Professor Gordon Brotherston

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Colchester Campus
Gordon Brotherston came to Essex in 1965. His main publications have dealt with Hispanic, Latin American and Native American literatures, as well as literary translation. They include Manuel Machado (1968); Latin American Poetry (1976); The Emergence of the Latin American Novel (1977); and Image of the New World (1979). He has published volumes on native script and chronology: A Key to the Mesoamerican Reckoning of Time (1982) and Calendars in Mesoamerica and Peru (1983; with A. Aveni); also Voices of the First America (1986); these were followed by numerous further publications on Latin American literature and Mexican themes. Gordon organised the exhibition of Mexican Painted Books at the British Museum in 1992 and has published a number of studies of Mexican iconography and native American literature, including Book of the Fourth World: Reading the Native Americas through their Literature (1992), and Painted Books from Mexico: Codices in the United Kingdom Collections and the World they Represent (1995).
BA University of Leeds,
PhD Cambridge,