
Dr Ahrash Dianat

Senior Lecturer
Department of Economics
Dr Ahrash Dianat
  • Email

  • Location

    5B.135, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    by email appointment

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Behavioural Economics

Open to supervise

Experimental Economics

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Behavioural Economics I: Individual Decision Making (EC909)

  • Dissertation (EC981)

  • Capstone Project (EC986)

  • Dissertation (EC984)

Previous supervision

Natasha Mary Brooks
Natasha Mary Brooks
Thesis title: Essays in Behavioural and Experimental Economics
Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 7/3/2025
Zia-Ul-Hassan Khan
Zia-Ul-Hassan Khan
Thesis title: Economic Experiments on Tax Compliance, Harassment Bribes, and Diverse Committees
Degree subject: Economics
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/5/2022


Journal articles (5)

Dianat, A. and Freer, M., (2024). Credibility in Second-Price Auctions: An Experimental Test. Experimental Economics. 27 (1), 58-79

Dianat, A., Echenique, F. and Yariv, L., (2022). Statistical Discrimination and Affirmative Action in the Lab. Games and Economic Behavior. 132, 41-58

Dianat, A. and Siemroth, C., (2021). Improving decisions with market information: an experiment on corporate prediction markets. Experimental Economics. 24 (1), 143-176

Castillo, M. and Dianat, A., (2021). Strategic uncertainty and equilibrium selection in stable matching mechanisms: experimental evidence. Experimental Economics. 24 (4), 1365-1389

Castillo, M. and Dianat, A., (2016). Truncation strategies in two-sided matching markets: Theory and experiment. Games and Economic Behavior. 98 (C), 180-196

Grants and funding


Revealing Preferences and Choice Procedures

British Academy


Beyond Dominant Strategy Mechanism Design: Is strategic simplicity good enough?

IFREE - International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics



5B.135, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

by email appointment