, D. and Allum, N., (2020). Enabling and constraining successful reablement: Individual and neighbourhood factors. PLoS One. 15 (9), e0237432-e0237432
Mejlgaard, N., Bouter, LM., Gaskell, G., Kavouras, P., Allum, N., Bendtsen, A-K., Charitidis, CA., Claesen, N., Dierickx, K., Domaradzka, A., Reyes Elizondo, A., Foeger, N., Hiney, M., Kaltenbrunner, W., Labib, K., Marušić, A., Sørensen, MP., Ravn, T., Ščepanović, R., Tijdink, JK. and Veltri, GA., (2020). Research integrity: nine ways to move from talk to walk. Nature. 586 (7829), 358-360
Stoneman, P., Allum, N., Hazeldine, N. and King, A., (2020). Vigilance Within the LGBTQ+ Community and its Effect on Mental Wellbeing
Roberts, C., Gilbert, E., Allum, N. and Eisner, L., (2019). Research Synthesis: Satisficing in Surveys: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Public Opinion Quarterly. 83 (3), 598-626
Allum, N., Conrad, F. and Wenz, A., (2018). Consequences of mid-stream mode-switching in a panel survey. Survey Research Methods. 12 (1), 43-58
Allum, N., Besley, J., Gomez, L. and Brunton-Smith, I., (2018). Disparities in science literacy. Science. 360 (6391), 861-861
Allum, N., Allansdottir, A., Gaskell, G., Hampel, J., Jackson, J., Moldovan, A., Priest, S., Stares, S. and Stoneman, P., (2017). Religion and the Public Ethics of Stem-cell Research: Attitudes in Europe, Canada and the United States. PLoS ONE. 12 (4), e0176274-e0176274
Allum, N., (2013). Exploring public discourses about emerging technologies through the clustering of open-ended survey questions. Public Understanding of Science. 22 (7), 850-868
Stoneman, P., Sturgis, P., Allum, N. and Sibley, E., (2013). Incommensurable worldviews? Is public use of complementary and alternative medicines incompatible with support for science and conventional medicine?. PLoS ONE. 8 (1), e53174-e53174
Stoneman, P., Sturgis, P. and Allum, N., (2013). Understanding support for complementary and alternative medicine in general populations: Use and perceived efficacy. Health:. 17 (5), 512-529
Allum, N. and Stoneman, P., (2012). Beliefs about Astrology across Europe. The Culture of Science: How the Public Relates to Science Across the Globe. 15, 301-301
Sturgis, P., Brunton-Smith, I., Read, S. and Allum, N., (2011). Does Ethnic Diversity Erode Trust? Putnam?s ?Hunkering Down? Thesis Reconsidered. British Journal of Political Science. 41 (01), 57-82
Gaskell, G., Allansdottir, A., Allum, N., Castro, P., Esmer, Y., Fischler, C., Jackson, J., Kronberger, N., Hampel, J., Mejlgaard, N. and others, (2011). The 2010 Eurobarometer on the life sciences. Nature biotechnology. 29 (2), 113-114
Gaskell, G., Allansdottir, A., Allum, N., Castro, P., Esmer, Y., Fischler, C., Jackson, J., Kronberger, N., Hampel, J., Mejlgaard, N. and others, (2011). Winds of change? The European public and biotechnology. Nature Biotechnology
Allum, N., (2011). What Makes Some People Think Astrology Is Scientific?. Science Communication. 33 (3), 341-366
Gaskell, G., Stares, S., Allansdottir, A., Allum, N., Castro, P. and others, (2010). Europeans and Biotechnology in 2010: Winds of change? A report to the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research on the Eurobarometer 73.1 on Biotechnology, FP7 project’Sensitive Technologies and European Public Ethics’(STEPE)
Sturgis, P., Read, S. and Allum, N., (2010). Does intelligence foster generalized trust? An empirical test using the UK birth cohort studies. Intelligence. 38 (1), 45-54
Allum, N., (2009). Surveying Science. People & Science, creators-Allum=3ANick=3A=3A
Allum, N., Sturgis, P., Tabourazi, D. and Brunton-Smith, I., (2008). Science knowledge and attitudes across cultures: a meta-analysis. Public Understanding of Science. 17 (1), 35-54
Bauer, MW., Allum, N. and Miller, S., (2007). What can we learn from 25 years of PUS survey research? Liberating and expanding the agenda. Public understanding of science. 16 (1), 79-95
Sturgis, P., Allum, N., Smith, P. and Woods, A., (2007). An experiment on the measurement of political knowledge in surveys. Public Opinion Quarterly. 72 (1), 90-102
Allum, N., (2007). An empirical test of competing theories of hazard-related trust: The case of GM food. Risk Analysis. 27 (4), 935-946
Mejlgaard, N., Gaskill, G., Stares, S., Allansdottir, A., Allum, N., Corchero, C., Fischler, C., Hampel, J., Jackson, J., Kronberger, N. and others, (2006). Europeans and Biotechnology in 2005: Paterns and Trends. Final report on Eurobarometer. 64
Sturgis, P. and Allum, N., (2006). A literature review of research conducted on public interest, knowledge and attitudes to biomedical science: a report published by the Wellcome Trust
Sturgis, P., Roberts, C. and Allum, N., (2005). A different take on the deliberative poll information, deliberation, and attitude constraint. Public Opinion Quarterly. 69 (1), 30-65
Jackson, J., Allum, N. and Gaskell, G., (2005). Perceptions of risk in cyberspace. Trust and Crime in Information Societies, 245-245
Sturgis, P. and Allum, N., (2004). Science in society: re-evaluating the deficit model of public attitudes. Public understanding of science. 13 (1), 55-74
Gaskell, G., Allum, N., Wagner, W., Kronberger, N., Torgersen, H., Hampel, J. and Bardes, J., (2004). GM foods and the misperception of risk perception. Risk analysis. 24 (1), 185-194
Gaskell, G., Allum, N., Bauer, M., Jackson, J., Howard, S. and Lindsey, N., (2003). Climate change for biotechnology? UK public opinion 1991-2002. AgBioForum. 6 (1-2), 55-67
Allum, N., Boy, D. and Bauer, M., (2002). European regions and the knowledge deficit model
Gaskell, G. and Allum, N., (2001). Sound science, problematic publics? Contrasting representations of risk and uncertainty. Politeia. 17, 13-25
Sturgis, PJ. and Allum, N., (2001). Gender differences in scientific knowledge and attitudes toward science: reply to Hayes and Tariq. Public Understanding of Science. 10 (4), 427-430
Kronberger, N., Dahinden, U., Allansdottir, A., Seger, N., Pfenning, U., Gaskell, G., Allum, N., Rusanen, T., Montali, L., Wagner, W. and others, (2001). " The Train Departed without Us". Public Perceptions of Biotechnology in Ten European Countries. Notizie di politeia. 17, 26-36
Gaskell, G., Allum, N., Bauer, M., Durant, J., Allansdottir, A., Bonfadelli, H., Boy, D., De Cheveigné, S., Fjaestad, B., Gutteling, JM. and others, (2000). Biotechnology and the European public. Nature biotechnology. 18 (9), 935-938
Gaskell, G., Bauer, MW., Durant, J. and Allum, NC., (1999). Worlds apart? The reception of genetically modified foods in Europe and the US. Science. 285 (5426), 384-384
Gaskell, G., Bauer, MW., Allum, N., Lindsey, N., Durant, J. and Lueginger, J., (1996). United Kingdom: spilling the beans on genes. Biotechnology. 2000, 292-306
Books (2)
Bauer, MW., Shukla, R. and Allum, N., (2012). The culture of science: How the public relates to science across the globe. Routledge
Bulmer, M., Sturgis, P. and Allum, N., (2009). The Secondary Analysis of Survey Data [Four-Volume Set]. Sage. 9781412903844
Book chapters (24)
(2018). Cross-Cultural Analysis. In: Cross-Cultural Analysis: Methods and Applications, 2nd Edition. Editors: Davidov, E., Schmidt, P., Billiet, J. and Meuleman, B., . Routledge. 45- 64
Sturgis, P., Patulny, R., Allum, N. and Buscha, F., (2015). Social connectedness and generalized trust: a longitudinal perspective. In: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Social Capital. Editors: Li, Y., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 76- 90. 0857935852. 9780857935854
Sturgis, P., Patulny, R., Allum, N. and Buscha, F., (2015). Social connectedness and generalized trust: a longitudinal perspective. In: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Social Capital: Handbooks of Research Methods and Applications. 76- 90
Roberts, C., Allum, N. and Sturgis, P., (2014). Nonresponse and measurement error in an online panel. In: Online Panel Research. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 337- 362. 9781118763520
Sturgis, P., Patulny, R., Allum, N. and Buscha, F., (2012). Social connectedness and generalized trust: a longitudinal perspective. In: Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Social Capital. Editors: . Edward Elgar Publishing. 76- 90. 9780857935847
Bauer, MW., Shukla, R., Allum, N., Bauer, MW., Shukla, R. and Allum, N., (2012). Towards cultural indicators of science with global validity. Routledge New York, NY. 39- 54
Wang, K., Ren, F., He, W., Zhang, C., Bauer, MW., Shukla, R. and Allum, N., (2012). Adult Scientific Literacy and its Surveys in China since 1992. 126- 137
Allum, N., Patulny, R., Read, S. and Sturgis, P., (2010). Re-evaluating the links between social trust, institutional trust and civic association. In: Spatial and social disparities. Springer Netherlands. 199- 215. 9789048187492
Allum, N., Sturgis, P. and Read, S., (2010). Evaluating Change in Social and Political Trust in Europe. In: Methods for Cross-Cultural Analysis: Basic Strategies and Applications. Editors: Davidov, E., Schmidt, P. and Billiet, J., . Taylor & Francis. 35- 53. 9781848728226
Sturgis, P., Allum, N. and Brunton-Smith, I., (2009). Attitudes over time: The psychology of panel conditioning. In: Methodology of Longitudinal Surveys. Wiley Hoboken, NJ. 113- 126. 9780470018712
Allum, N. and Arber, S., (2008). Secondary Analysis of Survey Data. In: Researching Social Life (Third Edition). Editors: Gilbert, N., . Sage. 9781412946612
Einsiedel, E., Allansdottir, A., Allum, N., Bauer, MW., Berthomier, A., Chatjouli, A., de Cheveigné, S., Downey, R., Gutteling, JM., Kohring, M. and others, (2002). Brave new sheep the clone named Dolly. Cambridge University Press. 9780521774390
Wagner, W., Kronberger, N., Allum, N., de Cheveigné, S., Diego, C., Gaskell, G., Heinßen, M., Midden, C., Odegaard, M., Olsson, S., Rizzo, B., Rusannen, T. and Stathopoulou, A., (2002). Pandora’s Genes-Images of Biotechnology and Nature in Europe. In: Biotechnology - the Making of a Global Controversy. Editors: Bauer, MW. and Gaskell, G., . Cambridge University Press. 978-0521774390
Gaskell, G., Thompson, P. and Allum, N., (2002). Worlds apart? Public opinion in Europe and the USA. Cambridge Univ Pr. 351- 351. 9780521774390
Gaskell, G., Allum, NC., Bauer, MW. and Durant, J., (2002). The origins of the consumer revolt in Europe: A transatlantic comparison. Cambridge University Press
Bauer, MW., Gaskell, G. and Allum, NC., (2002). Qualidade, quantidade e interesses do conhecimento: evitando confus oes. 17- 35
Allum, N., Boy, D. and Bauer, M., (2002). Regional culture - contextualising the knowledge deficit model. In: Biotechnology: the making of a global controversy. Editors: Bauer, MW. and Gaskell, G., . Cambridge University Press. 224- 243. 9780521774390
Wagner, W., Kronberger, N., Allum, N., de Cheveigné, S., Diego, C., Gaskell, G., Heinßen, M., Midden, C., Odegaard, M., Olsson, S., Rizzo, B., Rusannen, T. and Stathopoulou, A., (2002). Pandora’s Genes-Images of Biotechnology and Nature in Europe. In: Biotechnology - the Making of a Global Controversy. Editors: Bauer, MW. and Gaskell, G., . Cambridge University Press
Jelsøe, E., Gaskell, G., Allum, N., Nielsen, TH., Kohring, M. and Bauer, M., (2001). In the public eye: representations of biotechnology in Europe. In: Biotechnology 1996-2000. Science Museum
Gaskell, G., Torgersen, H., Allum, N. and Bauer, MW., (2001). Biotechnology, technoscience and the public sphere. NMSI Trading Limited, Science Museum
Mortensen, AT., Wagner, W., Kronberger, N., Gaskell, G., Allansdottir, A., Allum, N., de Cheveigné, S., Dahinden, U., Diego, C., Montali, L. and others, (2001). Nature in disorder. In: Biotechnology 1996-2000. Science Museum
Bauer, MW., Gaskell, G. and Allum, NC., (2000). Quality, quantity and knowledge interests: Avoiding confusions. 3- 17. 9780761964810
Wagner, W., Kronberger, N., Gaskell, G., Allum, N., Allansdottir, A., Cheveigne, SD., Dahinden, U., Diego, C., Montali, L., Mortensen, A. and others, (1996). Nature in disorder: the troubled public of biotechnology. 80- 95
Gaskell, G., Einsiedel, E., Priest, S., Ten Eyck, T., Allum, N. and Torgersen, H., (1996). Troubled waters: the Atlantic divide on biotechnology policy. 96- 115
Conferences (1)
Jackson, J., Allum, N. and Gaskell, G., (2006). Bridging levels of analysis in risk perception research: the case of the fear of crime
Reports and Papers (8)
Al Baghal, T., Bryson, C., Fisher, H., Hanson, T., Jessop, C., Low, H., Lynn, P., Martin, N., McKay, S., Sloan, L. and Sobolewska, M., Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 10: results from methodological experiments
Creighton, M., Dykema, J., Gaia, A., Cernat, A., Garbarski, D., Jamal, A., Kaminska, O., Keusch, F., Lynn, P., Oberski, D., Schaeffer, NC., Uhrig, SCN. and Yan, T., Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 8: results from methodological experiments
Jacobi, C., Thiel, D. and Allum, N., (2019). Enabling and constraining successful reablement: Individual and neighbourhood factors
Allum, N., Auspurg, K., Blake, M., Booker, CL., Crossley, TF., d'Ardenne, J., Fairbrother, M., Iacovou, M., Jackle, AE., Kaminska, O., Lynn, P., Nicoletti, C., Oldfield, Z., Pudney, S., Schnettler, S., Uhrig, SCN., Winter, J. and Al Baghal, T., (2014). Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 6: results from methodological experiments
Semir, VD., Revuelta, G., Dimopoulos, K., Peters, HP., Allansdottir, A., Allum, N., Burri, RV., Castro, P., Corti nas Rovira, S., Chabay, I. and others, (2011). Toolkit for the Impact Assessment of Science Communication Initiatives and Policies
Roberts, C., Eva, G., Allum, N. and Lynn, P., (2010). Data quality in telephone surveys and the effect of questionnaire length: a cross-national experiment
Gaskell, G., Allum, N., Bauer, M., Jackson, J., Howard, S. and Lindsey, N., (2003). Ambivalent GM Nation?: Public Attitudes to Biotechnology in the UK, 1991-2002: Life Sciences in European Society Report
Gaskell, G. and Allum, N., (2001). Two cultures of risk
Scholarly Editions (1)
National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine, (2016). Science Literacy Concepts, Contexts, and Consequences
Dataset (1)
Allum, N. and Reid, A., (2022).International Research Integrity Survey (IRIS)
Thesis dissertation (2)
Allum, NC., (2005). Risk, social trust and knowledge: public perceptions of gene technology in Britain
Allum, N., (1998). A social representations approach to the comparison of three textual corpora using ALCESTE. PhD Thesis
Other (3)
Allum, N., (2010).Science literacy. Encyclopedia of science and technology communication
Gaskell, G., Allum, N., Stares, S. and others, (2003).Europeans and biotechnology in 2002: Eurobarometer 58.0. Brussels: European Commission,The Directorate
Allum, NC., (2000).An introduction to qualitative research. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY. 51(2)
Grants and funding
Standard Operating Procedures for Research Integrity
European Commission
WP1 - Impact Acceleration Account 2014
Economic & Social Research Council
Understanding the nature and prevalence of unreported domestic abuse
Essex County Council
Public Perception of Biomedical Science: Analysing the Wellcome Trust Monitor Surveys
Wellcome Trust
Novel Segmentation of Young & Old People
Wellcome Trust
European Commission (FP7)
Survey Resource Network - Sociology
Economic & Social Research Council
Survey Resource Network - ISER
Economic & Social Research Council
Survey Resource Network - Data Archive
Economic & Social Research Council
Academic support hours:
By appointment