
Dr Aditya Kuvalekar

Department of Economics
Dr Aditya Kuvalekar

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Microeconomics (EC903)

  • Economics of Incentives (EC951)


Publications (2)

Basak, D., Deb, J. and Kuvalekar, A., (2024). Similarity of Information and Collective Action

Kuvalekar, A., (2022). Matching with Incomplete Preferences

Journal articles (7)

Haghpanah, N., Kuvalekar, A. and Lipnowski, E., Buying from a Group. The American Economic Review

Kuvalekar, A. and Romero-Medina, A., (2024). A Fair Procedure in a Marriage Market. Review of Economic Design

Kuvalekar, A. and Romero-Medina, A., (2024). A Fair Procedure in a Marriage Market. Review of Economic Design. 28 (3), 533-550

Kuvalekar, A., Ramos, J. and Schneider, J., (2023). The Wrong Kind of Information. RAND Journal of Economics. 54 (2), 360-384

Kostadinov, R. and Kuvalekar, A., (2022). Learning in Relational Contracts. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. 14 (1), 284-329

Kuvalekar, A., Lipnowski, E. and Ramos, J., (2022). Goodwill in communication. Journal of Economic Theory. 203, 105467-105467

Kuvalekar, A. and Lipnowski, E., (2020). Job Insecurity. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. 12 (2), 188-229

Reports and Papers (1)

Kuvalekar, A., Lipnowski, E. and Ramos, J., Goodwill in Communication

Grants and funding


Endogenous Lying in Dynamic Environments

European Research Council


Protests and Social Media

British Academy

+44 (0) 1206 872394


3.202, Colchester Campus

More about me