Dr Sanae Fujita

sfujit@essex.ac.uk -
Colchester Campus
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Human Rights, Regional Systems & Global Challenges (HU200)
Regional Human Rights Systems (LW515)
Human Rights: Global Diversity and Global Challenges (HU930)
Journal articles (3)
Fujita, S., The World Bank and Human Rights Mainstreaming. Human Rights International. 19, 124-130
Fujita, S., Overview of Research and Activities of Paul Hunt, the first UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health. Horitsu Jiho. 81 (5), 117-122
Fujita, S., (2011). The challenges of mainstreaming human rights in the World Bank. The International Journal of Human Rights. 15 (3), 374-396
Books (2)
藤田早苗, (2022). 武器としての国際人権日本の貧困・報道・差別. 4087212467. 9784087212464
Fujita, S., (2013). The World Bank, Asian Development Bank and Human Rights. Edward Elgar Publishing. 9781849804240
Book chapters (1)
Fujita, S., Asian Development Bank and Human Rights: Challenges of Human Rights Protection in Development. In: Human Rights Governance in Asia. Editors: Katsuma, Y., . Keiso Shobo Publishing. 99- 111