Dr Shaul Bar Haim

sbarhaim@essex.ac.uk -
5A.334, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Monday 13:30-15:00 in-person (office 5a.334), or online with an appointment
BA, MA (Tel-Aviv)
PhD (London)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
History of psychoanalysis
Twentieth-century 'psy' disciplines
Cultural history of the British welfare state
History and theory of childhood
Trauma studies
Feminism and psychoanalysis
Conferences and presentations
Revising the notion of Inner Life: The 'Maternal' as a Site of Hidden Emotions
Invited presentation, London Modernism Seminar, The School of Advanced Study, University of London, 12/10/2024
The Emotional Community of the Pariah
The Biennial Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 30/8/2024
Trauma and its Discontents: From the Age of Testimony to the Age of Trigger Warnings
Invited presentation, UCL Health Humanities Centre Seminar, 21/3/2024
In Defense of the Notion of Inner Life'
Invited presentation, Richardson History of Psychiatry Research Seminar., Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 19/4/2023
The Language of the ‘Inward’: On Hidden Emotions in History
Invited presentation, Open Research Seminar at the UCL Psychoanalysis Unit, 30/6/2022
Revising trauma: The origins of the new trigger culture
Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of the Human Sciences, 1/9/2021
The Oedipal Riddle: Between Family Secrecy and Political Utopia in Twentieth-Century Psychoanalysis
Invited presentation, The Politics of Family Secrecy, University of Copenhagen (online), 27/1/2021
Invited presentation, Columbia University Affect Studies Seminar, Affect Studies Seminar, New York, United States, 30/9/2019
Psychoanalysis and the historian: why historians of emotion dismiss Freud (and how is he still so important for them)
Keynote presentation, Psychoanalysis, Art, and Culture Summer University, Budapest, Hungary, 9/8/2019
Modernity as a crisis of motherhood: the ‘maternalizing movement’ in interwar Britain
Thinking Sex After the Great War, Brussels, Belgium, 19/10/2018
The psychoanalytic languages: On the intimate rivalry of Michael Balint and D. W. Winnicott
Invited presentation, Sándor Ferenczi – Interdisciplinary Approaches, Munich, Germany, 13/9/2018
What historians of emotions can (still) learn from psychoanalysis
History of Emotion, Fairfax, United States, 2/6/2018
The good enough State: on the maternalizing movement in Britain, 1920-1953
Departmental seminar, Beersheba, Israel, 19/12/2017
Beyond the ‘sphincter-morality’: the concept of childhood in interwar psychoanalysis
Invited presentation, Open departmental seminar, Colchester, United Kingdom, 15/11/2017
Lyotard and the Dream Work
ACLA Seminar: Psychoanalysis and its Objects, Utrecht, Netherlands, 8/7/2017
The Maternal Bond as a Model for State-Citizens Relationship
Society for the History of Children and Youth Ninth Biennial Conference, Camden, United States, 22/6/2017
The impossibility of the child's voice: A micro-history of a Czech girl in the 1953 coronation events
Speaking when they're spoken to? Re-integrating the experiences and perspectives of children into historical research, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 6/6/2017
Psychoanalysis and political replacement: A micro-history of a Czech girl in the 1953 coronation events
Replacement, London, United Kingdom, 8/12/2016
The Correspondence of Michael Balint and Donald Winnicott in the 1950s
Psychoanalysis and History Seminar, Institute of Historical Research, London, United Kingdom, 27/4/2016
Some notes on the history of waiting in the age of the NHS
The Chronic: Temporality, Care and Health Research, London, United Kingdom, 17/3/2016
The Apostolic Function: Michael Balint and the Postwar GP', UCL / BPS History of Psych Disciplines Seminar (February, 2016)
London, United Kingdom, 2016
Liberal Utopias: Revisiting the Hegemonic Dimensions of Welfare State Ideologies in Britain, 1945-1979'. Conference: Imaginarios utópicos: pasado, presente y future, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y de la International Nineteenth-Century Hispanists Network, Madrid
Madrid, Spain, 1/10/2015
'Revisiting the Post?Colonial Critique of Psychoanalysis: Géza Róheim and the Primitive'. Conference: Psycho?Politics: The Cross?Sections of Science and Ideology in the History of Psy?Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (October, 2015).
Budapest, Hungary, 2015
Totalitarianism, Anthropology, and the Primitive Child: The Case of Geza Róheim. Workshop: Re-imagining Childhood Images, Objects and the Voice of the Child, University of Greenwich (May, 2015).
London, United Kingdom, 2015
Geza Róheim and the Maternal Morality of the Primitive. The Annual Symposia on Psychoanalysis and Politics, Budapest (May, 2014).
Budapest, Hungary, 2014
Motherhood and the Emergence of the Regressed Patient. Conference: Made Up People: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Labelling and the Construction of People in Post-War History, University of Warwick (October, 2013).
Coventry, United Kingdom, 2013
Infants do not love; they must be loved: Omnipotence, Dependency and the Ferenczian Notion of Childhood'. Conference: Sincerity and Freedom in Psychoanalysis, Freud Museum, London (October, 2013).
London, United Kingdom, 2013
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Social Psychology (Sociology): Self and Interaction (SC213)
The Age of Trauma (SC387)
Emotions and Society (SC559)
Sociological Research Design (SC905)
Postgraduate Taught Project and Academic Skills (SC981)
Current supervision
Journal articles (13)
Bar Haim, S., ON TRAUMATOPHILIA AND ITS DISCONTENTS. Psychoanalysis and History. 26 (3)
Bar-Haim, S., (2024). On Traumatophilia and its Discontents: Avgi Saketopoulou, Sexuality Beyond Consent: Risk, Race, Traumatophilia. Psychoanalysis and History. 26 (3), 363-370
Bar-Haim, S., Baraitser, L. and Moore, MD., (2023). The shadows of waiting and care: on discourses of waiting in the history of the British National Health Service.. Wellcome Open Research. 8, 73-73
Bar-Haim, S., (2021). On Reviewing and Matchmaking. PSYCHOANALYSIS AND HISTORY. 23 (1), 5-6
Bar Haim, S., (2020). Proving nothing and illustrating much: the case of Michael Balint. History of the Human Sciences. 33 (3-4), 47-65
Bar Haim, S., (2020). The Mosaic Legacy of Sigmund Freud: How to Read Moses and Monotheism in the Twenty-First Century. On Gilad Sharvit and Karen S. Feldman (eds), Freud and Monotheism: Moses and the Violent Origins of Religion. Psychoanalysis and History. 22 (3), 371-378
Bar-Haim, S., (2019). The return of the political Freud? Some notes on the new historiography of psychoanalysis. History of the Human Sciences. 32 (2), 121-139
Bar Haim, S., (2019). The Psychoanalytic Languages: On the Intimate Rivalry of Michael Balint and D.W. Winnicott. Psychoanalysis and History. 21 (1), 73-103
Bar Haim, S., (2018). ‘The Drug Doctor’: Michael Balint and the Revival of General Practice in Postwar Britain. History Workshop Journal. 86 (86), 114-132
Bar Haim, S., (2017). The Liberal Playground: Susan Isaacs, Psychoanalysis and Progressive Education in the Interwar Era. History of the Human Sciences. 30 (1), 94-117
Bar-Haim, S., (2015). Becoming a Peter Pan: Omnipotence, Dependency and the Ferenczian Child. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis. 75 (S1), 37-45
Bar-Haim, S., (2015). Sandor Ferenczi – Ernest Jones: letters 1911–1933. Psychodynamic Practice. 21 (1), 92-97
Bar-Haim, S., (2014). Regression and the Maternal in the History of Psychoanalysis, 1900-1957. Psychoanalysis and History. 16 (1), 69-94
Books (2)
Bar Haim, S., (2021). The Maternalists: Psychoanalysis, Motherhood, and the British Welfare State. University of Pennsylvania Press. 9780812253153
Bar Haim, S., Tyson, H. and Coles, E., (2021). Wild Analysis: From the Couch to Cultural and Political Life. Routledge. 9781032061153
Book chapters (4)
Ziv, A. and Bar-Haim, S., (2024). Revising Trauma. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Psychosocial Studies. Springer International Publishing. 437- 451. 9783031303654
Ziv, A. and Bar Haim, S., (2023). The New Trigger Culture. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Psychosocial Studies. Editors: Walsh, J., Vyrgioti, M. and Frosh, S., . Palgrave Macmillan. 1- 15. 9783030615109
Bar Haim, S., (2019). “Tell Them That We Are Not Like Wild Kangaroos”: Géza Róheim and the (Fully) Human Primitive. In: Psychology and Politics: Intersections of Science and Ideology in the History of Psy-Sciences. Editors: Borgos, A., Erős, F. and Gyimesi, J., . Central European University Press. 107- 117. 9789633863121
Bar Haim, S., (2017). The Child's "Position": The Concept of Childhood in Interwar Psychoanalysis. In: Child Figures, Literature, and Science Fragile Subjects. Editors: Ahlbeck, J., Lappalainen, P., Launis, K. and Tuohela, K., . Routledge. 85- 96. 9781138282407
Grants and funding
Revising the 'Internalization Paradigm': History, Emotions, and Identity
Independent Social Research Foundation
Academic support hours:
Monday 13:30-15:00 in-person (office 5a.334), or online with an appointment