
Professor Geoff Gilbert

Essex Law School
Professor Geoff Gilbert
  • Email

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    +44 (0) 1206 872557

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    5S.6.5, Colchester Campus

  • Academic support hours

    On Study Leave for Academic Year 2017/2018



Geoff Gilbert is Sérgio Vieira de Mello Professor of International Human Rights & Humanitarian Law in the Essex Law School & Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex. Since November 2024, he has been Senior Adviser on Protection Policy and Legal Advice (PPLA) to the Division of International Protection (DIP) of UNHCR. He was Head of the School of Law between 2000-2003 and 2011-14; he is a founding member of the Human Rights Centre since 1989-90. In 2012, he was appointed a Professorial Visiting Fellow at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. He was Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Refugee Law from January 2002 to December 2015 and then Joint Editor-in-Chief from September 2019 to December 2024; he now sits ex officio on the Editorial Board. He has worked with UNHCR on a series of research projects and training programmes for 30 years and in 2024 he became the first ever Senior Adviser on PPLA to DIP. He co-hosted a symposium with UNHCR at Essex, October 2024, on travel documents for forcibly displaced and stateless persons to facilitate and promote autonomy for durable and sustainable solutions. Since 2023, he has been working with DIP on UNHCR's guidance to governments and decision-makers, a project that is ongoing. In parallel, with Kate Jastram, Jane McAdam, Tamara Wood and Felipe Navarro, in collaboration with UNHCR, he co-authored the 'International Protection Principles for People Displaced Across Borders in the Context of Climate Change and Disasters: A Practical Toolkit' (UNSW Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies, University of California, College of Law, School of Law & Human Rights Centre, University of Essex, with UNHCR, 2025). In 2021-22, he was an Expert Consultant on the UNHCR-led COVID-19 Global Evaluation Coalition’s 'Joint Evaluation of the Protection of the Rights of Refugees during the Pandemic'. In 2020-21, he led an evaluation of UNHCR's Rights Mapping Analysis tool (RiMa), which led to the organisation revitalising its project in 2022 as the Rights Mapping Analysis Platform (RiMAP), that is a global study of every country's laws on protection in situations of forced displacement and statelessness - he continues to be part of that team. Under an ESRC Impact Acceleration Award 2017-18, he worked with UNHCR on the political participation of refugees in their country of nationality and on exclusion and national security. During that secondment, UNHCR invited him, first, to participate in the Thematic Discussions on the Global Compact on Refugees, and then to attend the Formal Consultations, contributing orally or in writing as appropriate. He was the only academic given access by UNHCR to the Formal Consultations. In 2022, he was made a Sergio Vièira de Mello Chair at the instigation of UNHCR, the first such Chair in the global North. In July 2020, he was officially appointed Inaugural Chair of the Global Academic Interdisciplinary Network that had been launched at the first Global Refugee Forum in December 2019 as part of Global Compact on Refugees (2018); following the second GRF (December 2023) his term of office ended in February 2024. He authored 'Current Issues in the Application of the Exclusion Clauses' in Feller, Türk and Nicholson, Refugee Protection in International Law (2003), part of UNHCRs Global Consultations on the 50th Anniversary of the 1951 Convention. He was founding Director of Studies for UNHCR's annual Thematic Refugees and Human Rights course for judges, government officials and UNHCR staff at the International Institute for Humanitarian Law, Sanremo, Italy, from 2005 to 2007. In 2014 he was appointed a consultant to UNHCR (with Anna Magdalena Rüsch) on Rule of Law: Engagement for Solutions and was part of the Solutions Alliance Thematic Group on Rule of Law, 2014-18. In April 2016, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung invited him to present papers in Manila and Canberra on refugee solutions in the region and in the September he was a speaker at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas at the Sydney Opera House. In 2017, again with Anna Magdalena Rüsch, they were commissioned by the Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, UNSW, to write 'Creating Safe Zones and Safe Corridors in Conflict Situations: Providing protection at home or preventing the search for asylum?'. From 2018-20, they also co-ordinated expert guidance to EASO on the upgrade to the Exclusion module. He was Specialist Adviser to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights in its inquiry into the treatment of asylum-seekers, 2006-07. He was part of the Human Rights Centre's research programme on human rights in situations of acute crisis that was carried out on behalf of DfID and then directed Essex's residential training programme on human rights for DfID staff, 2006-08. He drafted a report in 2010 for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on a possible Protocol to the ECHR dealing with minority rights. He was Expert Witness before Upper Tribunal (UK) in an exclusion case, 2019-24 – Hakim-Hashemi v SSHD, PA/02971/2019; refugee status was granted on 14 October 2024. He has carried out human rights training on behalf of the Council of Europe and UNHCR in the Russian Federation (Siberia, the Urals and Kalmykskaya), Georgia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Kosovo. He has advised governments on their laws in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the FSU, and was the Director of the OSCE training programme on combating torture for judges in Serbia and Montenegro. Since 1995, he has been involved in the annual simulated humanitarian exercise for human rights masters students and officers in 16 Air Assault Brigade, the UK's Rapid Reaction Force. His areas of interest are international criminal law, the protection of refugees and other displaced persons in international law, the protection of minorities in international law, international humanitarian law and international human rights law. He is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (D4) In 2009 he was elected a Bencher of the Middle Temple and was called in February 2010. Senior Adviser on Protection Policy and Legal Advice to the Division of International Protection, UNHCR, since November 2024. Co-hosted a symposium with UNHCR at Essex, October 2024, on travel documents for forcibly displaced and stateless persons. Accorded the title of Sérgio Vieira de Mello Chair by Senate and Council of the University 2023 upon UNHCR's nomination. Inaugural Chair of the Global Academic Interdisciplinary Network, July 2020 - February 2024 Expert witness before Upper Tribunal (UK) in exclusion case, 2019-24 – Hakim-Hashemi v SSHD, PA/02971/2019; refugee status granted on 14 October 2024 Expert Consultant on the UNHCR-led COVID-19 Global Evaluation Coalition’s Joint Evaluation of the Protection of the Rights of Refugees during the Pandemic (2021-22), Expert Consultant with Anna Magdalena Bentajou to UNHCR on its Rights Mapping Tool for refugees, IDPs and stateless persons (10000 word confidential report), 2020-21; part of the ongoing project to create the global Rights Mapping and Analysis Platform since 2022. Member of Strategic Advisory Council of the UNHCR-World Bank Joint Data Centre, 2020-24 External Expert on the upgrade of the EASO Module on Exclusion 2018-20 Expert for GPC meeting on political participation of IDPs, Amman, October 2018. UNHCR Consultant on Refugees and Political Participation and on Exclusion and National Security, September 2017-July 2018 Member of Solutions Alliance (UNHCR/ UNDP) 2014-18 UNHCR Consultant on Rule of Law: Engagement for Solutions, September 2014-February 2015 with Anna Magdalena Rüsch Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Refugee Law, from 2002-15; Co-Editor-in-Chief, 2019-24. Now ex officio member of the Editorial Board. Editorial Board of the Refugee Survey Quarterly 2003-12. Guest Editor, Special Issue 2005 on Human Rights and Refugees (volume 24:2). Editorial Board, International Criminal Law Review, 1999 to 2010 Founding member of the AHRC Peer Review College in 2004 and renewed until 2014. Panellist, 2008 onwards. GCRF panellist 2016 onwards. Commissioning Assessment Panel member for ESRCs Global Uncertainties Fellowship proposals. Elected as Bencher of the Middle Temple 2009 (called February 2010) Director, ELENA Annual Refugee Law Training Programme, Madrid, 27 February 1 March, 2009, and Lisbon, June 2013; Expert for ELENA Conference on Cessation and Exclusion Clauses, National Security and Non-Refoulement, Athens, 22-24 February 2008. Retained by REDRESS to argue the refugee related issues of their application before the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights in Washington DC on behalf of a Chilean victim of torture October 27th-28th 2008 Co-Director 2006-10 with Clara Sandoval of the Human Rights Centre's two biannual training programmes (General and Specialist) for Amnesty International (International Secretariat) in international human rights law and organizations Founding Director of Studies for UNHCR Annual Thematic Course on Refugee Law and Human Rights for judges, government officials and UNHCR staff at the International Institute for Humanitarian Law, San Remo, Italy, November 2005 to September 2007 OSCE Expert on torture for training session for Serbian judges and prosecutors, December 2004 and April, September and December 2005 (sponsored by OSCE and British FCO). Part of Human Rights Centre team providing Human Rights Act training to the FCO, 2003-05 and Human Rights and Development training to DfID 2006-08. Appointed by International Bar Association to provide expert commentary on new Serbian law on war crimes for Serbian Ministry of Justice, May 2003.


  • LL.B. (Hons) (Leicester)

  • LL.M. (Virginia)

  • SJD (Virginia)

  • Barrister-at-Law (NP)

  • Principal FHEA

Research and professional activities

Research interests

International Refugee Law

Open to supervise

Extradition Law

International Criminal Law

Open to supervise

International Humanitarian Law

Open to supervise

International Human Rights Law

Open to supervise

International Minority Rights Law

Open to supervise

Acute Crises and Displacement

Forced Displacement affects 100m worldwide - how does one move from protection to durable and sustainable solutions?

Key words: refugees
Open to supervise

Current research

Protection and Jurisdiction - asserting competence when offering protection

Rule of Law and UN Interoperability

Safe zones, safe corridors

Conferences and presentations

Political Participation of Refugees in Country of Nationality

Invited presentation, Keynote presentation, Political Participation of Refugees in Country of Nationality, Political Participation of Refugees in Country of Nationality, Geneva, Switzerland, 18/9/2019

Roundtable for launch of 'Safe Zone, Safe Corridor', UNSW June 2017, with Australian DFAT and Director of Protection Standby Capacity Project (ProCap)

Sydney, Australia, 2017

(Radio interview on Australian Broadcasting Corporation's World Today, 6 June 2017)

Australia, 2017

Speaker at 35th Refugee Studies Centre Conference, Oxford

35th Refugee Studies Centre Conference, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2016

Panelist at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas, Sydney Opera House, on Refugee Solutions (sponsored by The Guardian), September 2016

Sydney, Australia, 2016

Speaker at symposia in Manila and Canberra at invitation of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung on refugee solutions and responses in the region, April 2016

Canberra, Australia, 2016

Plenary Pufendorf Lecture at University of Lund, February 2015 on Rule of Law and UN Interoperability

Lund, Sweden, 2015

Panel member in the televised Asylum Debate at the University of New South Wales, September 2010

Sydney, Australia, 2010

Plenary speaker to the International Association of Refugee Law Judges meeting in Berlin in October 2009 on exclusion

Berlin, Germany, 2009

Lectures on international criminal law at Chuo Law School, Tokyo, August 2009

Tokyo, Japan, 2009

Plenary speaker at Lund Principles Tenth Anniversary Conference on Effective Participation of Minorities, May 2009

Lund, Sweden, 2009

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Human Rights: Global Diversity and Global Challenges (HU930)

  • Acute Crises and Displacement (LW807)

  • The Protection of Refugees and Displaced Persons in International Law (LW907)

Previous supervision

Sabina Garahan
Sabina Garahan
Thesis title: Adjudicating the Right to Liberty: The Use and Appropriateness of Discretion At the European Court of Human Rights
Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/1/2023
Claire Mary Morris
Claire Mary Morris
Thesis title: Examining the Icc’S Impact on the Rule of Law in Côte D’Ivoire and Libya: Catalysts, Multi-Level Judicial Dialogue and Local Ownership in Prosecuting and Judging International Crimes
Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 22/9/2020
Laura Lizzi
Laura Lizzi
Degree subject: Occasional Study: Human Rights
Degree type: Occasional Postgraduate Study
Awarded date: 22/7/2020
Rachel Elizabeth Chambers
Rachel Elizabeth Chambers
Thesis title: Corporate Misconduct, Human Rights, and the Challenges of Extraterritorial Solutions
Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/7/2019
Ashirbani Dutta
Ashirbani Dutta
Thesis title: Climate Change and Internal Displacement: A Critical Analysis of Land Rights in the Context of Slow-Onset Impact
Degree subject: Law
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/9/2014


Journal articles (38)

McAdam, J. and Gilbert, G., (2021). Special Issues to Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. International Journal of Refugee Law. 33 (2), 187-187

McAdam, J. and Gilbert, G., (2021). Welcome a Board. International Journal of Refugee Law. 33 (1), 1-2

Gilbert, G., (2020). Knowing All of the Law, All of the Time: Responding to COVID-19. International Journal of Refugee Law. 32 (3), 502-506

Gilbert, G., (2019). Not bound but Committed: operationalising the Global Compact on Refugees. International Migration. 57 (6), 27-42

Gilbert, G. and Rüsch, AM., (2018). Rule of Law and United Nations Interoperability. International Journal of Refugee Law. 30 (1), 31-70

Gilbert, G., (2018). Indicators for the Global Compact on Refugees. International Journal of Refugee Law. 30 (4), 635-639

Gilbert, G., (2017). Undesirable but unreturnable extradition and other forms of rendition. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 15 (1), 55-74

Gilbert, G., (2017). President Trump’s Executive Order: Denying Protection on Holocaust Memorial Day. International Journal of Refugee Law. 29 (2), 323-326

Gilbert, G., (2016). UNHCR and Courts. International Journal of Refugee Law. 28 (4), 623-636

McAdam, J. and Gilbert, G., (2016). Editorial. International Journal of Refugee Law. 28 (4), 549-551

Gilbert, G., (2015). Why Europe Does Not Have a RefugeeCrisis. International Journal of Refugee Law. 27 (4), 531-535

Gilbert, G. and Rüsch, AM., (2014). Jurisdictional Competence Through Protection: To What Extent Can States Prosecute the Prior Crimes of Those to Whom They Have Extended Refuge?. Journal of International Criminal Justice. 12 (5), 1093-1114

Gilbert, G., (2014). International Criminal Law Is not a Panacea - Why Proposed Climate Change ‘Crimes’ Are Just Another Passenger on an Overcrowded Bandwagon. International Criminal Law Review. 14 (3), 551-587

Gilbert, G., (2013). Interesting Times: 2002-13. International Journal of Refugee Law. 25 (2), 195-206

Gilbert, G., (2011). Editorial. International Journal of Refugee Law. 23 (1), 1-1

Gilbert, G., (2010). The Contribution of the European Court of Human Rights to the Promotion of the Effective Participation of National Minorities: Groping in the Dark for Something that Might Not Be There. International Journal of Minority and Group Rights. 16 (4), 611-619

Gilbert, G. and Sandoval, C., (2010). Cross-border conflict and international law. Accord. 22, 20-24

Gilbert, G., (2009). Spread too thin?: The UNHCR and the new geopolitics of refugees. Harvard International Review. 31 (3), 56-59

Gilbert, G., (2008). The cultural and political autonomy of minorities. L?Observatuer des Nations Unies. 23, 225-250

Gilbert, G., (2006). Responding to International Crime. International Studies in Human Rights. 88, 1-527

Gilbert, G., (2006). Editorial. International Journal of Refugee Law. 18 (3-4), 487-600

Gilbert, G., (2006). The Mexico Declaration and Plan of Action: Reaffirming Latin America's Generous Tradition of Asylum and Innovative Solutions. International Journal of Refugee Law. 18 (2), 450-451

Gilbert, G., (2003). The protection of refugees in international law post September 11 2001. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. 6, 389-408

Gilbert, G., (2002). Autonomy and minority groups: A right in international law?. Cornell International Law Journal. 35 (2), 307-353

Gilbert, G., (2002). The Burgeoning Minority Rights Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. Human Rights Quarterly. 24 (3), 736-780

GILBERT, G., (1999). Religio—nationalist minorities and the development of minority rights law. Review of International Studies. 25 (3), 389-410

Gilbert, G., (1999). The Arrest of Abdullah Öcalan. Leiden Journal of International Law. 12 (3), 565-574

Warbrick, C., McGoldrick, D. and Gilbert, G., (1998). I. The Northern Ireland Peace Agreement, Minority Rights and Self-Determination. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 47 (4), 943-950

Gilbert, G., (1998). Rights, Legitimate Expectations, Needs and Responsibilities: UNHCR and the New World Order. International Journal of Refugee Law. 10 (3), 347-388

Geoff, (1997). Religious Minorities and Their Rights: A Problem of Approach. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. 5 (2), 97-134

GILBERT, G., (1997). The Best 'Early Warning' is Prevention: Refugee Flows and European Responses. International Journal of Refugee Law. 9 (2), 207-228

Gilbert, G., (1997). The best 'early warning' is prevention: Refugee flows and european responses. International Journal of Refugee Law. 9 (2)

Gilbert, G., (1996). The Council of Europe and Minority Rights. Human Rights Quarterly. 18 (1), 160-189

Gilbert, G., (1992). The Legal Protection Accorded to Minority Groups in Europe. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law. 23, 67-104

Gilbert, G., (1992). The Irish Interpretation of the Political Offence Exemption. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 41 (1), 66-84

Gilbert, G., (1990). The Criminal Responsibility of States. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 39 (2), 345-369

Gilbert, GS., (1985). Terrorism and the Political Offence Exemption Reappraised. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 34 (4), 695-723

Gilbert, GS., (1983). Right of Asylum: A Change of Direction. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 32 (3), 633-650

Books (5)

Cherif Bassiouni, M., Schabas, W., Ambos, K., Arsanjani, M., Othman, MC., Dieng, A., Drumbl, M., Eboe-Osuji, C., Gilbert, G., Kirsch, P., Klip, A., Kourula, E., Noguchi, M., Orentlicher, D., Pocar, F., Sadat, LN., Scharf, M., Sieber, U., Sluiter, G., Tulkens, F., Wang, X., van den Wyngaert, C., Vermeulen, G., Capaldo, GZ. and Knoops, GJA., (2024). International Criminal Evidence at the International Criminal Court: A Defense Perspective

Gilbert, G., Hampson, FJ. and Sandoval, C., (2010). The Delivery of Human Rights: Essays in honour of Professor Sir Nigel Rodley. Routledge. 9780415579926

Gilbert, G., Hampson, FJ. and Sandoval, C., (2010). Strategic Visions for Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Kevin Boyle. Routledge. 9781136919329

Gilbert, G., Hampson, F. and Sandoval, C., (2010). The common introduction

Gilbert, GS. and Bright, S., (1995). The Nature of Tenancies:: Landlord and Tenant Law. Clarendon Press, OUP. 0198763492. 9780198763499

Book chapters (27)

Gilbert, GS., (2024). New Technologies in Humanitarian Operations in times of Acute Crisis and Displacement. In: Research Handbook on AI and Human Rights. Editors: McGregor, L. and Murray, D., . CUP

Gilbert, GS., (2023). The International Organization for Migration in Humanitarian Scenarios. In: IOM Unbound? Obligations and Accountability of the International Organization for Migration in an Era of Expansion. Editors: Bradley, M., Costello, C. and Sherwood, A., . CUP. 297- 325. 9781009184182

Gilbert, G., (2021). The New Pact 0n Migration and Asylum and The Global Compact on Refugees and Solutions. In: The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum in light of the United Nations Global Compact on Refugees International Experiences on Containment and Mobility and their Impacts on Trust and Rights. Editors: Carrera, S. and Geddes, A., . EUI. 37- 46. 978-92-9084-999-5

Gilbert, G. and Bentajou, AM., (2021). Exclusion. In: The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law. Editors: Costello, C., Foster, M. and McAdam, J., . Oxford University Press (OUP). 711- 727. 9780198848639

Bald, C., Carter, L., Ferstman, C., Fagan, A., Gilbert, G. and Wyllie, A., (2020). The Impact on Vulnerable Populations. Vulnerability: A Discussion. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 147- 148. 978-1-5272-6632-2

Gilbert, G., (2020). Forced Displacement in a Time of a Global Pandemic. In: Covid-19, Law and Human Rights : Essex Dialogues. A Project of the School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Editors: Ferstman, C. and Fagan, A., . University of Essex. 167- 175. 978-1-5272-6632-2

Gilbert, G., (2020). Terrorism and international refugee law. In: Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism. Edward Elgar Publishing. 423- 435. 9781788972215

Gilbert, G. and Rüsch, AM., (2018). International Refugee and Migration Law. In: International Law (fifth edition). Editors: Evans, MD., . Oxford University Press (OUP)

Gilbert *, G., (2017). Is Europe Living Up to Its Obligations to Refugees?. In: International Refugee Law. Routledge. 331- 355

Gilbert, G., (2014). Terrorism and international refugee law. In: Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism. Edward Elgar Publishing. 470- 485. 9780857938800

Gilbert, G., (2014). Exclusion under Article 1F since 2001: Two steps backwards, one step forward. In: Research Handbook on International Law and Migration. Editors: Chetail, V. and Bauloz, C., . Edward Elgar Publishing. 519- 540. 9780857930040

Gilbert, G., (2014). Exclusion is Not Just about Saying ‘No’: Taking Exclusion Seriously in Complex Conflicts. In: Refuge from Inhumanity? War Refugees and International Humanitarian Law. Editors: Cantor, D. and Durieux, J-F., . Brill | Nijhoff. 155- 175. 978-90-04-26158-7

Gilbert, G., (2014). Exclusion is Not Just about Saying ‘No’ Taking Exclusion Seriously in Complex Conflicts. In: International Refugee Law Series. 155- 175

Gilbert, G., (2013). Soft Solutions to a Hard Problem: Justiciable Minority Rights?. In: European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Volume 10 (2011). Brill. 179- 199. 9789004256347

Gilbert, G., (2012). Human Rights, Refugees and Other Displaced Persons in International Law. In: Hierarchy in International Law The Place of Human Rights. Editors: De Wet, E. and Vidmar, J., . Oxford University Press. 176- 205. 9780199647071

(2010). Strategic Visions for Human Rights. Editors: Gilbert, G., Hampson, F. and Sandoval, C., . Routledge. xix- xxvi

Gilbert, G., (2010). Running scared since 9/11:. In: Critical Issues in International Refugee Law. Cambridge University Press. 85- 118. 9780521199520

Gilbert, G., (2010). Implementing Protection: What Refugee Law Can Learn from IDP Law... and Vice Versa. In: The Delivery of Human Rights: Essays in honour of Professor Sir Nigel Rodley. Editors: Gilbert, G., Hampson, FJ. and Sandoval, C., . Routledge. 183- 198. 9780415579926

Sandoval, C. and Duttwiler, M., (2010). Redressing non-pecuniary damages of torture survivors: The practice of the inter-American court of human rights. In: The Delivery of Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Sir Nigel Rodley. Editors: Gilbert, G., Hampson, FJ. and Sandoval, C., . Routledge. 114- 136. 9780415579926

Gilbert, G., Hampson, F. and Sandoval, C., (2010). The common introduction. xxiii- xxx

Lubell, N., (2010). Still waiting for the goods to arrive: The delivery of human rights to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In: The Delivery of Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Sir Nigel Rodley. 199- 227

Leader, S., (2010). Human rights, power, and the protection of free choice. In: Strategic Visions for Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Kevin Boyle. Editors: Gilbert, G., Hampson, FJ. and Sandoval, C., . Routledge. 81- 90. 0203844327. 9780415579889

Gilbert, G., (2010). Law and human rights rather than international human rights law. In: Strategic Visions for Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Kevin Boyle. Editors: Gilbert, G., Hampson, F. and Sandoval, C., . Routledge. 19- 33. 9781136919329

Gilbert, G., Hampson, F. and Sandoval, C., (2010). The common introduction. In: Strategic Visions for Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Professor Kevin Boyle. xix- xxvi

Gilbert, G., (2005). Exclusion and Evidentiary Assessment. In: Proof, Evidentiary Assessment and Credibility in Asylum Procedures. Brill | Nijhoff. 161- 177. 9789004140653

Gilbert, G., (2004). Individuals, Collectivities and Rights. In: Minorities, Peoples and Self-Determination. Brill | Nijhoff. 139- 161. 9789004143012

Gilbert, G., (2003). Current issues in the application of the exclusion clauses. In: Refugee Protection in International Law. Cambridge University Press. 425- 478

Conferences (2)

Gilbert, G., (2006). What price justice? Prosecuting crimes post-conflict

Gilbert, G., (2006). The role, rights and responsibilities of UNHCR in situations of acute crisis

Reports and Papers (4)

McGregor, L., Fussey, P., Murray, D., Fox, C., Alhelbawy, A., McDonald Maier, K., Shaheed, A. and Gilbert, G., ‘Written Evidence from Professor Lorna McGregor et al 0090): Urgent Need for Full Transparency and Human Rights Impact Assessment of the NHSX Contact Tracing App’


Gilbert, GS., Bentajou, AM., Sánchez Arcos, L. and Webb-Strong, B., (2021). Evaluation of UNHCR’s Rights Mapping Tool (RiMa)

Gilbert, G., (2018). Political participation of refugees in their country of nationality

Other (2)

Lewis, O. and Gilbert, G., (2023).Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in the UK (Written evidence to the Human Rights Joint Committee of the UK Parliament)

Gilbert, G. and Rusch, AM., (2017).Creating safe zones and safe corridors in conflict,UNSW, Sydney. Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law

Grants and funding


Preparedness and Adaptation for People Displaced Across Borders in the Context of Climate Change and Disasters

British Academy


Digital Protection Project

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


The Protection of the Rights of Refugees and the COVID-19 Pandemic

University of Essex

The Protection of the Rights of Refugees and the COVID-19 Pandemic (FIO3212)

University of Essex (ESRC IAA)


Joint evaluation of the protection of the rights of refugees during the covid-19 pandemic (UNHCR)

Itad Ltd


UNHCR outward secondment

University of Essex

+44 (0) 1206 872557


5S.6.5, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

On Study Leave for Academic Year 2017/2018