
Professor Enam Al-Wer

Department of Language and Linguistics
Professor Enam Al-Wer
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 872240

  • Location

    4.131, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Wednesday 10am-12pm



She graduated from the University of Jordan with a BA in English and German, and went on to obtain a Diploma in German from the Goethe Institute, Munich. She subsequently obtained an MLing in Manchester, writing a dissertation on the syntax of negation in Jordanian Arabic. Her PhD at Essex (supervised by Prof. Peter Trudgill) was on phonological variation in the speech of women. She previously taught English Linguistics at Philadelphia University, Jordan, and has also taught sociolinguistics at Cambridge University and Birkbeck College.


  • BA Jordan

  • Dip Munich

  • MLing Manchester

  • PhD Essex.

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Variation and change (with special interest in Modern Arabic Dialects)

Open to supervise

Dialect/language contact

Open to supervise

Dialectology and dialect geography

Open to supervise

Formation of New Dialects

Open to supervise

Gender differentiation in language

Open to supervise

Language maintenance/shift

Open to supervise

Multilingualism and code-switching

Open to supervise

Conferences and presentations

Dynamics of linguistic variation and change in Arabic Vernaculars: a sociolinguistic perspective.

Keynote presentation, Critical Approaches to Language, Literature and Translation Studies., 25/11/2021

Dialect contact, focusing and feature complexity: Data from Amman.

13th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Language and Linguistics Society., 26/2/2021

Probing linguistic change in Arabic vernaculars: a sociohistorical perspective

Keynote presentation, Plenary, Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics., Toronto, Canada, 5/4/2019

Language change as a product of social change

Invited presentation, Worshop, Workshop, Bayreuth, Germany, 20/6/2018

Formation and normativisation of the Amman dialect

Invited presentation, Seminar, Seminar, Berlin, Germany, 13/6/2018

Normativisation and the hyper-dialect: further developments in the formation of the Amman dialect.

Invited presentation, SOAS Seminar, SOAS Seminar, London, United Kingdom, 20/3/2018

Trajectory of language change and the power of social factors

Keynote presentation, Forum for Arabic Linguisticsw, Forum for Arabic Linguistics, York, United Kingdom, 5/12/2017

The evolution of sectarian linguistic stratification: Jordan as a case study

Language Mobility and Belonging, Linguistic Anthropology Conference, Language Mobility and Belonging, Linguistic Anthropology Conference, Oxford, United Kingdom, 23/3/2017

The Amman dialect

Invited presentation, Seminar, Seminar, Amman, Jordan, 15/12/2016

Commercialisation of linguistic expertise: the asylum process as a case study

Invited presentation, The Sociolinguistics of Globalization Conference, Panel on Engaging the World of Language Work/ers, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 3/6/2015

AIDA Conference

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • English in the British Isles (LG353)

  • English Around the World (LG355)

  • Forensic Linguistics (LG364)

  • Sociolinguistic Theory (LG532)

  • Professional Development for Research Students (LG595)

  • History and Variation of English (LG653)

  • Dissertation (Research) (LG994)

  • Graduate Research Assignment (LG699)

  • Careers and Employability Skills for Languages and Linguistics (LA099)

  • MA Dissertation (LG981)

Previous supervision

Sara Bakhit 'Obaid Al Sheyadi
Sara Bakhit 'Obaid Al Sheyadi
Thesis title: Sociolinguistic Variation in the Y 'Àl Sa 'Ad Dialect in Northern Oman
Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 31/1/2022
Julie Lowry
Julie Lowry
Thesis title: Language and the Negotiation of Identity and Belonging in Harub, Saudi Arabia
Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/10/2020
Wisam Ali Kadhim Alshawi
Wisam Ali Kadhim Alshawi
Thesis title: A Sociolinguistic Study of a Southern Iraqi Dialect: Fortition of the Variants [J] and [T] (Special Character in Title, See Exam Paperwork)
Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/3/2020
Mohammad Awad H Alrohili
Mohammad Awad H Alrohili
Thesis title: Depalatalisation of /Gj/ and /Kj/ in the Harbi Dialect in Medina: Patterns of Variation and Change (Note: Both J's Within the Slashes Should be Superscript However Esis Does Not Support This - Please See Rd1 for Correct Title)
Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/12/2019
Hind Khlifa A Alaodini
Hind Khlifa A Alaodini
Thesis title: A Sociolinguistic Study of the Dawasir Dialect in Dammam, Eastern Arabia: Affrication of Ijl and Unrounding of Ial
Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2019
Moayyad Saleh M Al Bohnayyah
Moayyad Saleh M Al Bohnayyah
Thesis title: Dialect Variation and Change in Eastern Arabia: Al-Ahsa Dialect
Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/5/2019
Robert Stephen Potter
Robert Stephen Potter
Thesis title: A Variationist Multilocality Study of Unstressed Vowels and Verbal -S Marking in the Peripheral Dialect of East Suffolk
Degree subject: Analysing Language Use
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 26/6/2018
Alyaa Ali Hassan Jasim Al-Timimi
Alyaa Ali Hassan Jasim Al-Timimi
Thesis title: A Sociolinguistic Study of the 'Broken Plural' in the Speech of Iraqi Arabic-English Bilingual Children
Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/4/2018
Abeer AB Hussain
Abeer AB Hussain
Thesis title: The Sociolinguistic Correlates of Dialect Contact and Koineization in Medini Arabic: Lenition and Resyllabification
Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 13/12/2017
Deema Abdullah M Alammar
Deema Abdullah M Alammar
Thesis title: Linguistic Variation and Change in the Dialect of Ha'Il, Saudi Arabia: The Feminine Suffixes
Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/11/2017
Noora Qassim Mohammed Abu Ain
Noora Qassim Mohammed Abu Ain
Thesis title: A Sociolinguistic Study in Saham, Northern Jordan.
Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/4/2017
Areej Mohammad Mahmoud Al-Hawamdeh
Areej Mohammad Mahmoud Al-Hawamdeh
Thesis title: A Sociolinguistic Investigation of Two Horani Features in Souf, Jordan
Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/9/2016
Khairiah Ali A Alqahtani
Khairiah Ali A Alqahtani
Thesis title: A Sociolinguistic Study of the Tihami Qahtani Dialect in Asir, Southern Arabia
Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/10/2015
Robert Stephen Potter
Robert Stephen Potter
Degree subject: Analysing Language Use
Degree type: Master of Research
Awarded date: 1/10/2014
Salifu Faal
Salifu Faal
Thesis title: The Dominance of Wolof in Urban Senegal: A Threat to Minority Languages and Language Communities
Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 27/8/2014
Najla Manie A Alghamdi
Najla Manie A Alghamdi
Thesis title: A Sociolinguistic Study of Dialect Contact in Arabia: Ghamdi Immigrants in Mecca
Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/7/2014
Uri Horesh
Uri Horesh
Thesis title: Phonological Outcomes of Language Contact in the Palestinian Arabic Dialect of Jaffa
Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/4/2014
Chryso Hadjidemetriou
Chryso Hadjidemetriou
Thesis title: The Consequences of Language Contact: Armenian and Maronite Arabic in Contact with Cypriot Greek
Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/7/2009


Journal articles (6)

Al-wer, E., Herin, B., Younes, I. and Al-Hawamdeh, A., (2023). The dialect of the Druze of Jordan. Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik. 77 (2), 72-85

Al-wer, E., Horesh, U., AlAmmar, D., Alaodini, H., Al-Essa, A., Al-Hawamdeh, A., Al-Qahtani, K. and Hussain, A., (2022). Probing linguistic change in Arabic vernaculars: a sociohistorical perspective. Language in Society. 51 (1), 29-50

Herin, B., Younes, I., Al-wer, E. and Al-Sirour, Y., (2021). The classification of Bedouin Arabic: insights from Northern Jordan. Languages. 7 (1), 1-1

Al-wer, E., Horesh, U., Herin, B. and Fanis, M., (2015). How Arabic Regional Features Become Sectarian Features Jordan as a Case Study. Zeitschrift fuer Arabische Linguistik. 62, 68-87

Al-Wer, E. and Herin, B., (2011). The lifecycle of Qaf in Jordan. Langage et société. n° 138 (4), 59-76

Al‐Wer, E., (1997). Arabic between reality and ideology. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 7 (2), 251-265

Books (5)

Al-wer, E. and Herin, B., A Grammar of a central Jordanian dialect. Open Book Publishers

Al-wer, E., Horesh, U., Herin, B. and de Jong, R., (2022). Arabic Sociolinguistics. Cambridge University Press. 9781316863060

Al-wer, E. and Horesh, U., (2019). The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Sociolinguistics. Routledge. 9781315722450

Al-Wer, E. and De Jong, R., (2008). Arabic Dialectology. Brill. 9789004172128

(2007). Arabic in the City. Routledge. 9780203933367

Book chapters (22)

Al-wer, E., New-dialect formation: the Amman dialect. In: Arabic and contact-induced change. Editors: Lucas, C. and Manfredi, S., . Language Science Press

Horesh, U., Al-wer, E., Albohnayya, M. and AlAmmar, D., Dialect contact and change in the Arabic feminine ending morpheme. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics.. In: Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXIIII. Editors: Ali, A-K. and Hachimi, A., . Benjamins

Al-wer, E. and Al-Hawamdeh, A., (2025). Focusing and feature complexity in Amman Arabic. In: Dialect contact: from speaker to community-based perspectives. Editors: Fernandez-Mallat, V. and Nycz, J., . Georgetown University Press. 65- 82. 978-1-64712-503-5

Horesh, U., Al-wer, E., Albohnayya, M. and AlAmmar, D., (2022). Dialect contact and change in the Arabic feminine ending morpheme. Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics.. In: Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXIII: Papers selected from the Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Toronto, Canada, 2019. Editors: Ali, A-K. and Hachimi, A., . John Benjamins. 27- 50. 9789027256935

Al-wer, E., Horesh, U., AlAmmar, D. and Al-Bohnayya, M., (2022). Dialect contact and change in the Arabic feminine ending morpheme. In: Studies in Arabic Linguistics. Editors: Abdel-Khalig, A. and Hachimi, A., . John Benjamins Publishing Company. 27- 50. 9789027212726

Al-wer, E. and Fanis, M., (2019). The commercialisation of linguistic expertise in the asylum vetting process. In: Language at work. Editors: Thurlow, C., . Routledge. 179- 192. 9781138485266

Al-wer, E. and Fanis, M., (2019). The Commercialisation of Linguistic Expertise in the Asylum Vetting Process. In: The Business of Words Wordsmiths, Linguists, and Other Language Workers. Editors: Thurlow, C., . Routledge. 9781138485266

Al-wer, E. and Horesh, U., (2019). Arabic sociolinguistics: principles and epistemology. In: The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Sociolinguistics. Editors: Al-wer, E. and Horesh, U., . Routledge. 1- 11. 9781315722450

Al-wer, E., (2019). New-dialect formation: the Amman dialect. In: Arabic and contact-induced change. Editors: Lucas, C. and Manfredi, S., . Language Science Press. 551- 566

Al-Wer, E. and de Jong, R., (2017). Dialects of Arabic. In: The Handbook of Dialectology. Editors: Boberg, C., Nerbonne, J. and Watt, D., . Wiley-Blackwell. 523- 534. 978-1-118-82755-0

Al-Wer, E. and Al-Qahtani, K., (2016). Lateral fricative ḍād in Tihāmat Qaḥtān. In: Studies in Arabic Linguistics. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 151- 169. 9789027200310

Al-Wer, E., (2014). Language and Gender in the Middle East and North Africa. In: The Handbook of Language, Gender, and Sexuality. Editors: Ehrlich, S., Meyerhoff, M. and Holmes, J., . Wiley. 396- 411. 9780470656426

Al-wer, E., (2014). Yod-dropping in b-imperfect verb forms ?in Amman. In: Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXVI: Papers from the annual symposium on Arabic Linguistics. New York, 2012. Editors: Khamis-Dakwar, R. and Froud, K., . John Benjamins. 29- 44. 9789027200303

Al-Wer, E., (2013). Sociolinguistics. In: The Oxford Handbook of Arabic Linguistics. Editors: Owens, J., . Oxford University Press. 978-0-19-976413-6

Al-Wer, E., (2007). The formation of the dialect of Amman: from chaos to order. In: Arabic in the City: Issues in Dialect Contact and Language Variation. Editors: Miller, C., Al-Wer, E., Caube, D. and Watson, JCE., . Routledge. 55- 76. 978-0415773119

Al-Wer, E., (2006). The Arabic-Speaking Middle East/Der arabischsprachige Mittlere Osten. In: Sociolinguistics: An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society/Soziolinguistik: Ein internationales Handbuch zur Wissenschaft von Sprache und Gesellschaft. Walter de Gruyter, Inc.. 1917- 1924. 9783110184181

Al-Wer, E., (2003). New dialect formation. In: IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 59- 67. 9789027218544

Al-Wer, E., (2003). Variability Reproduced: A variationist view of the [Daad]/[Dhaa] opposition in modern Arabic dialects. In: Approaches to Arabic Dialects: A Collection of Articles presented to Manfred Woidich on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. Editors: de Jong, R., Haak, M. and Versteegh, K., . Brill. 21- 32. 9789004132061

Al-Wer, E., (2002). Jordanian and Palestinian dialects in contact: vowel raising in Amman. In: Language Change. DE GRUYTER MOUTON. 63- 80. 9783110172027

Al-Wer, E., (2002). Education as a Speaker Variable. In: Language Contact and Language Conflict in Arabic. Variations on a sociolinguistic theme. Editors: Rouchdy, A., . Routledge Curzon. 41- 53. 9780700713790

Al-Wer, E., (2000). Perspectives on two Arabic emphatic sounds: A merger or an artificial split?. Essex Research Reports in Linguistics

Al-Wer, E., (1997). Why do different variables behave differently? Data from Arabic. Essex Research Reports in Linguistics

Conferences (2)

Al-wer, E. and Fanis, M., The commercialisation of linguistic expertise in the asylum vetting process

Al-wer, E. and Al-Hawamdeh, A., Focusing and feature complexity in Amman Arabic

Media (1)

Al-Wer, EEA., Jordanian dialects. Video

Grants and funding


Religious Affiliation, Language Variation and National Identity in the Middle East

British Academy

The emerging dialect of Amman: a study in New-Dialect Formation

Leverhulme Trust

Further sociolinguistic explorations in Palestinian Arabic: Language and identity, religion, and urbanisation

British Academy

+44 (0) 1206 872240


4.131, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Wednesday 10am-12pm