Dr Lorna Finlayson

ljfinl@essex.ac.uk -
5B.109, Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
Tuesday 11am Friday 2pm
Lorna took both her BA and PhD in Philosophy at Kings College, Cambridge, where she was then appointed to a four-year junior research fellowship, also acting as an affiliated lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy. She is the author of The Political Is Political: conformity and the illusion of dissent in contemporary political philosophy (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), and An Introduction to Feminism (CUP 2016). She has interests in political philosophy and its methodology, critical theory and theories of ideology, feminist philosophy, philosophy of social science, and Arabic philosophy. As of September 2015, she is Lecturer in Philosophy at the School of Philosophy and Art History.
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Dangerous Ideas: Essays and Manifestos as Social Criticism Capstone (CS301)
Texts in Practical Philosophy (PY434)
Modern Social and Political Thought (PY437)
Contemporary Critical Theory (PY948)
Dissertation: Western Marxism (PY956)
Dissertation: Social and Political Thought (PY970)
Dissertation: Continental Philosophy (PY981)
Dissertation: Critical Social Theory (PY983)
Dissertation: MA Philosophy (PY984)
Dissertation: Philosophy and Art History (PY985)
Critical Theory (PY456)
Western Marxism and Translation Dissertation (PY912)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Philosophy
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 11/5/2023
Journal articles (13)
Finlayson, L., (2024). ON LESSER EVILISM. NEW LEFT REVIEW (145), 59-64
Finlayson, L., (2021). Moving up without losing your way: The ethical costs of upward mobility, by JenniferMortonPrinceton, NJ: Princeton University press, 2019. 192pp. ISBN: 978‐0691179230, Pbk $17.95. European Journal of Philosophy. 29 (2), 524-527
Finlayson, L., (2020). If This Isn’t Racism, What Is? The Politics of the Philosophy of Immigration. Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume. 94 (1), 115-139
Finlayson, L., (2020). Rules of the Game?. New Left Review. 123, 133-141
Finlayson, L., (2020). In the Shadow of Justice: Postwar Liberalism and the Remaking of Political Philosophy. NEW LEFT REVIEW (123), 133-141
Finlayson, L., (2019). The problem is not just the economy, stupid, it's economic ‘science’. The Political Quarterly. 90 (2), 335-337
Finlayson, L., (2019). What to Do with Post-Truth. Nordic Wittgenstein Review. 2019-Jul (Special Issue), 63-79
Finlayson, L., (2018). The Third Shift: the politics of representation and the psychological turn. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 43 (4), 775-795
Finlayson, L., (2018). AN INTRODUCTION TO THE INTRODUCTION. Think. 17 (49), 23-31
Finlayson, L., (2017). With radicals like these, who needs conservatives? Doom, gloom, and realism in political theory. European Journal of Political Theory. 16 (3), 264-282
Finlayson, L., (2015). On Mountains and Molehills: Problems, Non-problems, and the Ideology of Ideology. Constellations. 22 (1), 135-146
Finlayson, L., (2014). How to Screw Things with Words. Hypatia. 29 (4), 774-798
Finlayson, L., (2013). Preachers and propagandists: political theory and thestatus quo. Journal of Political Ideologies. 18 (3), 281-298
Books (3)
Finlayson, L., (2016). An Introduction to Feminism. Cambridge University Press. 9781107121041
Finlayson, L., (2016). An Introduction to Feminism. Cambridge University Press. 9781107121041
Finlayson, L., (2015). The political is political : conformity and the illusion of dissent in contemporary political philosophy. Rowman & Littlefield International, Ltd.. 9781783482870
Book chapters (2)
Finlayson, L., (2019). “I’m Not With Stupid”. In: Media Ethics, Free Speech, and the Requirements of Democracy. Routledge. 203- 218
Finlayson, L., (2019). Feminist Philosophy and Real Politics. In: The Cambridge History of Philosophy, 1945–2015. Cambridge University Press. 310- 320. 9781107173033
Academic support hours:
Tuesday 11am Friday 2pm