
Dr Marta Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz

Deputy Director IADS and Reader (R)
EBS - Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship (SOE)
Dr Marta Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz



Marta F. Arroyabe is a reader at Essex Business School. She is associate editor of the Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. Marta is also a member of the Bank of England and HM Treasury’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Academic Advisory Group and a member of the Easter Cyber Resilience Centre’s Advisory Group, where she advises on issues around the digitalisation and cybersecurity of UK small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Previously, she held the deputy head, undergraduate programme director and the Q-step lead positions at the Strategy Operations and Entrepreneurship (SOE) Group . Marta’s research focuses on four primary areas: innovation, digitalisation & cybersecurity, environmental management, and entrepreneurship. In the area of innovation, her research aims to understand the development and implementation of innovation in firms and explores firms’ innovation decisions and strategies. In digitalisation and cybersecurity, her research investigates the intersection of IT security, digital transformation, and cybersecurity resilience in SMEs. Her research investigates the digitalisation dynamics in SMEs, emphasising the multifaceted nature of drivers, interactions, and the overall decision-making process within the evolving landscape of Industry 4.0. Her research also delves into the strategic decision-making behind cybersecurity investments in SMEs and provides an understanding of how cybersecurity challenges, capabilities and organisations’ external environment intersect with the broader landscape of digital transformation and strategic decision-making within SMEs, aiming to shed light on practical aspects that can enhance resilience and decision-making in the face of evolving cyber threats. In the area of environmental management, she primarily focuses on two topics, eco-innovation and circular economy, where she studies business responses to improving environmental performance and to increasing societal concerns for the environment. Her research explores the development of eco-innovation and circular economy business models in firms and the impact of these on firms’ performance. Finally, in the area of entrepreneurship, her research primarily focuses on entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial intention. Her work aims to understand to which extent entrepreneurial education in higher education institutions (such as universities) spurs students' entrepreneurial intention and fosters entrepreneurial activity. She has published her work in “Journal of Business Research”, "R&D Management", “Technovation”, “Studies in Higher Education”, “British Journal of Management”, “European Journal of Innovation Management”, “Technology Analysis and Strategic Management”, “Journal of Cleaner Production”, “Technological Forecasting and Social Change”, "Journal of Computer Information Systems" or "Computers and Security". Marta has successfully attracted external funding through several grants: ESRC Digital Security by Design Social Science Hub+ (Discribe) for a project on “The impact of cyber security on the adoption of new digital technologies in UK’s SMEs” (£168,519.90), Leverhulme Trust International Fellowship for the project on “Evaluating the effects of R&D tax credits on the market for corporate control” (£45,924.00), BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants for the project “The implementation of circular economy models in UK small and medium enterprises: a pilot study of East England & London” (£9,883.20), Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) for the organisation of a workshop on “Innovation, Technology and R&D Management” (Project’s award: £3,430). She is also an investigator on the project “Accelerating Women’s Enterprise” from the European Commission (EU INTERREG, £146,298+ 125,971.72€). She is participating in the Cyber Security Academic Startup Accelerator Programme (Innovate UK), where is co-leading the project CyberSecurityAId. Marta is a permanent member of the scientific committee of the International Conference on University, Enterprise, and Society (UES) and an extramural research fellow at the University of Luxembourg. She is an EUREKA expert and a reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Marta is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and an external examiner to the University of Glasgow. She is also a member of the Peer Review College of the British Academy of Management. Marta has received the EBS Teaching Leadership Award in 2022, Best Reviewer Award at Industry and Innovation Journal in 2022, and has been nominated for the Outstanding Early Career Researcher Award for three consecutive years at the University of Essex. She has also received the Best Developmental Paper Award at the 2023 British Academy of Management conference (HRM track). Marta is currently a visiting researcher at Copenhagen Business School (Denmark) and the University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg).


  • Senior Fellow (D3) Higher Education Academy,

  • Certified Management & Business Educator Chartered Association of Business Schools,

  • PhD in Management University of Luxembourg,

  • PhD in Management United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology,

  • Research Master in Economics and Financial Research Maastricht University,


University of Essex

  • Deputy Director, Institute for Analytics and Data Science (10/6/2024 - present)

  • Deputy Head of Group, Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship Group, University of Essex (1/9/2021 - 31/5/2024)

  • Undergraduate Programme Director, Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship Group, University of Essex (1/6/2019 - 30/4/2022)

  • Q-step lead, Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship Group, University of Essex (1/7/2019 - 31/8/2022)

Other academic

  • Central Bank Digital Currency Academic Advisory Group, Bank of England (1/12/2023 - present)

  • Advisory Group, Eastern Cyber Resilience Centre (1/1/2024 - present)

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies (1/9/2021 - present)

  • Peer Review College Members, British Academy of Management (24/2/2023 - present)

  • External Examiner, University of Glasgow (25/5/2022 - present)

  • Expert, Eureka network programmes, Eureka Association (16/1/2023 - present)

  • Reviewer, Swiss National Science Foundation (1/1/2023 - present)

  • Extramural research fellow, University of Luxembourg (1/1/2022 - present)

Research and professional activities

Current research

The impact of cyber security on the adoption of new digital technologies in UK’s SMEs

The Digital Security by Design (DSbD) Programme aims to radically update the digital infrastructure currently underpinning the global economy, making it secure against future threats. Discribe is one part of this wider initiative, with funding in place until 2024. Our project investigates the impact of cyber security on the decision-making process behind the adoption of new digital technologies in the UK small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Taking a strategic management perspective, our project considers that the decision to invest in new tools and technologies depends upon internal (firms’ capabilities in cyber security) and external factors (threats and attacks in the cyber environment). This project focuses on understanding (1) the impact of previous cyber security incidents on SMEs’ decision to invest in new digital technologies, and (2) the impact of SMEs’ current cyber security practices on the readiness to invest in new digital technologies.
More information about this project

Accelerating Women's Enterprise

The Essex Business School is a partner of the Accelerating Women's Enterprise (AWE) project. Through this collaborative, cross-border approach, this project hopes to improve the quality and effectiveness of support to socially or economically disadvantaged and under-represented groups and to address the gender imbalance in entrepreneurship. The project aims to create 35 hours of new learning content and carry out new research into women's enterprise. The programme results, learning content, research, mentor-bank and resources will all be brought together in a starter kit, which will be freely available to any stakeholder or organisation that wants to improve its services to female entrepreneurs.
More information about this project

Guest Editing British Journal of Management Special Issue "Unpacking Circular Economy Capabilities for a Pathway to Net Zero"

We invite papers to be considered for a special issue of the British Journal of Management that advances management research by shedding light on firm circular economy capabilities firms require to enable a net zero and climate-resilient economy. The deadline for submissions to this Special Issue is 10 January 2024. To help authors prepare their manuscripts for submission, the guest editors will organise a dedicated online workshop on 29 September 2023 with presentations and discussion of selected papers. Presentation of a paper at the workshop is not a precondition for submission to the Special Issue. Authors interested in taking part in the workshop should submit an extended abstract of a maximum 3,000 words by 1 September 2023.
More information about this project

Cyber hygiene self-assessment maturity tool (CyberSecurityAId)

We are developing a cyber hygiene self-assessment maturity tool targeted at SMEs. Our tool aims to empower small businesses to improve their cyber defence. The project is funded by CyberASAP. CyberASAP is aimed at supporting the development of cybersecurity innovations across the UK. CyberASAP is a highly acclaimed programme that has helped teams turn their cybersecurity ideas into successful businesses.
More information about this project

Gamifying Secure Digital Technology Adoption in UK SMEs

The focus of this project is to develop a simulation game that immerses SME managers in realistic scenarios, guiding them through the integration of cybersecurity practices into their strategies for adopting new digital technologies, ultimately enhancing their decision-making skills and awareness of secure technology adoption practices. This project is being funded by the the UKRI Digital Security by Design (DSbD) Programme.
More information about this project


Journal articles (37)

Arroyabe, MF., Arranz, CFA., Arroyabe, IFD. and Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC., (2024). The effect of IT security issues on the implementation of industry 4.0 in SMEs: Barriers and challenges. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 199, 123051-123051

Arranz, CFA., Arroyabe, MF. and Fernandez de Arroyabe, JC., (2024). Organisational transformation toward circular economy in SMEs. The effect of internal barriers. Journal of Cleaner Production. 456, 142307-142307

Arroyabe, MF., Arranz, CFA., de Arroyabe, JCF. and Fernandez, I., (2024). Digitalization and Cybersecurity in SMEs: A Bibliometric Analysis. Procedia Computer Science. 237, 80-87

Arroyabe, M. and Hussinger, K., (2024). Acquisition experience and the winner’s curse in corporate acquisitions. Applied Economics. 56 (27), 3247-3261

Arroyabe, MF., Arranz, CFA., De Arroyabe, IF. and Fernandez de Arroyabe, JC., (2024). Navigating Cybersecurity: Environment’s Impact on Standards Adoption and Board Involvement. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 1-21

Arroyabe, M., Grimpe, C. and Hussinger, K., (2024). Safeguarding Secrets, Shaping Acquisitions: Trade Secret Protection and the Role of Distance Between Acquirer and Target. Strategy Science

Arroyabe, MF., Arranz, CFA., Fernandez De Arroyabe, I. and Fernandez de Arroyabe, JC., (2024). Revealing the realities of cybercrime in small and medium enterprises: Understanding fear and taxonomic perspectives. Computers and Security. 141, 103826-103826

Arroyabe, MF., Arranz, CFA., Fernandez De Arroyabe, I. and Fernandez de Arroyabe, JC., (2024). Analyzing AI adoption in European SMEs: A study of digital capabilities, innovation, and external environment. Technology in Society. 79, 102733-102733

Arroyabe, MF., Arranz, CFA., Fernandez De Arroyabe, I. and Fernandez de Arroyabe, JC., (2024). Exploring the economic role of cybersecurity in SMEs: A case study of the UK. Technology in society. 78, 1-10

Arroyabe, MF., Arranz, CFA. and Fernandez de Arroyabe, JC., (2024). The integration of circular economy and digital transformation as a catalyst for small and medium enterprise innovation. Business Strategy and the Environment. 33 (7), 7162-7181

Fernandez de Arroyabe, I., Arranz, CFA., Arroyabe, M. and Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC., (2023). Cybersecurity capabilities and cyber-attacks as drivers of investment in cybersecurity systems: A UK survey for 2018 and 2019. Computers and Security. 124, 102954-102954

Perez, CA., Arroyabe, MF., Ubierna, F., Arranz, CFA. and Fernandez De Arroyabe, JC., (2023). The formation of self-management teams in higher education institutions. Satisfaction and effectiveness. Studies in Higher Education. 48 (6), 910-925

Arranz, CFA. and Arroyabe, MF., (2023). Institutional theory and circular economy business models: The case of the European Union and the role of consumption policies.. Journal of Environmental Management. 340, 117906-117906

Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC., Arranz, N., F. Arroyabe, M. and F. A. Arranz, C., (2023). Digitalisation dynamics in SMEs: An approach from Systems Dynamics and Artificial Intelligence. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 196, 122880-122880

Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC., Arroyabe, MF., Fernandez, I. and Arranz, CFA., (2023). Cybersecurity Resilience in SMEs. A Machine Learning Approach. Journal of Computer Information Systems. 64 (6), 711-727

Arroyabe, MF. and Schumann, M., (2022). On the Estimation of True State Dependence in the Persistence of Innovation. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. 84 (4), 850-893

Arranz, N., Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M., Sena, V., Arranz, C. and Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC., (2022). University-enterprise cooperation for the employability of higher education graduates: a social capital approach. Studies in Higher Education. 47 (5), 990-999

Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M., Schumann, M. and Arranz, CFA., (2022). Mapping the entrepreneurial university literature: A text mining approach. Studies in Higher Education. 47 (5), 955-963

Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M., Grimpe, C. and Hussinger, K., (2022). Trade Secret Protection and Firm Acquisitions: Evidence from the Uniform Trade Secrets Act. Academy of Management Proceedings. 22 (1)

Arranz, N., Arroyabe, M., Li, J., Arranz, CFA. and Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC., (2022). An integrated view of eco-innovation in the service sector: dynamic capability, cooperation and corporate environmentalism. Business Strategy and the Environment. 32 (6), 1-1

Arroyabe, MF., (2021). The role of patent expiration in acquisition decision and target selection in the pharmaceutical industry. R&D Management. 51 (5), 521-537

Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC., Arranz, N., Schumann, M. and Arroyabe, MF., (2021). The development of CE business models in firms: the role of circular economy capabilities. Technovation. 106, 102292-102292

Arranz, N., Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M. and Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC., (2020). Network embeddedness in exploration and exploitation joint R&D projects: a structural approach. British Journal of Management. 31 (2), 421-437

Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC., Arranz, N., Li, J. and Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M., (2020). Innovation as a driver of eco-innovation in the firm: an approach from the dynamic capabilities theory. Business Strategy and the Environment. 29 (3), 1494-1503

Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M., Hussinger, K. and Hagedoorn, J., (2020). Hiring New Key Inventors to Improve Firms’ Post-M&A Inventive Output. R&D Management. 50 (4), 494-509

Arranz, N., Arroyabe, MF. and Schumann, M., (2020). The role of NPOs and international actors in the national innovation system: A network-based approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 159, 120183-120183

Arranz, N., Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M. and Fernandez de Arroyabe, JC., (2019). Entrepreneurial intention and obstacles of undergraduate students: the case of the universities of Andalusia. Studies in Higher Education. 44 (11), 2011-2024

Arranz, N., Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M. and Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC., (2019). The archicture of R&D joint projects: the social network analysis approach. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. 31 (8), 902-914

Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC., Agustin, M-G., Nieves, A. and Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M., (2019). Incentives and inhibiting factors of eco-innovation in the Spanish firms.. Journal of Cleaner Production. 220, 167-176

Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC., Arranz, N. and Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M., (2019). Obstacles of innovation and institutional support in the cooperation agreements: the Spanish case. European Journal of Innovation Management. 23 (4), 696-712

Fernandez De Arroyabe Fernandez, JC., Arranz, N., Arroyabe, M. and Li, J., (2019). An integrated model of organisational innovation and firm performance: generation, persistence and complementarity. Journal of Business Research. 105 (12), 270-282

Arroyabe, MF. and Schumann, M., (2019). Revisiting persistence of innovation: A true fixed effects approach. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2019 (1), 18007-18007

Arroyabe, MF., Hussinger, K. and Hagedoorn, J., (2017). Hiring New Key Inventors to Improve Post-M&A Innovation Performance. Academy of Management Proceedings. 2017 (1), 14039-14039

Arranz, N., Ubierna, F., Arroyabe, MF., Perez, C. and Fernandez De Arroyabe, JC., (2016). The effect of curricular and extracurricular activities on university students? entrepreneurial intention and competences. Studies in Higher Education. 42 (11), 1979-2008

Arranz, N., Ubierna, F., Arroyabe, MF., Perez, C. and Fernandez De Arroyabe, JC., (2016). The effect of tourism education on students? entrepreneurial vocation. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. 17 (3), 312-330

Arranz, N., Arroyabe, MF. and Fernandez De Arroyabe, JC., (2016). Alliance-building Process as Inhibiting Factor for SME International Alliances. British Journal of Management. 27 (3), 497-515

Arroyabe, MF., Arranz, N. and Fernandez De Arroyabe, JC., (2015). R&D partnerships: An exploratory approach to the role of structural variables in joint project performance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 90B (PB), 623-634

Book chapters (1)

Barnard, H., Cowan, R., Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M. and Müller, M., (2015). The Role of Global Connectedness in the Development of Indigenous Science in Middle‐Income Countries. In: The Handbook of Global Science, Technology, and Innovation. Editors: Archibugi, D. and Filippetti, A., . John Wiley & Sons. 382- 406. 111873906X. 9781118739068

Reports and Papers (2)

Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M. and Arranz, C., (2024). Cybersecurity for Scaling AI and Creative Tech in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the UK. Communications and Digital Committee (UK Parliament).

Fernandez De Arroyabe Arranz, M., (2023). Cybersecurity Challenges and Resilience in UK SMEs: Safeguarding CNI in the Digital Economy. Science, Innovation and Technology Committee (UK Parliament).

Grants and funding


CyberSecurityAId: Empowering Small Businesses with Cyber Security

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)


Gamifying Secure Digital Technology Adoption in UK SMEs

University of Bath (Funder)

Collaborative Gamification for Secure Digital Technology Adoption in UK SMEs

University of Bath (Funder)


Cyber hygiene self-assessment maturity tool

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

CyberSecurityAId - A Self-assessment maturity tool for cyber hygiene for small businesses in the agriculture and farming sector

University of Essex

CyberSecurityAId: Empowering Small Businesses with Cyber Hygiene

Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board)

Collecting Evidence for an Impact Case Study on SME Cyber Security

University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)


The impact of cyber security on the adoption of new digital technologies in UK�s SME

University of Bath (Funder)

Evaluating the effects of R&D tax credits on the market for corporate control

Leverhulme Trust

Accelerating Women�s Enterprise

European Commission


The implementation of circular economy models in UK small and medium enterprises: a pilot study of East England & London

British Academy


A Paper Development Workshop for Early-Career Scholars on Innovation, Technology and R&D Management

Society for the Advancement of Management Studies

+44 (0) 1206 878412


GB.3.15, Colchester Campus

More about me
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies:
The impact of cyber security on the adoption of new digital technologies in UK’s SMEs Project: