Dr Rebecca Clift

rclift@essex.ac.uk -
4.332, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Monday, 9-10 am, Tuesday 9-10 am
She studied English literature as an undergraduate at Durham and went on to do a PhD on misunderstandings in conversation at Cambridge. She taught both at the University of Cambridge and at the University of East Anglia before coming to Essex. She was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles, in 2002 and is currently visiting research fellow at the University of Huddersfield. Her research interests are in Conversation Analysis. She has published work on the relationship between grammar and interaction, evidentiality, knowledge claims in interaction and reported speech. She is the co-editor, with Elizabeth Holt, of Reporting Talk: Reported Speech in Interaction (Cambridge University Press, 2007), and is the author of 'Conversation Analysis' in the Cambridge University Press 'Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics' series. She is curerently working on a corpus of video-recorded family arguments. She is a Harry Frank Guggenheim Distinguished Scholar in 2024 for her research project, 'Behind Closed Doors: Trajectories to Violence in Intimate Interaction'. See the following link for more information: https://www.hfg.org/the-harry-frank-guggenheim-foundation-welcomes-its-2024-distinguished-scholars/ CA Research Group
BA Durham
MPhil/PhD Cambridge
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Conversation Analysis with particular interests in
Grammar & Interaction
Territories of Knowledge
Reported Speech
Laughter in interaction
Embodiment in interaction
Indirect language
Current research
Laughter in non-serious reported speech
Embodiment in interaction
Indirect language
Conferences and presentations
The Pragmatics of Not Knowing
Invited presentation, Symposium on (Un)Cooperative Behavior in Social Interaction, Symposium on (Un)Cooperative Behavior in Social Interaction,, 4/12/2024
On questions as complaints: epistemics, autonomy and agency in indirection
Keynote presentation, Second Annual CA day, Ocean University, China, Second Annual CA day, Tsingdao, China, 16/11/2024
Working with Collections
Invited presentation, Workshop for Interaction Research in the Context of Methodological and Technological Innovation, Society for Applied Linguistics, Mannheim, Germany, 24/11/2023
Discovering a Candidate Phenomenon
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Workshop on Interaction Research in the Context of Methodological and Technological Innovation, Society for Applied Linguistics, Mannheim, Germany, 24/11/2023
Discovering a Candidate Phenomenon
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, CA Day, Ocean University, Qingdao, China, 11/11/2023
Eyebrow raises in the transition space
International Conference on Conversation Analysis, Brisbane, Brisbane University, Brisbane, Australia, 29/6/2023
Workshop on Grammar and Interaction
Invited presentation, International Conference on Conversation Analysis, Brisbane University, Brisbane, Australia, 26/6/2023
(2021) Do eyes make words? Do words see them?
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Annual Linguistics Day, Online conference, 29/1/2021
‘The Visibility of Trouble: On Displays of Affect in Embodiment’
Keynote presentation, Transition and Sustainability of Communicative Competencies in Interactions Involving Young People with Communication Disabilities (TRANSCOMM) Workshop 2, Tensions, Troubles and Displays of Affect, June., Online conference, 24/6/2020
On 'filthy looks' and skeptical looks: facial expression, visibility and action - plenary lecture
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, 8th Conference on Language and Social Interaction, Language and Social Interaction Working Group, New York, United States, 13/10/2018
Signs of trouble: Embodiment in dissent - plenary lecture
Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, 5th International Conference on Conversation Analysis, 5th International Conference on Conversation Analysis, Loughborough, UK, Loughborough, United Kingdom, 12/7/2018
University of Belfast, 15th International Pragmatics Association Conference, July 2017 - refereed conference papers
Belfast, United Kingdom, 2017
University of Huddersfield, Workshop on The CA-Pragmatics Interface, September 2016 - Plenary lecture
Huddersfield, United Kingdom, 2016
University of Murcia, Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, June 2016 - Plenary lecture
Murcia, Spain, 2016
The Philological Society, October 2016 - Invited lectures
United Kingdom, 2016
University of Leeds, May 2015- Invited lectures
Leeds, United Kingdom, 2015
British Telecom, Martlesham, January 2015- Invited lectures
London, United Kingdom, 2015
University of Antwerp, 14th International Pragmatics Association Conference, July 2015 (co-convener of a panel on Footing in Interaction with Dr. Elizabeth Holt) - refereed conference papers
Antwerp, Belgium, 2015
University of Madrid, Conference on Evidentiality, October 2014 - Plenary lectures
Conference on Evidentiality, Madrid, Spain, 2014
University of California, Los Angeles, International Conference on Conversation Analysis, July 2014 (co-convener of a panel on Laughter in Interaction with Dr. Elizabeth Holt) - refereed conference papers
Los Angeles, United States, 2014
Loughborough University, Annual Conference on Conversation Analysis, December 2013 - Plenary lectures
Annual Conference on Conversation Analysis, Loughborough, United Kingdom, 2013
University of Manchester, 12th International Pragmatics Association Conference, July 2011 (co-convener of a panel on Laughter in Interaction with Dr. Elizabeth Holt) - refereed conference papers
Manchester, United Kingdom, 2011
University of Mannheim, International Conference on Conversation Analysis, July 2010 (co-convener of a panel on Gesture in Interaction with Dr. John Rae) - refereed conference papers
Mannheim, Germany, 2010
University of Huddersfield, International Conference on Humour and Laughter, July 2009 - Plenary lectures
International Conference on Humour and Laughter, Huddersfield, United Kingdom, 2009
University of Sheffield, February 2008- Invited lectures
Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2008
Kings College, London, November 2007- Invited lectures
London, United Kingdom, 2007
University of Goteborg, 10th International Pragmatics Conference, July 2007 (co-convener of a panel on Conversation Analysis with Professor Tanya Stivers) - refereed conference papers
Gothenburg, Sweden, 2007
University College London, Centre for Applied Interaction Research, November 2006 - Plenary lectures
London, United Kingdom, 2006
Loughborough University, October 2005- Invited lectures
Loughborough, United Kingdom, 2005
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, May 2005- Invited lectures
Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2005
Heriot Watt University, March 2005- Invited lectures
Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2005
University of York, UK, June 2003- Invited lectures
York, United Kingdom, 2003
University of Cyprus, September 2002- Invited lectures
Nicosia, Cyprus, 2002
University of Copenhagen, International Conference on Conversation Analysis, May 2002 - refereed conference papers
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002
University of Cardiff, November 2000- Invited lectures
Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2000
Euroconference on the Linguistic Organisation of Conversational Activities, Spa, Belgium, September 2000 - refereed conference papers
Belgium, 2000
University of Budapest, 7th International Pragmatics Association Conference, July 2000 (co-convener of a panel on Reported Speech in Interaction with Dr. Elizabeth Holt) - refereed conference papers
Budapest, Hungary, 2000
University of East Anglia, November 1999- Invited lectures
Norwich, United Kingdom, 1999
University of Reims, 6th International Pragmatics Association Conference, July 1998 - refereed conference papers
Reims, France, 1998
University of Cardiff, Sociolinguistics Symposium 11, September 1996 - refereed conference papers
Cardiff, United Kingdom, 1996
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Semantics and Pragmatics: Meaning and Discourse (LG211)
Forensic Linguistics (LG364)
English Language in the media (LG222)
MA Dissertation (LG981)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/1/2024

Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/4/2023

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 23/3/2022

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/2/2021

Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/9/2020

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/12/2019

Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 6/12/2018

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 2/2/2018

Degree subject: Linguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 31/5/2017

Degree type: Master of Research
Awarded date: 21/12/2016

Degree subject: Sociolinguistics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 4/6/2014

Degree type: Master of Research
Awarded date: 6/10/2010
Journal articles (23)
Clift, R. and Rossi, G., (2024). Speaker Eyebrow Raises in the Transition Space Pursuing a Shared Understanding. Social Interaction. 6 (3)
Clift, R., (2024). What is in a look? The accountability of gaze in trajectories to conflict. Frontiers in Psychology. 15
Dingemanse, M., Liesenfeld, A., Rasenberg, M., Albert, S., Ameka, FK., Birhane, A., Bolis, D., Cassell, J., Clift, R., Cuffari, E., De Jaegher, H., Novaes, CD., Enfield, NJ., Fusaroli, R., Gregoromichelaki, E., Hutchins, E., Konvalinka, I., Milton, D., Rączaszek‐Leonardi, J., Reddy, V., Rossano, F., Schlangen, D., Seibt, J., Stokoe, E., Suchman, L., Vesper, C., Wheatley, T. and Wiltschko, M., (2023). Beyond Single‐Mindedness: A Figure‐Ground Reversal for the Cognitive Sciences. Cognitive Science. 47 (1), e13230-
Clift, R., Raymond, C. and Heritage, J., (2021). Reference without anaphora: On agency through grammar. Linguistics. 59 (3), 715-755
Clift, R., (2021). Embodiment in Dissent: The eye-roll as an interactional practice. Research on Language and Social Interaction. 54 (3), 261-276
Clift, R. and Pino, M., (2020). Turning the Tables: Objecting to Conduct in Conflict Talk. Research on Language and Social Interaction. 53 (4), 463-480
Clift, R., (2020). Stability and visibility in embodied action: The 'palm up' in interaction. Journal of Pragmatics. 169, 190-205
Clift, R. and Raymond, CW., (2018). Actions in Practice: On details in collections. Discourse Studies. 20 (1), 90-119
Clift, R., (2016). Don’t make me laugh: Responsive laughter in (dis)affiliation. Journal of Pragmatics. 100, 73-88
Clift, R., (2014). Visible Deflation: Embodiment and Emotion in Interaction. Research on Language and Social Interaction. 47 (4), 380-403
Clift, R., (2012). Identifying action: Laughter in non-humorous reported speech. Journal of Pragmatics. 44 (10), 1303-1312
Clift, R., (2012). Who Knew?: A View from Linguistics. Research on Language and Social Interaction. 45 (1), 69-75
Clift, R. and Helani, F., (2010). Inshallah: Religious invocations in Arabic topic transition. Language in Society. 39 (3), 357-382
Clift, R. and Helani, F., (2010). Inshallah: Religious invocations in Arabic topic transition. Language in Society. 39 (03), 357-382
Clift, R., (2010). Review of Alexandra Jaffe (ed.), Stance: Sociolinguistic perspectives (Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Pp. vii+261.. Journal of Linguistics. 46 (02), 518-522
Chevalier, FHG. and Clift, R., (2008). Unfinished turns in French conversation: Projectability, syntax and action. Journal of Pragmatics. 40 (10), 1731-1752
Clift, R., (2006). Indexing stance: Reported speech as an interactional evidential1. Journal of Sociolinguistics. 10 (5), 569-595
Clift, R. and Holt, E., (2006). Introduction. VICTORIAN POETRY. 52 (1), 1-15
Clift, R., (2005). Discovering order. Lingua. 115 (11), 1641-1665
Clift, R., (2003). Synonyms in action: A Case Study. International Journal of English Studies. 3 (1), 167-187
Clift, R., (2001). Meaning in Interaction: The Case of actually. Language. 77 (2), 245-291
Clift, R., (1999). Irony in conversation. Language in Society. 28 (4), 523-553
Clift, R., (1998). Lexical misunderstandings and prototype theory. AI & Society. 12 (3), 109-133
Books (3)
Robinson, JD., Clift, R., Kendrick, KH. and Raymond, CW., (2024). The Cambridge Handbook of Methods in Conversation Analysis. Cambridge University Press. 1108837948. 9781108837941
Clift, R., (2016). Conversation Analysis. Cambridge University Press. 052119850X. 9780521198509
Holt, E. and Clift, R., (2006). Reporting Talk. Cambridge University Press. 9780521824835
Book chapters (13)
Raymond, CW., Clift, R., Kendrick, KH. and Robinson, JD., (2024). Methods in Conversation Analysis. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Methods in Conversation Analysis. Editors: Robinson, JD., Clift, R., Kendrick, KH. and Raymond, CW., . Cambridge University Press. 3- 48. 9781108837941
Clift, R. and Mandelbaum, J., (2024). Discovering a Candidate Phenomenon. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Methods in Conversation Analysis. Editors: Robinson, JD., Clift, R., Kendrick, KH. and Raymond, CW., . Cambridge University Press. 143- 171. 9781108837941
Clift, R., Gardner, R., McCabe, R., Peräkylä, A. and Potter, J., (2024). Conversation Analysis across Disciplines: Connecting and Engaging through Publishing. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Methods in Conversation Analysis. Editors: Robinson, JD., Clift, R., Kendrick, KH. and Raymond, CW., . Cambridge University Press. 895- 921. 9781108837941
Kendrick, KH., Clift, R., Raymond, CW. and Robinson, JD., (2024). Opening Up Avenues into Action: Future Directions in Conversation Analysis. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Methods in Conversation Analysis. Editors: Robinson, JD., Clift, R., Kendrick, KH. and Raymond, CW., . Cambridge University Press. 943- 973. 9781108837941
Clift, R., Kendrick, KH., Raymond, CW. and Robinson, JD., (2024). Appendix I - Jeffersonian Transcription Conventions. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Methods in Conversation Analysis. Editors: Robinson, JD., Clift, R., Kendrick, KH. and Raymond, CW., . Cambridge University Press. 974- 989. 9781108837941
Clift, R., (2023). Embodied scepticism: Facial expression and response relevance. In: New Perspectives on Goffman in Language and Interaction. Editors: Mondada, L. and Peräkylä, A., . Routledge. 170- 194. 9780367555771
Clift, R. and Haugh, M., (2021). Conversation Analysis and Sociopragmatics. In: Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics. Editors: Haugh, M., Kadar, D. and Terfouraki, M., . Cambridge University Press. 616- 638. 9781108954105
Clift, R., (2014). Conversation Analysis. In: The Pragmatics of Discourse. Editors: Schneider, KP. and Barron, A., . De Gruyter. 97- 124. 9783110214390
Clift, R., (2013). No laughing matter: Laughter and resistance in the construction of identity. In: Studies of Laughter in Interaction. Bloomsbury. 223- 236. 9781441164797
Clift, R. and Drew, P., (2013). 'Why that, now? Position and composition in interaction (or, don't forget the position in composition). In: Language, Music and Interaction. Editors: Orwin, M., Howes, C. and Kempson, R., . College Productions. 9781848901247
Clift, R., (2010). Introduction. In: Reporting Talk Reported Speech in Interaction. Editors: Holt, E. and Clift, RJ., . Cambridge University Press. 1- 15. 0521154561. 9780521154567
Clift, R., Drew, P. and Hutchby, I., (2009). Conversation Analysis. In: The Pragmatics of Interaction. Editors: D'hont, S., Östman, J-O. and Verschueren, J., . John Benjamins. 40- 54. 9789027207814
Clift, R., (2006). Getting there first: non-narrative reported speech in interaction. In: Reporting Talk. Cambridge University Press. 120- 149. 9780521824835
Reports and Papers (4)
Clift, R., (2007). Grammar in time: the non-restrictive `which'-clause as an interactional resource
Clift, R., (2000). Stance-taking in reported speech
Clift, R., (1999). Grammar in Interaction The case of 'actually'
Clift, R., (1996). Irony in conversation
Grants and funding
Behind closed doors: trajectories to violence in intimate interaction
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
Communication matters: Building a toolkit for pupils, parents and teachers
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
Family Resilience at the Front Lines of COVID-19
University of Essex (ESRC IAA)
The Body in Action: the 'open-palm' gesture in comparative perspective
The British Academy
Academic support hours:
Monday, 9-10 am, Tuesday 9-10 am