Professor Thomas Cameron

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 872549
3SW.3.14, Colchester Campus
Professor of Applied Ecology with an interest in how populations and communities respond to environmental change, predation and management. My research group has an aquatic ecology focus with current projects ranging from coastal fisheries, aquaculture, waterfowl ecology, marine and freshwater habitat restoration and management. ###################################################################################### I am always interested in contact from undergraduate and postgraduate students about dissertation projects and postgraduate research projects. Don't be shy.
BSc (Hons) Animal Ecology University of Aberdeen, (2000)
PhD Doctor of Philosophy of Ecology University of Leeds, (2005)
University of Essex
Director, University of Essex, Centre for Environment and Society (1/8/2023 - present)
Director of Impact, Life Sciences, University of Essex (1/10/2023 - present)
Research Ethics Officer, Life Sciences, University of Essex (1/9/2024 - present)
Theme Leader, Ecology & Biodiversity, EnvEast/ ARIES NERC Doctoral Training Partnership (1/5/2018 - present)
Group Lead, Ecology and Environmental Microbiology Research Group, Life Sciences, University of Essex (1/10/2023 - 1/10/2024)
Director of Ecology and Environmental Biology BSc, University of Essex (1/10/2022 - 1/10/2023)
Deputy Director of Impact, University of Essex (1/1/2021 - 30/9/2023)
Founding Board Member, University of Essex, Center for Environment and Society (1/1/2017 - present)
Departmental Disability Liaison Officer, University of Essex (1/10/2022 - 30/9/2023)
Other academic
Deputy Chair England Policy Comittee, British Ecological Society (1/10/2022 - present)
Board Member, Essex Native Oyster Restoration Initiative (ENORI) (1/3/2017 - present)
Associate Editor, Aquatic Ecology and Wildlife Biology, Ecology & Evolution (1/3/2014 - present)
Editorial Board Member, Ecological Entomology (1/3/2008 - present)
External Examiner, Queen Mary University of London (1/1/2021 - 1/12/2022)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Demographic responses to Harvesting - sustainability of Fisheries and Wildlife Harvest
Animal movement and dispersal
Eco-evolution of population and community dynamics
Ecology and ecosystem function of shellfish communities including Aquaculture
Estuarine ecology, global change and European oyster restoration
We work on saltmarsh ecology, the use of estuaries as nursery habitats for juvenile fish, the ecology and conservation of endangered European flat oysters and the thermal ecology of animals in coastal environments
Socio-ecological tradeoffs in conservation with a focus on Public Access and nature recovery
Waterfowl ecology
Productivity, survival and movement ecology of waterfowl in the UK and Europe
Conferences and presentations
Estimating Oyster Ladder dredge efficiency - consequences for management
NORA Native Oyster Restoration Alliance 4, 24/11/2021
Active Management for increased oyster recruitment in sedimented estuaries
NORA Native Oyster Restoration Alliance 4, 24/11/2021
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in model systems: it's very competitive
Invited presentation, Evolution 2017, Oregon, Oregon, United States, 24/6/2017
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Animal Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour (BS113)
Marine Biology Field Skills (BS114)
Applied Wildlife Sciences (BS243)
Professional skills for Ecological and Marine Scientists (BS257)
Freshwater Ecology (BS352)
Fisheries Ecology (BS354)
Global Challenges in Interdisciplinary Perspective: Water Conflicts, Water Cultures (CS315)
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/1/2024

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 15/1/2024

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/1/2024

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 21/8/2023

Degree subject: Environmental Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/5/2021

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 12/10/2020

Degree subject: Environmental Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/10/2020

Degree subject: Environmental Biology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 8/7/2020

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 31/3/2020

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 29/1/2020

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/11/2019

Degree subject: Marine Biology
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 12/7/2019

Degree subject: Biological Sciences
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2019
Publications (1)
Ellis, MB. and Cameron, TC., (2022). An initial assessment of the sustainability of waterbird harvest in the United Kingdom
Journal articles (50)
Chen, Z., Cameron, TC., Couce, E., Garcia, C., Hicks, N., Thomas, GE., Thompson, MSA., Whitby, C. and O'Gorman, EJ., (2024). Oil and gas platforms degrade benthic invertebrate diversity and food web structure. Science of the Total Environment. 929, 172536-172536
Freeman, HA., Hepburn, LJ., Taylor, MI., Hunter, E., Dumbrell, AJ., Gregson, BH., Smith, AJ., Lamphierre, A. and Cameron, TC., (2024). What makes a habitat a home? Habitat associations of juvenile European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, in estuarine nurseries.. Journal of Fish Biology. 105 (2), 539-556
Thurstan, RH., McCormick, H., Preston, J., Ashton, EC., Bennema, FP., Cetinić, AB., Brown, JH., Cameron, TC., da Costa, F., Donnan, DW., Ewers, C., Fortibuoni, T., Galimany, E., Giovanardi, O., Grancher, R., Grech, D., Hayden-Hughes, M., Helmer, L., Jensen, KT., Juanes, JA., Latchford, J., Moore, ABM., Moutopoulos, DK., Nielsen, P., von Nordheim, H., Ondiviela, B., Peter, C., Pogoda, B., Poulsen, B., Pouvreau, S., Roberts, CM., Scherer, C., Smaal, AC., Smyth, D., Strand, Å., Theodorou, JA. and zu Ermgassen, PSE., (2024). Records reveal the vast historical extent of European oyster reef ecosystems. Nature Sustainability. 7 (12), 1719-1729
Jackson, MC., O'Gorman, EJ., Gallo, B., Harpenslager, SF., Randall, K., Harris, DN., Prentice, H., Trimmer, M., Sanders, I., Dumbrell, AJ., Cameron, TC., Layer-Dobra, K., Bespalaya, Y., Aksenova, O., Friberg, N., Moliner Cachazo, L., Brooks, SJ. and Woodward, G., (2024). Warming reduces trophic diversity in high-latitude food webs.. Global Change Biology. 30 (10), e17518-
Thurstan, RH., McCormick, H., Preston, J., Ashton, EC., Bennema, FP., Bratoš Cetinić, A., Brown, JH., Cameron, TC., da Costa, F., Donnan, DW., Ewers, C., Fortibuoni, T., Galimany, E., Giovanardi, O., Grancher, R., Grech, D., Hayden-Hughes, M., Helmer, L., Jensen, KT., Juanes, JA., Latchford, J., Moore, ABM., Moutopoulos, DK., Nielsen, P., von Nordheim, H., Ondiviela, B., Peter, C., Pogoda, B., Poulsen, B., Pouvreau, S., Scherer, C., Smaal, AC., Smyth, D., Strand, Å., Theodorou, JA. and zu Ermgassen, PSE., (2024). Historical dataset details the distribution, extent and form of lost Ostrea edulis reef ecosystems. Scientific Data. 11 (1), 1198-
Edullantes, B., Low-Decarie, E., Steinke, M. and Cameron, T., (2023). Comparison of thermal traits between non-toxic and potentially toxic marine phytoplankton: Implications to their responses to ocean warming. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 562, 151883-151883
Ermgassen, PSEZ., Strand, Å., Bakker, N., Blanco, A., Bonačić, K., Boudry, P., Brundu, G., Cameron, TC., Connellan, I., da Costa, F., Debney, A., Fabra, M., Frankic, A., Gamble, C., Gray, MW., Helmer, L., Holbrook, Z., Hugh-Jones, T., Kamermans, P., Magnesen, T., Nielsen, P., Preston, J., Ranger, CJ., Saurel, C., Smyth, D., Stechele, B., Theodorou, JA. and Colsoul, B., (2023). Overcoming Ostrea edulis seed production limitations to meet ecosystem restoration demands in the UN decade on restoration. Aquatic Living Resources. 36, 16-16
Cameron, TC., Baker, G., Pullen, J. and Lown, AE., (2023). Sea bed disturbance increases flat oyster recruitment for low to moderate stock densities. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 33 (7), 637-644
Funesto, EGM., Lewis, AM., Turner, AD., Cameron, TC. and Steinke, M., (2023). Immediate and delayed effects of a heatwave and Prorocentrum lima ((Ehrenberg) Stein 1878) bloom on the toxin accumulation, physiology, and survival of the oyster Magallana gigas (Thunberg, 1793).. Science of the Total Environment. 892, 164485-164485
Cameron, TC., Smart, R., Lown, A., Baker, A. and Korda, R., (2023). Experimental estimation of ladder dredge efficiency for capture of European flat oysters over mixed sediment. Aquatic Living Resources. 36, 28-28
Shakspeare, A., Moore, H., Service, M., Wilson, C., Ahmed, H., Cameron, TC. and Steinke, M., (2023). Gaping behaviour of Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in relation to freshwater runoff risks. Aquaculture Reports. 33, 101719-101719
Chopra, K., Hodges, HR., Barker, ZE., Vázquez Diosdado, JA., Amory, JR., Cameron, TC., Croft, DP., Bell, NJ., Thurman, A., Bartlett, D. and Codling, EA., (2023). Bunching behaviour in housed dairy cows at higher ambient temperatures.. Journal of Dairy Science. 107 (4), 2406-2425
Andrews, C., Wallis, K. and Cameron, T., (2023). Discovery of a Ponto-Caspian mysid shrimp Hemimysis anomala in south-east England: Potential for bird mediated dispersal?. Essex Naturalist. 40, 149-153
Morrissey, D., Goodall, J., Castilho, R., Cameron, TC. and Taylor, ML., (2022). Population genomics reveals a single semi-continuous population of a commercially exploited marine gastropod. Fisheries Research. 254, 106418-106418
Ward, EA., Aldis, C., Wade, T., Miliou, A., Tsimpidis, T. and Cameron, TC., (2022). Is All Seagrass Habitat Equal? Seasonal, Spatial, and Interspecific Variation in Productivity Dynamics Within Mediterranean Seagrass Habitat. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9
Ellis, MB. and Cameron, TC., (2022). An initial assessment of the sustainability of waterbird harvest in the United Kingdom. Journal of Applied Ecology. 59 (11), 2839-2848
Hughes, A., Bonačić, K., Cameron, T., Collins, K., da Costa, F., Debney, A., van Duren, L., Elzinga, J., Fariñas‐Franco, JM., Gamble, C., Helmer, L., Holbrook, Z., Holden, E., Knight, K., Murphy, JAJ., Pogoda, B., Pouvreau, S., Preston, J., Reid, A., Reuchlin‐Hugenholtz, E., Sanderson, WG., Smyth, D., Stechele, B., Strand, Å., Theodorou, JA., Uttley, M., Wray, B. and zu Ermgassen, PSE., (2022). Site selection for European native oyster (Ostrea edulis) habitat restoration projects: An expert‐derived consensus. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 33 (7), 721-736
Lown, A., Hepburn, L., Heywood, J. and Cameron, T., (2021). European native oysters and associated species richness in the presence of non-native species in a southern North Sea estuary complex. Conservation Science and Practice. 3 (5)
Bond, MN., Piertney, SB., Benton, TG. and Cameron, TC., (2021). Plasticity is a locally adapted trait with consequences for ecological dynamics in novel environments. Ecology and Evolution. 11 (16), 10868-10879
Miller, TH., Ng, KT., Lamphiere, A., Cameron, TC., Bury, NR. and Barron, LP., (2021). Multicompartment and cross-species monitoring of contaminants of emerging concern in an estuarine habitat.. Environmental Pollution. 270, 116300-116300
Allison, S., Hardy, M., Hayward, K., Cameron, TC. and Underwood, GJC., (2020). Strongholds of Ostrea edulis populations in estuaries in Essex, SE England and their association with traditional oyster aquaculture: evidence to support a MPA designation. The Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 100 (1), 27-36
Thomas, GE., Cameron, TC., Campo, P., Clark, DR., Coulon, F., Gregson, BH., Hepburn, LJ., McGenity, TJ., Miliou, A., Whitby, C. and McKew, BA., (2020). Bacterial Community Legacy Effects Following the Agia Zoni II Oil-Spill, Greece. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11, 1706-
Lown, AE., Hepburn, LJ., Dyer, R. and Cameron, TC., (2020). From individual vital rates to population dynamics: An integral projection model for European native oysters in a marine protected area. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 30 (11), 2191-2206
zu Ermgassen, PSE., Bonačić, K., Boudry, P., Bromley, CA., Cameron, TC., Colsoul, B., Coolen, JWP., Frankić, A., Hancock, B., Have, TM., Holbrook, Z., Kamermans, P., Laugen, AT., Nevejan, N., Pogoda, B., Pouvreau, S., Preston, J., Ranger, CJ., Sanderson, WG., Sas, H., Strand, Å. and Sutherland, WJ., (2020). Forty questions of importance to the policy and practice of native oyster reef restoration in Europe. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 30 (11), 2038-2049
Chopra, K., Hodges, HR., Barker, ZE., Vázquez Diosdado, JA., Amory, JR., Cameron, TC., Croft, DP., Bell, NJ. and Codling, EA., (2020). Proximity Interactions in a Permanently Housed Dairy Herd: Network Structure, Consistency, and Individual Differences. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 7, 583715-
Pogoda, B., Boudry, P., Bromley, C., Cameron, TC., Colsoul, B., Donnan, D., Hancock, B., Hugh‐Jones, T., Preston, J., Sanderson, WG., Sas, H., Brown, J., Bonacic, K., Nordheim, H. and zu Ermgassen, PSE., (2020). NORA moving forward: Developing an oyster restoration network in Europe to support the Berlin Oyster Recommendation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 30 (11), 2031-2037
Ward, EA., Meek, SK., Gordon, DM., Cameron, TC., Steer, MD., Smith, DJ., Miliou, A. and Tsimpidis, T., (2020). The use of storm fragments and biodegradable replanting methods allows for a low-impact habitat restoration method of seagrass meadows, in the eastern Aegean Sea. Conservation Evidence. 17, 1-6
Watson, FM., Hepburn, LJ., Cameron, T., Le Quesne, WJF. and Codling, EA., (2019). Relative mobility determines the efficacy of MPAs in a two species mixed fishery with conflicting management objectives. Fisheries Research. 219, 105334-105334
George, HCPH., Miles, G., Bemrose, J., White, A., Bond, MN. and Cameron, TC., (2019). Inter-generational effects of CO2-induced stream acidification in the Trinidadian Guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Ecology and Evolution. 9 (22), 12836-12845
Müller, T., Bernáth, G., Horváth, Á., Várkonyi, L., Grigoraş, G., Gagiu, A., Urbányi, B., Żarski, D., Freyhof, J. and Cameron, T., (2018). Artificial propagation of the endangered Rumanian endemic warm water rudd (Scardinius racovitzai Müller 1958, Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes) for conservation needs. The Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research. 44 (3), 245-249
Cameron, TC., O'Sullivan, D., Reynolds, A., Hicks, JP., Piertney, SB. and Benton, TG., (2016). Harvested populations are more variable only in more variable environments. Ecology and Evolution. 6 (12), 4179-4191
Schröder, A., van Leeuwen, A. and Cameron, TC., (2015). Empirical support for different types of positive mortality effects. A reply to Abrams. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 30 (4), 180-181
ten Brink, H., Mazumdar, AKA., Huddart, J., Persson, L. and Cameron, TC., (2015). Do intraspecific or interspecific interactions determine responses to predators feeding on a shared size‐structured prey community?. Journal of Animal Ecology. 84 (2), 414-426
Schröder, A., van Leeuwen, A. and Cameron, TC., (2014). When less is more: positive population-level effects of mortality. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 29 (11), 614-624
O’Sullivan, D., Benton, TG. and Cameron, TC., (2014). Inter-patch movement in an experimental system: the effects of life history and the environment. Oikos. 123 (5), 623-629
Cameron, TC., O'Sullivan, D., Reynolds, A., Piertney, SB. and Benton, TG., (2013). Eco‐evolutionary dynamics in response to selection on life‐history. Ecology Letters. 16 (6), 754-763
Cameron, TC., O'Sullivan, D., Reynolds, A., Piertney, SB. and Benton, TG., (2013). Corrigendum to Cameron et al. 2013. Ecology Letters. 16 (10), 1330-1330
Moustakas, A., Kunin, WE., Cameron, TC. and Sankaran, M., (2013). Facilitation or Competition? Tree Effects on Grass Biomass across a Precipitation Gradient. PLoS ONE. 8 (2), e57025-e57025
Backhouse, A., Sait, SM. and Cameron, TC., (2012). Multiple mating in the traumatically inseminating Warehouse pirate bug,Xylocoris flavipes: effects on fecundity and longevity. Biology Letters. 8 (5), 706-709
Ozgul, A., Coulson, T., Reynolds, A., Cameron, TC. and Benton, TG., (2012). Population Responses to Perturbations: The Importance of Trait-Based Analysis Illustrated through a Microcosm Experiment. The American Naturalist. 179 (5), 582-594
Wright, MD., Goodman, P. and Cameron, TC., (2010). Exploring behavioural responses of shorebirds to impulsive noise. Wildfowl. 60, 150-167
CAMERON, TC., WEARING, HJ., ROHANI, P. and SAIT, SM., (2007). Two‐species asymmetric competition: effects of age structure on intra‐ and interspecific interactions. Journal of Animal Ecology. 76 (1), 83-93
Cameron, TC., Wearing, HJ., Rohani, P. and Sait, SM., (2005). A koinobiont parasitoid mediates competition and generates additive mortality in healthy host populations. Oikos. 110 (3), 620-628
Wearing, HJ., Sait, SM., Cameron, TC. and Rohani, P., (2004). Stage‐structured competition and the cyclic dynamics of host–parasitoid populations. Journal of Animal Ecology. 73 (4), 706-722
BENTON, TG., CAMERON, TC. and GRANT, A., (2004). Population responses to perturbations: predictions and responses from laboratory mite populations. Journal of Animal Ecology. 73 (5), 983-995
Wearing, HJ., Rohani, P., Cameron, TC. and Sait, SM., (2004). The Dynamical Consequences of Developmental Variability and Demographic Stochasticity for Host‐Parasitoid Interactions. The American Naturalist. 164 (4), 543-558
CAMERON, TC. and BENTON, TG., (2004). Stage‐structured harvesting and its effects: an empirical investigation using soil mites. Journal of Animal Ecology. 73 (5), 996-1006
Rohani, P., Wearing, HJ., Cameron, T. and Sait, SM., (2003). Natural enemy specialization and the period of population cycles. Ecology Letters. 6 (5), 381-384
Cameron, T., (2002). 2002: the year of the ‘diversity – ecosystem function’ debate. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 17 (11), 495-496
Book chapters (1)
Cameron, TC., Plaistow, S., Mugabo, M., Piertney, SB. and Benton, TG., (2014). Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics. In: Advances in Ecological Research. Elsevier. 171- 206. 9780128013748
Reports and Papers (3)
Tim, G., Jim, P. and Cameron, TC., NECR481 Edition 1 Seagrass in the Stour Orwell and Blackwater 2020-21 (NECR481)
Gardiner, T., Pullen, J. and Cameron, T., (2024). • We are planning an outreach event in Colchester for the summer 2025, where the general public is invited to join Essex researchers for talks and workshops. If you are interested in delivering a talk or workshop and want to know more, please email
Cameron, T., (2023). Defining Oyster Beds in the Blackwater Estuary
Grants and funding
The Spread of Pacific Oysters
Shellfish Association of Great Britain
WAYFARE: Where Are Your Fish From? Aquatic Research & Engagement at Essex
UOE Participatory Research Fund
Blackwater Colne Estuaries Natural Capital Assessment
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs
Assessment of sufficiency of data availability on UK waterbird harvests for accurately estimating the scale and sustainability of harvest of AEWA-listed waterbird populations
Joint Nature Conservation Committee
A Rapid Evidence Assessment of threats and pressures on UK wintering waterfowl and waders at breeding sites and UK relevant flyways
British Association for Shooting and Conservation
A Rapid Evidence Assessment of conservation threats and pressures faced by wild mallard in the UK
British Association for Shooting and Conservation
Ecosystem function and services associated rock oyster aquaculture and naturalisation
University of Essex
Rapid Evidence Assessment of the ecological impacts arising from the recreational hunting of wildfowl (�wildfowling�)
British Association for Shooting and Conservation
Seasonal seagrass growth - Essex region
Environment Agency
Assessing the impact that oyster density has on fecundity in the Blackwater Estuary
Natural England
Ecosystem Benefits of Oyster Aquaculture Sites
Atlantic Edge Oysters Ltd
Ecosystem Benefits of Oyster Aquaculture Sites
Envision Marine Ltd
The Championing Coastal Co-ordination (3Cs)
KWT Consultancy Services
Multi-trophic response and effects of an extensive oil spill in a coastal fish nursery
Natural Environment Research Council
Blue Carbon Productivity PhD Studentship
Archipelagos, Institute of Marine Conservation
Mapping feeding behaviour of grazing livestock
University of Essex (BBSRC IAA)
To assess the potential for restoration of saltmarsh, seagrass and native oyster beds at Sandwich and Pegwell Bay NNR
EXO Environmental Ltd
REWilding and restoration inteRtIdal sedimenT Ecosystem for carbon sequestration, climate adaptation and biodiversity support
European Commission
AniMove: connections between land uses, landscapes and people via waterfowl
Northumbrian Water Group Limited
The Championing Coastal Co-ordination (3Cs) Coastal rewilding and saltmarsh grazing
KWT Consultancy Services
PhD Studentship Intertidal seagrass dynamics, recovery and role in nature based solutions
Harwich Haven Authority
Developing a bass tissue bank for the study of connectivity between European coastal nursery habitats
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs
Benchmarking Agriculture and Agri-environment Performance
Spains Hall Estate
Development of an oyster depuration facility to improve the welfare of coastal communities in Thailand
British Council
NOSy Consultancy
Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute
Native Oyster Bed � Resolving Definition Issues
Natural England
From Ions to Ecosystems: A Novel Framework for the Biomonitoring and Management of Vulnerable and Commercial Fishes
Medical Research Council
Mapping Seagrass coverage in the rivers Stour and Orwell
Harwich Haven Authority
OFWAT Innovation in Water Challenge bid to plan for upscaling the restoration of seagrass to enhance the resilience of the estuarine and coastal waters of the Affinity Water and Anglian Water supply regions in Essex and Suffolk
Project Seagrass
NOSy Consultancy
Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute
Robust and resilient flat oyster fisheries
EXO Environmental Ltd
Native European Oyster experimental restoration project
Zoological Society London
Estuary Living - What does high quality nursery habitat look like to a sea bass?
Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
Proposal for research on functional and critical temperature thresholds for the native European oyster in Essex waters & for predictive ecological population modelling of responses to environmental perturbations of native European oysters in the BCRC Marine Conservation Zone
Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
Experimental estimation of oyster ladder dredge efficiency across multiple ground types
Natural England
Ecosystem services from restoration of European flat oysters
University of Essex
Spatial patterns of phosphorus (P) limitation and the transfer of P between the sediment and the water column.
Anglian water services Limited
COVID-19 Extension: NOSy - magnetic and wireless sensor technology for improving profit, biosecurity and carbon footprint of regional oyster production
Natural Environment Research Council
License Application
Modelling the stock structure and potential responses to fishing in the Blackwater, Crouch, Roach and Colne MCZ European Native Oyster population in Essex
Natural England
Whelk Population Study
European Maritime & Fisheries Fund (MMO)
Quantifying a marine ecosystem's response to a catastrophic oil spill
Natural Environment Research Council
Using geothermal streams to explore salmonid adaptation to warmer waters
The Fisheries Society of the British Isles
Community Ecologists: How coastal communities perceive traditional, commercial, recreational and conservation activities
Economic & Social Research Council
Community ecology of the native Oyster (Ostrea edulis): developing best practice for economic and environmental sustainability of an important regional fishery.
Kent and Essex IFCA
Ecosystem wide responses to changes n trophic structure
British Ecological Society (BES)
Ecosystem wide responses to changes n trophic structure
British Ecological Society (BES)
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