
Dr Debabrata Ghosh

Reader (R)
EBS - Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship (SOE)
Dr Debabrata Ghosh



Dr Debabrata Ghosh is a Reader in the Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship Group (SOE) and the Director of Executive Education at Essex Business School. Prior to this, Dr Ghosh held faculty positions at the Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (a part of the MIT SCALE Network), Asia School of Business (in collaboration with MIT Sloan) and the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (AASCB, AMBA, EQUIS), top business schools in Malaysia and India, respectively. Dr Ghosh’s research interests lie in the areas of supply chain analytics, sustainable operations, supply contracts, emerging economies, game-theoretic applications in operations and OM-Marketing interface models. His papers have appeared in the European Journal of Operational Research, Omega, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Transportation Research – Part E, International Journal of Production Economics, Annals of Operations Research, among others. Besides this, he has co-authored cases and managerial articles at Ivey Publishing, Emerald Emerging Markets and Supply Chain Management Review. As visiting faculty, Dr Ghosh has taught courses at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL), Boston; Indian Institute(s) of Management Calcutta, Indore and Bodhgaya, MISB Bocconi - India, and the Loyola Institute of Business Administration, India. He has supervised PhD and Master's students and regularly conducts executive education programs in business analytics, strategic supply chain management and sustainable supply chain management for corporates. Dr Ghosh holds a PhD in Production and Operations Management from the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (EQUIS), where he was the Airbus scholarship recipient. Prior to joining academics, he worked with Infosys consulting and Tata Consultancy Services, where he worked with global retail and consumer good companies in the US, UK, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, India and Malaysia. He welcomes inquiries from prospective PhD students (those with a background in probability, optimization, economics or industrial organization are encouraged to write).


  • PhD (Airbus scholarship recipient) Indian Institute of Management Bangalore,


University of Essex

  • Reader, EBS - Strategy, Operations and Entrepreneurship (SOE), University of Essex (27/4/2022 - present)

  • Director of Executive Education, Essex Business School, University of Essex (3/1/2023 - present)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Supply chain analytics

Open to supervise

Sustainable operations

Open to supervise

Game theoretic applications in supply chains

Open to supervise

Emerging Economy and Supply Chain Issues

Open to supervise


Open to supervise

Operations-Marketing Interface Models

Open to supervise

Conferences and presentations

Supply Chain Considerations in Privatization of Services in Developing Countries

Invited presentation, Finalists -- INFORMS Public Sector OR, INFORMS, Catonsville, United States, 7/10/2024

Advance Booking of Agricultural Inputs – An Analytical Examination

OR66 Annual Conference, The Operational Research Society, Bangor, United Kingdom, 10/9/2024

Analyzing the impact of social capital on supply chains

Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Paris, France, 19/7/2023

Analyzing the Impact of Social Capital on Firms and Supply chains

POMS India International Conference, POMS India International Conference, Mumbai, India, 22/12/2021

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Managerial Economics (BE274)

  • Business Analytics for Managers and Entrepreneurs (BE277)

  • Applied Business Analytics and Decision Making (BE225)


Journal articles (20)

Awasthy, P., Haldar, T. and Ghosh, D., (2025). Blockchain enabled traceability - An analysis of pricing and traceability effort decisions in supply chains. European Journal of Operational Research. 321 (3), 760-774

Ramani, V., Kuiti, MR., Ghosh, D. and Swami, S., (2024). Effectiveness of environmental regulations: firm’s decisions and welfare implications. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 75 (12), 2443-2463

Awasthy, P., Gouda, S., Ghosh, D. and Swami, S., (2022). Analyzing product greening spillovers in multi-product markets. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 158, 102586-102586

Ramani, V., Ghosh, D. and Sodhi, MS., (2022). Understanding Systemic Disruption from the Covid-19-induced Semiconductor Shortage for the Auto Industry. Omega. 113, 102720-102720

Kuiti, MR., Basu, P. and Ghosh, D., (2022). Incentive conflict and supply contracts under carbon cap policy. PLoS One. 17 (11), e0277777-e0277777

Ghosh, D., Mehta, P. and Avittathur, B., (2021). Supply chain capabilities and competitiveness of high-tech manufacturing start-ups in India. Benchmarking: An International Journal. 28 (5), 1783-1808

Ramani, V., Swami, S. and Ghosh, D., (2021). Price premium effect, supply contracts and strategic decision making under environmental considerations. Benchmarking: An International Journal. 28 (5), 1665-1696

Ghosh, D., Shah, J. and Swami, S., (2020). Product greening and pricing strategies of firms under green sensitive consumer demand and environmental regulations. Annals of Operations Research. 290 (1-2), 491-520

Kuiti, MR., Ghosh, D., Basu, P. and Bisi, A., (2020). Do cap-and-trade policies drive environmental and social goals in supply chains: Strategic decisions, collaboration, and contract choices. International Journal of Production Economics. 223, 107537-107537

Ghosh, D., Sant, TG., Kuiti, MR., Swami, S. and Shankar, R., (2020). Strategic decisions, competition and cost-sharing contract under industry 4.0 and environmental considerations. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 162, 105057-105057

Tunuguntla, V., Basu, P., Rakshit, K. and Ghosh, D., (2019). Sponsored search advertising and dynamic pricing for perishable products under inventory-linked customer willingness to pay. European Journal of Operational Research. 276 (1), 119-132

Kuiti, MR., Ghosh, D., Gouda, S., Swami, S. and Shankar, R., (2019). Integrated product design, shelf-space allocation and transportation decisions in green supply chains. International Journal of Production Research. 57 (19), 6181-6201

Gouda, S., Swami, S. and Ghosh, D., (2019). Upcycling can take Sustainable Supply Chains beyond Recycling. Supply Chain Management Review

Ghosh, D., Gouda, S., Shankar, R., Swami, S. and Thomas, VC., (2018). Strategic decision making under subscription-based contracts for remanufacturing. International Journal of Production Economics. 200, 134-150

Vijay, D. and Ghosh, D., (2018). The Sabar Shouchagar Project (toilets for everyone): making Nadia District the first open-defecation-free district in India. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies. 8 (1), 1-25

Ghosh, D., Mehta, P., Avittathur, B. and Sarkar, U., (2018). Unlocking the potential of India’s high-tech start-ups. Supply Chain Management Review

Chandra, S., Ghosh, D. and Nimje, S., (2018). Roadblocks to Sustainable Logistics in India’s Auto Industry. Supply Chain Management Review

Chandra, S., Ghosh, D. and Srivastava, SK., (2016). Outbound logistics management practices in the automotive industry: an emerging economy perspective. Decision. 43 (2), 145-165

Ghosh, D. and Shah, J., (2015). Supply chain analysis under green sensitive consumer demand and cost sharing contract. International Journal of Production Economics. 164, 319-329

Ghosh, D. and Shah, J., (2012). A comparative analysis of greening policies across supply chain structures. International Journal of Production Economics. 135 (2), 568-583

Books (1)

Avittathur, B. and Ghosh, D., (2020). Excellence in Supply Chain Management. Routledge. 0367085895. 9780367085896

Book chapters (7)

Swami, S., Ghosh, D., Swami, C. and Upadhyaya, S., (2022). Textile and Apparel Industry: Industry 4.0 Applications. In: Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices. Springer International Publishing. 1321- 1340. 9783030842048

Swami, S., Ghosh, D. and Swami, C., (2020). Sustainability Indicators in Supply Chains. In: Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials. Editors: Hashmi, S. and Choudhury, I., . Elsevier. 503- 511. 0128131969. 9780128131961

Swami, S., Garg, E., Ghosh, D. and Swami, C., (2020). Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains. In: Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials. Editors: Hashmi, S. and Choudhury, I., . Elsevier. 344- 352. 0128131969. 9780128131961

Ghosh, D., Gouda, S. and Awasthy, P., (2018). What Drives Firms towards Green Initiatives? - An Emerging Economy Perspective. In: Sustainable Operations in India. Editors: Chakraborty, A., Kumar Gouda, S. and Gajanand, M., . Springer. 9811080100. 9789811080104

Ghosh, D., Gouda, S. and Shah, J., (2016). Green Supply Chain Initiatives. In: Advances in Logistics, Operations, and Management Science. IGI Global. 240- 247

Ghosh, D., (2016). Sustainable Supply Chain Management. In: Supply Chain Management 2/e Text and Cases, 2nd Edition. Editors: Shah, J., . Pearson Education. 9353062535. 9789353062538

Shah, J. and Ghosh, D., (2011). Decoding Supply Chain Leadership in India. In: Managing Supply Chains on the Silk Road Strategy, Performance, and Risk. Editors: Haksöz, C., Sridhar, S. and Iyer, A., . CRC Press. 1439867259. 9781439867259

Media (1)

Gouda, S. and Ghosh, D., Drafting a Sustainability Agenda During Covid-19. Image

Grants and funding


Does an organization�s risk perception and governance impact digital transformation? An experimental approach in the UK Manufacturing Sector

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