Professor Martin Henson

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1NW.3.10, Colchester Campus
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Formal methods including Logics for Specification, Refinement and Program Development.
Journal articles (2)
Whittington, L., Dooley, J., Henson, M. and Al-Ghamdi, A., (2013). Towards Realising FollowMe User Profiles for Macro-Intelligent Environments. Computers. 2 (3), 132-151
Dooley, J., Hagras, H., Callaghan, V. and Henson, M., (2013). The Tailored Fabric of Intelligent Environments. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 460, 321-344
Books (1)
Henson, M., (1987). Elements of functional languages. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Ltd.. 0-632-01506-3
Book chapters (7)
Dooley, J., Hagras, H., Callaghan, V. and Henson, M., (2013). The Tailored Fabric of Intelligent Environments.. In: Internet of Things and Inter-cooperative Computational Technologies for Collective Intelligence. Editors: Bessis, N., Xhafa, F., Varvarigou, D., Hill, R. and Li, M., . Springer. 321- 344. 978-3-642-34951-5
Henson, M., Dooley, J., Whittington, L. and Al Malaise Al Ghamdi, A., (2012). FollowMe: A Bigraphical Approach. In: Workshop Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Environments. IOS Press. 434- 445. 9781614990796
Whittington, L., Dooley, J., Henson, M. and Al Malaise Al Ghamdi, A., (2012). Towards FollowMe User Profiles for Macro Intelligent Environments. In: Workshop Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Intelligent Environments. IOS Press. 179- 190. 9781614990796
Henson, M., Dooley, J., Al Malaise Al Ghamdi, A. and Whittington, L., (2012). Towards Simple and Effective Formal Methods for Intelligent Environments. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Environments. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 251- 258. 9781467320931
Henson, M., (2009). Applications and Methodology of ?Z. In: Formal Methods: State of the Art and New Directions. Editors: Boca, P., Bowen, JP. and Siddiqi, J., . Springer. 117- 145. 9781848827356
Henson, M., Deutsch, M. and Reeves, S., (2008). Z Logic and Its Applications. In: Logics of Specification Languages. Editors: Henson, M. and Bjorner, D., . Springer. 489- 596. 9783540741060
Turner, R. and Henson, M., (1982). Completion Semantics and Interpreter Generation. In: POPL2 Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT SYMPOSIUM. ACM. 0-89791-065-6
Conferences (5)
Henson, M., (2014). From specification languages to wide-spectrum logics
Bilgin, A., Dooley, J., Whittington, L., Hagras, H., Henson, M., Wagner, C., Malibari, A., Al-Ghamdi, A., Alhaddad, MJ. and Alghazzawi, D., (2012). Dynamic Profile-Selection for zSlices based type-2 fuzzy agents controlling multi-user Ambient Intelligent Environments
Dooley, J., Henson, M., Callaghan, V., Hagras, H., Al-Ghazzawi, D., Malibari, A., Al-Haddad, M. and Al-Ghamdi, AA-M., (2011). A Formal Model for Space Based Ubiquitous Computing
Dooley, J., Henson, M., Callaghan, V., Hagras, H., Al-Ghazzawi, D., Malibari, A., Al-Haddad, M. and Al-Ghamdi, AA., (2011). A Formal Model for Space Based Ubiquitous Computing
Henson, M. and Turner, R., (1982). Completion semantics and Interpreter Generation
Reports and Papers (10)
Deutsch, M., Henson, M. and Reeves, S., CSM-379 An analysis of total correctness refinement models for partial relation semantics I
Henson, M., Deutsch, M. and Kajtazi, B., CSM-421 The Specification Logic vZ
Deutsch, M., Henson, M. and Reeves, S., (2003). CSM-379a Results on Formal Stepwise Design in Z
Henson, M. and Reeves, S., (2002). CSM-362a - An Analysis of total correctness refinement models for partial relation semantics I
Henson, M., Deutsch, M. and Reeves, S., (2002). CSM-363 - Six theories of operation refinement for partial relation semantics
Henson, M., Deutsch, M. and Reeves, S., (2002). CSM-364 - An analysis of operation refinement in Z
Henson, M. and Reeves, S., (2001). CSM-361 - A Logic for Schema-based Program Development
Henson, M., (1993). CSM-195 Transformations as proofs
Henson, M., (1993). CSM-196 On the proof theory of program transformations
Henson, M., (1992). CSM-179 - Transformational Derivation in the Programming Logic TK