
Dr Antonio Da Silva

Department of Language and Linguistics
Dr Antonio Da Silva
  • Email

  • Telephone

    +44 (0) 1206 872332

  • Location

    4.203, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    Monday - 13:00 - 14:00 Friday - 13:00 - 14:00



Dr Antonio da Silva possesses a BA in Languages, Linguistics, and Literature (Portuguese & English) from FUOM (Brazil); a PGCE in Modern Languages (Spanish & French) from the University of Sussex; a Master's by research in Modern Languages from the University of Leeds and a PhD in Hispanic Studies from the University of Bristol. Dr Da Silva is currently the Director of Partnerships and External Relations for the Department of Language and Linguistics.


  • PhD - Hispanic Studies University of Bristol,

  • MA (by research) - Modern Languages University of Leeds,

  • PGCE - Modern Languages University of Sussex,

  • BA - Languages and Literature FUOM,


University of Essex

  • Lecturer, Language and Linguistics, University of Essex (1/9/2020 - present)

  • Director of Admissions, Outreach and Recruitment, Language and Linguistics, University of Essex (1/2/2023 - present)

  • UG Admissions Coordinator (Languages)​, Language and Linguistics, University of Essex (1/8/2022 - 1/2/2023)

  • UG Admissions Assistant (Languages), Language and Linguistics, University of Essex (1/9/2021 - 1/8/2022)

  • Director of Partnerships and External Relations, Language and Linguistics, University of Essex (6/1/2025 - present)

Other academic

  • Artificial Intelligence Empowerment Advisor, International College, Guandgong University of Foreign Studies (4/7/2024 - 31/7/2027)

  • Associate Lecturer, Queen Mary University of London (1/9/2017 - 31/8/2018)

  • Associate Teaching Fellow in Portuguese, University of Surrey (16/1/2017 - 31/7/2018)

  • External examiner, University of Liverpool (1/10/2016 - 31/8/2018)

  • External examiner, Modern Language Centre, King's College London (1/9/2015 - 31/8/2018)

  • Portuguese language coordinator, University of Kent (1/9/2013 - 13/1/2017)

  • Brazilian Lector, Birkbeck, University of London (1/9/2008 - 31/8/2012)

  • External examiner, Coventry University (1/1/2011 - 31/12/2014)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Cinema in Portuguese

Key words: Brazilian cinema; Portuguese cinema; Angolan cinema; Mozambican cinema; gender; sexuality; human rights
Open to supervise

World cinema

Key words: abjection; Chinese cinema and television; gender; sexuality; human rights; intersectionality; Queer cinema; the femme fatale in world cinema; women in cinema and television
Open to supervise

Portuguese language

Key words: foreign language; additional language; global language; new technologies in language teaching; language teaching; interlanguage
Open to supervise

Language teaching

Key words: foreign language; additional language; global language; new technologies in language teaching; language teaching; interlanguage
Open to supervise

Internet stardom and fandom

Key words: Facebook; Instagram; Tiktok; Youtube
Open to supervise

Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL)

Key words: lexical density; grammatical intricacy; semantic waves; grammatical metaphor; literacy; academic writing and reading
Open to supervise

AI (Artificial Inteligence) & language learning/teaching

Key words: ChatGPT; LLM; Quizlet; teaching apps; Coding; Chatbots
Open to supervise

Conferences and presentations

Mastering Academic Writing: Strategies for Clarity, Publication, and Research Impact

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Writing for impact: How to make your research standout, Islamabad, Pakistan, 19/12/2024

Bridging Borders: Artificial Intelligence and Language Teaching in Transnational Higher Education

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, The 7th International Conference on Internationalization of Higher Education (ICIHE) and the 20th Anniversary Celebration of International College, GDUFS, Guangzhou, China, 4/7/2024

Advancing Language Education: Harnessing Corpora and AI Texts

Invited presentation, The Language Teaching Conference, Colchester, United Kingdom, 3/7/2024

Tech-Enhanced Language Differentiation for Educators

Invited presentation, Annual Teachers’ and Advisers’ Conference, Colchester, United Kingdom, 27/6/2024

The use of new technologies for differentiation purposes

Invited presentation, The Language Teaching Conference, Colchester, United Kingdom, 6/7/2023

Workshop: Designing differentiated teaching materials with technology

Invited presentation, The Language Teaching Conference, Colchester, United Kingdom, 6/7/2023

Teaching linguistic variation and culture through new medias: Instagram, Youtube and memes

Questioning Language Teaching Orthodoxy in Higher Education, Centre for Excellence in Language Teaching, Leeds, United Kingdom, 28/6/2023

Reexamining Motherhood and Femininity in the Brazilian Film Central Station (1998)

Maternal Narratives on Screen, Manchester, United Kingdom, 16/6/2023

Enhancing Language Teaching with AI: Leveraging ChatGPT and Quizlet for Effective Learning Object Creation

AULC Teaching and Learning support SIG, United Kingdom, 26/5/2023

Considerações sobre a formação de professores de línguas adicionais em contexto inglês: possíveis contribuições teórico-práticas para o contexto brasileiro

Invited presentation, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 20/12/2022

Latin American LGBTQIA+ cinema in the 2000s

Latin American LGBTQIA+ Cinema Showcase, Nicosia, Cyprus, 8/4/2022

The intermediality of Brazilian queer cinema: A case study from the 1960s onwards

II Intermedia conference - The moving form of film: exploring intermediality as a historiographic method, Reading, United Kingdom, 7/11/2017

Framing abjection through violence in Teresa Villaverde’s films

International Symposium ‘Women in Iberian Cinema’, Lisbon, Portugal, 11/9/2017

Enviadecendo intimacy: resisting (gay) heteronormativity in Brazilian queer funk videos

ABIL (Association of British and Irish Lusitanists) Conference, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 8/9/2017

Human rights abuses and state violence in prison films by Hector Babenco

Film-Philosophy Conference, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 17/7/2017

Déjà-vu brésilien; ou, cinema e política ainda não se misturam: O caso do filme Aquarius (2016) de Kleber Mendonça Filho

REBRAC International Conference: Brazil in the Spotlight, Belfast, United Kingdom, 11/11/2016

O uso de recursos online gratuitos para ajudar jovens alunos de Português a ter sucesso e manter a motivação

Invited presentation, MFL Teachers’ conference, Leeds, United Kingdom, 6/6/2016

Portuguese as a heritage language

Invited presentation, Portuguese Language day seminar, London, United Kingdom, 4/5/2016

Rebuilding colonial memory through archive in the work of two Portuguese women filmmakers: Margarida Cardoso and Filipa César

Invited presentation, Portuguese Cinema Symposium, London, United Kingdom, 13/1/2016

Synchronous and asynchronous connectivity through blended learning: Language teaching in the post method era

Invited presentation, London, United Kingdom, 27/11/2015

When Language Teaching and Cultural Studies go hand in hand: A Snapshot of an Approach to Brazilian Studies at University Level

Invited presentation, International Conference: Remapping Brazilian Cultural Studies, London, United Kingdom, 25/9/2015

Synchronous and asynchronous activities in Portuguese language teaching: cinema, blogs, phones and beyond

Invited presentation, Portuguese as a Global Language: Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching and Learning, Exeter, United Kingdom, 30/6/2015

Language research and Portuguese teaching practices

Invited presentation, Portuguese Studies in the UK, London, United Kingdom, 5/6/2015

Disability, sexuality and abjection: The (im)perfect horny body and subjectivity in contemporary Brazilian and Angolan cinemas

Film-Philosophy Conference: A World of Cinemas, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 3/7/2014

There come the naughty Brazukas: Gender identity and the Brazilian immigrant in Europe in the Brazilian films Foreign Land (1996) and Jean Charles (2009)

III Seminário de Estudos sobre a Imigração Brasileira na Europa, London, United Kingdom, 15/4/2014

O exame Celpe-Bras em contexto britânico

Invited presentation, I Simpósio Europeu sobre o Ensino de Português como Língua de Herança, London, United Kingdom, 24/10/2013

A retextualização na produção escrita de aprendizes de português como língua adicional em contextos multilíngues

Congreso Internacional La Lengua Portuguesa, Salamanca, Spain, 28/5/2013

Guilherme de Almeida and Brazilian neo-noir cinema: A dama do Cine Shanghai (The Lady from the Shanghai Cinema, 1987)

Invited presentation, Brazilian Week, Oxford, United Kingdom, 1/3/2013

In-between: encouraging students’ interaction beyond the classroom context through VLE

Invited presentation, Enhancing flexible learning, London, United Kingdom, 18/2/2013

O processo de compreensão e produção em leitura por aprendizes iniciantes de português e de inglês em ambiente digital.

° Simpósio internacional: Ensino de português como língua adicional – práticas de ensino e formação de professores, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 12/11/2012

Because they are too dirty! Abjection and the films of the contemporary Brazilian and Portuguese filmmakers Cláudio Assis and João Pedro Rodrigues

The 5th Annual Film-Philosophy Conference, London, United Kingdom, 13/9/2012

The little adults: gender and child prostitution in contemporary Brazilian cinema.

Gender and Visual Representation Conference, Winchester, United Kingdom, 12/9/2012

Brazilian cinema and counter-culture movements in the 1960s: Cinema novo and Underground cinema

Invited presentation, Utrecht, Netherlands, 15/2/2012

The use of technology to facilitate inter and extra classroom interaction for learners of Portuguese as an additional foreign language

E-Learning Symposium, Southampton, United Kingdom, 26/1/2012

Public sex and the challenge to the patriarchal law: the femme fatale as a symbol of otherness in A dama do lotação (Lady on the Bus, 1978).

ABIL (Association of British and Irish Lusitanists) IV Conference, Leeds, United Kingdom, 9/9/2011

Configurações de tarefas de ensino de português como língua estrangeira adicional - implementação e condições de uso de linguagem.

Congresso Brasileiro de Linguística Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 26/7/2011

Pleasurable but dirty and castrating: the display of female sexual organs in Brazilian WIP (Women in Prison) Film

Cine-Excess IV Corporeal Excess: Cult Bodies, London, United Kingdom, 14/4/2010

From prison to the street, from the street to prison: transposing the prison walls in the Brazilian documentary O Cárcere e a rua (The Prison and the Street, Liliana Sulzbach, 2005)

‘Transitions’ - The WISPS (Women in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies) Conference, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2/10/2009

A title says all: Brazilian Pornochanchada’s titles as an indication of male anxiety about female sexuality

ABIL (Association of British and Irish Lusitanists) Conference III, Maynooth, Ireland, 11/9/2009

Titillating and betraying the male audience: Brazilian sexploitation film titles and covers

Framing Film – Cinema and the Visual Arts, Winchester, United Kingdom, 5/9/2009

Brazilian Women in Prison Film: a gendered reading

B for Bad Cinema: Aesthetics, Politics and Cultural Value, Melbourne, Australia, 9/4/2009

Madame Satã e a performance da femme fatale: problematizando a construção de gênero (2002)

Retratos do Brasil Homossexual – IV Congresso ABEH/ Encontro Hispano-Brasileiro de Miliantes Homossexuais, São Paulo, Brazil, 10/9/2008

Troubling the femme fatale gender in Brazilian film Madame Satã (2002)

JISLAC Event, Bristol, United Kingdom, 14/2/2008

“Isso não Xica!” O corpo escravo e o imaginário da femme fatale no filme Xica da Silva (1976): de striptease a masoquismo

ABIL (Association of British and Irish Lusitanists) Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom, 11/1/2008

Socio-cultural identity: meaning of travel in Brazilian film Central Station

7th Borders and Crossings Congress, Sardinia, Italy, 9/11/2007

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Intensive Beginners Portuguese I (LA321)

  • Intensive Beginners Portuguese II (LA322)

  • Portuguese Conversion I (LA333)

  • Portuguese Conversion II (LA334)

  • Post A-Level Portuguese I (LA340)

  • Post A-Level Portuguese II (LA342)

  • Mastery Portuguese (LA360)


Journal articles (25)

Da Silva, AM., (2024). Diferenciação no ensino de línguas adicionais: estratégias baseadas no uso de tecnologias educacionais (Differentiation in additional language teaching: strategies based on the use of educational technologies). Revista Dimensões Docentes. 1 (1), 86-103

Da Silva, AM. and Rottava, L., (2024). Densidade Lexical em Textos Gerados pelo ChatGPT: Implicações da Inteligência Artificial para a escrita em Línguas Adicionais [Lexical density in texts generated by ChatGPT: implications of artificial intelligence for writing in additional languages]. Texto Livre: Linguagem e Tecnologia. 17

Da Silva, AM., Rottava, L. and Dos Santos, SS., (2024). Apresentação do dossiê “Contribuições da linguística sistêmico-funcional para o ensino e para a prendizagem de línguas adicionais”. ENTRETEXTOS. 24 (2), 1-11

Santos, SSD., Rottava, L. and Da Silva, AM., (2024). Apresentação: "A escrita acadêmica a partir de diferentes abordagens teóricas". Revista Horizontes de Linguistica Aplicada. 23 (2), 1-6

da Silva, AM., (2024). Towards an Intermedial History of Brazilian Cinema. Hispanic Research Journal. 24 (4), 333-334

Rottava, L. and Da Silva, AM., (2024). Intricacia gramatical e densidade lexical: dois aspectos da escrita acadêmica / Grammatical intricacy and lexical density: two aspects of academic writing. Revista Horizontes de Linguistica Aplicada. 23 (2), 1-13

Rottava, L. and Da Silva, AM., (2023). Sistema lógico-semântico de expansão na reescrita de textos acadêmicos: escolhas linguísticas de uma estudante versus as escolhas do ChatGPT (Logical-Semantic Expansion System in the Rewriting of Academic Texts: Linguistic Choices of a Student versus the Choices of ChatGPT). Diálogo das Letras. 12, 1-18

Da Silva, AM. and Rottava, L., (2023). Ondas semânticas no ensino de português como língua adicional: gravidade e densidade semântica na construção do conhecimento (Semantic waves in the teaching of Portuguese as an additional language: semantic gravity and semantic density in the construction of knowledge). Trabalhos em Lingüística Aplicada. 62 (2), 307-321

Rottava, L. and Da Silva, AM., (2023). Sistema lógico-semântico de expansão na reescrita de textos acadêmicos: escolhas linguísticas de uma estudante versus as escolhas do ChatGPT. Diálogo das Letras. 12 (12), e02307-e02307

Rottava, L. and Da Silva, AM., (2020). 'Construção de um campo semântico por meio de prática espaçada em ensino de línguas adicionais online' [Constructing a semantic field through spaced practice in the teaching of additional languages online]. Organon. 35 (68), 1-21

Da Silva, AM. and Cunha, M., (2019). ‘Reel life: Brazilian realities reflected in cinema.’. The Architectural Review (1465)

Da Silva, AM., (2016). ‘The little adults: child and teenage sexual exploitation in contemporary Brazilian cinema’. Hispania. 99 (99), 212-222

Da Silva, AM., (2016). ‘Archives, memory and colonial resistance in the work of the Portuguese filmmakers Margarida Cardoso and Filipa César’. Journal of Romance Studies. 16 (2), 96-111

Da Silva, AM. and Rottava, L., (2015). ‘Blended learning no ensino de português língua estrangeira adicional: tarefas assíncronas extra-classe’. Portuguese Language Journal. 9

Da Silva, AM., (2014). ‘The Portuguese queer screen: gender possibilities in João Pedro Rodrigues’ cinematic production’. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. 6 (1), 69-78

Da Silva, AM., (2014). ‘I’m dirty, dirty, dirty! Abjeção e identidade queer em Stella Manhattan de Silviano Santiago’. Caderno Seminal Digital. 21 (21), 168-199

Da Silva, AM., (2014). ‘Lima Barreto: uma releitura da obra do autor sob a ótica pós-colonial’.. Revista de Letras da UNESP. 54 (1), 51-70

Da Silva, AM. and Rottava, L., (2014). Language learning, identity and globalization: a comparison between learners of Brazilian Portuguese in England and learners of English and Spanish in Brazil’. Acta Scientiarum : Language and Culture. 36 (2), 171-181

Da Silva, AM. and Rottava, L., (2014). ‘Da tela ao papel: a retextualização como recurso na aquisição da escrita em português como língua adicional’.. Revista Veredas - Revista da Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas, 25-38

Da Silva, AM., (2014). ‘O ensino de português como língua estrangeira adicional em contexto universitário inglês: especificidades e prática’. SIPLE

Da Silva, AM., (2014). Lima Barreto: A postcolonial rereading of the author's work. Revista de Letras. 54 (1), 51-70

Da Silva, AM. and Rottava, L., (2012). ‘A interação em ambiente eletrônico no ensino de português língua estrangeira adicional: a otimização da aprendizagem de iniciantes’. Revista Horizontes de Linguística Aplicada. 11 (1), 159-188

Da Silva, AM., (2011). ‘Viewing the Angolan experience of war and peace through the filmic representation of Luanda in Maria João Ganga’s Na cidade vazia/Hollow City (2004) and Zezé Gamboa’s O herói/The Hero (2004)’. Journal of African Cinemas. 3 (2), 187-200

Da Silva, AM., (2010). ‘Ensino de Português Língua Estrangeira (PLE) por meio de filme: considerações sobre o ‘Portfólio Europeu para Línguas (CEFLs)’’. Revista Littera. 1 (1), 121-133

Da Silva, AM., (2007). 'Sugestões de atividades para aulas de Português Língua Estrangeira’.. Portuguese Language Journal. 2

Books (4)

Da Silva, AM. and Cunha, M., (2018). Human rights, social movements, and activism in contemporary Latin American cinema. Palgrave Macmillan. 978-3319962078

Da Silva, AM. and Cunha, M., (2017). Space and subjectivity in contemporary Brazilian cinema. Palgrave Macmillan. 978-3-319-48267-5

Da Silva, AM., (2014). The “Femme” Fatale in Brazilian Cinema: Challenging Hollywood Norms. Palgrave Macmillan. 9781137399205

da Silva, AM., (2014). The "Femme" Fatale in Brazilian Cinema. Palgrave Macmillan US. 9781349485703

Book chapters (15)

Da Silva, AM. and Rottava, L., Exploring the Impact of Flipped Learning on Beginner-Level Portuguese Writing Skills: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspective. In: Academic Writing in Lx: Teaching, Research and Beyond. Editors: Testa, M. and Figueira-Cardoso, S., . University of Warsaw

Da Silva, AM., (2018). ‘Intersectionality as a human rights issue in contemporary Latin American Queer Cinema’. In: Human Rights, Social Movements and Activism in Contemporary Latin American Cinema. Editors: Da Silva, AM. and Cunha, M., . Palgrave Macmillan. 225- 248. 978-3-319-96208-5

Da Silva, AM., (2018). ‘Human rights abuses and State violence in prison films by Hector Babenco’.. In: Human Rights, Social Movements and Activism in Contemporary Latin American Cinema. Editors: Da Silva, AM. and Cunha, M., . Palgrave Macmillan. 71- 93. 978-3-319-96208-5

Cunha, M. and da Silva, AM., (2018). Introduction. In: Human Rights, Social Movements and Activism in Contemporary Latin American Cinema. Springer International Publishing. 1- 19. 9783319962078

Da Silva, AM., (2017). ‘Pós-modernidade e novas tecnologias: o ensino-aprendizado de português língua adicional na era do pós método’. In: Português para falantes de outras línguas:ensino-aprendizagem, tecnologias e letramentos. Editors: De Sá, RL. and Augusto, RC., . Pontes Editores. 91- 124. 9788571137158

da Silva, AM. and Cunha, M., (2017). Introduction. In: Space and Subjectivity in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema. Springer International Publishing. 1- 19. 9783319482668

Da Silva, AM., (2016). ‘Memory and gender in the Portuguese speaking Africa’s postcolonial cinematic production’. In: New approaches to Lusophone culture. Editors: Pinazza, N., . Cambria Press. 79- 110. 9781604979152

Da Silva, AM. and Rottava, L., (2015). ‘Gêneros e registros em contexto de comunicação mediada eletronicamente: uma abordagem Sistêmico-Funcional da interação eletrônica de aprendizes de Português Língua Adicional’. In: Reflexões em Linguística Aplicada: a formação de professores de línguas e a prática em sala de aula - caminhos e expectativas. Editors: Rottava, L. and et al., . Pontes Editores. 199- 225. 978-857113-613-7

Da Silva, AM. and Rottava, L., (2014). ‘A retextualização na produção escrita de aprendizes de português como língua estrangeira adicional em contextos multilíngues’. In: La lengua portuguesa - vol II Estudios Lingúísticos. Editors: De Dios, AM., . Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca y los autores. 711- 717. 978-84-9012-445-1

Da Silva, AM., (2013). Gender in Brazilian cinema: Introduction. In: Directory of World Cinema: Brazil. Editors: Pinazza, N. and Bayman, L., . Intellect. 82- 102. 9781783200092

Da Silva, AM. and Rottava, L., (2013). Influência interlinguística no processo de escrita em português LE-adicional’. In: Português como língua (inter)nacional: faces e interfaces.. Editors: Da Silva, KA. and Dos Santos, DT., . Pontes Editores. 275- 297. 978-85-7113-483-6

Da Silva, AM. and Rottava, L., (2013). ‘Interação em ambiente virtual no ensino de português como língua estrangeira adicional’. In: Comunicação electrónica na aula de Português Língua Estrangeira. Editors: Melo, S. and Sá, MHA., . Edições Lidel. 140- 155. 978-972-757-708-8

Da Silva, AM., (2012). ‘A experiência angolana de guerra e paz: um olhar por meio da representação fílmica de Luanda em Na cidade vazia (2004) de Maria João Ganga, e em O herói (2004), de Zezé Gamboa’.. In: Filmes da África e da diáspora. Editors: Meleiros, A. and Bamba, M., . EDUFBA. 19- 42. 978-85-232-0999-5

Da Silva, AM. and Rottava, L., (2011). ‘Beliefs about learning Portuguese as a foreign language – multilingual context’.. In: Crenças, discursos & linguagem II. Editors: Da Silva, KA., . Pontes Editores. 153- 175

Da Silva, AM., (2009). ‘Troubling the femme fatale gender in the Brazilian film Madame Satã (2002)’. In: Latin American issues and challenges. Editors: Naciamento, L. and Sousa, G., . Nova Publishers. 81- 95. 978-1-60692-349-8

Grants and funding


Developing employability skills through language learning: a pilot project with adult learners in the Colchester area

British Academy

+44 (0) 1206 872332


4.203, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

Monday - 13:00 - 14:00 Friday - 13:00 - 14:00