Professor Robert Borsley

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Colchester Campus
He studied Linguistics and Philosophy at the University of Wales Bangor, and did his Ph.D. at the University of Edinburgh. His research interests are in syntactic theory (especially HPSG), and the syntax of Welsh and Polish. He was formerly Professor of Linguistics at the University of Wales Bangor, where he worked from 1986 to 2000. He is the author of Syntactic Theory: A Unified Approach (Edward Arnold, 1991/1999), Modern Phrase Structure Grammar (Blackwell, 1996), Welsh Negation and Grammatical Theory (University of Wales Press, 2005) (with Bob Morris Jones), and The Syntax of Welsh (Cambridge University Press. 2007) (with Maggie Tallerman and David Willis). He is editor of The Nature and Function of Syntactic Categories (Academic Press, 2000) and co-editor (with Ian Roberts) of The Syntax of the Celtic Languages (Cambridge University Press, 1996), (with Adam Przepiorkowski) of Slavic in Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (CSLI, 1999),and (with Kersti Börjars) of Nontransformational Syntax: Formal and Explicit Models of Grammar (Wiley, 2011). He was also an editor of Journal of Linguistics, the journal of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain from 1994 to 2016. He retired at the end of January 2017.
Ph.D. University of Edinburgh,
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Syntax (negation, coordination, unbounded dependencies, and agreement)
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG)
Celtic/Slavonic Languages
Principles and Parameters Theory
Relevance Theory
Philosophy of Linguistics
Teaching and supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/7/2018

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/6/2018

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/1/2018

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 28/7/2015

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/10/2014

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/7/2014

Degree type: Master of Research
Awarded date: 26/11/2013

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/11/2013

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 14/10/2013

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/6/2013

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/4/2013
Journal articles (76)
Borsley, RD., (2022). Why do we need another book about unbounded dependencies? A review article on Chaves & Putnam’s Unbounded Dependency Constructions. Journal of Linguistics. 58 (1), 203-224
Borsley, RD., (2020). Kate Scott, Billy Clark & Robyn Carston(eds.), Relevance, pragmatics and interpretation: Essays in honour of Deirdre Wilson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Pp. xvii + 259.. Journal of Linguistics. 56 (4), 917-921
Borsley, RD., (2020). Thomas Hoffmann, English comparative correlatives: Diachronic and synchronic variation at the lexicon–syntax interface. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Pp. xvii + 259.. Journal of Linguistics. 56 (3), 691-695
Borsley, RD., (2020). Andrew Radford, Relative clauses: Structure and variation in everyday English (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 161). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Pp. xi + 314.. Journal of Linguistics. 56 (1), 217-222
Borsley, RD., (2015). Apparent filler–gap mismatches in Welsh. Linguistics. 53 (5), 995-1029
Borsley, RD., (2015). Introduction. Butler and Ethics. 32, 1-6
Borsley, RD., (2013). On the nature of Welsh unbounded dependencies. Lingua. 133, 1-29
Borsley, RD., (2012). Don't Move!. Iberia: An International Journal of Theoretical Linguistics. 4 (1), 110-139
Borsley, RD., (2011). Constructions, functional heads and comparative correlatives. Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics. 8, 7-26
Borsley, RD., (2010). Natural language syntax. Language. 86 (4), 945-948
Borsley, RD. and Newmeyer, FJ., (2009). On Subject-Auxiliary Inversion and the notion “purely formal generalization”. Cognitive Linguistics. 20 (1), 135-143
Borsley, RD., (2009). On so-called transitive expletives in Belfast English. English Language and Linguistics. 13 (03), creators-Borsley=3ARobert_D=3A=3A
BORSLEY, RD., (2009). On so-called transitive expletives in Belfast English. English Language and Linguistics. 13 (3), 409-431
Levine, RD., (2009). Robert D. Levine & Thomas E. Hukari, The unity of unbounded dependency constructions (CSLI Lecture Notes 166). Stanford, CA: Center for the Study of Language and Information, 2006. Pp. x+406.. Journal of Linguistics. 45 (1), 232-238
Borsley, RD., (2007). . Lingua. 117 (4), 741-749
Borsley, RD., (2006). On the nature of Welsh VSO clauses. Lingua. 116 (4), 462-490
Abeill�, A. and Borsley, RD., (2006). La syntaxe des corrélatives comparatives en anglais et en français. Faits de langue. 28, 21-33
Borsley, RD., Roberts, I., Sadler, L. and Willis, D., (2006). Introduction. Lingua. 116 (11), 1745-1749
(2006). Celtic Linguistics. Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics. 116 (11), 1745-2022
Borsley, RD., (2006). Skeptical Linguistic Essays (review). Language. 82 (2), 442-446
Borsley, RD., (2005). Introduction - Data in Theoretical Linguistics. Lingua. 115 (11), 1475-1480
Borsley, RD., (2005). Against ConjP. Lingua. 115 (4), 461-482
Borsley, RD., (2005). Les coordinations relevant-elles de la syntaxe X-barre?. Langages. 39 (160), 25-41
(2005). Data in Theoretical Linguistics. Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics. 115 (11), 1475-1665
Borsley, RD., (2005). Les coordinations relèvent-elles de la syntaxe X-barre ?. Langages. n° 160 (4), 25-41
Borsley, RD., (2005). Introduction. Lingua. 115 (11), 1475-1480
Schmitz, JR., (2004). Taking linguistics seriously: on the varied dimensions of applied linguistics. Lingua. 114 (2), 95-99
Borsley, RD. and Ingham, R., (2004). A response to Schmitz. Lingua. 114 (2), 101-103
Borsley, RD. and Ingham, R., (2003). More on ‘some applied linguists’: a response to Stubbs. Lingua. 113 (3), 193-196
Borsley, RD. and Ingham, R., (2002). Grow your own linguistics? On some applied linguists' views of the subject. Lingua. 112 (1), 1-6
Borsley, RD. and Jones, BM., (2001). The Development of Finiteness in Early Welsh. Journal of Celtic Language Learning. 6, 9-20
Borsley, RD., (2001). What do Prepositional Complementizers do?. Probus. 13 (2), 155-171
Borsley, RD. and Kornfilt, J., (2000). Mixed extended projections. Syntax and Semantics. 32, 101-131
Borsley, RD. and Kathol, A., (2000). Breton as a V2 language. Linguistics. 38 (368), 665-710
Borsley, RD., (1999). Mutation and constituent structure in Welsh. Lingua. 109 (4), 267-300
Borsley, RD., (1997). Relative clauses and the theory of phrase structure. LINGUISTIC INQUIRY. 28 (4), 629-647
Borsley, RD., (1997). Mutation and Case in Welsh. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique. 42 (1-2), 31-56
Borsley, RD., (1995). On Some Similarities and Differences between Welsh and Syrian Arabic. Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences. 33 (1 [335]), 99-122
BORSLEY, RD., (1995). On some similarities and differences between Welsh and Syrian Arabic. ling. 33 (1), 99-122
Borsley, RD. and Rivero, MAL., (1994). Clitic auxiliaries and incorporation. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. 12 (3), 373-422
Borsley, RD., (1994). Mutation in Welsh. Lingua. 93 (2-3), 227-230
Borsley, RD., (1994). Editorial Note. Journal of Linguistics. 30 (1), 1-1
Borsley, RD., (1992). Redefining linguistics. Lingua. 88 (1), 67-71
Borsley, RD., (1992). More on the difference between English restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses. Journal of Linguistics. 28 (1), 139-148
Borsley, RD., (1990). The language machine. Lingua. 80 (4), 359-362
Borsley, RD., (1989). J. Koster. Domains and dynasties: the radical autonomy of syntax. Dordrecht: Foris, 1987. Pp. ix + 400.. Journal of Linguistics. 25 (2), 526-531
Borsley, RD. and Stephens, J., (1989). Agreement and the position of subjects in Breton. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 7 (3), 407-427
Borsley, RD., (1989). Phrase-Structure Grammar and the Barriers Conception of Clause Structure. Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences. 27 (5 [303]), 843-863
BORSLEY, RD., (1989). Phrase-structure grammar and the Barriers conception of clause structure. ling. 27 (5), 843-864
Borsley, RD. and Jaworska, E., (1989). On Polish PPs. Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences. 27 (2 [300]), 245-256
BORSLEY, RD. and JAWORSKA, EWA., (1989). On Polish PPs. ling. 27 (2), 245-256
Borsley, RD., (1989). Language in mind and language in society. Lingua. 78 (1), 95-98
Borsley, RD., (1989). An HPSG approach to Welsh. Journal of Linguistics. 25 (2), 333-354
Borsley, RD., (1989). R. Hendrick, Anaphora in Celtic and universal grammar. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1988. Pp. xi+ 284.. Journal of Linguistics. 25 (2), 498-502
Borsley, RD., (1988). GPSG and Welsh Clause Structure. Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences. 26 (3 [295]), 365-382
BORSLEY, RD., (1988). GPSG and Welsh clause structure. Linguistics. 26 (3), 365-382
Borsley, RD., (1988). A note on impersonal passives. Journal of Linguistics. 24 (2), 483-487
Borsley, RD., (1987). [Syntactic Categories]. Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics. 73 (4), 313-332
Borsley, RD., (1987). A unified theory of syntactic categories. Lingua. 73 (4), 313-318
Borsley, RD., (1987). A note on ‘traditional treatments’ of Welsh. Journal of Linguistics. 23 (1), 185-190
Borsley, RD., (1986). Word grammar. Lingua. 69 (3), 283-287
Borsley, RD., (1986). Prepositional complementizers in Welsh. Journal of Linguistics. 22 (1), 67-84
Borsley, RD., (1984). VP complements: evidence from Welsh. Journal of Linguistics. 20 (2), 277-302
Borsley, RD., (1983). Pauline Jacobson and Geoffrey K. Pullum (eds), The nature of syntactic representation. (Synthese Language Library, Vol. 15.) Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1982. Pp. xix + 479.. Journal of Linguistics. 19 (2), 495-498
Borsley, RD., (1981). Wh-movement and unbounded deletion in Polish equatives. Journal of Linguistics. 17 (2), 271-288
Borsley, RD. and Jaworska, E., (1981). Some Remarks on Equatives and Related Phenomena. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia: An International Review of English Studies. 13, 79-108
BORSLEY, RD. and HORN, GM., (1981). On ‘On binding’. Linguistics. 19 (11-12), 1133-1164
Borsley, RD., (1980). In defence of single mothers. Journal of Linguistics. 16 (1), 95-101
PULLUM, GK. and BORSLEY, RD., (1980). Comments on the two central claims of ‘trace theory’. Linguistics. 18 (1-2), 73-104
Borsley, RD., (1979). Some Remarks on Heads. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia: An International Review of English Studies. 11, 3-13
Books (8)
Borsley, RD. and Börjars, K., Non-Transformational Syntax: Formal and Explicit Models of Grammar. Wiley. 9780631209652
Borsley, R., (2014). Syntactic Theory. Routledge
(2011). Non‐Transformational Syntax. Wiley. 9780631209652
Borsley, RD. and Börjars, K., (2011). Introduction. Wiley. 9780631209652
Borsley, RD., Tallerman, M. and Willis, D., (2007). The Syntax of Welsh. Cambridge University Press. 9780521836302
Borsley, RD. and Jones, BM., (2005). Welsh Negation and Grammatical Theory. University of Wales Press. 9780708318836
Borsley, RD., (1997). Syntax-Theorie: Ein zusammengefaßter Zugang. Max Niemeyer Verlag GmbH & Co.. 9783484220553
Borsley, RD., (1991). Syntactic Theory: A Unified Approach. Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd.
Book chapters (18)
Borsley, RD., (2016). HPSG and the nature of agreement in Archi. In: Archi: Complexities of Agreement in Cross-theoretical Perspective. Editors: Bond, O., Brown, D., Chumakina, M. and Corbett, GG., . Oxford University Press. 9780198747291
Alqurashi, A. and Borsley, RD., (2014). The Comparative Correlative Construction in Modern Standard Arabic. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University at Buffalo. Editors: M�ller, S., . CSLI Publications. 6- 26
Arnold, D. and Borsley, RD., (2014). On the Analysis of English Exhaustive Conditionals. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University at Buffalo. Editors: M�ller, S., . CSLI Publications. 27- 47
Alotaibi, M. and Borsley, RD., (2013). Gaps and Resumptive Pronouns in Modern Standard Arabic. In: Proceedings of the HPSG13 Conference. Editors: Muller, S., . CSLI Publications. 6- 26
Alqurashi, A. and Borsley, RD., (2012). Arabic Relative Clauses in HPSG. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Editors: M�ller, S., . CSLI Publications. 26- 44
Borsley, RD., (2011). Free relatives in Polish and English. In: Contrastive Linguistics: Prospects and Problems. Mouton. 1- 18
Arnold, D. and Borsley, RD., (2010). Auxiliary-Stranding Relative Clauses. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Paris University Paris Diderot, France. Editors: M�ller, S., . CSLI Publications. 47- 67
Borsley, RD., (2010). An HPSG approach to Welsh unbounded dependencies. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Editors: M�ller, S., . CSLI Publications. 47- 67
Arnold, D. and Borsley, RD., (2008). Non-restrictive Relative Clauses, Ellipsis and Anaphora. In: The Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, NICT, Keihanna, Japan. Editors: M�ller, S., . CSLI Publications. 325- 345
Borsley, RD., (2004). An Approach to English Comparative Correlatives. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Editors: Muller, S., . CSLI Publications. 70- 92
Borsley, RD., (1999). Weak Auxiliaries, Complex Verbs and Inflected Complementizers in Polish. In: Slavic in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. CSLI Publications. 29- 59. 9781575861746
Borsley, RD. and Newmeyer, FJ., (1997). 2 The Language Muddle. In: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 42- 42. 9789027236524
Borsley, RD., Rivero, M-L. and Stephens, J., (1996). Long head movement in Breton. In: The Syntax of the Celtic Languages. Cambridge University Press. 53- 74. 9780521481601
Borsley, RD., (1993). Heads in Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. In: Heads in Grammatical Theory. Cambridge University Press. 186- 203. 9780521420709
Borsley, RD., (1990). Welsh passives. In: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 89- 89
Borsley, RD., (1990). A GPSG Approach to Breton Word Order. In: The Syntax of the Modern Celtic Languages. Academic Press. 81- 95
Borsley, RD., (1984). On the Nonexistence of VP's. In: Sentential Complementation: Proceedings of the International Conference Held at UFSAL, Brussels, June, 1983. Foris. 55- 65
Borsley, RD., (1983). A Welsh Agreement Process and the Status of VP and S. In: Order, Concord and Constituency. Foris. 57- 74
Conferences (7)
Bonami, O., Borsley, RD. and Tallerman, M., (2016). On pseudo-non-finite clauses in Welsh
Borsley, RD., (2009). On the superficiality of Welsh agreement
Abeillé, A. and Borsley, RD., (2008). Comparative correlatives and parameters
Borsley, RD., (2005). Against ConjP
BORSLEY, RD. and KATHOL, A., (2000). Breton as a V2 language
Borsley, RD. and Jones, BM., (2000). The syntax of Welsh negation
Aldridge, M., Borsley, RD. and Clack, S., (1995). The acquisition of Welsh clause structure
Reports and Papers (7)
Borsley, RD. and Krer, M., (2012). An HPSG Approach to Negation in Libyan Arabic
Borsley, RD., (2011). Apparent Filler-gap Mismatches in Welsh
Borsley, RD., (2008). On Some Welsh Unbounded Dependency Constructions
Borsley, RD., (2007). Hang on again! Are we `on the right track'?
Borsley, RD., (2006). Syntactic and Lexical Approaches to Unbounded Dependencies
Borsley, RD., (2004). On the Nature of Welsh VSO Clauses
Borsley, RD., (2000). What do 'prepositional complementisers' do?
Other (2)
(1999).Slavic in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar,CSLI Publications
(1996).The Syntax of the Celtic Languages,Cambridge University Press
Grants and funding
From Competing theories to fieldwork:the challenge of an extreme agreement system
Arts And Humanities Research Council