Dr Faiyaz Doctor

fdocto@essex.ac.uk -
4B.525, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Module Supervisor for CE713 Internet of Things Technology
I am an academic, innovator and applied technology specialist with over 15 years of experience in the development and application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques in research and commercial areas. Presently I am a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) with the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of Essex, U. K where I am founder and head the Intelligent Connected Societies Group, part of the Centre for Computational Intelligence and am member of the Intelligent Embedded Systems and Environments Group. I am also a Director at Interactive Coventry Ltd, steering committee member for the Creative Science Foundation and currently appointed as an Eastern Arc thematic champion for culture, connection and creativity in science and health. Over the course of my career, I have worked in both industrial and academia developing and applying nature inspired Computational Intelligence (CI) approaches for human centred systems related to various real-world domains such as smart environments, elderly care, energy optimization, industrial automation, information analysis, decision-making simulation, control systems and affective computing. I am interested in the development of user and task centred intelligently orchestrated and context aware pervasive computing systems. I am particularly interested in explainable and approximate reasoning techniques based on type-1 and type-2 fuzzy systems, hybrid computational intelligence techniques for real world applications, intelligent agents and AI driven virtual, augmented, and mixed reality systems. I have successfully led and co-led several projects funded through Innovate UK, Harvard University, and the Newton Fund. I am currently institutional lead on a project funded by the Royal Academy of Engineers on capacity building in sub-Saharan Africa and supervising several KTP projects with leading UK businesses. I have published over 80 papers in peer-reviewed international journals, conferences, workshops, books and have two patents. I am an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems and have guest edited several journal special issues most notably in the Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments and the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence and MDPI Remote Sensing. I am a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, member of the IEEE and serve on the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society’s Emergent Technologies Technical Committee.
University of Essex
Lecturer, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex (1/9/2017 - present)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Computational Intelligence
Nature inspired machine learning and approximate reasoning techniques that include combinations of fuzzy logic systems, neural networks, evolutionary optimisation algorithms, cooperative systems.
Fuzzy Systems
Type-1 and Type-2 fuzzy system design and applications and hybrid techniques that include deep learning and evolutionary optimisation approaches.
Ambient Intelligence Systems
Application and user centred intelligently orchestrated context aware ubiquitous and pervasive computing systems, environments and services.
Intelligent Agents
Design and applications of intelligent agents.
Data Driven Computational Simulation Modelling
Application of bottom up data driven simulation modelling techniques such as Agent Based Models
Intelligent Immersive Environments
Design and applications intelligent virtual and mixed reality systems combining artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Team Project Challenge (CE165)
Application Programming (CE203)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Computer Science
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 3/1/2024
Journal articles (42)
Chen, S., Kirton-Wingate, J., Doctor, F., Arshad, U., Dashtipour, K., Gogate, M., Halim, Z., Al-Dubai, A., Arslan, T. and Hussain, A., (2024). Context-Aware Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Modelling and User Preference Learning. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 32 (10), 5400-5412
Al Farsi, A., Petrovic, D. and Doctor, F., (2023). A Non-Iterative Reasoning Algorithm for Fuzzy Cognitive Maps based on Type 2 Fuzzy Sets. Information Sciences. 622, 319-336
Hijji, M., Iqbal, R., Pandey, A., Doctor, F., Karyotis, C., Rajeh, W., Alshehri, A. and Aradah, F., (2023). 6G Connected Vehicle Framework to Support Intelligent Road Maintenance using Deep Learning Data Fusion. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 24 (7), 7726-7735
Areeb, QM., Nadeem, M., Sohail, SS., Imam, R., Doctor, F., Himeur, Y., Hussain, A. and Amira, A., (2023). Filter Bubbles in Recommender Systems: Fact or Fallacy - A Systematic Review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 13 (6)
Karthikeyan, S., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Doctor, F. and Mirza, A., (2022). An OCR Post-correction Approach using Deep Learning for Processing Medical Reports. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 32 (5), 2574-2581
Doctor, F., Budd, T., Williams, PD., Prescott, M. and Iqbal, R., (2022). Modelling the effect of electric aircraft on airport operations and infrastructure. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 177, 121553-121553
Khan, M., Obaidat, MS., Hussain, T., Del Ser, J., Kumar, N., Tanveer, M. and Doctor, F., (2021). Fuzzy Logic in Surveillance Big Video Data Analysis: Comprehensive Review, Challenges, and Research Directions. ACM Computing Surveys. 54 (3), 1-33
Maniak, T., Iqbal, R. and Doctor, F., (2021). Hierarchical spatial-temporal state machine for vehicle instrument cluster manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 22 (7), 4131-4140
Kiziltepe, RS., Sweeney, L., Constantin, MG., Doctor, F., García Seco de Herrera, A., Demarty, C-H., Healy, G., Ionescu, B. and Smeaton, AF., (2021). An annotated video dataset for computing video memorability. Data in Brief. 39, 107671-107671
Iqbal, R., Doctor, F., More, B., Mahmud, S. and Yousuf, U., (2020). Big Data analytics and Computational Intelligence for Cyber Physical Systems: Recent trends and state of the art applications. Future Generation Computer Systems. 105, 766-778
Iqbal, R., Doctor, F., More, B., Mahmud, S. and Yousuf, U., (2020). Big data analytics: Computational intelligence techniques and application areas. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 153, 119253-119253
Wei, Z-X., Doctor, F., Liu, Y-X., Fan, S-Z. and Shieh, J-S., (2020). An Optimized Type-2 Self-Organizing Fuzzy Logic Controller Applied in Anesthesia for Propofol Dosing to Regulate BIS. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 28 (6), 1062-1072
Iqbal, R., Maniak, T., Doctor, F. and Karyotis, C., (2019). Fault Detection and Isolation in Industrial Processes Using Deep Learning Approaches. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 15 (5), 3077-3084
Goudarzi, S., Anisi, MH., Kama, N., Doctor, F., Soleymani, SA. and Sangaiah, AK., (2019). Predictive modelling of building energy consumption based on a hybrid nature-inspired optimization algorithm. Energy and Buildings. 196, 83-93
Karyotis, C., Doctor, F., Iqbal, R., James, A. and Chang, V., (2018). A fuzzy computational model of emotion for cloud based sentiment analysis. Information Sciences. 433-434, 448-463
Birek, L., Grzywaczewski, A., Iqbal, R., Doctor, F. and Chang, V., (2018). A novel Big Data analytics and intelligent technique to predict driver's intent. Computers in Industry. 99, 226-240
Yu, Y-N., Doctor, F., Fan, S-Z. and Shieh, J-S., (2018). An Adaptive Monitoring Scheme for Automatic Control of Anaesthesia in dynamic surgical environments based on Bispectral Index and Blood Pressure.. Journal of Medical Systems. 42 (5), 95-
Liu, G., Liu, S., Muhammad, K., Sangaiah, AK. and Doctor, F., (2018). Object Tracking in Vary Lighting Conditions for Fog based Intelligent Surveillance of Public Spaces. IEEE Access. 6, 29283-29296
Navarro, J., Doctor, F., Zamudio, V., Iqbal, R., Sangaiah, AK. and Lino, C., (2018). Fuzzy adaptive cognitive stimulation therapy generation for Alzheimer’s sufferers: Towards a pervasive dementia care monitoring platform. Future Generation Computer Systems. 88, 479-490
Navarro, J., Doctor, F., Zamudio, V., Iqbal, R., Sangaiah, AK. and Lino, C., (2018). Corrigendum to “Fuzzy adaptive cognitive stimulation therapy generation for Alzheimer’s sufferers: Towards a pervasive dementia care monitoring platform” [Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 88 (2018) 479–490]. Future Generation Computer Systems. 88, 730-731
Goudarzi, S., Kama, MN., Anisi, MH., Soleymani, SA. and Doctor, F., (2018). Self-Organizing Traffic Flow Prediction with an Optimized Deep Belief Network for Internet of Vehicles. Sensors. 18 (10), 3459-3459
Doctor, F., Galvan-Lopez, E. and Tsang, E., (2018). Guest Editorial Special Issue on Data-Driven Computational Intelligence for e-Governance, Socio-Political, and Economic Systems. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence. 2 (3), 171-173
Alhabashneh, O., Iqbal, R., Doctor, F. and James, A., (2017). Fuzzy rule based profiling approach for enterprise information seeking and retrieval. Information Sciences. 394-395, 18-37
Iqbal, R., Grzywaczewski, A., Halloran, J., Doctor, F. and Iqbal, K., (2017). Design implications for task-specific search utilities for retrieval and re-engineering of code. Enterprise Information Systems. 11 (5), 738-757
Qureshi, FF., Iqbal, R., Qasim, M., Doctor, F. and Chang, V., (2017). Integration of OMNI channels and machine learning with smart technologies. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-17
Akuma, S., Iqbal, R., Jayne, C. and Doctor, F., (2016). Comparative analysis of relevance feedback methods based on two user studies. Computers in Human Behavior. 60, 138-146
Mahmud, S., Iqbal, R. and Doctor, F., (2016). Cloud enabled data analytics and visualization framework for health-shocks prediction. Future Generation Computer Systems. 65, 169-181
Doctor, F., Syue, C-H., Liu, Y-X., Shieh, J-S. and Iqbal, R., (2016). Type-2 fuzzy sets applied to multivariable self-organizing fuzzy logic controllers for regulating anesthesia. Applied Soft Computing. 38, 872-889
Maniak, T., Jayne, C., Iqbal, R. and Doctor, F., (2015). Automated intelligent system for sound signalling device quality assurance. Information Sciences. 294, 600-611
Doctor, F., Iqbal, R. and Zamudio, V., (2015). Introduction to the thematic issue on Affect Aware Ubiquitious Computing. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 7 (1), 3-4
Shih, M-T., Doctor, F., Fan, S-Z., Jen, K-K. and Shieh, J-S., (2015). Instantaneous 3D EEG Signal Analysis Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and the Hilbert–Huang Transform Applied to Depth of Anaesthesia. Entropy. 17 (3), 928-949
Echanobe, J., del Campo, I., Basterretxea, K., Martinez, MV. and Doctor, F., (2014). An FPGA-based multiprocessor-architecture for intelligent environments. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 38 (7), 730-740
Akuma, S., Jayne, C., Iqbal, R. and Doctor, F., (2014). Implicit Predictive Indicators: Mouse Activity and Dwell Time. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 436, 162-171
Liu, Y-X., Doctor, F., Fan, S-Z. and Shieh, J-S., (2014). Performance Analysis of Extracted Rule-Base Multivariable Type-2 Self-Organizing Fuzzy Logic Controller Applied to Anesthesia. BioMed Research International. 2014, 1-19
Iqbal, R., Doctor, F., Shah, N. and Fei, X., (2014). An intelligent framework for activity led learning in network planning and management. International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems. 12 (4), 401-401
Doctor, F., Iqbal, R. and Naguib, RNG., (2014). A fuzzy ambient intelligent agents approach for monitoring disease progression of dementia patients. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 5 (1), 147-158
del Campo, I., del Campo, I., Basterretxea, K., Echanobe, J., Bosque, G. and Doctor, F., (2012). A system-on-chip development of a neuro-fuzzy embedded agent for ambient-intelligence environments.. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics. 42 (2), 501-512
Leon, E., Clarke, G., Callaghan, V. and Doctor, F., (2010). Affect-aware behaviour modelling and control inside an intelligent environment. Pervasive and Mobile Computing. 6 (5), 559-574
Hagras, H., Doctor, F., Callaghan, V. and Lopez, A., (2007). An Incremental Adaptive Life Long Learning Approach for Type-2 Fuzzy Embedded Agents in Ambient Intelligent Environments. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 15 (1), 41-55
Doctor, F., Hagras, H. and Callaghan, V., (2005). A Fuzzy Embedded Agent-Based Approach for Realizing Ambient Intelligence in Intelligent Inhabited Environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans. 35 (1), 55-65
DOCTOR, F., HAGRAS, H. and CALLAGHAN, V., (2005). A type-2 fuzzy embedded agent to realise ambient intelligence in ubiquitous computing environments. Information Sciences. 171 (4), 309-334
Callaghan, V., Clarke, G., Colley, M., Hagras, H., Chin, JSY. and Doctor, F., (2004). Inhabited Intelligent Environments. BT Technology Journal. 22 (3), 233-247
Books (1)
Karyotis Charalampos, Doctor Faiyaz, Iqbal Rahat and James Anne, (2017). Affect Aware Ambient Intelligence: Current and Future Directions. IOS Press
Book chapters (4)
Aloupogianni, E., Doctor, F., Karyotis, C., Maniak, T. and Iqbal, R., (2024). A Digital Twin Architecture for Intelligent Traffic Management Based on Artificial Intelligence. In: Intelligent Environments 2024: Combined Proceedings of Workshops and Demos & Videos Session. Editors: Hornos, MJ., Slapničar, G. and Yu, J., . IOS Press. 143- 151. 978-1-64368-521-2
Callaghan, V., Chin, J., Doctor, F., Kymäläinen, T., Peña-Rios, A., Phengdy, C., Reyes-Munoz, A., Tisan, A., Wang, M., Wu, HY., Zamudio, V., Zhang, S. and Zheng, P., (2021). Journeys in the Age of Smart Cities: Some Fresh Perspectives. In: Handbook of Smart Cities. Springer International Publishing. 1571- 1609. 9783030696979
Callaghan, V., Chin, J., Doctor, F., Kymalainen, T., Pena Rios, A., Phengdy, C., Reyes-Munoz, A., Tisan, A., Wang, M., Wu, HY., Zamudio, V., Zhang, S. and Zheng, P., (2020). Journeys in the Age of Smart Cities: Some Fresh Perspectives. In: Handbook of Smart Cities. Editors: Augusto, JC., . Springer International Publishing. 1- 39. 978-3-030-15145-4
Meza-Higuera, JA., Zamudio-Rodriguez, VM., Doctor, F., Baltazar-Flores, R., Lino-Ramirez, C. and Rojas-Dominguez, A., (2018). Modeling Independence and Security in Alzheimer's Patients Using Fuzzy Logic. In: Intelligent Data-Centric Systems. Editors: Wister, M., Pancardo, P., Acosta, F. and Hernández, JA., . Academic Press. 243- 256. 978-0-12-812130-6
Conferences (54)
Dutt, V., Hadjigeorgiou, D., Galan, L., Doctor, F., Barakat, L. and Isaacs, K., (2024). Explainable Digital Creatives Performance Monitoring using Deep Feature Attribution
Dutt, V., Galan, L., Doctor, F., Barakat, L., Isaacs, K., Hadjigeorgiou, D. and Fumagalli, A., (2024). An AI Driven Pipeline for 6G Enabled Digital Creatives Identification, Performance Monitoring and Attribution
Aloupogianni, E., Karyotis, C., Maniak, T., Iqbal, R., Passas, N., Vujicic, Z. and Doctor, F., (2024). Network Slicing for Beyond 5G Networks using Machine Learning
Aloupogianni, E., Doctor, F., Karyotis, C., Maniak, T., Tang, R. and Iqbal, R., (2024). An AI-based Digital Twin Framework for Intelligent Traffic Management in Singapore
Aloupogianni, E., Karyotis, C., Maniak, T., Iqbal, R., Passas, N., Doctor, F. and Vujicic, Z., (2024). AI-Driven Optimization of Small Cell Deployment for Beyond 5G Networks
Lee, S., Doctor, F., Anisi, MH., Goud, S., Wang, X. and Ruthven, S., (2024). AI Driven Streamlining of Appliance Load Monitoring in Facilities Management
Chen, S., Gogate, M., Dashtipour, K., Kirton-Wingate, J., Hussain, A., Doctor, F., Arslan, T. and Hussain, A., (2024). Edged based Audio-Visual Speech enhancement demonstrator
Sapkota, MS., Doctor, F., Herrera, H., Kampouridis, M. and Yang, X., (2024). Machine Learning to Predict Surgery Duration: Towards Implementing AI and Digital Twin for Effective Scheduling
Kattan, A. and Doctor, F., (2023). Genetic Programming Lifelong Multitasking Evolution: LLGP-Tasking
Bäck, T., Van Stein, B., Wagner, C., Garibaldi, J., Lam, HK., Cottrell, M., Doctor, F., Filipe, J., Warwick, K. and Kacprzyk, J., (2022). FOREWORD
Maniak, T., Iqbal, R., Vujicic, Z., Karyotis, C., Passas, N. and Doctor, F., (2022). Deep Neural Networks for Transmission Impairment Mitigation in Long-Reach 5G Access Networks
de los Angeles Arellano Vera, M., Rodriguez, VMZ., Hernandez, DAG., Ramirez, CL., Doctor, F., Lelevier, CL. and Barron, FJN., (2021). Design of a Smart Device with Fuzzy Multi-criteria Group Decision Making System for The Elderly
Yang, CX., Doctor, F., Anisi, MH., Khosravi, M., Parry, I. and Wegrzyn, P., (2020). Asset Operation Detection Based on Fuzzy Logic and Phase Portrait
Ronquillo, L., Zamudio, V., Gutierrez-Hernandez, D., Lino, C., Navarro, J. and Doctor, F., (2020). Towards an automatic recommendation system to well-being for elderly based on augmented reality
de los Angeles Arellano Vera, M., Rodriguez, VMZ., Ramirez, CL., Hernandez, DAG., Doctor, F. and Lelevier, CL., (2020). Design and Implementation of a Embedded Fuzzy Multi-criteria Group Decision Making System for Wellbeing, Health and Security
Pule, KE., Anisi, MH., Doctor, F. and Hagras, H., (2020). Multiple UAV based Spatio-Temporal Task Assignment using Fast Elitist Multi Objective Evolutionary Approaches
Garcia Seco De Herrera, A., Savran Kiziltepe, R., Chamberlain, J., Constantin, MG., Claire-Hélène, D., Doctor, F., Ionescu, B. and Smeaton, AF., (2020). Overview of MediaEval 2020 Predicting Media Memorability task: What does it Make a Video Memorable?
Kattan, A., Doctor, F., Ong, Y-S. and Agapitos, A., (2020). Genetic Programming Multitasking
Leyva, R., Doctor, F., Garcia Seco De Herrera, A. and Sahab, S., (2019). Multimodal Deep Features Fusion For Video Memorability Prediction
Karyotis, C., Maniak, T., Doctor, F., Iqbal, R., Palade, V. and Tang, R., (2019). Deep Learning for Flood Forecasting and Monitoring in Urban Environments
Alves, D., Doctor, F., Iqbal, R. and Kattan, A., (2019). A Soft Computing Methodology based on Fuzzy Measures and Integrals for Ranking Workers Informing Labour Hiring Policies
Manriquez Santos, JJ., Zamudio Rodriguez, VM., Lino Ramirez, C., Barron, JN., Baltazar, R., Gutierrez Hernandez, DA. and Doctor, F., (2018). Towards an Innovative Architecture to Monitor and Handle Emotions in Work Scenarios
Cruz-Parada, P., Zamudio, V., Navarro, J., Doctor, F., Lino, C., Gutierrez-Hernandez, D. and Baltazar, R., (2018). Identification and Analysis of Emotions in a Game Based Therapy for Patients with Cognitive Impairment
Maniak, T., Iqbal, R. and Doctor, F., (2017). Traffic modelling, visualisation and prediction for urban mobility management
Farsi, AA., Doctor, F., Petrovic, D., Chandran, S. and Karyotis, C., (2017). Interval valued data enhanced fuzzy cognitive maps: Torwards an appraoch for Autism deduction in Toddlers
Doctor, F., Karyotis, C., Iqbal, R. and James, A., (2016). An intelligent framework for emotion aware e-healthcare support systems
Karyotis, C., Doctor, F., Iqbal, R., James, A. and Chang, V., (2016). A Fuzzy Modelling Approach of Emotion for Affective Computing Systems
Karyotis, C., Doctor, F., Iqbal, R. and James, A., (2015). An intelligent framework for monitoring students Affective Trajectories using adaptive fuzzy systems
Alhabashneh, O., Iqbal, R., Doctor, F. and Amin, S., (2015). Adaptive information retrieval system based on fuzzy profiling
Kattan, A., Doctor, F. and Arif, M., (2015). Two Brains Guided Interactive Evolution
Liu, Y-X., Shieh, J-S., Fan, S-Z., Doctor, F. and Jen, K-K., (2015). Genetic type-2 self-organising fuzzy logic controller applied to anaesthesia
Akuma, S., Jayne, C., Iqbal, R. and Doctor, F., (2015). Inferring Users’ Interest on Web Documents Through Their Implicit Behaviour
Pacheco Salinas, JA., Zamudio, V., Casillas, M., Lino, C., Baltazar, R., Callaghan, V. and Doctor, F., (2014). Towards the Minimization of Cyclic Instability Using Embedded Algorithms
del Campo, I., Finker, R., Martinez, MV., Echanobe, J. and Doctor, F., (2014). A real-time driver identification system based on artificial neural networks and cepstral analysis
Liu, Y-X., Shieh, J-S., Doctor, F., Fan, S-Z. and Jen, K-K., (2013). Multivariable Type-2 Self-Organizing Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Regulating Anesthesia with Rule Base Extraction
Maniak, T., Iqbal, R., Doctor, F. and Jayne, C., (2013). Automated Sound Signalling Device Quality Assurance Tool for Embedded Industrial Control Applications
Finker, R., del Campo, I., Echanobe, J. and Doctor, F., (2013). Multilevel adaptive neural network architecture for implementing single-chip intelligent agents on FPGAs
Iqbal, R., Doctor, F., Romero, M. and James, A., (2013). Activity-led learning approach and group performance analysis using fuzzy rule-based classification model
Doctor, F., Jayne, C. and Iqbal, R., (2012). Ambient Intelligent Monitoring of Dementia Suffers Using Unsupervised Neural Networks and Weighted Rule Based Summarisation
Doctor, F. and Iqbal, R., (2012). An intelligent framework for monitoring student performance using fuzzy rule-based Linguistic Summarisation
del Campo, I., Victoria Martinez, M., Echanobe, J., Basterretxea, K. and Doctor, F., (2012). A hardware/software embedded agent for real-time control of ambient-intelligence environments
Iqbal, R., Grzywaczewski, A., James, A., Doctor, F. and Halloran, J., (2012). Investigating the value of retention actions as a source of relevance information in the software development environment
Iqbal, R., Shah, N., Doctor, F., James, A. and Cichowicz, T., (2012). Integration, optimization and usability of enterprise applications
Doctor, F., Naguib, RNG. and Iqbal, R., (2011). A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for Identifying Practice Variations Based on Modelling Relationships between Clinical Variables and Treatment Decisions
Doctor, F., Hagras, H., Roberts, D. and Callaghan, V., (2009). A neuro-fuzzy based agent for group decision support in applicant ranking within human resources systems
Doctor, F., Hagras, H., Roberts, D. and Callaghan, V., (2009). A fuzzy based agent for group decision support of applicants ranking within recruitment systems
Doctor, F., Hagras, H., Roberts, D. and Callaghan, V., (2008). A type-2 fuzzy based system for handling the uncertainties in group decisions for ranking job applicants within Human Resources systems
Hagras, H., Packharn, I., Vanderstockt, Y., McNulty, N., Vadher, A. and Doctor, F., (2008). An intelligent agent based approach for energy management in commercial buildings
Doctor, F., Hagras, H. and Callaghan, V., (2006). Life Long Learning Approach for Type-2 Fuzzy Embedded Agents in Ambient Intelligent Environments
Hagras, H., Doctor, F., Lopez, A. and Callaghan, V., (2006). Evolving Type-2 Fuzzy Agents for Ambient Intelligent Environments
Lopez, A., Alvarez, D., Doctor, F., Hagras, H. and Callaghan, V., (2005). A comparison of some data-based methods for the off-line generation of fuzzy logic controllers for an intelligent building environment
Doctor, F., Hagras, H., Callaghan, V. and Lopez, A., (2004). An adaptive fuzzy learning mechanism for intelligent agents in ubiquitous computing environments
Doctor, F., Hagras, H. and Callaghan, V., (2004). A type-2 fuzzy embedded agent for ubiquitous computing environments
Lopez, A., Sanchez, L., Doctor, F., Hagras, H. and Callaghan, V., (2004). An evolutionary algorithm for the off-line data driven generation of fuzzy controllers for intelligent buildings
Grants and funding
ESNEFT Waiting List Reduction
East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust
CloudFM Impact Leave
University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)
Healthshare Limited KTP Application - Feb 2022 Submission
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Lubron UK Limited KTP 22_23 R3
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Gerald McDonald & Company Ltd KTP Project (KTP 22_23 R)
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Strike KTP Application
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Rapp KTP Application
Rapp Limited
K4: A framework for creating, transferring, commercialising and exchanging knowledge within and between sub-Saharan universities and industries.
The Royal Academy of Engineering
Airport Infrastructure Requirements for Electrical Propulsion Systems (AIREPS)
Heathrow Airport Ltd
MSC KTP Application
Cloudfm Covid consultancy
Cloudfm Covid consultancy
Cloudfm KTP Application twin-associate
Cloudfm KTP Application twin-associate
Eliminate wasted journey miles, and rejection of containers at the port
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
The creation of an innovative SaaS based product that helps content agencies and brands to create video content and distribution strategies for marketing,
Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)
Data Driven Computational Models for Prediction and Simulation of Path Dependences in Complex Dynamic Labour Market Systems
Harvard University - President and Fellows of Harvard College
Academic support hours:
Module Supervisor for CE713 Internet of Things Technology