
Cristina Blanco

Postgraduate Research Student
Essex Law School
 Cristina Blanco


Ask me about
  • international human rights law, socio-legal research, Inter-American human rights system, indigenous peoples’ rights, business and human rights, climate change, environmental law


Cristina Blanco is a lecturer of international law and human rights at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) and a doctoral researcher at the School of Law of the University of Essex. She specializes in international law and human rights, particularly in the Latin American context. Cristina has previously worked as a human rights specialist for the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and as Academic Coordinator of the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights of the PUCP (IDEH-PUCP). In 2015, she joined the Law School of the PUCP and in 2017 she was appointed as a full-time lecturer in international law. She has also coordinated the human rights area of the PUCP Department of Law. She is an external consultant for the IACHR and the Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF), and former consultant of the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (OAS), among other organizations and international institutions. She authored the IACHR Report on Human rights and Extractive Industries in 2015, the IACHR Report on Indigenous Peoples of the Pan-Amazon Region in 2019, among other publications related to human rights, indigenous peoples and economic activities in the Americas. She is currently a board member of the Latin American Academy of Human Rights and Business. Cristinas doctoral research focuses on the interactions between Amazonian onto-epistemologies, international law and human rights in the context of an investment project. PUBLICATIONS Journal articles - Rethinking international from Amazonian onto epistemologies: the Kukama people and the Amazonian Waterway project. Leiden Journal of International Law. Special issue on Methodological Perspectives on International Law in the Global South (forthcoming). - Business and Human Rights in Latin America: a systematic literature review (co-author). Business and Human Rights Journal. Special issue on Business and Human Rights in Latin America (forthcoming). Books - The progressive incorporation of business in international human rights law (co-author). IDEHPUCP/ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) 2nd edition Lima: 2016. - The right to due process in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (co-author). 1st edition IDEHPUCP / GIZ. Lima: 2012 / 2nd edition Universidad del Rosario. Bogota: 2012/ 3rd edition Mexico City: Superior Court of Justice. Book chapters - Guiding Principle 17: Human Rights Due Diligence (co-author). In: Barnali Choudhury (ed.), The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Practical Commentary. Edward Elgar Publishing (forthcoming). - Gender and Business and Human Rights: Making Gender Analysis in Business and Human Rights work for Latin American women (co-author). In: Danielle Pamplona, Carolina Olarte Bacares, and Olena Uvarova (eds.), Women and Business and Human Rights (forthcoming). - The National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights in Peru: A discourse analysis. In: Federico Chunga (ed.), Public policies on human rights and business in Latin America. GIZ. Lima: 2022. - Right to prior consultation in a multicultural and polyethnic State. In: IDEHPUCP (ed.), Jurisprudence and human rights: Advances in the human rights agenda through judicial rulings in Peru. PUCP Editorial Fund. Lima: 2018. Reports - Report on the Right to Self-Determination of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples: Inter-American Standards (co-author). IACHR. Washington D.C.: 2021. - Study on the Challenges for environmental and indigenous peoples rights in the Amazon region (researcher). European Parliament. Policy Department for External Relations. Strasburg: 2020. - Report on the Rights of indigenous peoples of the Pan-Amazon region. IACHR. Washington D.C.: 2019. - Report on Poverty and Human Rights in the Americas (co-author). IACHR. Washington D.C.: 2017. - Report on human rights protection in the context of extraction, exploitation, and development activities. IACHR. Washington D.C.: 2015. - Report on the implementation of the right to free, prior and informed consultation of indigenous peoples in Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, and Peru. Due Process of Law Foundation. Washington D.C.: 2014. GRANTS AND FUNDINGS - Socio-Legal Studies Association, 2021-2022 Ph.D. Fieldwork Scholarship - University of Essex, 2019 Humanities Doctoral Scholarship - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, 2019 Research Award - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, 2017 Research Award

Research and professional activities


Rethinking international law from Amazonian onto-epistemologies: the Kukama people and the Amazonian Waterway project

Supervisor: Anil Yilmaz-Vastardis , Tara Van Ho



Colchester Campus