Prof Valerie Gladwell

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Colchester Campus
Research interest: I am passionate about enhancing lifelong health and wellbeing, with the use of physical activity, whether by deliberate activity or by stealth. My research has investigated how the environment shapes physical activity, particularly the natural environment ("Green Exercise"). I am particularly interested in the use of physical activity for those of working age both within workplaces and alternative places of work (including home working). There are a plethora of reasons to shape physical activity behaviour and I am keen to explore how these interact as part of a whole system. I work with a range of stakeholders and partners including Essex County Council on Sport England's Local Delivery Pilot ( where I am one of the Project Managers of the Evaluation Consortium. I have also undertaken research and evaluation with a range of businesses, trying to co-design where I can. History: In 2000, I joined the University of Essex in the Centre for Sports & Exercise Science as a Lecturer in Sport Science which was in within the School of Biological Sciences. Prior to this I studied for my PhD entitled "Reflex mechanisms eliciting the changes in heart rate caused by isometric exercise" under the guidance of Professor John Coote in the Medical School at the University of Birmingham. I gained my PhD in 2001. Also at the University of Birmingham, I studied for my undergraduate degree in Biomedical Science. Personal bit: I am a keen athlete- inspired by my 3 children and am currently training with my son to do my first triathlon (an Ironman Italy 2021). I am also keen to get others involved in Sport including setting up a girls’ and then a Ladies cricket team at my local club. I am a qualified Level 2 cricket coach and Level 2 British Swimming Official. In Summer 2016, I received the English Cricket Board Coach Awards: Outstanding Contribution for all the work that I do for cricket coaching. I use my volunteering to help me understand the needs to the local community and which aids me with my research
PhD University of Birmingham, (2001)
BMedSci University of Birmingham, (1997)
University of Essex
Professor, SRES, University of Essex (1/10/2020 - present)
Senior Lecturer, School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, University of Essex (1/8/2017 - present)
Senior Lecturer, Biological Sciences, University of Essex (1/1/2009 - 1/8/2017)
Lecturer, University of Essex (1/9/2000 - 1/1/2009)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Physical activity for health
With increasing rates of obesity and cardiovascular disease, we need new approaches to both prevention and rehabilitation following major diseases without the side-effects of drug intervention and the direct cost of pharmaceuticals. Furthermore, improving general health and well-being would reduce the financial burden that accompanies ill-health and the care of these individuals including days off sick. Therefore my overarching theme to get individuals to enage with physical activity particularly those of a working populations who have increased pressures in the workplace and increasing sedentary time. Physical activity has been shown to improve both physiological and psychological well-being, as well as reductions in obesity and cardiovascular disease. There are, however, important cultural and other barriers to physical activity to overcome particularly the use of green environments. Therefore perceptions, accessibility and attitudes to physical activity need to be assessed. Adherence to exercise (through enjoyment) and the support of employers is vital, if physical activity, in particular if "Green Exercise", is to be implemented as an effective therapy.
Green Exercise
I am currently the principal investigator for physiology in "Green Exercise". The research is interdisciplinary with links within the School and within the University. In 2009 I was awarded a prestigious ESRC interdisciplinary career personal fellowship (£300,000)- Green Exercise: The combination of physical activity in a natural environment The work conducted built on my innovative expertise in the area of autonomic control and on work that I have conducted on recovery from exercise and stress; in addition, it will build on the expertise in "Green Exercise" that currently exists in the School, which to date has focussed on psychological measures."Green Exercise" could be used as a powerful tool to help fight the growing incidence of cardiovascular disease. The synergistic combination of exercise and exposure to nature could help supplement current expensive drug-based therapies. Furthermore, adherence to exercise might improve. We aim to highlight the physiological changes that result from an interaction between the environment and exercise and also the impact "green exercise" has on our health and well-being. Thus, "Green Exercise" may be possible to use a simple and inexpensive and yet powerful tool to improve the quality of life of many individuals and to reduce costs of health care. I was also awarded a British Heart Foundation PhD studentship in 2010 and Daniel Brown successful completed his PhD in the area of Green Exercise. The research is concentrated on the working population. Working life incorporates everyday stressful situations. As stress is one of the triggers of acute CVD, this project investigates whether exposure to natural environments at lunch-time with or without exercise can help reduce reaction to stress. We will examine the acute responses to stress after exposure to different environment). We will also investigate if there are alterations in response to stress where participants are undertake exercise several times a week for 8 weeks. This project examines not only physiological and psychological responses but also examines biochemical changes that are occuring in the body in response to stress. We are mainly looking at cortisol (which is found in saliva) but will also be investigating changes in alpha-amylase.
Breaking up Sedentary Time
I am interested in investigating breaking up sedentary time with physical activity in short bouts by using calisthenics. This has shown to improve vascular function and now investigating other benefits including balance and proprioception. (MSc student investigating).
Cardiovascular Physiology
Workplace wellbeing
Workplace health and wellbeing is also a key interest: have conducted several studies in businesses and have helped improved their health and wellbeing. Awarded Bronze Chairman’s award (2012) (BAE Systems) in the category of ‘Supporting our Total Performance Culture Category. Also part of the University of Essex team that was awarded for the University of Essex Highly Commended for Workplace Health for the Business in the Community (East of England). I also supported my husband's company in winning the East Anglia Daily Times Health and Wellbeing award 2014. I am also worked with other local companies including Copella and Essex County Council.
Behavioural change theories into practice for physical activity for health
Working with Essex County Council and others to look at how to bring about behaviour change
Conferences and presentations
Nothing about us without us”: The challenges and opportunities of collaborative approaches to data collection and analysis
School of Health and Social Care Staff & Student research Conference, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom, 15/6/2022
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Exercise Physiology (SE203)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/7/2024

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/7/2019

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/9/2018

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 28/6/2018

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 30/4/2015

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/3/2015
Publications (4)
Malloy, E., Cushen-Brewster, N., Heard, G., Blundell, J. and Gladwell, VF., (2024). A service evaluation of the north east Essex Diabetes Service (NEEDS)
Brinkley, AJ., Cusimano, KM., Freeman, P., Southall-Edwards, R. and Gladwell, VF., (2024). ‘It's About Collaboration’: A Whole-Systems Approach to Understanding and Promoting Movement in Suffolk
Protogerou, C., Gladwell, VF. and Martin, C., (2024). Conceptualizing Sleep Satisfaction: A Rapid Review.
Menhams, A., Steventon, H. and Gladwell, VF., (2024). Facilitating co-creative meetings using a network model
Journal articles (47)
Brinkley, AJ., Cusimano, KM., Freeman, P., Southall-Edwards, R. and Gladwell, VF., (2025). ‘It's about collaboration’: a whole-systems approach to understanding and promoting movement in Suffolk. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 22 (1), 7-
Malloy, E., Cushen-Brewster, N., Heard, G., Blundell, J. and Gladwell, VF., (2025). A service evaluation of the North East Essex Diabetes Service (NEEDS). Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-9
Pettican, A., Southall-Edwards, R., Reinhardt, GY., Gladwell, V., Freeman, P., Low, W., Copeland, R. and Mansfield, L., (2024). Tackling physical inactivity and inequalities: implementing a whole systems approach to transform community provision for disabled people and people with long-term health conditions.. BMC Public Health. 24 (1), 636-
Protogerou, C., Gladwell, VF. and Martin, CR., (2024). Conceptualizing Sleep Satisfaction: A Rapid Review. Behavioral Sciences. 14 (10), 942-942
Moloney, S., Black, JM., Gladwell, V., Bury, N. and Devereux, G., (2024). Attitudes towards air quality during outdoor exercise amongst habitual exercisers. European Journal of Sport Science. 24 (11), 1671-1679
Mear, E., Gladwell, V. and Pethick, J., (2023). Knee extensor force control as a predictor of dynamic balance in healthy adults. Gait and Posture. 100, 230-235
Holford, D., Tognon, G., Gladwell, V., Murray, K., Nicoll, M., Knox, A., McCloy, R. and Loaiza, V., (2023). Planning engagement with web resources to improve diet quality and break up sedentary time for home-working employees: A mixed methods study.. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 28 (4), 224-238
Mear, E., Gladwell, VF. and Pethick, J., (2022). The Effect of Breaking Up Sedentary Time with Calisthenics on Neuromuscular Function: A Preliminary Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 (21), 14597-14597
Pettican, A., Goodman, B., Bryant, W., Beresford, P., Freeman, P., Gladwell, V., Kilbride, C. and Speed, E., (2022). Doing together: reflections on facilitating the co-production of participatory action research with marginalised populations. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. 15 (2), 202-219
Protogerou, C., Gladwell, V. and Martin, C., (2022). Development of a self-report measure to assess sleep satisfaction: Protocol for the Suffolk Sleep Index (SuSI). Frontiers in Psychology. 13
Sterckx, A., Van den Broeck, K., Remmen, R., Dekeirel, K., Hermans, H., Hesters, C., Daeseleire, T., Broes, V., Barton, J., Gladwell, V., Dandy, S., Connors, M., Lammel, A. and Keune, H., (2021). Operationalization of One Health Burnout Prevention and Recovery: Participatory Action Research-Design of Nature-Based Health Promotion Interventions for Employees.. Frontiers in Public Health. 9, 720761-
Flowers, EP., Freeman, P. and Gladwell, VF., (2018). Enhancing the acute psychological benefits of green exercise: An investigation of expectancy effects. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 39, 213-221
Wooller, JJ., Rogerson, M., Barton, J., Micklewright, D. and Gladwell, V., (2018). Can Simulated Green Exercise Improve Recovery From Acute Mental Stress?. Frontiers in Psychology. 9 (NOV), 2167-
Carter, SE. and Gladwell, VF., (2017). Effect of breaking up sedentary time with callisthenics on endothelial function. Journal of Sports Sciences. 35 (15), 1508-1514
Micklewright, D., St Clair Gibson, A., Gladwell, V. and Al Salman, A., (2017). Development and Validity of the Rating-of-Fatigue Scale. Sports Medicine. 47 (11), 2375-2393
Flowers, EP., Freeman, P. and Gladwell, VF., (2017). The Development of Three Questionnaires to Assess Beliefs about Green Exercise. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14 (10), 1172-1172
Flowers, EP., Freeman, P. and Gladwell, V., (2016). A cross-sectional study examining predictors of visit frequency to local green space and the impact this has on physical activity levels. BMC Public Health. 16 (1), 420-
Wooller, JJ., Barton, J., Gladwell, VF. and Micklewright, D., (2016). Occlusion of sight, sound and smell during Green Exercise influences mood, perceived exertion and heart rate. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 26 (3), 267-280
Gladwell, V., Kuoppa, P., Tarvainen, M. and Rogerson, M., (2016). A Lunchtime Walk in Nature Enhances Restoration of Autonomic Control during Night-Time Sleep: Results from a Preliminary Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13 (3), 280-280
Rogerson, M., Gladwell, VF., Gallagher, DJ. and Barton, JL., (2016). Influences of green outdoors versus indoors environmental settings on psychological and social outcomes of controlled exercise. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13 (4), 363-363
Gladwell, V., Kuoppa, P., Tarvainen, M. and Rogerson, M., (2016). A Lunchtime Walk in Nature Enhances Restoration of Autonomic Control during Night-Time Sleep: Results from a Preliminary Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13 (3)
Carter, SE., Jones, M. and Gladwell, VF., (2015). Energy expenditure and heart rate response to breaking up sedentary time with three different physical activity interventions. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. 25 (5), 503-509
Weinstein, N., Balmford, A., DeHaan, CR., Gladwell, V., Bradbury, RB. and Amano, T., (2015). Seeing Community for the Trees: The Links among Contact with Natural Environments, Community Cohesion, and Crime. Bioscience. 65 (12), 1141-1153
Brown, DK., Barton, JL., Pretty, J. and Gladwell, VF., (2014). Walks4Work: Assessing the role of the natural environment in a workplace physical activity intervention. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 40 (4), 390-399
Wood, C., Gladwell, V. and Barton, J., (2014). A Repeated Measures Experiment of School Playing Environment to Increase Physical Activity and Enhance Self-Esteem in UK School Children. PLoS ONE. 9 (9), e108701-e108701
Wood, C., Gladwell, V. and Barton, JL., (2014). A repeated measures experiment of school playing environment to increase physical activity and enhance self-esteem in UK school children. PloS One. 9 (9), creators-Gladwell=3AValerie=3A=3A
Brown, DK., Barton, JL. and Gladwell, VF., (2013). Viewing Nature Scenes Positively Affects Recovery of Autonomic Function Following Acute-Mental Stress. Environmental Science & Technology. 47 (11), 5562-5569
Gladwell, VF., Brown, DK., Wood, C., Sandercock, GR. and Barton, JL., (2013). The great outdoors: how a green exercise environment can benefit all. Extreme Physiology & Medicine. 2 (1), 3-
Brown, D., Grimwade, D., Martinez-Bussion, D., Taylor, MJ. and Gladwell, V., (2013). The Validity of the ActiPed for Physical Activity Monitoring. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 34 (05), 431-437
Lipponen, JA., Gladwell, VF., Kinnunen, H., Karjalainen, PA. and Tarvainen, MP., (2013). The correlation of vectorcardiographic changes to blood lactate concentration during an exercise test. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 8 (6), 491-499
Gladwell, V., Brown, DK., Wood, C., Sandercock, G. and Barton, JL., (2013). The Great Outdoors: how a green exercise environment can benefit all. Extreme Physiology & Medicine. 2 (3)
Przybylski, AK., Murayama, K., DeHaan, CR. and Gladwell, V., (2013). Motivational, emotional, and behavioral correlates of fear of missing out. Computers in Human Behavior. 29 (4), 1841-1848
Brown, DK., Grimwade, D., Martinez-Bussion, D., Taylor, MJD. and Gladwell, V., (2013). The Validity of the ActiPed for Physical Activity Monitoring. International Journal Of Sports Medicine. 34 (05), 431-437
Hime, A., (2013). Master's degrees in science. The Biochemist. 35 (1), 33-34
Gladwell, VF., Brown, DK., Barton, JL., Tarvainen, MP., Kuoppa, P., Pretty, J., Suddaby, JM. and Sandercock, GRH., (2012). The effects of views of nature on autonomic control. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 112 (9), 3379-3386
Brown, DK., Barton, JL., Pretty, J. and Gladwell, VF., (2012). Walks4work: Rationale and study design to investigate walking at lunchtime in the workplace setting. BMC Public Health. 12 (1), 550-
Brown, DK., Barton, JL., Pretty, JN. and Gladwell, V., (2012). Walks4work: Rationale and study design to investigate walking at lunchtime in the workplace setting. BMC Public Health. 12 (1), creators-Gladwell=3AValerie=3A=3A
Gladwell, VF., Sandercock, GRH. and Birch, SL., (2010). Cardiac vagal activity following three intensities of exercise in humans. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging. 30 (1), 17-22
Sandercock, G., Gladwell, V., Dawson, S., Nunan, D., Brodie, D. and Beneke, R., (2008). Association between RR interval and high-frequency heart rate variability acquired during short-term, resting recordings with free and paced breathing. Physiological Measurement. 29 (7), 795-802
Denna, I., Sandercock, G. and Gladwell, V., (2008). Evaluation of human autonomic response to mental stress 24 hours post-exercise. Acta Cardiologica. 63 (4), creators-Sandercock=3AGavin=3A=3A
Sandercock, G., Voss, C. and Gladwell, V., (2008). Twenty-metre shuttle run test performance of English children aged 11 – 15 years in 2007: Comparisons with international standards. Journal of Sports Sciences. 26 (9), 953-957
Micklewright, D., Sellens, M., Gladwell, V. and Beneke, R., (2006). Blood lactate removal using combined massage and active recovery. Biology of Sport. 23 (4), 315-325
Gladwell, V., Head, S., Haggar, M. and Beneke, R., (2006). Does a Program of Pilates Improve Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain?. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 15 (4), 338-350
Gladwell, VF., Fletcher, J., Patel, N., Elvidge, LJ., Lloyd, D., Chowdhary, S. and Coote, JH., (2005). The influence of small fibre muscle mechanoreceptors on the cardiac vagus in humans. The Journal of Physiology. 567 (2), 713-721
Micklewright, D., Griffin, M., Gladwell, V. and Beneke, R., (2005). Mood State Response to Massage and Subsequent Exercise Performance. The Sport Psychologist. 19 (3), 234-250
Gladwell, VF. and Coote, JH., (2002). Heart rate at the onset of muscle contraction and during passive muscle stretch in humans: a role for mechanoreceptors. The Journal of Physiology. 540 (3), 1095-1102
Gladwell, VF. and Coote, JH., (2002). Heart rate at the onset of muscle contraction and during passive muscle stretch in humans: a role for mechanoreceptors. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON. 540 (3), 1095-1102
Book chapters (3)
Rogerson, M., Barton, J., Gladwell, V. and Pretty, J., (2019). The Green Exercise Concept: Two intertwining pathways to health and wellbeing. In: Physical Activity in Natural Settings: Green Exercise & Blue Mind. Editors: MacIntyre, T. and Aoife, D., . Routledge. 75- 94. 9781315180144
(2019). The Routledge Companion to Rural Planning. In: The Routledge Companion to Rural Planning. Editors: Scott, M., Gallent, N. and Gkartzios, M., . Routledge. 495- 507
Gladwell, V. and Brown, DK., (2016). Green Exercise in the Workplace. In: Green Exercise Linking Nature, Health and Well-being. Editors: Barton, JL., Bragg, R., Wood, C. and Pretty, JN., . Routledge. 139- 149. 9781138807648
Conferences (1)
Lipponen, JA., Gladwell, VF., Kinnunen, H., Karjalainen, PA. and Tarvainen, MP., (2011). Vectorcardiographic changes during exercise test - Correlates to lactate and anaerobic threshold?
Grants and funding
Fitness and Sleep Programme Modules Content for AI Wellbeing Product
Keep Fit Eat Fit Wellbeing Ltd
Well-being of staff and compressed working hours
Century office Equipment (Essex) Ltd
Additional work in the action research workload in stage 2 (evaluation) and stage 3 analysis and report writing.
Essex County Council
Wellbeing in the Workplace: An impact evaluation at selected NHS Forest sites
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Evaluation_Local Delivery Pilot for Sport England
Sport England
Proposal for Additional work for Centre for sustainable Health funded by the Health Foundation
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Literature review for Good Relations for their client Football foundation on the benefits of football facilities
Good Relations Limited
Improving workplace wellbeing by engaging with nature
University of Essex
Evaluating physical activity behaviour change in Essex: Part of the local delivery pilot
Essex County Council
Essex Local Delivery Pilot (LDP) - A Tender specification for the second phase of the evaluation of the initial 'Action Research Test and Learn' programme
Essex County Council
The Morning Adrenaline rush
Good Relations Limited
UK Active Short term research
UK Active
Green Exercise - ukactive
University of Essex
Secondment to Essex County Council (HEAL)
University of Essex
Physiological Experiments
Wellcome Trust
Reducing the incidence of cardiac events
British Heart Foundation
Green Exercise: Environment & Exercise
Economic & Social Research Council