
Dr Anna Hughes

Department of Psychology
Dr Anna Hughes



I completed my PhD at the University of Cambridge, and then worked at University College London and at the University of Exeter. I joined the University of Essex as a Lecturer in 2020. Broadly, I am interested in how humans and other animals perceive the world and how they use this information to make decisions.

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Visual search

Open to supervise

Visual camouflage and mimicry

Open to supervise

Cognitive modelling

Open to supervise

Meta-Anaysis of fMRI in Psychiatric Disorders

Examining with Bayesian Meta-Analysis Statistics neural substrates underlying various mental health disorders

Open to supervise

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Understanding Our Place in the World (PS101)

  • Growing in the World (PS102)

  • Experiencing Emotion (PS103)

  • Thinking and the Mind (PS104)

  • The Social World (PS105)

  • The Social Brain (PS106)

  • Psychology Project (PS300)

  • Psychological Studies Project (PS301)

  • Advanced Statistics for Research (PS947)


Publications (4)

Ireton, R., Hughes, A. and Klabunde, M., (2023). An fMRI Meta-Analysis of Childhood Trauma

Clarke, ADF., Hunt, AR. and Hughes, A., (2022). A Bayesian statistical model is able to predict target-by-target selection behaviour in a human foraging task

Šulc, M., Hughes, AE., Troscianko, J., Štětková, G., Procházka, P., Požgayová, M., Piálek, L., Piálková, R., Brlík, V. and Honza, M., (2020). Automatic identification of bird females using egg phenotype

Hughes, AE., Griffiths, D., Troscianko, J. and Kelley, LA., (2019). No evidence for motion dazzle in an evolutionary citizen science game

Journal articles (29)

Mohan, G., Hughes, A. and KLABUNDE, M., A Change of Heart: Differentiating Interoceptive Metacognition Across State and Trait Anxiety Using A Bayesian Psychophysical Cardiac Task. Depression and Anxiety

Datta, N., Hughes, A., Modafferi, M. and KLABUNDE, M., (2025). An FMRI Meta-Analysis of Interoception in Eating Disorders. NeuroImage. 305, 120933-120933

Hughes, A., Nowakowska, A. and Clarke, A., (2024). Bayesian multi-level modelling for predicting single and double feature visual search. Cortex. 171, 178-193

Ireton, R., Hughes, A. and Klabunde, M., (2024). A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Meta-Analysis of Childhood Trauma.. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. 9 (6), 561-570

Harris, JM., Hughes, AE., Occelli, V. and Strong, SL., (2024). Helping students see eye to eye: Diversifying teaching of sensation and perception in higher education. Visual Cognition, 1-16

Hughes, A., Statham, H. and Clarke, A., (2024). The effect of target scarcity on visual foraging. Royal Society Open Science. 11 (12), 240060-

Hughes, A., Briolat, E., Arenas, L., Liggins, E. and Stevens, M., (2023). Varying benefits of generalist and specialist camouflage in two versus four background environments. Behavioral Ecology. 34 (3), 426-436

Štětková, G., Šulc, M., Jelínek, V., Hughes, A. and Honza, M., (2023). Egg mimicry, not the sight of a common cuckoo, is the cue for parasitic egg rejection. Behavioral Ecology. 34 (5), 891-897

Clarke, ADF., Hunt, AR. and Hughes, AE., (2023). Correction: Foraging as sampling without replacement: A Bayesian statistical model for estimating biases in target selection. PLOS Computational Biology. 19 (3), e1010997-e1010997

Šulc, M., Hughes, AE., Troscianko, J., Štětková, G., Procházka, P., Požgayová, M., Piálek, L., Piálková, R., Brlík, V. and Honza, M., (2022). Automatic identification of bird females using egg phenotype. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 195 (1), 33-44

Clarke, A., Hunt, A. and Hughes, A., (2022). Foraging as sampling without replacement: a Bayesian statistical model for estimating biases in target selection. PLoS Computational Biology. 18 (1), e1009813-e1009813

Šulc, M., Hughes, AE., Mari, L., Troscianko, J., Tomášek, O., Albrecht, T. and Jelínek, V., (2022). Nest sanitation as an effective defence against brood parasitism. Animal Cognition. 25 (4), 991-1002

Clarke, A., Hunt, A. and Hughes, A., (2022). A Bayesian Statistical Model Is Able to Predict Target-by-Target Selection Behaviour in a Human Foraging Task. Vision. 6 (4), 66-66

Honza, M., Koleček, J., Piálek, L., Piálková, R., Požgayová, M., Procházka, P., Štětková, G., Jelínek, V., Hughes, A. and Šulc, M., (2022). Multiple parasitism in an evictor brood parasite: Patterns revealed by long-term monitoring, continuous video-recording and genetic analyses. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 76 (12)

Hughes, AE., Griffiths, D., Troscianko, J. and Kelley, LA., (2021). The evolution of patterning during movement in a large-scale citizen science game.. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 288 (1942), 20202823-20202823

Koleček, J., Piálková, R., Piálek, L., Šulc, M., Hughes, AE., Brlík, V., Procházka, P., Požgayová, M., Capek, M., Sosnovcová, K., Štětková, G., Valterová, R. and Honza, M., (2021). Spatiotemporal patterns of egg laying in the common cuckoo. Animal Behaviour. 177, 107-116

Briolat, ES., Arenas, LM., Hughes, AE., Liggins, E. and Stevens, M., (2021). Generalist camouflage can be more successful than microhabitat specialisation in natural environments. BMC Ecology and Evolution. 21 (1), 151-

Šulc, M., Štětková, G., Jelínek, V., Czyż, B., Dyrcz, A., Karpińska, O., Kamionka-Kanclerska, K., Rowiński, P., Maziarz, M., Gruszczyński, A., Hughes, AE. and Honza, M., (2020). Killing behaviour of adult brood parasites. Behaviour. 157 (12-13), 1099-1111

Hughes, AE., Greenwood, JA., Finlayson, NJ. and Schwarzkopf, DS., (2019). Population receptive field estimates for motion-defined stimuli.. NeuroImage. 199, 245-260

Šulc, M., Troscianko, J., Štětková, G., Hughes, AE., Jelínek, V., Capek, M. and Honza, M., (2019). Mimicry cannot explain rejection type in a host–brood parasite system. Animal Behaviour. 155, 111-118

Hughes, A., Liggins, E. and Stevens, M., (2019). Imperfect camouflage: how to hide in a variable world?. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 286 (1902), 20190646-20190646

Griffiths, AGF., Modinou, I., Heslop, C., Brand, C., Weatherill, A., Baker, K., Hughes, AE., Lewis, J., de Mora, L., Mynott, S., Roberts, KE. and Griffiths, DJ., (2019). AccessLab: Workshops to broaden access to scientific research.. PLoS Biology. 17 (5), e3000258-e3000258

Hughes, AE., (2018). Dissociation between perception and smooth pursuit eye movements in speed judgments of moving Gabor targets.. Journal of Vision. 18 (4), 4-4

Hughes, AE., Greenwood, JA., Finlayson, NJ. and Schwarzkopf, DS., (2018). Population receptive field estimates for motion-defined stimuli

Hughes, AE., Jones, C., Joshi, K. and Tolhurst, DJ., (2017). Diverted by dazzle: perceived movement direction is biased by target pattern orientation.. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 284 (1850), 20170015-20170015

Hughes, AE., Southwell, RV., Gilchrist, ID. and Tolhurst, DJ., (2016). Quantifying peripheral and foveal perceived differences in natural image patches to predict visual search performance.. Journal of Vision. 16 (10), 18-18

Hughes, AE., Magor-Elliott, RS. and Stevens, M., (2015). The role of stripe orientation in target capture success.. Frontiers in Zoology. 12 (1), 17-

Hughes, AE., Troscianko, J. and Stevens, M., (2014). Motion dazzle and the effects of target patterning on capture success.. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 14 (1), 201-

Troscianko, J., Lown, AE., Hughes, AE. and Stevens, M., (2013). Defeating crypsis: detection and learning of camouflage strategies.. PLoS One. 8 (9), e73733-e73733

Conferences (4)

Hughes, A., Mohan, G. and KLABUNDE, M., A Change of Heart: Differentiating Interoceptive Metacognition Across State and Trait Anxiety Using A Bayesian Psychophysical Cardiac Task

Hughes, A., Sherman, C. and Clarke, A., (2022). Developing a collaborative framework for naturalistic visual search

Clarke, A., Hughes, A. and Hunt, A., (2022). Predicting individual selection events during visual foraging

Clarke, ADF. and Hughes, AE., (2021). A Generative Model of Target Switching Behaviour in Visual Foraging

Reports and Papers (1)

Clarke, ADF., Hunt, AR. and Hughes, A., (2021). Foraging as sampling without replacement: a Bayesian statistical model for estimating biases in target selection

Grants and funding


Motion confusion in Butterflies

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council


Developing a collaborative framework for naturalistic visual search

British Academy

Conspecific brood parasitism in an altricial passerine: physiological conditionals, behavioural adaptations and fitness consequences

Czech Academy of Sciences

What is the role of the town centre in a post-COVID world? - understanding behavioural changes post-COVID of people in Colchester town centre

University of Essex (ESRC IAA)

+44 (0) 1206 873435


1.702, Colchester Campus

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