Professor Murray Griffin

Email -
+44 (0) 1206 873336
ESA.3.32, Colchester Campus
Academic Lead Mental Health Charter Project
PhD Goldsmiths University of London,
University of Essex
Director of Education, University of Essex (1/8/2017 - 31/7/2019)
Chairperson of HEAL (Health Exercise Active Lifestyle) research group, Biological Sciences, University of Essex (1/10/2015 - 1/8/2017)
Departmental Disability Officer, Biological Sciences, University of Essex (1/10/2002 - 1/4/2018)
Dean of Education (UG) Faculty of Science and Health, University of Essex (1/8/2020 - 22/5/2022)
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Sport and Performance Psychology (SE207)
Applied Sports Psychology (SE304)
Professional practice in sport and exercise psychology (SE741)
Psychological Skills and Strategies (SE742)
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Health Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 9/1/2025

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 9/2/2024

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 17/5/2023

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 13/6/2017

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Psychology
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/11/2015

Degree subject: Sport and Exercise Science
Degree type: Master of Science (by Dissertation)
Awarded date: 3/7/2014
Journal articles (39)
Winter, M., Freeman, P., Griffin, M., Soundy, A. and Maynard, I., (2023). Exploring the Processes of Evidence-Informed Decision-Making in Applied Sport Psychology. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 36 (3), 499-518
Wood, C., Griffin, M., Barton, J. and Sandercock, G., (2021). Modification of the Rosenberg Scale to Assess Self-Esteem in Children. Frontiers in Public Health. 9, 655892-
Rogerson, M., Colbeck, I., Bragg, R., Dosumu, A. and Griffin, M., (2020). Affective Outcomes of Group versus Lone Green Exercise Participation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17 (2), 624-624
Griffin, M., Bentley, J., Shanks, J. and Wood, C., (2018). The effectiveness of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment therapy issued interactively through an iPad device: a non-inferiority study.. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 24 (3), 209-215
Wood, CJ., Pretty, J. and Griffin, M., (2016). A case–control study of the health and well-being benefits of allotment gardening. Journal of Public Health. 38 (3), e336-e344
Bradley, DKF. and Griffin, M., (2016). The Well Organised Working Environment: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 55, 26-38
Inklebarger, J., Taylor, M. and Griffin, M., (2016). Osteonecrosis of the femoral head in a recreational diver: Case report. International Musculoskeletal Medicine. 38 (1), 17-20
McDermott, MR., Bendle, C., Griffin, M. and Furnham, A., (2016). Does it matter what you call it? Lay beliefs for overcoming chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalomyelitis, and post-viral fatigue syndrome. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry. 18 (2), 150-162
Taylor, MJD. and Griffin, M., (2015). The use of gaming technology for rehabilitation in people with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal. 21 (4), 355-371
Bradley, DKF. and Griffin, M., (2015). Staff perceptions of a Productive Community Services implementation: A qualitative interview study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 52 (6), 1052-1063
Inklebarger, J., Taylor, MJD., Griffin, M. and Clarke, T., (2014). Fixation failure in an isolated tibial eminence ACL traction avulsion fracture in a paratrooper: is there an association with vitamin D deficiency?. Journal of Surgical Case Reports. 2014 (4), rju029-rju029
Taylor, MJD., Lindsverk, H., Nygaard, M., Hunt, J., Shanks, J., Griffin, M., Shawis, T. and Impson, R., (2014). Comparing the Energy Expenditure of Wii‐Fit‐Based Therapy with That of Traditional Physiotherapy in an Older Adult Population. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 62 (1), 203-205
Inklebarger, J., Griffin, M., Taylor, MJD. and Dembry, RB., (2014). Femoral and tibial stress fractures associated with vitamin D insufficiency. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps. 160 (1), 61-63
Griffin, M., Shawis, T., Impson, R., Shanks, J. and Taylor, MJD., (2013). Comparing the Energy Expenditure of Wii Fit?-Based Therapy Versus Traditional Physiotherapy. Games for Health Journal. 2 (4), 229-234
Spencer, K. and Griffin, M., (2013). Do I Pass to My Friend or The Best Player? The Influence of Psychological Variables on Passing and Performance in Field Hockey. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. 13 (2), 500-509
Barton, J., Griffin, M. and Pretty, J., (2012). Exercise-, nature- and socially interactive-based initiatives improve mood and self-esteem in the clinical population. Perspectives in Public Health. 132 (2), 89-96
Akers, A., Barton, J., Cossey, R., Gainsford, P., Griffin, M. and Micklewright, D., (2012). Visual Color Perception in Green Exercise: Positive Effects on Mood and Perceived Exertion. Environmental Science & Technology. 46 (16), 8661-8666
Sandercock, GRH., Cohen, DD. and Griffin, M., (2012). Evaluation of a multicomponent intervention to improve weight status and fitness in children: Upstarts. Pediatrics International. 54 (6), 911-917
Taylor, MJD., Shawis, T., Impson, R., Ewins, K., McCormick, D. and Griffin, M., (2012). Nintendo Wii As a Training Tool in Falls Prevention Rehabilitation: Case Studies. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 60 (9), 1781-1783
Griffin, M., Shawis, T., Impson, R., McCormick, D. and Taylor, MJD., (2012). Using the Nintendo Wii as an Intervention in a Falls Prevention Group. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 60 (2), 385-387
Fuskevåg, OM., Broster, A., Davies, N., Cudmore, T., Hodges, T. and Griffin, M., (2012). Lactobacillus casei Shirota modulation of ammonia metabolism in physical exercise. International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics. 7 (1), 13-16
Taylor, MJD., McCormick, D., Shawis, T., Impson, R. and Griffin, M., (2011). Activity-promoting gaming systems in exercise and rehabilitation. The Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. 48 (10), 1171-1171
Daud, S., Jalil, SSA., Griffin, M. and Ewies, AAA., (2011). Endometrial hyperplasia – the dilemma of management remains: a retrospective observational study of 280 women. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 159 (1), 172-175
Griffin, M., (2009). Demonstrating the well‐being benefits of a weight loss programme for people with a learning disability. Journal of Public Mental Health. 8 (1), 32-36
Pretty, J., Peacock, J., Hine, R., Sellens, M., South, N. and Griffin, M., (2007). Green exercise in the UK countryside: Effects on health and psychological well-being, and implications for policy and planning. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 50 (2), 211-231
Cooper, CE., Pryor, D., Hall, C. and Griffin, M., (2006). NIRS-Detected Changes in the Motor Cortex During Mental Rehearsal of Physical Activity (Imaginary Exercise). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 578, 185-190
Cooper, CE., Blannin, M., Hall, C. and Griffin, M., (2006). NIRS-Detected Changes in the Arm During Mental Rehearsal of Physical Activity (Imaginary Exercise). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 578, 191-196
Griffin, M., Prior, D., Cooper, CE., Wilkins, AJ. and Elwell, CE., (2006). Near Infrared Spectroscopy as a Non-Invasive Assessment of Cortical Abnormality in Migraine?. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 578, 203-208
Griffin, M., Prior, D., Cooper, CE., Wilkins, AJ. and Elwell, CE., (2006). Near infrared spectroscopy as a noninvasive assessment of cortical abnormality in migraine?. Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 578, 203-208
Cooper, CE., Blannin, M., Hall, C. and Griffin, M., (2006). NIRS-detected changes in the arm during mental rehearsal of physical activity (imaginary exercise).. Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 578, 191-196
Cooper, CE., Pryor, D., Hall, C. and Griffin, M., (2006). NIRS-detected changes in the motor cortex during mental rehearsal of physical activity (imaginary exercise).. Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 578, 185-190
Pretty, J., Peacock, J., Sellens, M. and Griffin, M., (2005). The mental and physical health outcomes of green exercise. International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 15 (5), 319-337
Hagger, MS., Chatzisarantis, NLD., Griffin, M. and Thatcher, J., (2005). Injury Representations, Coping, Emotions, and Functional Outcomes in Athletes With Sports-Related Injuries: A Test of Self-Regulation Theory1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 35 (11), 2345-2374
Micklewright, D., Griffin, M., Gladwell, V. and Beneke, R., (2005). Mood State Response to Massage and Subsequent Exercise Performance. The Sport Psychologist. 19 (3), 234-250
Pretty, J., Griffin, M. and Sellens, M., (2003). Is nature good for you?. Ecos. 24 (3-4), 2-9
Griffin, M., (2001). The Phenomenology of the Alone Condition: More Evidence for the Role of Aloneness in Social Facilitation. The Journal of Psychology. 135 (1), 125-127
Davies, MF., Griffin, M. and Vice, S., (2001). Affective reactions to auditory hallucinations in psychotic, evangelical and control groups. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 40 (4), 361-370
Griffin, M. and Mcdermott, MR., (1998). EXPLORING A TRIPARTITE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN REBELLIOUSNESS, OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE AND CREATIVITY. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal. 26 (4), 347-356
Griffin, M. and Kent, MV., (1998). The Role of Aloneness in Social Facilitation. The Journal of Social Psychology. 138 (5), 667-669
Books (1)
Sewell, D., Watkins, P., Griffin, M., Sewell, DA., Watkins, P. and Griffin, M., (2013). Sport and Exercise Science. Routledge
Book chapters (1)
Griffin, M., Whatling, A. and Micklewright, D., (2013). High-pressure matches do not influence home-field advantage: A 30-year retrospective analysis of English professional football. In: Athletic Insight's Writings of 2012. 269- 282. 9781626181205
Conferences (4)
Griffin, M. and Cooper, C., (2006). Using near-infrared Spectroscopy to "measure" imagery
Micklewright, D., Griffin, M., Gladwell, V. and Beneke, R., (2006). Assessing the Reliability of Experimental Massage Techniques Using a Kistler Force Plate
Micklewright, D., Griffin, M., Gladwell, V. and Beneke, R., (2005). The Effect Of Selected Massaged Techniques On Mood State
Griffin, M., (2005). Using green exercise to improve physical and psychological well-being
Thesis dissertation (1)
Winter, ME., Freeman, P., Griffin, M., Soundy, A. and Maynard, I., (2024). Exploring the processes of evidence-informed decision-making in applied sport psychology
Grants and funding
Consultancy project with RehabWorks
Working with the frail and elderly
Central Essex Community Services
Adult Speech and Language Therapy Service
Central Essex Community Services
Future partnership model of service delivery
Colchester Borough Council
Identify geographic areas of multiple deprivation in the immediate region that could be served by the Trust
Colchester United Community Sports Trust (CUCST)
Get Out There: Basildon
Basildon District Council
"Moon Unit"
Mid Essex Primary Care Trust
Evaluation of Mid Essex's "Productive Community Services" programme
Mid Essex Primary Care Trust
2012 Healthy Lifestyles Project
Healthy Living Solutions (CIC)
Our Basildon - Our Memories (1) Our Food (2)
The Foundation for Essex Arts Ltd (FFEA)
Can the Nintendo Wii improve balance and quality-of-life
Colchester Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Continued Development of Evidence Based Practice...
Mid Essex Primary Care Trust
Community Metrics Project Evaluation
Mid Essex Primary Care Trust
General Healthy Living Project
Mid Essex Primary Care Trust