Dr Chiara Banti

cbanti@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872751
EBS.3.36, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Mon 11-12 and Fri 13-15. Please email me to arrange a meeting at these times.
Chiara Banti is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Finance at the Essex Business School. She is a Fellow of the Emerging Markets Group at Bayes (former Cass) Business School. Her research interests are in the fields of international finance and FX market microstructure. She received her PhD in Finance from Cass Business School, she holds an MSc from LSE and a degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Pisa. She welcomes inquiries from potential PhD students interested in international finance and market microstructure.
PhD (Cass)
BSc (University of Pisa)
University of Essex
Deputy Head Finance Group, Essex Business School, University of Essex (8/2023 - present)
Q-step lead, University of Essex (1/10/2021 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
International finance
Market microstructure
Global liquidity
Emerging markets
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Fixed Income Securities (BE362)
International Finance (BE630)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Finance
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/6/2023

Degree subject: Finance
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/5/2022

Degree subject: Finance
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/2/2021

Degree subject: Finance
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/7/2019

Degree subject: Finance
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/7/2018
Journal articles (10)
Banti, C. and Bose, U., (2024). Shifts in Global Credit and Corporate Access to Finance. Journal of Financial Stability. 74, 100853-100853
Manac, R., Banti, C. and Kellard, N., (2024). How does standardization affect OTC markets in the long term? Evidence from the Small Bang reform in the CDS market. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. 96 (October 2024), 102043-102043
Banti, C. and Phylaktis, K., (2024). Are Institutional Investors the Culprit of Rising Global House Prices?. Real Estate Economics. 53 (2), 210-265
Banti, C., Biddle, G. and Jona, J., (2023). Does a Liability of Foreignness in Liquidity Apply to US IPOs?. Accounting and Business Research. 54 (4), 423-456
Ivan, M., Banti, C. and Kellard, N., (2022). Prime Money Market Funds Regulation, Global Liquidity, and the Crude Oil Market. Journal of International Money and Finance. 127, 102671-102671
Duong, KT., Banti, C. and Instefjord, N., (2021). Managerial conservatism and corporate policies. Journal of Corporate Finance. 68, 101973-101973
Banti, C. and Phylaktis, K., (2019). Global liquidity, house prices and policy responses. Journal of Financial Stability. 43, 79-96
Banti, C., (2016). Illiquidity in the stock and foreign exchange markets: an investigation of their cross-market dynamics. Journal of Financial Research. 39 (4), 411-436
Banti, C. and Phylaktis, K., (2015). FX market liquidity, funding constraints and capital flows. Journal of International Money and Finance. 56 (C), 114-134
Banti, C., Phylaktis, K. and Sarno, L., (2012). Global liquidity risk in the foreign exchange market. Journal of International Money and Finance. 31 (2), 267-291
Reports and Papers (4)
Manac, R-D., Banti, C. and Kellard, N., (2021). How does standardization affect OTC markets? Evidence from the Small Bang reform in the CDS market
Banti, C. and Bose, U., (2021). The Rise of Regional Financial Cycle and Domestic Credit Markets in Asia
Banti, C., Kellard, N. and Manac, R-D., (2018). Credit Default Swap Spreads: Funding Liquidity Matters!
Banti, C., (2015). Illiquidity in the stock and FX markets: an investigation of their cross-market dynamics
Grants and funding
Does personal liability of independent directors impact corporate misconduct?
British Academy
Secondment to Central Bank of Chile
Economic & Social Research Council
Academic support hours:
Mon 11-12 and Fri 13-15. Please email me to arrange a meeting at these times.